Wild Ride (Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club) (4 page)

BOOK: Wild Ride (Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club)
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walking back to my car after dropping off Rhett and Cara at school the next morning when Dean stops me to say hello. Dean is Lucas’s dad, one of Rhett’s other friends. A single dad. Every time he sees me, he wants to chat, and he’s already asked me out twice, but not in a straightforward way, more in a sneaky way that involves the kids as well. He’s a decent-looking guy and seems nice enough, but I’m not interested in him at all. I wish he’d take the hint, but he doesn’t.

“You look beautiful this morning,” he says, checking me out from head to toe.

“Uhh, thanks,” I reply, looking longingly at my car. It was a piece of shit, but right now it was my haven. “I better go, Dean. I’m running late to work.”

“Of course,” he says, and I think I’m free, but then he adds, “Any plans for this weekend?”

“Yeah, just spending time with Bailey and Cara.”

“Maybe Lucas and I can join the four of you,” he suggests, and I stand there for a second, not knowing how to get out of this.

“Why don’t you give me your number so we can organize something?” he presses.

I glance at my car and blurt out, “I really am late. Can we talk about this another time?”

“Sure,” he says, smiling like I’ve agreed.

I force a smile and rush toward my car, getting in and not looking back. However, my luck doesn’t last, because halfway to work, my car breaks down again.

I realize that I’m just going to have to get it fixed and put it on my credit card. I’m about to ring up roadside assistance when someone pulls up next to me. This time, however, it isn’t Talon.

No, it’s Sin. The WDMC president.

He glances at the car, then at me, and says, “Get in the car.”

He means his.

“Oh, it’s okay, I’m fine,” I try to tell him. “Roadside assistance is on their way.”

Which is a lie, but I was about to call them.

“Tia,” he growls, nodding to his car. “Give me your keys, and get in the car. I’ll get someone to pick this up and take it to the shop. Come on, I’ll take you to work.”

I really don’t like accepting help, but turning him down will just irritate him even more, and make me seem like I’m being an ungrateful drama queen, so I hand over my keys and get into his passenger seat.

“That Dean guy annoying you?” he asks when we get back on the road. “I was dropping Clover off and saw you talking to him before running to your car like a hellhound was after you.”

“He’s just . . . a little friendly,” I reply, looking out the window. “I told him I’d be with Bailey and Cara this weekend, and he tried to invite himself.”

“If you need me to talk to him, let me know” is all he says.

“He’s harmless,” I say quickly, not wanting or needing Sin to get involved. He’ll scare the shit out of the poor man. Sin is very intimidating.

“Offer stands,” he replies.

I give him directions to my office, and then we spend the rest of the ride in silence.

“Thank you so much for the ride,” I tell him when we arrive.

“No problem,” he says simply. “What time do you finish?”

“At four. Bailey is getting Rhett.”

“Someone will be here at four to pick you up,” he says, his tone brooking no argument.

“Oh, that’s okay, Sin—”

“Four o’clock,” he repeats, then smiles, flashing straight white teeth. “Have a nice day, Tia.”

I was being dismissed.

I get out of his car and walk up the stairs to the dental office.

“You’re not the only one who needs a drink right now,” a familiar deep voice says, sitting next to me.

“Wow, are you actually talking to me first?” I tease, hungrily taking in his green eyes and light hair.

“Cute,” he replies, his lip twitching. “You here alone?”

I shake my head. “My car broke down again, and Sin sent Ronan to pick me up from work. We decided to stop for a drink, except now he’s chatting up the hot bartender,” I explain, nodding toward the bar.

“And he left you here alone?” Talon asks, eyebrows rising. “What a dick.”

I laugh at that. “He’s fine. I need this drink, and I don’t care if I have to sit here alone to consume it.”

“So you called Sin instead of me to come and save you? I have to say, Tia, that hurts,” he says, placing his hand over his heart.

I roll my eyes. “I was on the side of the road and he stopped. He wasn’t as nice about my options as you were.”

Talon grins, his eyes filling with amusement. “I wanted to command you, but I didn’t think you’d respond to that very well.”

“And you’d be right,” I say, taking another sip of my margarita. “I don’t like feeling like I owe people. I’d rather just do it by myself, you know?”

“You’re stubborn,” he concludes.

“That too,” I admit, smiling wryly. “So why do you need your drink so badly?”

He studies me for a moment, then says, “Can I trust you?”

“You can,” I tell him. “What happens between us, stays between us.”

“Like that kiss?” he says, surprising me that he actually brought it up.

“Exactly like that kiss,” I say, my voice unintentionally going a little husky.

His gaze lowers to my lips. “You didn’t tell anyone?”

“No. Did you?”

He shakes his head. “But I’ve thought about it.”

“Me too,” I whisper.

Wow. This was the first time we’ve actually spoken about the kiss, and the first time he’s shown real interest in me. I feel like his guard is down right now, for some reason or another. I like him like this, but I have a feeling that this is a rare moment I’m not going to get again.

