Wild Card: Boys of Fall (15 page)

BOOK: Wild Card: Boys of Fall
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Glen laughed and said goodbye as Tucker walked to the bar, intent on persuading his fiancée to leave with him. Obviously the larger-than-life quarterback was outmanned when Lela convinced him to join them instead.

Glen sat at the table for a few minutes more, simply enjoying the chance to watch Lorelie with her friends. Then he realized he wasn’t the only one observing the party.

He stood up and walked over to Nolan. He’d heard the guy’s name mentioned more than a few times as folks discussed the book he was writing about Coach.

“So it’s always like this around here?” Glen asked.

Nolan looked at him and then back to the gang as they laughed at something Joel said.

“Yeah,” Nolan said. “It’s always like this around here.”

“Hard group to get into?” Glen asked, wondering why the guy was holding the wall up rather than joining the fun.

Nolan shook his head. “No, I wouldn’t say that, actually.”

“But you’re standing back,” Glen pointed out.

“I’m more of an observer,” he said.

“Nolan Winters, right?” Glen asked. “You’re writing that book about Coach.”

“Yep. And all of those yahoos.” He gestured toward the group with his beer bottle.

“Yeah?” Glen hadn’t realized the book was about the players as well. He wondered if Lorelie was going to get a mention.

“Can’t write about Coach without writing about those guys,” Nolan said.

“You can’t date Coach’s daughter without involving those guys, either,” Glen said, lifting his own bottle to his lips.

Nolan chuckled. “Yep. But you seem to be holding your own.”

“She’s worth it.”

Nolan took a drink. “Just so you know, the fact that you think so makes those guys pretty happy.”

Glen looked over at Joel and Oakley and the rest of the men. He had been pleased by Tucker’s offer to use his lake house tonight. And at the beginning, he’d been annoyed by the fact that Wade and his friends didn’t seem to think he was good enough for her. Now he knew they were protecting her for Coach, to ease the man’s mind after his heart attack. They were good guys, the whole lot of them.

Regardless, it wasn’t their happiness he was worried about. It was Lorelie’s. And maybe Coach’s, by extension, because he knew how much he meant to Lorelie. And vice versa. “Truth is, I don’t care much about making those guys happy.”

“Those guys being happy makes

“Yeah, well, maybe that’s why I didn’t knock any heads together when they first started giving me shit,” Glen said. “Didn’t want to lose points with Lori.”

Nolan lifted an eyebrow at his use of Lorelie’s nickname. The man was observant. Glen was aware of the fact there were only two men she let call her Lori. Him and Coach.

“So how come you’re not over there with your girl?” Glen asked.

“My girl?” Nolan repeated a little too casually. It didn’t fool Glen for a minute.

“The gorgeous brunette—the mechanic—there in the middle who’s four shots in,” Glen said. “She’s yours, right?”

“Yeah, that’s her,” he told Glen. “Miranda.”

“So how come you’re not over there with them?” Glen asked.

“Well, because I’ve been fighting being over there with them for a long time,” Nolan said. “It’s safer over here. And it’s just my luck that when I finally fall for a woman, it’s the one sitting there in the middle, literally,” he added.

Glen took a long draw of beer, watching the group, considering what Nolan said. Then he nodded. “I’ve noticed that falling for a Quinn girl has a way of fucking up a lot of plans.”

“Your plans get fucked up?” Nolan asked.

Glen didn’t even bother to pretend to be disappointed or concerned. He just grinned. “Big time.”

Nolan chuckled. “I’ve been trying to get Quinn out of my system for twelve years. I can tell you, it ain’t easy. Add in a girl you’re crazy about, and yeah…good luck.”

“Think I have a little Quinn in my system too.” Glen’s gaze was fixed on Lorelie. “But I’m not so sure I mind.”

Nolan looked at Randi. “Yeah, I hear you.”

“So what are you gonna do about it?” Glen asked.

“I’m going to go ask my girl to dance.”

Glen nodded. “Good plan.”

“How about you?”

“I think I’m going to take my girl home.”

“You’re just going to walk over there, in the midst of all of those people who’ve been looking out for Lorelie all her life, and pull her away?”

Glen finished off his beer, set the bottle on the table right behind him and nodded. “Yep, pretty much.”

Glen pushed away from the wall, Nolan’s “go for it,” ringing in his ears as he approached Lorelie.

She must have sensed his presence because she spun around on the barstool to face him. “Hey, hot stuff.”

