Wild Hearts (Blood & Judgment #1) (35 page)

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Authors: Eve Newton,Franca Storm

BOOK: Wild Hearts (Blood & Judgment #1)
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“Yes. They believe they can annihilate you and Ember. But they are fools. They cannot. You must respond and begin vanquishing them. It is what you are destined to do. It is the reason for the ritual, the reason that Draven perished.”

I grimace at his mention of Draven.

“I am sorry for being harsh. However, I believe it is warranted.”

I shift my weight. “We need to deliver a warning to curb their attacks in this world.
we’ll pass into the Realm and take the head honchos down.”

“A noble plan,” he says, agreeing with me.

“Really? I thought you were against me crossing into the Realm?”

“Yes, well, it has become apparent that you have no intention of abandoning such an idea.”

I grin. “I don’t.”

“You are incredibly stubborn.”

I press my hands to his chest. “I think I make up for it in other ways, don’t I?” I ask, coyly.

He smiles down at me. “Indeed, you do. However, you will not coerce me into forgetting our topic of conversation here.”

I slide my hands down his chest and he groans. I reach his belt, but his hands shoot out, grabbing mine. “Aria,” he protests.

“Fine,” I say, blowing out a breath. “You’re right. I’ll go talk to her right now.”


I pull away and start to make my way past him. His hand shoots out, grabbing my wrist. Startled, I look over my shoulder at him and gasp out, “What’s wrong?”

He holds out his free hand expectantly.

“What?” I ask, innocently, but I know right away what he wants. Shit.

Ever the patient one, he just smiles with amusement and answers, “The
Lunar Barrier
, if you please.”

I grunt and mutter a curse under my breath as I pull out of his grip and then unclasp the chain. I hand it to him.

“Every time you use this, it sets you back with your ability to control the wolf. Do you not feel the wolf surging within you now? It is a shock to your system, because the amulet possesses a means of control that is not natural.”

“I know, I know.”

“Then why do you insist on using it?”

“Because it’s…well, it’s—”


“Yes,” I admit.

He pockets the amulet and steps into me, cupping my face in his hands. “You need to have more faith in yourself. It is clear you have not had people around you who inspire that within you.”

“My dad did.”

He nods his understanding. “But since he has been gone, there has been no one else.”

“Until you.”

“I am glad you feel that way. I want you to remember that you are incredibly strong. Not just because of your powers and supernatural abilities. You are a warrior. A fighter at heart. You do not need things to be
. You can handle more than you give yourself credit for.” He leans in and whispers in my ear, “I am determined to make you see that. I will make it my mission, sweet princess.”

I stretch up onto my tiptoes and kiss him chastely on his cheek. “You’re so sweet.” I squeeze his hand and then let go. “Wish me luck.”

I’m going to need it. Ember has been even more standoffish than normal lately. I don’t blame her at all. What happened was unbelievably tragic. But Cahl is right. We have to do what we were meant to do. If we don’t, Draven would’ve died for nothing. The entire supernatural world is in more danger than ever now that the Jurisdiction has stepped up its game. We’re needed. We’re the only ones who can stop them.




“Hey guys,” I say, approaching Ember and Jacob.

They’re not holding one another anymore. They’re standing side-by-side in front of Draven’s memorial. Ember must’ve picked up on my approach with her vampire senses and broken away from him.

They both turn around at my greeting.

“Is something wrong? A situation?” Jacob asks, his voice full of anxiety.

He’s been like this for the last month. Always on edge. I get it. It must be difficult and nerve-racking being thrown into his older brother’s role so suddenly. It’s gotta be hard to live up to Draven’s reputation as well. But he really needs to fucking relax. It’s making all of us tense. I’m talking about the entire Coven here. He called them back to the mansion upon Draven’s death and he’s been ruling over them in Draven’s stead ever since—well, trying to rule. He’s an incredibly nervous ruler. Maybe he just needs more time to find his feet. Being used to holding down a leadership role myself with my pack for years past, I’d offered to help him and teach him a few things, but he’d just dismissed it. He’s lucky I even offered, considering I’m not his biggest fan after he tried to take advantage of me. But I didn’t offer out of any sentiment towards him. I did it to help the Coven, for the good of all of us.

“No. I just need to talk to Ember,” I tell him.

He looks to her and she nods.

“All right,” he says, taking off.

Ember folds her arms across her chest and asks me, “What is it?”

“It’s time.”

She gets my meaning right away and shakes her head. “No.”

“We have to.”

“I can’t.”


“Not without
she yells, gesturing angrily to the statue.

“He’s gone, Ember. It
to be without him.”

She slams her hands into my chest, the power behind it knocking me back, as she screams at me for saying Draven’s gone. The wolf within reacts to the burst of violence. I grit my teeth and fight to push it back down.

“Don’t fucking do that again.”

“Is that a threat?”

“A warning. You know I’m having even more trouble than usual controlling my wolf since the ritual.”

“All right. I’m sorry.”

Wow. I wasn’t expecting that.

“Don’t look so surprised,” she says. “I know what it’s like. I’ve been feeling that way with my bloodlust too.”

“Are you handling it okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” she replies, dismissively.

A weird silence falls between us until I finally shift my weight and say, “Ember, it’s been all over the news lately. All the places the Ambassadors have hit. Supernatural strongholds. We need to make a move here. We have to force them back. We have to do what we were meant to.”