“One of my men died,” he says, twirling the liquid in his glass. “And his girl is two months pregnant, and I had to tell her.”

“Fuck,” I whisper, placing my hand on his arm. “That must have been awful, Talon. I’m sorry you lost your man, and I’m sorry that you had to break it to his girl.”

I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now, and here I am nursing a drink because my car is getting fixed by a bunch of controlling-yet-kind alpha males who won’t let me make my own decisions. This really puts my life back into perspective. I’m being a total bitch to people who want to help me, just because I’d rather do everything on my own. I really don’t want to ever lose my independence, but if I learned anything from my relationship with Bailey, it’s that maybe it is okay to let someone help every now and then. It doesn’t mean I’m giving up my independence.

“Shit happens,” he says, putting his hand on top of mine. “You know something funny?”

“What?” I ask, running my thumb along his.

“Out of all the people in the world, I wanted to call you to come with me to tell her. Like your being there would have made the situation easier somehow. I guess you would’ve been better at comforting her than I was.”

“I’m sure you did your best,” I say softly, relaxing as I hear his words. “There’s no good way to tell news like that.”

I like that he wanted me to be there with him, helping him through this hard time. He might not realize it, but it means something.

“No,” he agrees, staring straight ahead. “There isn’t. She cried. And wailed. The sounds she made . . . they were heartbreaking. I didn’t even know they were that close, or whatever. I mean, I’ve never even met her before, but the pain in her eyes . . . I don’t know, I guess now her kid doesn’t have a dad.”

“Talon,” I say, when I hear his voice catch. “Look at me.”

He looks at me.

“This wasn’t your fault, so don’t make yourself feel like it was. How did he die?”

I don’t know the story yet, but I like to think that I know the type of person he is. He’s honest, if he’s anything. I don’t think he’d lie about something like this.

“He was stabbed,” he replies. “And I’m sure as hell going to find out by who.”

The conviction in his tone leaves me no doubt that he will.

I take his phone from the table and open the keypad. “No password?”

“No woman to hide shit from.”

My lip twitches at that. I put my phone number in and hit
. “Next time you need me, call me. I would have come with you, you know that, right?”

He turns to me, and our eyes connect. “Yeah, okay.”

“Good,” I say, just as Ronan returns to the table. He eyes Talon for a second, his lips tightening, but he only asks if I’m ready to leave. I tell him that I am, kiss Talon on the cheek, and then head out with Ronan.

It makes my heart hurt, everything that Talon told me. These aren’t things that everyday men have to worry about, but for Talon and the other bikers, it’s just part of their lives. I understand what Bailey was trying to tell me now: it’s a whole other world.

I spend the ride home replaying our conversation in my mind.



I’ve fucked up when I stare at her number on my phone. I’m too close. I’ve done such a good job of staying away from her up until now, but one real conversation between us has me craving more.

The Wind Dragons are only now starting to consider me an ally, and this might rock the boat with them. I know the men don’t like me near their women, and Tia, by association, is under their protection. Yes, they don’t one hundred percent trust me, but they will in time. And I want them to. They’re a powerful MC, and I’d be stupid not to want them on my side—not to mention, it would make my friendship with Anna a hell of a lot easier.

Rake, however, still hates me for his own reasons—reasons that are beyond my control—and he isn’t going to like me being anywhere near his old lady’s best friend. Okay, my kidnapping Anna was in my control, but my being raised by his biological father isn’t. If Anna could forgive me, I don’t know why Rake still has it out for me. I see Anna like a sister, and Rake could be like a brother if he ever allows it. Without overthinking it, I send Tia a text.

Did you get your car back?

Yeah, I wasn’t one for smooth messages, or anything like that. I don’t even know why I’m messaging her. Why don’t I want to stay away? I think the more important question is, why can’t I stay away? I’m being selfish, wanting her when I know she’s better off without me, away from the Wild Men. Still, when she replies, I can’t help but smile. Me. Smiling at a fuckin’ text message.

No hello? Yeah I did. All is back to normal. How are you doing, Talon?

I type back
. I’m doing okay . . .
Fuck it.
What are you doing tomorrow?

I delete the last line.

I can’t see her tomorrow.

Tomorrow I’m tracking down some of the men who are after Shayla. In this world, sometimes it’s kill or be killed. I don’t like taking life, but I’ll do it to save those I care about, and I won’t feel guilty about it afterward. I adore Shayla, and she didn’t ask for this. It’s up to me to take care of her, and I’ll do it any way I can. These men aren’t innocent, nor are their own hands clean. It doesn’t justify it, but at the same time it relieves my conscience.

I’m here anytime you want to talk.


Other women send me nudes without me even asking, and she’s here offering me a shoulder to lean on. She’s one of the good ones.

Thanks. I appreciate that. I’m here for you too.