“I want the rest of Plan A. Right now.”

Lorelie laughed. “Ooo. Very demanding and alpha. Me likey.”

Glen narrowed his eyes. “How many of those shots have you had?”

She winked as she leaned closer, whispering her answer so her friends couldn’t hear. “Not as many as the girls think. Sadie’s been sneaking me virgin shots since the first one. Told her I need my wits about me tonight.”

Her close proximity and adorable confession was too much for him. He kissed her on the cheek, then the lips. He didn’t give a shit about their audience or the scene they were making.

“Goddammit,” Carter said, slapping Glen on the back. “What did I say about that public indecency thing?”

Lorelie hopped off the barstool. “You heard the cop, Glen. We have to be indecent in private.”

“Guess that’s our cue to leave.” Glen turned to Carter and feigned guilt. “I apologize, officer.”

Carter rolled his eyes. “Get out of here, you lunatics.”

They started to leave, but Wade stopped him before he made it two steps. While Lorelie said goodbye to Charlene and Paige, Wade pulled him aside to speak to him. “Call me tomorrow before you…well…call me in the morning. I want to talk to you about something. A business proposition.”

Glen gave his friend a quizzical look, but it was clear Wade wouldn’t go into it tonight. It was also pretty plain the word was out on his possible departure tomorrow. “I’ll do that. Night, Wade.”

The two of them walked out of Pitchers hand in hand. Lorelie might not realize the importance of the evening, but Glen knew exactly what they were doing.

They were about to spend their first night together in their future home.


: I’m not coming back

Toby: What? Hell no. You have to

Glen: I’m staying in Quinn

Toby: For how long?

Glen: With any luck, forever

Toby: Goddammit, Glen. You can’t do this.

Glen: Guitar players are a dime a dozen in Nashville

Toby: We’ve had three subs since you left. Trent’s crashing. Need you

Glen: Not happening

Toby: You’re fucking killing me, man. Please

Glen: I’m sorry. I just can’t do it anymore

Toby: Does this have anything to do with that cowgirl?

Glen: Has everything to do with her

orelie stepped
into the bedroom of the barracks and tried to beat down her anxieties. She had promised Glen they’d spend one more night together without letting the future interfere. She wanted to follow through on that, but her insides were a jumbled mess of hormones, sadness, nervousness and hope.

She was seriously fucked up.

“Lori,” Glen said when she hovered in the doorway. “Let’s say what needs to be said now. I don’t want to wait until tomorrow.”

If he told her he was leaving, she would fall apart. Completely.

She had pretended to be okay with him leaving and maybe she’d convinced him those feelings were legitimate. If so, he was going to be in for a rude awakening. And then their last night together would be ruined for sure when she dropped to her knees, crying, clinging to his legs, begging him to stay.

Yeah. That would be a pretty picture.

She should have had more of those shots. She wasn’t ready for this.

“Glen, I don’t think we should—”

“I’m not leaving.”

The second he spoke the words, the tears she’d been holding at bay all night—hell, for the last two weeks—escaped, streaming down her face.

Glen, startled by her reaction, cupped her cheeks in his palms. “Jesus! Lori. Are you okay?”

She nodded, trying to stop crying. God, he’d just given her exactly what she wanted and she was still falling apart. “I was so afraid… I thought you were… Oh my God, what the hell is wrong with me? I
you to stay. I’m really f-fucking happy r-right now!”

Glen grinned and kissed her, not bothered by her very unattractive flood of tears or runny nose. “I know that.”

“So why am I crying?”

“Because you just found out you’re stuck with me?”

She laughed, the sound combined with a very choked sob. Holy crap. “Yeah. That’s probably it.”

He wrapped his arms around her, letting her hide her face against his chest until she got her shit together. It took her a few minutes. Then she tried to covertly wipe away the evidence of her insanity on his shirt.

Glen chuckled. “Don’t worry. I was going to wash it anyway.” To help matters along, he unbuttoned it, and then used it to clean up the rest of her tears, and she could only assume some pretty horrendous makeup tracks left from her mascara when she spotted the black streaks on the cotton. “Better?”

She nodded. “I have no idea where that came from.”

“I feel like crying too.”

He was completely dry-eyed, but she appreciated the sentiment.

“Because you just committed to staying with me?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he teased. “That’s probably it.”

“We’re not finished talking about this, Glen. I have so much more to say. But you took your shirt off and now I’m totally distracted. Maybe we can circle back around to the heavy stuff after…”

She let her words fade away, so he could fill in the blanks.

