Wild Pen Carrington (6 page)

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Authors: Sophie Angmering

BOOK: Wild Pen Carrington
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At her reaction, Arden’s eyebrows winged their way upwards, and he cast a glance at Carrington that could only be described as quelling.

“Pen, Pen, Pen.” Arden span on his heel, and went to examine the candlesticks sitting upon the mantel above the fire, which had now burned a little way down. “Have you ever thought about what the consequences of being such a wild hoyden might be?”

Pen gave in to the urge to toss her straggly hair and say rather petulantly, “You are now starting to sound like Carrington, and we all know what a bore he is.”

Or appeared to be.

“A bore? You are talking about Sebastian Carrington?”

For the first time, Arden’s face melted into the most divine smile Penelope Carrington had ever seen. She felt her insides soften and her skin prickle at the flash of white teeth and lean dimples.

“But, madam, we digress.”

“We do, how?” Pen asked the viscount, pertly.

“You are here, in this situation because you insist on running away to London without my approval, regardless of the consequences to either your own social standing or the Carrington name.” Sebastian’s rich tones flowed over her as he answered her.

She shut her eyes briefly, all the better to absorb his intoxicating presence.

Pen had come to terms with the fact very early on in their relationship that she was addicted to all forms of interaction with Sebastian Carrington. Approval, disapproval, she didn’t care, just as long as he noticed her.

She had also always been very honest with herself about why she had accepted the younger brother’s offer of marriage. Mark had liked the idea of being married, and Pen’s family had been attracted by the old Carrington family name.

It had been obvious even then that Sebastian Carrington would never offer for her.

As with all things Mark wanted, once he had wed he soon grew bored of his married state and had abandoned Pen to do much of what she wanted.

Pen was left with the fiery charge of attraction that she felt towards his elder brother and no real outlet for it. She had always harboured a grudging admiration for the older Carrington’s ability to ignore her often blatant lures.

Now, thanks to the countess, everything was much clearer.

“I was returning to Half Moon Street, I was not running away, Sebastian,” she protested.

“You have quite deliberately disobeyed my instructions to stay at Hatchlands until you had seen some sense,” Sebastian bit out.

“Pish,” Pen retorted airily. “You must have known I would never stay put once you had gone.”

“So, you have neatly sidestepped the punishment I decided on for subjecting the Carrington name to public ridicule.” Sebastian was warming to his theme. “And then have made it worse by setting off to London disguised as a man, unchaperoned, unprotected, subject to…”

“An excess of civility?” she suggested gently, a little shocked at what seemed like real concern. “Nothing bad happened, Sebastian…”

They stared at each other for a brief, silent moment.

“But it could have happened!” he finally roared. “Something terrible could have happened and I would never have known!”

Carrington sucked in a deep breath and obviously took a moment to master himself before saying softly, “Come here, Penelope.”

Pen felt the hairs on her arms prickle at the tone of his voice.

Firm, commanding.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because he has instructed you to do so,” Arden supplied helpfully, taking her arm and moving her over to where Sebastian was sitting. “And you need to appreciate that the time for Carrington asking you to do things nicely appears to have passed.”

The head of the Carrington family was sitting on the edge of his chair, his knees set squarely before him.

“Over my knee,” Sebastian instructed her hoarsely. “Over my knee, madam.”

Pen did not need to ask why this time. It was obvious that Sebastian had decided to settle on a more immediate form of punishment. She gingerly set herself across Sebastian’s knees. His thighs were solid, muscular and supported her easily.

The most shocking fact of all was that Sebastian’s cock was rock hard!

Pen could feel it digging into the softness of her stomach as she gave an experimental wiggle. Oh, to be so close to Sebastian Carrington’s—


“Ow!” She tried to rear up in indignation and pain but found her shoulders pushed firmly down as his hand descended once more across the damp cloth on her buttocks.


“Ow, that hurts!” Pen yelled, her backside smarting painfully despite the apparent protection of the coarse cloth of her breeches.

“Not bloody enough, I’ll wager,” Sebastian muttered. “Get rid of those damn breeches, Jules.”

