Wild Cherry (10 page)

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Authors: K'wan

BOOK: Wild Cherry
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When her lips touched my throat, a jolt shot through my body. I wanted it, but didn't expect it. I looked into her eyes and saw that she was afraid, so I ran my hands along the sides of her face softly. “Gina, we don't have to do this if you don't want to.”

Gina's brow furrowed, and for a minute I thought that I'd probably chased away the only real friend I had in the world. To my surprise, Gina leaned and planted her rose-colored lips over mine. “I want to.”

“So do I, probably more than I can even explain,” I said, meaning every word of it. Moving to a kneeling position, I kissed Gina back. I could taste the alcohol on her breath as we shared a deep, passionate kiss. The reluctance in her body began to fall away with each article of clothing I removed from her. When I had stripped her down to just her panties, I laid her on the bed and admired her body. Gina was just short of a goddess. The skin on her almost perfectly proportioned body was smooth and blemish free, save for the bruise on her side. I leaned in and kissed the bruise tenderly.

“It feels good,” Gina whispered.

“It'll feel better in a minute,” I said devilishly. From her side I moved to her healthy breasts, planting soft kisses on each caramel nipple. Gina moaned softly as my lips left a trail down her stomach, stopping just above the line of her neatly trimmed pubic hairs. When my tongue entered Gina, she was already wet, but as I explored her sex, the moisture increased. When she came in my mouth, it tasted like honey. I slid back up the length of her body, letting my tongue and my wet pussy brush against her in various spots. When our lips met, she sucked my tongue so that she could taste herself.

“Let me do you,” she breathed into my ear.

I gladly squatted over her face while she spread my ass cheeks so that she could taste every inch of me. She was a little rough with it at first, but with practice she got better. Gina licked me from my clit to my ass and back again, digging her nails into my ass cheeks. I shivered when I felt myself starting to come, and this only made her dig deeper. I looked down to see my juices saturating her face, but this didn't slow her down. Gina kept lapping out my pussy until I jumped off her and we got into a sixty-nine. I don't know how many times we came, but it had to be a lot because when it was over, all we could do was lay on the bed, smoking a joint, and looking up at the ceiling.



I couldn't believe I'd done it. I knew that the feelings I was having when I'd seen Princess naked at the club weren't natural, but I never thought I'd act on them. We lay next to each other, smoking a joint I'd stolen from Jackie's stash, both lost in our own thoughts. I could've lay there in that blissful silence forever, but Princess had something she needed to get off her chest.

“You know I was serious, right?” she asked.

“About wanting me? Yeah, I know.”

“That and the other thing,” she said. I propped myself on my elbows and looked at her. She was as serious as a heart attack. “I could knock Jackie off for you, and you could kill Slim—this way, there'll be no feelings getting in the way for either of us.”

I mulled it over. How would I feel if Jackie were dead? It's no secret that I'd have been happier with him out of my life, but murder? “Princess, I don't know if I'm ready to kill someone.”

“Gina, you know just as well as I do that Jackie would no sooner let you leave than Slim would me. They act like they don't want us, but they don't want anybody else to have us,” she reasoned. “What are we gonna do, wait around for them to accidentally kill us? Gina, I'm too young and too pretty to die early, especially at the hands of some nigga.”

Princess was starting to make a lot of sense, but I still wasn't ready to entertain it. “Murder is a serious thing, Princess. It ain't like robbing somebody. You can give money back, but there's no restitution for a life.”

Princess flipped over on her stomach and looked me in the eyes. “Gina, Jackie didn't give a fuck about your life or his own when he ran up Kim and God only know whoever else without a condom, so why should you give a fuck about his?” She was starting to make more and more sense. “I ain't no killer either, but it doesn't seem like we have a choice. Even if nothing comes of what happened between us today, we deserve a chance at being happy.”

I sat up on the edge of the bed and looked out the window. “Princess, let's just say for the sake of argument I agreed to go along with it. How would we do it?”