“After we defile your grandma’s quilt?”

Lorelie didn’t have a chance to reply before Glen used his grip on her shoulders to turn her away from him. He slid down the zipper on her dress and let the thing drop to her ankles. She kicked it off and spun back to face him.

His eyes widened appreciatively. “Oh, hell yeah. I like.” He ran his hands over her matching silk bra and panties set. The pink push-up bra and thong were covered in hearts. She’d bought them special when she found out he was staying for Valentine’s Day.

“Thought you would.”

“Take them off.”

She didn’t hesitate. She flicked the front clasp of the bra and let it fall. Then she untied the strings on both sides of the thong. It fell away as well.

Glen blew out a long sigh. “Damn, Butterfly. That might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

She stepped nearer, her heels still on. The shoes added a few more inches, which put her much closer to his height.

“Leave those shoes on.”

Lorelie hadn’t intended to take them off. She liked this new perspective. Especially when he gripped her waist and pulled her against him. He kissed her roughly, one hand rising to take a handful of her hair in his fist. If Lorelie thought she’d felt passion from him before, she’d been a fool. Glen wasn’t holding anything back tonight.

Which worked for her. While they still had miles to go in terms of sorting out their future, the idea that he was willing to stay until they figured it out, the realization that he would give up his job to remain with her, was so freaking amazing…

Lorelie had to push the thought away or she’d start crying again. Happy tears were a new emotion for her. And one that Glen seemed an expert at provoking.

They kissed for ages, neither of them in a hurry to rush this along. Now that they weren’t racing against that clock that had been ticking in the background for the last two weeks, it looked as if Glen was ready for a more leisurely pace.

She was the first to break the kiss. “While I’m glad to see you’ve gotten the hang of the slower pace of small-town living, I need you inside me. Like now.”

Glen shook his head as if disappointed. “You need to stop and smell the roses, Lori. Can’t keep rushing through life.”

Lorelie giggled, even as she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bed. Mercifully, his actions didn’t match his words when he pressed her to her back on the mattress, coming over her.

“Pants,” she said when he pressed his still-covered erection against her.

“In a minute.”

She opened her mouth to blast him, but he kissed her into silence. Then his lips took a trip lower and she decided the pants could wait a little while longer.

“Gotta say it,” he murmured, lifting his head after his tongue had made a trail between her breasts and along her stomach. “I’m a huge fan of the south these days.”

She got his meaning the second he dropped to his knees by the bed and used his tongue to do wicked, wonderful things to her clit.

Lorelie gripped the quilt tightly as Glen drove her higher and higher with his fingers, his tongue, even just his hot breath on her pussy.

She was just about to come when he disappeared.

Her gaze flew to his face as he stood, looking down at her.

“What are you doing?”

“Letting you take a breather before the next round.”

She scowled. “We didn’t finish

He lifted one shoulder, clearly not intimidated by her hostile tone. “You’re pretty good at coming at will. Thought tonight we’d practice letting the pressure build. One big blowout. I think you’ll like it.”

“I won’t,” she said, not caring that she sounded like a two-year-old about to throw the mother of all tantrums if she didn’t get her lollipop immediately. “I’ll hate it.”


She would have continued the argument, but Glen lay down next to her on the mattress. Sadly, his pants were still on, but she didn’t have time to complain about that when he took one of her breasts in his hand, his lips latching onto the nipple.

“Oh,” she sighed. She was exceptionally fond of the way he loved her breasts. She’d never had a lover in the past pay so much attention to them. As such, she’d had no idea they were such a hot button for her. When he sucked harder, the pressure growing to the point where she couldn’t decide if it was pleasure or pain she was feeling, it felt as if she would—

Glen released her again. Just when she reached the place she most wanted to be.

Her anger was starting to give way to desperation.

“Glen, please.” Pride be damned. She’d beg for what she wanted if that was the only way.

He stood again and she sighed with relief, thinking he was ready to take his pants off.

She was wrong.

Glen grasped her hand and pulled her from the bed. “Bend over the edge.”

She turned and leaned over the mattress, digging her hands in the quilt. She jerked when Glen smacked her ass twice.

Looking over her shoulder, she narrowed her eyes. “You realize I’m going to keep count. That’s two I owe you.”

“Not everything in life is tit for tat.”

“That will be,” she assured him as he chuckled.

“Then I guess I better make it worth my while.” He added five more slaps to the tally.