I stare up at my ceiling, from where I’m lying comfortably on my bed. When I hear a soft knock on the door, I ignore it. I’m not interested in any of the women here in the clubhouse, looking for a biker to satisfy. I haven’t had sex in a few weeks now. I don’t know what’s wrong with me; it’s like I’m stuck in a rut. Or like I’m ready for something new—the past doesn’t satisfy me anymore, and neither does the present.

I’m surprised you brought up the kiss . . . I was starting to think it was a figment of my imagination.

I cover my eyes with my arm. The mention of the kiss just fell from my mouth, I never had any intention of bringing it up again. I was in a vulnerable place after dealing with Carla’s grief and anger over Zip’s death, and I wasn’t thinking about what I was saying. I was open and unguarded for that moment, and Tia just happened to be witness to it. I don’t like showing weakness, because it can always be used against you. Although she might not know it, in my opinion that’s what I showed her.

I’m surprised I brought it up too.

she replies instantly.

That doesn’t mean I don’t think about it all the fuckin’ time
I reply to her, cringing at how much of a pussy I sound like. Deciding it’s safer to step away from the phone, I put it on silent and leave it on the side table beside my bed. I don’t think I’ve ever texted a woman in my life just for casual conversation. The messages I normally send are telling them to come over for sex, or something along those lines. Not that I fuck around a lot, because I don’t, but I do have needs that many women are willing to sate.

Compared to some of the other men in the clubhouse who have different women every few days, I’m pretty much a saint. The Wild Men version of a saint anyway. I cringe again, realizing that compared to an average man, that’s not very saintly at all.

There’s another knock at my door. I groan and roll over, burying my head under my pillow. Eyes closed, I pretend it’s a woman who wants only me. Not one who doesn’t care who she gets, as long as he’s good-looking and a biker, and not one who just wants to fuck the president of the Wild Men. A woman who wants me for me, because we share some kind of connection, some kind of pull.

I pretend that it’s Tia.

When my phone rings two days later, I answer it without looking at the caller ID.


“Hey,” she says, making my eyes widen.


“Yeah,” she replies, sounding amused. “So I’m kind of in a pickle and was wondering if your offer to help still stands.”

“Yeah, of course it does,” I say, pausing the camera footage I was watching. “Where are you?”

“At my house.”

“No work today?” I ask as I get up and walk through the clubhouse.

“Day off.”

“Okay, well, give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be right there.”

I know where she lives already, because I dropped the girls home the night Tia kissed me. It feels good that she called me over anyone else, knowing how she feels about asking for help. I’m surprised she didn’t try to fix the damn car herself. I’m going to take it in for service and cover the costs. I don’t care what she has to say about it anymore.

I get on my bike and ride straight to her house, parking on the grass. I walk up to her front door and pause before I knock, asking myself exactly what the fuck did I think I was doing here? But she asked for my help, which is a big thing for her, and there’s no way I’m going to turn her down. I can control myself around her for a few hours. It’s not like I have no self-control—we’re not gonna end up fucking in her backseat or anything. I knock three times, and she takes a few seconds to open the door.

She looks beautiful. She’s wearing those damn shorts again, and the choker that I know now is a part of her everyday look. She’s wearing a flowy white top, one that shows off her shoulders. I think I can see her nipples through the material, but that might be my overactive imagination.

“You came,” she says, opening the door wide.

“Well, I did tell you to call me if your car acts up again,” I tell her. “I thought the Wind Dragons were getting it fixed, though?”

She flashes me a grin and says, “I never said this was about the car.”

“Oh,” I say, narrowing my eyes on the little minx. “Then what did you need help with?”

I look down her body once more. If she needs help with that, there’s no way in hell I can say no. I’ve wanted her for too long, and here she is in front of me, looking too perfect to be true. She’s wearing no makeup—and in my opinion she’s much prettier that way, natural. Not all women can pull that off.

“Well,” she says, taking a few steps forward. “My air-conditioning kind of won’t turn on, and I was wondering if you’d have a look at it.”

I swallow hard, my eyes never leaving hers. She stands still, waiting for my next move, and I know that this time she isn’t going to make it first. Last time, she kissed me, and then I acted like it was a mistake, something that can never happen again. I shouldn’t kiss her right now. I have shit with my club going on, I’m working on saving Shayla, and Rake is going to lose his shit over this. But in a way, that’s why I need this so much. Something for me—just me. Something that
want, I need, without thinking of anyone else’s opinions. Fuck everyone else. Sometimes I deserve to be happy too, and right now nothing else seems to be cutting it. I take a step forward and cup her cheek with my right hand. “Are you sure it’s not working?”

“Why else would I tell you to come over?” she says, raising her brow.

“Maybe because you wanted something else,” I say, my gaze lowering to her pouty lips. “Maybe you’re pushing me to take what I want.”

“I shouldn’t have to push you to take anything,” she fires back, licking her lips.

“I know,” I whisper. “But it’s complicated.”

“It always is.”

I lean down and slam my mouth against hers.

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