Princess was silent for a few minutes. “I hadn't figured that out just yet. We could shoot the muthafuckas, but guns raise the risk of getting caught.” She slid out of the bed and began pacing. “Shit, if I could slip some rat poison into that damn red Alizé he's so in love with—”

“What did you just say?” My head whipped toward her.

“I said I wished I could slip some rat poison in his drink, but he would taste it if I put enough in it to kill him.”

“What if it was something else?” I asked, with a wicked plan forming in my head.

“Gina, what the hell are you up to?” she asked suspiciously.

“Nothing much, but I think I have a way to solve our problems and get away with it.”

“Well, don't keep an asshole in suspense.” She flopped on the bed beside me. “Princess, how much do you know about plants?”



“I can't say that I was surprised when you called,” Jackie said smugly as he strutted around his gigantic living room. My girl Gina was living like the Fresh Princess of Bel-Air. If she wasn't my homegirl, I might've dug off into Jackie's pockets.

“Is that right?” I asked, crossing my legs. The skirt I was wearing was so short that if you really paid attention, you could see I wasn't wearing any panties.

“Yeah, when a bitch sees all this meat swinging—” He grabbed his crotch. “—she can't help but be curious. So—” He stroked his dick through his silk pajama pants. “—are you ready to satisfy that curiosity?”

“Yeah, big daddy, but first things first.” I held my hand out.

“See, that's what I like about you—you're straight about your business.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out an envelope, which he tossed on my lap. “You wanna count it?”

“Nah, I know a balling-ass nigga like you wouldn't short a bitch.” I stuffed the envelope in my purse. “Second thing, are you sure Gina ain't gonna come home? I'd feel real fucked up if she came in here and caught us.”

“Please, she went to Staten Island to see her brother, Randy. By the time they get finished shopping and having girl talk, it'll be the wee hours of the night. We've got plenty of time,” he said, sliding out of his robe.

I wanted to gag at how pompous he had the nerve to be with his shit, but I had to keep up the act. In a little while, that smug-ass grin was going to get wiped right off his face. “Now that we got that out of the way—” I wiggled out of my skirt and displayed my freshly shaved kitten to him. “—let's get down to business.”

Jackie wasted no time in jumping headfirst between my legs. He was nipping, slurping, and humming into my clit while stroking himself. I had to clamp my teeth down to keep from being sick. It wasn't that it didn't feel good—old Jackie ate pussy like a champ—but I couldn't get past the idea that I was about to fuck my friend's husband, even if she did cosign it.

Jackie came up for air long enough to try and shove himself inside me. I pushed him off and reached for one of the condoms I had in my purse. “No glove, no love, daddy.”

“Come on, ma, I ain't got nothing,” he tried to convince me, while still trying to enter me.

“Jackie, we either do it the right way or we ain't doing it,” I told him. He wasn't happy about it, but Jackie put on the condom before sliding inside me. It felt like his cock was tapping my spleen as he pumped away with no finesse at all. I could only imagine how Gina felt going through this on the regular if he was as rough with her. Jackie flipped me over and did me doggy-style. Every time his dick went in, I tightened my pussy muscles around it, driving him crazy. Just as I had planned, Jackie came in under ten minutes.

“Damn, that was the best shot of pussy I ever had.” He rolled onto the floor, breathing like he had just run a marathon.

“So I've been told,” I smirked, taking the condom off him and stroking the rest of the nut out of him. “You ain't got no more for me, Daddy?” I pleaded while trying to stroke him back to an erection.

“Man, y'all young girls don't play. Give a nigga minute to catch his breath,” he huffed.

“Tell you what, why don't I go in the kitchen and get us both something cold to drink, and then I'll see if I can get your big man to agree to another round.” I kissed the shaft of his dick, making it jump.

“Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.” He ran his hand over the back of my head. “Go in the freezer, and there's some cherry smoothie in a pitcher.”

“How did you know that cherry smoothies were my favorite?” I gave him my phoniest smile.

“Word—mine, too. Why don't you go pour us a few glasses so we can get back to it?”

