Wild Licks (33 page)

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Authors: Cecilia Tan

BOOK: Wild Licks
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Even though writing is a solitary pursuit, making books is not. These words wouldn't be reaching you right now without the love and encouragement of my agent Lori Perkins, the support of my twenty-five-year partner in life and love corwin, and the talents of the team at Forever, Megha Parekh, Madeleine Colavita, Marissa Sangiacomo, Elizabeth Turner, Jodi Rosoff, Michelle Cashman, and the rest of the gang. I also had the advice and encouragement of writer Melanie Fletcher, who took the early manuscript out for a test drive, and beta-readers Beth Bernobich and Don Luis. And thanks to Jessica and Chas at Rock Star Literary who wrestled with promo and publicity for me so I had time to actually write the book.

Thanks to Girl Scout Cookie for the fire play lesson and various folks from the Geeky Kink Event for helping me with, ahem, “research” on role-playing fantasy scenes: you know who you are. And to everyone carrying the BDSM community torch at the New England Leather Alliance and the Fetish Fair Fleamarket, Jack, Percy, Iya, Leah, Amanda, Kerry, Danny, Rob, Dyanne, Maggie, and others. Also, CandiAnne at NLA: International—you folks continue to rock the world with awesomeness and education.

I also would like to thank the late Tanith Lee for inspiring fantasies for decades.

Last, thanks to the baristas at Simon's Coffee Shop, where most of this book was written, and the guys at Bourbon Coffee on Mass. Ave where most of the rewrites were done: both shops play awesome music for writing a book like this and they keep the tea flowing.

Cecilia Tan writes about her many passions, from erotic fantasy to baseball. Not only is she an author, but she has also edited more than fifty erotic anthologies and founded her own publishing house, Circlet Press. Her short fiction has appeared in numerous magazines and her nonfiction on baseball has been in
Baseball Ink
Gotham Baseball
Yankees Annual
, and elsewhere. Cecilia currently resides in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with her lifelong partner and three cats.

You can learn more at:


Twitter @ceciliatan


Taking the Lead

*  *  *

Slow Surrender

Slow Seduction

Slow Satisfaction

*  *  *

Black Feathers

Daron's Guitar Chronicles

The Hot Streak

The Incubus and the Angel

Mind Games

The Poet and the Prophecy

The Prince's Boy

The Siren and the Sword

Telepaths Don't Need Safewords

The Tower and the Tears

The Velderet

White Flames


“Veteran Tan kicks her Secrets of a Rock Star series off with a sultry start…With a satisfying plot and an engaging cast of characters, the only thing slowing readers down will be their refractory period.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“4 stars! An emotional whirlwind romance. Axel is as strong and sexy as readers expect in a rock-star hero without being an overly brooding jerk. The length he goes in order to win over emotionally closed-off Ricki will melt your heart.”

RT Book Reviews


“Cecilia Tan has a way to seduce you into her stories…you can't put her books down because she's that great a storyteller.”


Slow Satisfaction
is everything I expected it to be. The perfect closing of the curtains to a story that had a fantastic ending.”


“This couple always finds new and interesting ways to raise the heat index.”

RT Book Reviews


“The sex scenes here are once again as hot as they are imaginative.”

RT Book Reviews

“5 stars!
Slow Seduction
was a tasty treat to say the least. I cannot wait to get my hands on book three. If you are looking for erotica, stop whatever you are doing and get this book.”



“4½ stars! This is the BDSM novel all the other millionaire dom heroes want to star in. Tan takes an overused trope and turns it into a dreamy, erotic fantasy that draws the reader down the rabbit hole along with Karina. The sex scenes are lush and erotic…Readers will be clamoring for the next book in the series.”

RT Book Reviews

“Move over, EL James. Cecilia Tan's
Slow Surrender
is sinfully sweet and sublimely erotic. As with sipping a superb single-malt scotch served neat, you'll savor the slow burn as it builds to a deliciously unanticipated…climax.”

—Hope Tarr, award-winning author

“Loved, loved
Slow Surrender
and am waiting on pins and needles for book two…another brilliant outing from Cecilia Tan…her characters are full of life and emotion, and so believable. Definitely a keeper!”


“If you are a fan of the billionaire dom, you should not miss
Slow Surrender
. Cecilia Tan weaves a compelling and red-hot tale that will have readers eager for more.”


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 by Cecilia Tan
Excerpt from
Hard Rhythm
copyright © 2016 by Cecilia Tan
Cover design by Elizabeth Turner
Cover photograph by Ninestock
Cover copyright © 2016 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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First Edition: August 2016

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

ISBN 978-1-4555-3364-0 (trade paperback edition)
ISBN 978-1-4555-3365-7 (ebook edition)


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