Read Wilde Ride Online

Authors: Maegan Lynn Moores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Ride#1

Wilde Ride (27 page)

BOOK: Wilde Ride
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Ryder spent last night at Diesel’s, oops I mean Jack’s apartment because according to Payton it is bad luck to see the bride on the wedding day. So she made sure he was out of the house before midnight last night. And since it’s almost evening again and the sun is setting, it’s been way too long without seeing his gorgeous face. I’ve missed him so much.

“Love the song you picked to walk down to me,” he says.

“You inspired it.” I had picked the song “Beautiful With You” by Halestorm. It just fits. No one makes me feel more beautiful than Ryder.

I hear a throat clear behind me. Turning back, I see Payton giving me the stink eye. “Are we going to get this show on the road, or what?” Laughter erupts at her comment. I glance behind Ryder and see his best man, Jack, staring at Payton trying to suppress a laugh. She gives him an icy glare in return.

I hand my small calla lily bouquet to Payton. Then I refocus my attention to the beautiful man before me. He’s wearing a dark gray suit with black on black shirt and tie. He looks unbelievably sexy and I can’t wait to rip it off him later tonight. He laces his fingers with mine and places both of our hands on my belly.

“Ready, baby?” he asks.

Nodding, I answer him with, “I’m always ready for you.” He flashes me a sexy smile and his eyes take on that heated look that I love so much. My whole body goes into flames as I feel a full body blush take over. The things Ryder can do to me.

The whole ceremony goes by in a blur as we pledge our love and devotion to each other with our own contemporary vows. We’re not your traditional couple, so why exchange traditional vows. Our hands remain on my belly until it’s time for us to exchange matching platinum wedding bands. Once again, due to my pregnancy, mine fits a little snug. When we finally exchange the traditional ‘I Do’s’, the Justice of the Peace announces, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

“Hell yeah, I will!” Ryder shouts. Gently grabbing the sides of my face, he guides me towards him. His lips brush against mine in the most loving gentle kiss, but then his tongue slowly parts my lips and enters my mouth deepening our kiss. His hands slide down my body and he pulls me into his warm embrace. I melt into his strong arms.

I feel his warm lips move away and he places his cheek against mine, growling into my ear, “Can we send everyone home? I need inside of you now.” I instantly feel that familiar tingle occur between my legs.

“Ryder, we can wait a few hours,” I say smiling. I love knowing I have that affect over him. That he needs me so bad that he can’t wait. I feel the same way. I’m sure these few hours will feel like days, but I’m sure we can sacrifice for our loved ones.

We turn around to look at the small group of friends and family who have gathered around to share this special day with us. And if it wasn’t for them, this day wouldn’t have been possible. I look into the smiling eyes of Payton, Karen, John (Payton’s stepfather), Evan (Payton’s sister), Sandra, Jack and Devon.

The two EMTs, Brad and Jonny, who worked so hard on getting Ryder’s heart beating again, have quickly become very good friends of ours and have also joined us in this intimate gathering. And last but not least, Dr. Stone Ashford. Without him, none of this would be possible. His skilled hands helped remove the bullet lodged in Ryder’s chest and repair any damage left in its wake. I will be forever grateful for everything that they did to ensure that we would have our happy ending.

I can’t help but notice the sexual tension still surrounding Payton and Jack. This is the first time they’ve seen each other since that dreadful day four months ago. When she found out who he really was that day at the hospital, it quickly turned explosive. She did tell me that she thought he was hot as a biker, but once she found out that he was a cop; she thought he was even hotter. She’s really pissed at him because one thing Payton does not like is a liar, but I think given time, she’ll come to forgive him.

Ryder’s arms swoop down and he lifts me up and starts walking towards the house. I see him wince as soon as he does it. “Ryder, put me down. You’re still hurting, baby,” I demand.

“I gotta carry you over the threshold, my beautiful wife. Just let me do that and then I’ll put you down,” he says.

