Wildcard: Volume Two (Wilcard, #2) (6 page)

Read Wildcard: Volume Two (Wilcard, #2) Online

Authors: Missy Johnson

Tags: #serial, #sex, #sport, #missy, #love, #funny

BOOK: Wildcard: Volume Two (Wilcard, #2)
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“Whatever you need to do,” I mumble, rubbing my forehead. “Look, I have to go. I’m late.”

“There’s a change,” Matt laughs.

I’m still scowling as I hang up and shove my phone into my bag. I walk through the halls of the club towards court three. I have no idea if Cally will even show up today. If she does, I’m sure it won’t have been without a fight.

At least our dislike for each other is mutual.


s foul as my mood is, I can’t help but smirk as I approach the court and see her standing there, hand on hip, scowling at me. So maybe I get some pleasure out of making this kid’s perfect little life a little less perfect. I bet she’s never had Daddy go against her wishes.

This must be how Matt feels when things fuck up for me.

“I was hoping you weren’t going to show,” she mutters.

I snort as she swings her racquet, avoiding eye contact with me.

“You know, we can just pretend you’re teaching me. Nobody has to know if we don’t really do this.”

I laugh, because I know she’s serious. “Good try, but there is no way in hell that will work.” I nod up to the ceilings, where the cameras are aimed on us. “You think those are just for show?”

Her eyes narrow and she scowls again. She kicks at the floor with the toe of her running shoe. “Fine,” she says icily. “There are so many places I’d rather be than here with you. Like getting a root canal at the dentist. Or having a pap smear,” she adds, the corner of her lip lifting into a sneer.

“Yeah, well, the feeling is mutual.”

“Yeah? I suppose you would need a pap smear for your giant
,” she snorts.

I laugh, because that’s all I can do. This girl is fucking out of control. 

Though I’m not thrilled with this whole situation, I need to at least try and remember I’m the adult here. I know I’m going to have to make the best of this. Both Rick and Matt are right: I can’t afford to piss off my sponsors. Especially when I’m not sure where my career is headed.

“Look, I shouldn’t have said what I did and I’m sorry. Can we start over? We’re both stuck here, so you might as well learn something from me.”

She opens her mouth, and I’m immediately expecting a retort, but then she closes it and nods. “Fine. So teach me something.”

Okay then.

“Let’s work on your backhand. It’s the weakest in your game.”

Her mouth drops open and I laugh.

“Trust me, honey. If I can pick that out as your weakness, so can your opponents.” I shrug like I don’t care. “If you don’t want to be the best, then don’t listen to me.”

She walks over to the base line and glares at me. “Are you teaching me or what?”

I chuckle and walk over to her.

Oddly enough, her rude, blunt personality is growing on me. She has insulted me so many times I’ve lost count, she doesn’t listen, and her way is
right, but I’m actually warming to her.

Not that I’ll tell her that.

Chapter Ten


I finish work at two and head for the parking lot behind the bank.

My plan is to go straight to Penny’s and pick up Jake, and then take him back to the hotel. I decide to stop off at the hotel since it’s on the way, and check the place is clean—or, rather, kid-friendly, because the past few nights have been anything but.

I walk inside, and the first thing I notice is the used condom sitting on the floor next to the sofa, along with my lacy black panties. I cringe and grab a tissue to dispose of the evidence.

Thank fucking God I decided to come here first.

I could just imagine the questions that would have led to.

After a quick survey of the rest of the room, I’m satisfied enough to leave. Before I do, I call reception and request the room be cleaned. Just in case. Grabbing my bag, I head back down to the ground floor and walk out the back, cutting down to the side street, where I’ve parked my car.

As terrified as I am that everything is going to backfire on me, right now, at this moment, I’m happy. Things with Ryder are great and I can’t wait to see my son again.

The only worry I have is Tony.

My heart starts pounding just thinking about him. I laugh. How sad is it that he has that kind of power over me? Even when I think he’s gone, he never really is.

He always comes back.