It’s like she doesn’t even hear me. She doesn’t react at all to my words. She’s just staring into space.

Time to bring out the big guns then.

I step up to her and tell her, “Draven died to complete the ritual, so we could fulfill our destiny of taking down the Jurisdiction.”

Her eyes flash, her gaze snapping to mine. “How
you? I know that. I know that better than anyone. You have no idea. You didn’t lose the man you love.”

“Look, I know you’re hurting, but—”

“I said
, okay? No, Aria. Are you hearing me, or do you need me to
you hear me?”

Wow. It’s like she
me to unleash the wolf.

This is pointless.

“Fine,” I say, holding up my hand. “You stay here and cozy up to Jacob then. I’m sure that’s just gonna speed the grieving process right along.”

I don’t see it coming in time to stop it.

She lunges at me with the incredible vampire speed she has now since the ritual. It propels me across the gardens and into the stone wall of the mansion.

“Jesus fuck,” I choke as I ricochet off it and land hard on the concrete floor. That hurt like a bitch.

I don’t get the chance to recover as her foot comes at me next, plunging into my gut. It sends me careening across the floor. I smack my head on one of the many statues scattered all over the damn place. At least it has me coming to a stop—a jarring stop, but still.

I roll onto my side to see her storming towards me. Oh shit. She’s fully vamped out, her fangs at the ready.

I struggle to my feet and tell her, “Calm down. Just take a fucking chill pill, will you?”

“Too late,” she hisses.

“Fine.” I assume a fighting stance and crack my knuckles. “Come here and I’ll give you a real fight, hell bitch.”

She comes at me.

But this time, I’m ready.

I grab hold of her and throw her over my shoulder, sending her flying through the air for several feet. That’s how strong I am now. Damn, that feels good.

She springs back to her feet and lunges at me again. I call my claws to the surface and swipe at her. She hisses as I draw blood, slicing along the length of her arm.

Uh oh. Blood.

She smiles maliciously, looking really creepy, being fully vamped out and everything.

“I want to taste yours,” she tells me.

That is it! That’s the ultimate threat from a vampire. “You think you can threaten
, vamp?”

She scoffs. “It wasn’t a threat, wolf. It was a fucking promise.”

I storm over to the nearest statue and rip its head off. I toss it at her. She dodges it. I grab the rest of it, preparing to haul it at her. It’ll hurt like a bitch. But before I can even get it off the ground, she’s suddenly on me within a couple of bursts of her
vampire speed.

She’s wild and completely irate and it’s a struggle to fight her off.

I manage to kick her back and she grunts as I hear something crack. A rib. Her healing abilities must match mine, because she’s able to slam back into me again, driving me hard into the wall. The back of my head smacks against it, disorientating me for a second, or two. Unfortunately, that’s all a vampire with her speed needs.

Her nails dig into the arms of my leather jacket. Before I even know what’s happening, I feel her fangs graze my neck. Shit! Shit! Shit!

They pierce my flesh and she bites down hard.

I dig my claws into her scalp, but she holds fast, drawing blood so fucking quickly that it causes a nasty head rush, making me light-headed in seconds.

She pulls back roughly, tearing through more flesh and gasps, “So powerful. Oh my God.”

“Get. Off. Me,” I growl, trying to push her back in my weakened state.

As she licks her bloodstained lips at me, I thrust my hand into her chest, driving into her flesh with my claws. I feel her heart and squeeze it tightly.

She chokes and her eyes widen.

“Back the fuck off, or I’ll rip your heart from your goddamn chest.”

She gives me a withering gaze, with absolutely no fear at all in her eyes as I hold her heart in my hand. “Just fucking do it,” she says, scathingly. “It’s already gone anyway.”

At the sheer blankness in her expression and her request that I end her life, I relinquish my grip and pull my hand from her chest cavity. It starts to close up right away as she staggers back, away from me.

I think she’s gonna turn away and back the fuck down now.

But she doesn’t.


She’s about to come at me again when a shimmering blue lasso wraps around her, confining her arms and holding her to the spot.

As I push off the wall and walk up to her, I scream as arms suddenly wrap around me.

I look over my shoulder to see Cahl holding me. Oh. Okay. Phew.

Jacob materializes in front of Ember.

“That’s enough,” he says, looking between the two of us.

“She fed from me!” I scream, struggling against Cahl, so I can break free and finish this.

“What?” Cahl basically roars.

“You nearly killed her, you stupid bitch,” Jacob roars back at me. “Are you trying to do this alone?”

“I am anyway!” I scream. “She is useless to me like this.”

“Aria was protecting herself. She is not human. Ember’s bloodlust should not be directed at her. No, this was an independent malicious attack.”

“Like hell it was,” Ember seethes at me. “Get out.”

“What?” I demand.

“Get out of here. Leave the mansion.”

“Ember—” Jacob starts to protest.

She cuts him off, “No. Draven allowed the two of them to stay here, because of the ritual. Now that’s done with, they no longer need to be here.”

“Yeah? And what about you?” I ask.

guest,” Jacob answers.

Unbelievable. “Like that, is it, Jacob? Already?”


“You think a month is long enough for you to make a move on your dead brother’s girl?”

His eyes narrow at me.

“Go!” Ember yells. “Get the hell out!”

I glare at her fiercely for several seconds, before I look over my shoulder at Cahl and nod. He releases his hold on me. He takes my hand instead and we turn and walk away from Ember and Jacob.

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