I’m about to say okay, when his lips are pressed against mine again, giving me soft gentle butterfly kisses. He pulls away again. “God, I’ll never get tired of kissin’ you,” he sighs. Me neither.

When we make it to the house, Ryder instantly sets me down. I can see in his eyes that he’s still hurting, but he won’t admit it. He’s still got a long time to go before he’s completely recovered from his gunshot wound. Ryder thinks it’s a weakness. I disagree with him. I think it shows a lot of strength.

The rest of the group joins us, as we continue the celebration well into the night. When everyone has had too much to drink and eaten themselves into a coma, they all slowly start to leave.


Finally, Ryder and I are alone in the house. I can hardly believe it. We are husband and wife and I’ve never wanted anyone more. The only thing that can make our lives more perfect is the day we will welcome our babies into this world.

Bringing me into our room Ryder turns on the familiar song that was playing the first time we made love “You and Me” by Lifehouse. Taking my hand he guides us to the side of the bed. Ryder stands behind me with his chest to my back. He very gently takes the straps of the dress and moves them down my arms in a caressing manner. My dress falls to the floor, pooling around my feet.

I can feel his hot breath blow against the skin on my back, making me shiver. He moves his hand to my neck and brushes the hair to the side, leaning in and places delicate kisses to my neck.

“You are the most beautiful woman on this earth. I love you, Ella. Forever,” he whispers into my ear.

“Promise,” I say, moving my hand behind me to his neck and curling them in his hair.

“Forever,” he declares. Turning around to face him, I move my hands down to his dress shirt and work the buttons off sliding it down his shoulders. My hands caress his chest, taking extra time on the scar just to the left of his heart and then I place a soft kiss on it.

Ryder bends down and put his hands behind my knees, lifting me up and laying me down on the bed. Carefully climbing on top of me to make sure he doesn’t put all of his weight on my belly, he takes my mouth in a passionate kiss. I move my hands further down and work his pants open and off. Ryder releases a hiss when I take him in my hand and stroke his gift from God.

“I want you Ryder,” I beg.

“Oh, you’re gonna have me, baby,” he groans into my mouth.

He moves me so that I’m lying on my side and his chest is once again pressing against my back. His hand grips my leg and hitches it over his thigh, opening me to him as he enters me from behind in one slow torturous thrust. Both of his arms wrap around my middle and his hands rub my swollen belly.

I lean my body back against his chest, close my eyes and smile when I feel the thrumming of his heart on my back. I take comfort when I feel the rhythm quicken with each delicious movement he makes with his hips.

“Ryder,” I moan.

“Enjoy it babe. This is where it all begins,” he says.

I turn my head to the side and his mouth instantly seeks out mine. Ryder swallows the sounds of my moans as he continues to take me slow and gentle until we both reach our sexual release together.

After we both have finished climaxing, he tucks me into his side and whispers in my ear, “Go to sleep, baby.”

“Okay. Love you, Mr. Wilde.” I love the sound of that.

“Love you, Mrs. Wilde.” I love the sound of that even more.

Then we both fall asleep.





Five years later………

It’s a beautiful sunny day and we’ve decided to take Harley and Hendrix on our bikes to the coast for a few nights at the cottage before school starts. I watch intently as Ella is gettin’ our daughter Harley ready by puttin’ on her helmet and placin’ her on the seat of her very own custom-made dark purple Harley Davidson motorcycle. I got it for her on our five-year wedding anniversary. She totally freaked the fuck out, jumpin’ up and down like a little girl. I fuckin’ loved it! I know how much she loves to ride on mine, so I got her some lessons and she got her motorcycle licence.

Now, here we are takin’ the kids with us for the first long ride on our bikes together. She walks over to our son Hendrix and lovingly places a helmet over the mess of brown curls on top of his head and then brings him over to my bike. I pick him up and place him on the seat in front of me. I lean into Ella and give her a kiss.

I rub my hand down her leather clad arm and grab her hand, tuggin’ it up to my mouth. I kiss the inside of her wrist as I inhale her familiar scent. To this day, I can’t smell candy apples without gettin’ a hard-on. I drop her hand to my thigh, flippin’ it so it’s palm up. My fingers trace the tattoo on her wrist that is identical to the one on mine. In simple black script is the word ‘Forever’, with our wedding date and the birth date of our kids below.