My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my jacket pocket. I don’t recognize the number, but I instantly know who the message is from.

Have you got my money?

My heart races. How the hell did he get my number? My palms are sweating as I reread the message. I press delete and shove it back into my pocket. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I can’t go to the police, I can’t tell Ryder the truth...

All I want to do is protect my son from this monster, but I have everything stacked up against me because of something stupid thing I did two years ago because I was desperate. Something I’m sure Ryder wouldn’t understand.

I reach my car and open the door, falling into the seat. I sit crouched over with my feet planted on the road, contemplating my options. Not that I have many. If I have any feelings at all for Ryder, the last thing I should be doing is dragging him into this.

That’s the thing: this isn’t just about me.

If Tony doesn’t let this go, and the papers get a hold of my past, then Ryder will be ruined. His family would be dragged into this. What kind of person could let that happen to someone they supposedly love? Maybe that’s selfish, but the thought of not being with him was something I can’t even imagine.

I can’t walk away; I’m in love with him.

“You know, it’s rude to ignore text messages when you so clearly received them.”

My breath catches and my whole body freezes. I’m in panic mode. Tony crouches in front of me, effectively blocking me in and invading my space. He’s smirking, like catching me off guard is getting him off. He’s such a sick bastard that it probably
getting him off.

“What do you want?” My voice comes out like a strangled whisper. Any hope I have of pretending he doesn’t scare me evaporates the second he appears in front of me.

He chuckles, his eyes dark. “You know what I want, Scar. And if you keep playing these games with me, I’ll play back. Do you want me to play back? You used to love my games.”

I never loved his games.

As he speaks, his finger is trailing up my bare thigh. I freeze, because I know exactly what he is saying. I know what he’s referring to, and it’s killing me. He glances around, taking in the posh exterior of the hotel.

“You told me you weren’t seeing him, Scar.” He’s pretending that he’s hurt, but I know this is all just about money for him. Money and control.

I swallow and close my eyes. I’m sure my heart is about to explode. I can’t think of a response that he actually might believe, so I don’t answer. I tense as he leans in, his lips brushing over my cheek.

“You don’t want to fuck with me, Scar. I have no problem bringing down everyone you love.”

“Even your son?” I fire back, my voice full of spite.

His eyes light up, as if he’s won some kind of battle by getting me to respond. I watch as an evil glint fills his eyes and a smile slowly spreads across his thin lips.

“If it hurts you, then
my son.”

“You sick son of a bitch, get out of my face or I swear I’ll scream,” I spit at him.

His eyes narrow. He reaches out and grips my wrist hard, bringing me close to him. I can smell the stench that is old cigarettes and whiskey—the Tony Special.

I yank my hand back and push him away. He’s caught off guard and tumbles back. I take my moment and slam the door shut, shoving the car into drive. Tires screeching, I speed away. I’m shaking and I feel dizzy from holding my breath. But most of all, I feel empowered because I finally stood up to him.


haven’t moved. It’s been exactly eighteen minutes since the text came in, and I haven’t moved. I’m sitting on the edge of the seat of my car, outside an abandoned shed on the outskirts of town. I stare at the dark asphalt under my heels, shaking as I try and figure out what my next move is going to be.

That was the wrong thing to do, Scar. Now I’m pissed.

Tears fill my eyes. He has my number. My address. He knows I’ve been staying here with Ryder. I can’t bring Jake back to this. Not until I figure out what the fuck I’m going to do.

I laugh and rub my forehead, trying to ease away the sharp ache that has developed. If I give him what he wants, how long until he’s back in my life? If I never saw him again, it would be too soon, but it never works out that way. Two years ago I gave him what he wanted, and now he’s back, using
against me.

My heart pounds as I reach for my phone. My hands are shaking as I type the message to Penny. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I don’t have any other option. I laugh, because I’ve turned into one of those women. How did I go from strong and independent to
? I’m disgusted with myself. I hate who I am right now, and I hate what I’m about to do even more.

Once I send this, everything changes. Once this is out there, I can’t take it back.