“Okay, I'll be right back.” I stood up and walked to the kitchen, making sure I swung my ass the whole way. When I got in the kitchen, I rinsed my mouth in the sink. I found the pitcher of smoothie and sat it on the counter, along with two tall glasses. I peeked in the living room to make sure Jackie was still where I left him before pulling the balloon out of my bra. Gina never said how much to use, so I emptied the entire contents of the balloon into Jackie's glass. I watched the reddish-brown liquid settle into the bottom of the glass and wondered for the thousandth time if I was doing the right thing.

“Damn girl, what the fuck is taking you so long!” Jackie screamed from the living room, removing all doubt. I poured the smoothie into his glass and watched the liquid on the bottom blend in perfectly.

“I'll be right there, big daddy,” I called back, stirring the fatal drink with my finger.



I felt like such a fucking whore. I had had a one-night stand or three in the past, but this one made me feel especially dirty.

“Yo, on the real, that was some good pussy,” Slim declared. He was lying on the bed beside me. On the nightstand were two glasses of Alizé Red Passion.

Princess had told me where to find him, and true to form, he showed up like clockwork at the liquor store. I was wearing some tight-ass shorts and a tank top with no bra, and of course he couldn't resist trying to lay his mack down. He was surprised that I had actually gone for the weak-ass lines he was kicking, but even more surprised that Red Alizé was my drink of choice, too. We stood in front of the liquor store talking for a few minutes before jumping in my car and heading to the hourly motel off of Fourteenth and Tenth.

Slim talked big shit the whole time, but when we got down to business, it was a different story. Granted, he was a pretty decent size, but he couldn't fuck. He tried to force his self inside me before I was even wet, and when he finally did get the pussy, he didn't know what to do with it. Slim pounded away like he was doing me, but all he was really doing was bruising my insides. I got no pleasure from sleeping with my friend's man, and was thrilled beyond words when he finally came, a half hour later.

“Good pussy for good dick.” I snuggled against him and kissed his chest. His skin tasted like old bologna, but I acted like it was as sweet as candy. “Listen, why don't you go in the bathroom and wash your dick so I can show you how nasty I really get.” I held my breath and let my tongue tickle the skin under his balls. “If you're nice, I might even swallow it.”

Slim jumped up so fast that he almost killed his self when his legs got caught in the cheap sheets. Grinning like the ass he was, Slim ducked into the bathroom, giving me time to work my magic. I scrambled to the floor and retrieved my hoochie shorts. In the pocket, I had a prescription bottle filled with the sap from my wild cherries. As the liquid dissolved into his drink, I started to have second thoughts. True enough, I needed to be free, but it wasn't worth my immortal soul to gain it. I was about to pour the Alizé out when Slim came out of the bathroom.

He strutted around the bed, dick swinging, like he was the man of the hour. I looked on in horror as Slim snatched up the glass of Alizé and downed it. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he looked down at me and said, “Now let's see about that freak shit you was talking.”

“Lord forgive me,” I whispered, before I knelt in front of Slim and started teasing the head of his dick with my tongue. It tasted like sweat and cheap soap, but I managed to get it in my mouth without throwing up. As I looked up at Slim's eyes rolling into the back of his head, I prayed that the poison would kick in before I had to make good on my promise to swallow.



Jackie had finished off the entire pitcher of smoothie while I was still working on my first glass. Sitting there waiting for something to happen made me so nervous that I felt like I was going to shit myself. I wasn't sure how effective the wild cherry sap was, but I hoped it did what it was supposed to, because I'd hate to have fucked Jackie's repulsive ass for nothing. When he'd finished off the last of the smoothie, he started getting touchy again. He fondled my breasts while stroking himself back hard. God, not again.

“You 'bout ready to get this good dick, girl?” He slapped his penis against his leg.

“I was born ready,” I lied. I slipped another condom on and straddled Jackie. I began grinding on him slowly, speeding up as I got wetter. Jackie was beneath me, pumping away, when his face suddenly went slack and I could feel his dick going limp inside me. It was finally kicking in. I leaned in and kissed him on both cheeks before whispering to him, “Gina's is the last ass you're ever gonna beat.”

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