She didn’t bother to complain because she was actually starting to enjoy the spanking. When she tilted her ass up farther and wiggled it, Glen ran his fingers over the sensitive skin.

“You like it.” His words weren’t a question, so she didn’t bother to reply or deny.

Bending lower, he kissed away some of the sting. Then bit her ass cheek lightly. And then—holy hell—he dropped between her legs once more, adding even more heat to the powder keg. She wasn’t just going to blow, she was going to detonate, blast, shatter.

He ran his thumb along her slit and used her own wetness to allow him to push it into her ass. This time it was
turn to try to move away, but he kept a firm grip on her waist. He pressed his thumb in and out of the tight opening a few times, moving deeper with each pass.

Lorelie bit her lip, trying to figure out if she liked what he was doing. Glen
promised to introduce her to new things. She just hadn’t realized his repertoire was so vast. Or that she had so much left to learn.

She glanced down, her vision focusing on two of the quilt squares. Damn. They really were besmirching the quilt. She giggled before she could stop herself.

Glen paused. His thumb was still playing in her ass. “Lori?”

“My poor grandma is rolling over in her grave.”

He chuckled as well, and then, because he was more of a gentleman than he gave himself credit for, he asked, “Are you okay with all of this?”

“So okay,” she replied, the sound more air than tone.

“Good.” He added his fingers to the game, dipping two inside her pussy while this thumb was still buried in her backside. His strokes were easy at first, but they soon built up speed.

The asshole knew exactly when to pull away. When he did so again, she closed her eyes, fighting the dizziness, the almost painful clenching of her inner muscles.

“Glen,” she gasped.

“Get on your back. I want to look at you when I take you. Want to see your pretty face when you come.”

, he took off his pants. She was vaguely aware of the crinkling of the condom wrapper and then his hands were on her ankles, tugging them over his shoulders.

She was wide open and so fucking ready.

Their gazes connected as he placed the head of his cock at her opening. “Fast or slow?”

“You really have to ask?”

He laughed, but she was too far gone for humor, hadn’t actually meant her words to be funny. She was desperate.

Glen slammed to the hilt in one rough thrust and she screamed in relief. He didn’t give her time to adjust or to even find something to hold on to. He simply took what he wanted and gave her what she needed. He pounded faster, harder as she lifted her hips, trying to add more power, more force, more…

“Oh God. Fuck. Glen!” If he pulled out now, she’d strangle him, kill him with her bare hands.

Mercifully, he didn’t even slow down.

“Jesus, Lori. So fucking good. I’m going to…”

He was there too. Hallelujah. Because there was no way she could—

Lorelie came a split second before Glen, her back arching off the mattress as he pumped deeper, his motions erratic as his own climax thundered through him.

It was several minutes before Lorelie became aware of her surroundings again. Glen was lying next to her on the bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. She was gasping for air herself. Her heart pounded loudly, the blood rushing in her ears making it hard for her to hear anything.

Glen’s lips were moving, but she had no idea what he was saying, so she just nodded and closed her eyes.

The next time she opened them, she could tell it was much later than before. Or much earlier. The room wasn’t quite as dark now. She was under the covers and Glen was spooning her from behind, one of his palms cupping her breast. She could tell from his deep breathing he was asleep.

Despite that, she could feel something else. His cock. Erect and resting against her ass.

She moved slowly, careful not to wake him. She wanted him inside her. She didn’t need motion or actual sex, but she wanted to be filled by him.

Sliding down slowly on the hard flesh, she sighed when she managed to get most of him where she wanted. Glen hadn’t moved. Of course, once his cock was inside her, she changed her mind about not needing the motion. Or the sex.

So she wiggled a little more, then found a slow, easy pace that let her feel the slide, the ebb and flow.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d been rocking against him before she got the sense that Glen was awake, cognizant of what she was doing.

Lorelie looked over her shoulder and found his gaze on her.

He gave her a sleepy smile. “Butterfly, I don’t want you to think this is a complaint, because I’m pretty sure this is the best way in the world to wake up, but before we let this go too far, you need to let me grab a condom.”

She hadn’t even considered that when she’d started her drowsy game. She shook her head. “Pill.”

His grip on her breast tightened at her response. “You sure?”

She nodded. “Oh yeah. Are you?”

“I’ve never been inside a woman without a condom. Before this second. Pretty sure I’m going to embarrass myself and come way too fast. You can’t believe how different this feels.”

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