Me: What do I need to do?

Chapter Eleven


My back is killing me. I pop a few painkillers and ease myself onto the couch along with my laptop. I’ve just finished work, and even though it’s barely the afternoon, I’m already wrecked. I have less than two weeks to go before I head back to London, and I’m not sure how I feel about leaving yet.

I’ve decided mentoring isn’t so bad. I mean, I’d much rather be doing something else—or nothing—but since I don't get a choice, I guess it fills in the time. And when Cally actually
to what I have to say, it feels good being able to pass on some of my knowledge.

But the thought of leaving Scar, especially with her scumbag ex hanging around, makes me feel sick. I’ve already decided I am staying until he is out of the picture.

Even if that means taking matters into my own hands.

I lay my head back and close my eyes. Matt is still hounding me to see some specialist here in the states, but thus far I've managed to avoid it, because what I don’t need right now was him knowing exactly how close I was to being ready to play again.

Still, my curiosity over my injury is getting the better of me, so I made an appointment to see a completely different specialist—one that Matt would never know about. I almost feel like I’m cheating on the guy, which is fucking ridiculous considering it’s my life and my career.

I just need to get my brain around my options before he starts pressuring me to get back on the court.

I have just under an hour before my appointment, so I open up my laptop and navigate to my email. I'm not surprised by the huge number of unread messages. I haven't checked my email in the weeks. Usually, even going one day without doing it makes checking my email hell.

I click on an email from Josh.

Hey Man,

You’re the worst person EVER to try and get in contact with. Why don’t you answer your fucking phone once in a while? Anyway, just thought I’d check and see how you’re going. Feel free to email or text me so I know that you’re still alive. Otherwise I have to fly up there and kick your ass. Any word from her?

Hey, will you be in London for Wimbledon? I could use the support in my box ;)


I chuckle and then click on the next message, which is from Matt.


Don't forget we have an appointment on Friday to see Doctor Larkin. You've already cancelled three times, so let's try and make this one, hey?


I groan and reach for my phone and type a quick reply to Josh.


Yeah, sorry about the lack of contact. If it makes you feel any better, I talk to you more than I do my mother. Wimbledon, hey? Sure you’re not going to crash out in round one again? Because I’d pay to see that. I’ll be there. You know I always have your back.

And yeah, we sorted things out. The guy was her ex. He showed up after seeing her with me in the tabloids.


Scrolling through my contacts until I reach Scarlett, I press call. I miss her voice already, and I wonder where she is. I know she was working early this morning. Maybe she’s gone to pick up Jake. Her phone rings out, so I hang up and send a text instead.

Me: I miss your face.

Whether it is out of boredom, curiosity, or concern, I find myself Googling Tony. She hasn’t asked for my help, but I can’t sit back and let this wanker win. I can see the panic in her eyes when she thinks I’m not watching. The thing is, I'm
watching her. I can watch her for hours and it still wouldn’t be enough. She has enough to worry about with Jake being sick.

I don't know much about the guy, apart from his name. I guess that his age would be around mine, so I start with that. Almost instantly, I hit a brick wall.

Apparently Tony Larezzi is a pretty common name.

I never claimed to be a sleuth, but this is just ridiculous. There is no way I’m going to get anywhere without some help. Then it hits me: there
someone who can help. I can’t believe I didn’t think of her earlier.

I reach into my back pocket and retrieve my wallet. I cringe, because it’s such bad form to keep a business card from a chick I fucked once in my wallet. Honestly, I have no idea why I haven't binned it, but right now I'm glad I still have it.

Do I text, email, or call?

Text and email both seem so impersonal, but calling her scares the fuck out of me. She’s probably the only woman in the world who intimidates me.

In the end I decide email is the safest.


I would start by saying hello, but I know how anti-small talk you are.

I need a favor. A friend of mine is being hassled by an ex and I’m after info on the guy. Me being me, I have no idea where to even start. I was hoping you could point me in the right direction?

I hope this isn't too weird for you.

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