Wild Nights (14 page)

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Authors: Rhea Regale

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Inc., #Siren-BookStrand

BOOK: Wild Nights
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stroke sent a current of heat and quivers through her, and coiled the

will in his gut. His sac weighed heavily between his legs, his dick

stretched and ached.

“I won’t let you come until I’m buried inside you.”

His gaze scoured up along the flat planes of her stomach, over the

fleshy mounds of her breasts, and came to rest on her beautiful face.

The way the moonlight sprinkled small rays of silvery-blue light over

her rosy cheeks painted a picture of a seductress.

A crooning wanton ready to be taken by him.

Her lids peeled back and she caught his eyes, the corner of her

mouth lifting in a desire-laden grin. Riley’s fingers pressed against the

flesh of her hips as he ran his cock along her slit, watching the

reflective coiling of pleasure in her eyes.

He reached up and palmed one of her heavy breasts, rolling her

Wild Nights


pert nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He pinched and she

bucked, a hiss escaping her clenched teeth. Wetness coated his dick in

response, and he pinched again.

“You’re incredibly sensitive to my touch,” he reveled.

“I like the way you touch me.” Those temptress eyes flashed.

“And you like my responses.”

His intense attention focused on Aya’s surrender and the sheer

pleasure that sparked between them. He barely caught the shadowed

motion before her hand gripped his cock. Her legs tightened around

his waist with more strength than he imagined her little body

contained. Raw, carnal passion exploded as she impaled herself on


“Oh, my,” she breathed. Riley’s upper lip pulled back. He

scooped her into his arms and lifted her upright, crushing her against

him. He sank himself deeper into her hot, wet pussy. Every muscle

inside her squeezed around his shaft as he stretched her to fit his thick


When he caught her eyes, his heart seized. In that split instant,

something happened to him that constricted around his chest and

made every inconceivable idea of ripping this woman to shreds open a

hidden well of shame. His face warmed.

He would never hurt her. He would never kill her. He would never

allow another to harm a single hair on her delicate little body without

severe consequences. Severe meant death.

Riley lifted a hand to her face and cupped the side of her cheek.

He marveled at the contrast between his large, tan hand and her

precious, creamy face. Her eyes sparkled with a storm of emotions, a

mirror to the whirlwind that gained fierce momentum inside him.

Aya rolled her hips over his, and the hugging grip of her cunt on

his penis made him shudder.

“I’m not hurting you?” Riley asked, caressing her swollen bottom

lip with his thumb. His sudden shift from fierce wanting to sincere

concern caused his brow to furrow. An unsteady grin twitched across


Rhea Regale

her mouth. She shook her head slightly.

“You fill me,” she murmured. Riley slid his fingers into her hair

and thrust himself deeper inside her. She moaned, her hands gripping

his shoulders.

“Good.” He pulled her face to his and captured her mouth with the

raw hunger he kept pent up in his spirit. His wolf howled its pleasure

as he plundered her mouth with his tongue. He controlled her rocking

hips with a strong arm around her waist. The glide of soft heat around

his penis shook him. Lava filled his cock as Aya’s muscles coiled and

contracted mercilessly. She tore away from his mouth, her head

dropping back. Her screams of climax echoed in the night, taunting

him and his wolf, which darted back and forth.

Riley laid her back on the ground and pounded into her. The slap

of his sac against her ass heightened his pleasure, but it was the

unabashed cries of orgasm he delighted in as she milked his own


When it came in spurts of fiery hot heaven, his mind filled with

nothing but intense sensation that shot down his loins to his toes. He

grunted, burying himself as deep as he could go, releasing his seed far

into her womb. His entire body shuddered with his powerful release,

conquering his senses until all that was left was Ayasha, the thick

scent of sexual musk, and euphoria.

A slick sheen of perspiration covered his body, protecting him

from the cool night air. He gathered her into his body, protecting her

from any chills that may touch her. Labored breaths spread against his

throat. The thundering pace of her heart pounded in step with his,

matching the slowing aftermath of their wild claiming.

A sharp pinch at the base of his neck made him wince. He leaned

back and looked down at Aya. A satisfied smile splayed over her

mouth, but her eyes remained closed.

“What the hell?” The undeniable scent of blood touched his

nostrils. A closer look at Aya’s lips and he caught the shimmer of a

couple of drops of blood.

Wild Nights


“You’re mine. I marked you,” she said quietly. Her tongue rolled

over her lip, cleansing it of blood. Riley let out a short chuckle.

“Oh?” He rolled her onto her back and dipped his head against her

neck. “Two can play at that game, you wicked woman.”

Riley allowed his teeth to sharpen enough to leave a noticeable

mark on
woman. He inhaled sharply, filling his spirit with her

precious scent—

His teeth barely scraped her skin when weight plowed into him,

knocking him across the forest floor. Debris, rocks, and twigs dug

into his skin. Pain raked over the side of his body.

Shaking the momentary shock from his system, he drew forth his

wolf just as his enemy’s teeth buried into his scruff.


Rhea Regale

Chapter Nine

Satiation coated her thoughts and cocooned around her body. Her

muscles were so weak, so tired, after Riley’s intense claiming that she

hadn’t detected the other presence until gray and white streaked past


Aya bolted to her feet. Her legs were rubbery, and she stumbled

until she grabbed hold of a thin tree for support. Blood rushed in

chaotic waves inside her system, causing her vision to fade in and out

before everything leveled.

Growls erupted, filling the night with the sound of feral rage. She

spotted the two wild wolves. Deadly snarls accompanied the snapping

of twigs as they rolled. Moonlight reflected off glistening white teeth.