To Pen’s disgust, ‘Jules’ set about removing her wet breeches, pulling off her boots as well as her stockings, to leave her lower half entirely bare.


This time Sebastian’s blow was on her bare, chilled buttocks. A stinging, heated blow that left a searing welt of pain across her quivering cheeks. Pen shrieked long and hard in a combination of pain and frustration.

“That hurts, Sebastian!” She fought to get up but was held firm. “That bloody well hurts, you bastard!”



Pen had never been so mortified and that it was taking place before Lord Arden made it even worse. Her bottom burned as she sobbed and struggled furiously, her face hot, not helped by the fact that as she wrestled in his hold she was aware of Sebastian’s sizeable erection digging ever harder into her stomach.

He wanted her!

Pen’s desire for him burned into a twisting need that made her writhe on top of him, deliberately rubbing herself against his cock in an effort to satisfy her lust. It didn’t work.

“Pen,” Sebastian groaned, sweeping his hand over her burning cheeks and smoothing her legs wide as they draped over his lap.

He hit her almost directly on her pussy. Pen cried out at the change in sensation, a pulse of arousal radiating out from the centre of impact, her voice falling to a sobbing moan. She slumped over his legs as he ran his fingers across her back, stilling when they came into contact with the bindings she had tied over her breasts.

“Damn it, Pen.”

She could hear the annoyance in his voice as he pulled the wet shirt from her body. Only then to reveal the rough-hewn ties that secured the length of cloth.

“What the hell were you thinking of?”

She suddenly found herself staring up into his beautiful green eyes instead of at the floor as he turned her to find the knot in the tie.

“Sex,” Pen said clearly.

Sebastian stared back, his emerald gaze fathomless.

The cloth that had been wound so tightly around her chest suddenly loosened. Arden had deftly cut it loose with a small pocket knife.

Pen jumped. She had quite forgotten Arden was there. He grinned at her, before going on to pull free the binding that Pen had wrapped around her large breasts. It fell away and her nipples hardened into erect teats, the cool air chilling the heat of her aroused body. Sebastian urged her onto her feet so that the rest of the cloth could be tugged away from her, and when they were finished she found herself standing before the two men naked.

This was what she wanted, Pen realised, as the two of them stared at her. Their respective gazes admiring, hungry, with lust writ clearly. They wanted her as much as she wanted them—both of them.

“What do you think?”

“Beautiful.” Arden’s silver gaze scanned her face, then her body.

Pen’s nipples tightened even further at the sight of the massive bulge evident in Arden’s breeches.

“But so badly behaved.” Sebastian’s words carried a hint of humour.

“So discipline her.” Arden walked towards Pen. “Properly.”

He put a gentle finger beneath Pen’s chin and lifted it so he could see her eyes. “Because that’s what you want, is it not, sweetheart? A firm hand.”

Pen stared into his eyes, drowning in the silver depths there.

“Penelope?” His voice was suddenly demanding, firm.

“Yes, that’s what I want,” she murmured dreamily, before replying, “as well as plenty of cock.”

She was aware of a shout of laughter from the direction of Sebastian. He was laughing. The man she loved so much was laughing, and the most unexpected thing of all was about to happen.

They were going to have sex.

Maybe that was all it would take to make her passion for him a little less destructive.

“Oh, my dear girl.” Arden smiled wickedly. “That we can give you in abundance. But first”—he paused to tickle her briefly under the chin—”you have to earn it.”

Pen felt an exciting pulse of desire move in a wave over her body at his words. The promise of them filling her made her pussy clench and moisten as she stood there. “Earn it, how?”

 This was more work than she had anticipated securing a lover would be. The countess had made it all sound so easy and enjoyable when she’d recounted her adventures in bed.

But then Countess Griaznova’s lovers were not anything like these two beautiful men.

“Tell me!” Pen insisted.

“By being patient.” Arden unbuttoned his jacket and pulled it from his shoulders. “And by being good.”

Pen let her eyes skim over the powerful lines of his chest and shoulders, which were encased in a well-fitting waistcoat and lawn shirt. He extracted a long box from the pocket of his discarded coat and flipped the lid open. “I was about to return these to my jewellers in London, but I think I may have a use for them after all.”