She looks down at our hands with a wicked sexy grin. Then she leans her smokin’ hot body into mine and whispers, “As awesome as our kids are, I really miss having a baby in the house.”

“What are you sayin’, babe?” I ask, hoping she is thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’.

“I want to have another baby, Ryder,” she says with that drop dead gorgeous smile on her face. Just the thought of her belly, round with my child again, makes me instantly hard as a rock.

“Really?” I ask, hopefully.

“Yeah Ryder, really.”

I carefully hop off the bike as to not knock Hendrix off and put my shoulder to her stomach, liftin’ her up and over my shoulder. Yeah, I know kinda caveman, but she brings that out in me.

“Trips cancelled,” I say to the kids, running with Ella towards the house. The kids start giggling as they watch me carry their mother away.

“Ryder, put me down. We promised the kids,” she says, laughing so hard she snorts. Christ, I love this woman.

“I can’t wait, babe. You have me so hard right now I could use my dick as a fuckin’ hammer,” I tell her.

“Ryder we have all night, handsome. Wait until we get to the cottage and I will make it worth your while,” she promises me in her sexy voice, which is not helpin’ to make me any less hard. I reluctantly stop and set her feet back on solid ground.

She is still the most beautiful fuckin’ woman I have ever laid eyes on, and trust me I’ve seen my fair share of women. Even after all this time, I crave her like my lungs crave oxygen, every single second of every single day. I’ve had lots of steady lays and one night stands in my lifetime, but I’ve never done the whole love thing. Until the day when Ella walked into my bar, then I was a goner. All other women ceased to exist for me. I fell hard for her. Hell, if I’m being honest with myself, I fell in love with her the very moment I laid eyes on her.

How funny is it, that when I saw this chick run into a light pole and fall on the ground that I would be lucky enough to get to spend the rest of my life with her. A guy couldn’t get any luckier. She’s the love of my life, the mother of my children and a fuckin’ wildcat in the sack with a G.I. Jane alter ego. Who could ask for more?

So much has happened since we’ve met and I wasn’t sure we would survive it all, but here we are.

The days following the news of Ella’s pregnancy, I struggled with what to do. God, how I wanted to be the man she deserved and the father my kid deserved, but I wasn’t that man. I was a fuckin’ coward and made the decision to leave them.

I was only gone for a couple of days and I was suffering,
I realized I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t the better man after all. I was selfish. I had to be with them; no I
to be with them. The both of us had gotten used to being on our own without our families, but here was our chance to finally be a family together. I just hoped that I hadn’t fucked it all up and that Ella hadn’t already left town with Payton and Karen.

Before heading back to Del Mar, I stopped into a Tiffany’s jewellery store and picked a simple, but gorgeous platinum solitaire engagement ring. I imagined her sayin’ yes and puttin’ it on her small, delicate finger. It sounded like fuckin’ heaven to me. Nothing would make me happier than spendin’ the rest of my life with that incredible woman.

I finally got back into town after being gone for five days and I immediately went to our house lookin’ for her. She wasn’t there, but her things still were, so I headed to the hotel that I knew Karen and Payton were stayin’ at. She wasn’t there either and they didn’t know where she was.

Payton told me she had gone to the hospital for a doctor’s appointment, but never showed up for it. She tried callin’ her on her cell, but she wasn’t pickin’ up. It went straight to voice mail. They had contacted the police and were told that there was nothing they could do until she had been missin’ for more than forty eight hours. The hairs on the back my neck stood up. I knew that there was something seriously fuckin’ wrong.

I searched everywhere I could think, but she was gone. I was in the office of Wilde Ride the next morning, tryin’ to come up with a plan, when my phone rang. Lookin’ at the display, it said ‘Unknown Caller’. I answered with, “Talk to me.”

BOOK: Wilde Ride
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