Eyes flashed silver. Paws swatted fiercely. Massive bodies tumbled

into thick bushes, a shadowy blur of tawny, gray, and white.

At last, Aya’s stunned awe shattered. Frustration shot to the


“What the hell are you two
?” she shrieked.

“Stay back!”
Lenox demanded. He managed to wedge his paws

beneath Riley’s dominating mass. With a deep grunt, the gray-andwhite sent the tawny wolf through the air. Riley yelped, his body

thrashing to right itself seconds before his rear haunch smacked into a

boulder. Lenox charged, black lips pulled back to show his deadly


Aya snarled and lunged forward, transforming in mid-leap. Her

paws barely touched the ground before she loped between the two

attacking male wolves.

“Stop this! Both of you!”
Her sharp tone resonated along the

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telepathic line. A long, low grumble thrummed in the air, expelled

from deep within her chest. Lenox dug his paws and claws into the

soft forest bed, sending up dead leaves and dirt that pelted her coat.

On the other side of her, Riley slid to a halt, his hind legs buckling

beneath the sudden stop. His jowls quivered, teeth bared. A quick

glance back at Lenox and she saw he mirrored Riley’s attack stance,

right down to his pointed ears pressed flat against his head, fur

bristling along his spine.

Aya snorted, shaking her head in disgust. She sidestepped to

Lenox and nipped his snout, then turned to Riley. He quickly toned

down his defenses, padding back a few steps. His jowls lowered and

his ears pricked up.

“I get you two don’t like each other, but I’m not going to be a

damned dog sitter for the rest of my life!”
Aya scolded. Lenox

stepped up beside her and nudged the soft fur at her neck. She listened

to the sound of his quick breaths. He was sniffing around for

something. Aya snapped back at him. He lifted his head and stared at

“Why did you attack him like that?”

“He was about to bite you,”
Lenox said. The straightforward

manner of his tone caused her to pause. She glanced back at Riley. If

she didn’t know any better, she would have thought the wolf was

smirking. As it was, the smugness that rolled off him lapped at her in

gentle waves.

“I was,”
Riley taunted.
“Making it known she’s

woman, Riley. And until I know you won’t tear deep into her

throat, you keep your fucking teeth away from her.”

“Uh, hey, pups. How about this. I decide who goes where and

what touches me,”
Aya groaned. She trotted ahead, distancing herself

from both males before casting a glance over her shoulder.

now, I want nothing to do with either of you. When you think you can

get along in a civil manner, one that reflects your
nature, then

we’ll talk. You both know how to kill a great night.”

Aya bounded deep into the forest, away from the frozen wolves


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whose stunned attention lingered at her backside. She followed the

glittering trail of moonlight along the untamed wilderness, keeping

her senses open to any dangers that may lie in her path.


Lenox’s gentle voice infiltrated her aggravation. She shuffled to a

pause and perked her ears, listening for any approach. A light breeze

picked up, obscuring the subtle noises cloaked behind the rustling tree

tops and swaying branches. Dead leaves scraped over each other,

swirling around her snow-white paws. Her nostrils flared as the crisp,

pre-autumn air lightened.

“Ayasha, answer us.”

Riley’s husky tone held no anger. A coaxing warmth that thrived

in Lenox poured over to him. The temptation to lope back to them

tugged at her heart. She wanted both of them, but the alpha male,

stubborn resolve remained erect between them. Lenox would fight to

protect her, even against Riley. Riley would use any excuse to

eliminate his competition, even if that man was her other mate.

With a short snort, Aya resumed her trek through the forest,

quickening her light steps. Ahead, the swoosh of water currents

filtered among the trees. She inhaled, catching the clean scent of river

water and fish. Calm swelled inside her spirit.

“Ayasha, this isn’t necessary,”
Riley pressed. She ignored the

hovering silence in wake of an answer from her and continued on.

A few minutes later, Aya came to the edge of the forest, where a

rocky bank met the shallow waters of a wide river. The silvery

moonlight cast a magical sheen over the lazy currents as the water

flowed along. Thick patches of grass sprouted up between larger

rocks. She padded to the nearest crevice and curled herself onto the

soft bed, tucking her paws beneath her chin. Her eyes were trained on

the forest’s edge.

The breeze stirred her fur, caressing her flesh. It was deep night

and her spirit ached for rest. Over one full day of adrenaline pumping

through her veins, secrets unlocked and being soaked into her mind,

Wild Nights


and taking on two of the most gorgeous males who happened to

loathe each other… It could drive any stable creature to madness.

Her eyelids grew heavy as the soothing rush of water lulled her

spirit. The quiet whisper of the breeze through the grasses and rocks

sang a melody of peace. She yawned, drinking in the crisp flavor of

the air against her tongue, then tucked down to sleep.

* * * *

Nox padded along the edge of the riverbank, his attention set on

the beautiful white wolf tucked in a rock crevice on a bed of thick

grass. A veil of illuminated green fronds swayed in the breeze,

obscuring Ayasha behind the delicate wall. He stroked the outer skirts

of her mind, sensing her awareness only to discover she had fallen



Twigs cracked behind him. His ears pricked up, and he angled his

snout to the sky. Riley had remained just out of sight since Aya took

off, but Nox felt his presence as firm as the ground beneath his feet.

The breeze cast downstream, away from the sound and the wolf he

knew approached him.

Sure enough, Riley slinked up to the forest’s edge, several feet

away from him. Nox observed the man, latching on to the telepathic

line as it hummed with unspoken tension. His fur began to rise along

his flank. To his disgruntlement, he sensed no threat in Riley. Just one

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