He revealed a length of beautifully matched pearls from the blue velvet case.

“Come here,” he said softly.

Pen stepped forward, puzzled as Arden reached out to run a hand over one of her plump breasts, finishing with the nipple gripped firmly between thumb and forefinger. He pinched it until it started to itch and burn.

“Ah,” Pen moaned huskily as he swooped down and engulfed the sore nub in his mouth, his tongue swirling over the small hurt to soothe it before moving on to her other breast and treating it in the same way.

“How does that feel?” he asked her.

“Strangely exciting,” she told him honestly.

“Good.” He smiled as he draped the pearl necklace around her neck and over her breasts. “Now rub yourself.”

“What?” She was momentarily startled.

“Rub yourself.” He eased her legs apart slightly and placed her hand boldly on what the countess had called her clitoris. “There.”

Pen looked towards Sebastian, but he was reclining at ease in his chair, the fall of his breeches open, with his erect cock out and in his hand.

“Go on, Penelope,” he urged her on. “Let us watch you come.”

Pen gazed at them nonplussed, particularly as Arden left her to go and sit beside Carrington, boldly reaching across to seize Seb’s cock in his hand. Sebastian lay back in his chair with both arms outstretched, surrendering himself to the obviously expert attention of his handsome companion.

“Penelope.” Arden’s voice was low, compelling. “We are waiting.”

Pen stood up a little straighter, the cool pearl beads swinging about her neck and catching on her nipples as they stood proud.

She looked at the two men before her, both of whom now had their trouser flaps down and their cocks out, and she smiled a triumphant little smile. She’d do her best to make them want to fuck her like they had never wanted to fuck anyone before.

With a flick of her head, Penelope Carrington started to caress herself. She bent her knees slightly and rocked backwards and forwards. With her free hand she seized one of her breasts and started pulling first one nipple then the other, flicking, twisting, each move making her pussy spasm with need. Her hand knocked the pearls dangling from one nipple and she seized the necklace rolling the smooth white beads between the tips of her fingers. Sliding the pearls from her neck, she looped them between her hands then threaded the length back between her legs, drawing the beads taut against her before moving them back and forth across her engorged clitoris.

The sensation was delicious. The cool, smooth beads rolled over her, urging her, squirming, towards an orgasm. She glanced across at her two companions to see their reaction to her performance, but both had their eyes closed—Sebastian stretched back in his chair with his legs apart, Arden bent over him, servicing his cock with long, hard pulls of his mouth.

It was too much for Pen. Her climax swamped her as she watched them, the beads falling from her hand to the floor as she came with a groan, her eyes closing as the first wave of sensation swept over her, followed by tiny aftershocks of delight. Pen licked her fingers delicately and started to caress the plump, aroused folds between her legs once more, aware of the tempting frisson of a second climax, hovering just out of reach. Greedily she straightened her legs, ready to persuade herself to come again.

“Penelope Carrington, what are you doing? You were not about to wait for us, were you?”

Pen jumped guiltily as firm hands seized her bare shoulders and turned her to face the other way. Sebastian’s eyes gazed searchingly into hers as his mouth swooped down to kiss her with a thoroughness she had only ever been able to daydream about before.

Pen returned the kiss with all the longing and the pain of wanting that not being able to have him had coloured her every day up until this moment.

Pen lifted her arms to wind them round his neck as he kissed her, and she pushed her tongue into his mouth, to duel with his and win the point of honour that proved he could no longer resist her. He clearly wanted her as much as she wanted him.

It was a glorious feeling.

When she had brought her rich dowry into the Carrington family, she had done it for the love of this man, no other. She had wept when Mark had died in the arms of a brothel keeper, but as one would for a friend.

As Pen kissed Seb and was kissed thoroughly back, she became aware of feathering caresses across her shoulders and down her back, butterfly kisses that left a trail of goosebumps in their wake. She groaned at the exquisite sensation, particularly as Julian Arden started to trace circles with his tongue over her raw buttocks. The licking sensation seemed to go straight to her throbbing, unoccupied pussy.

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