Wifed By The Mountain Man: A Modern Mail-Order Bride Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Wifed By The Mountain Man: A Modern Mail-Order Bride Romance
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Chapter Fifteen

he day trip is great
. I spend the day on the boat, in the deep choppy waters off the Alaskan coast, under gorgeous ice-capped mountains and a clear blue sky. A breeze casts a coolness over the deck, and I pull in enough halibut to stock my freezer for months.

Driving home, I can’t help but wonder what I’ll be walking into. I left for the fishing trip with Amelia and me at a stand-off, and all day I was able to pretend my life only stretched as far as I could see … but that’s a fucking daydream.

And not even a dream I want. I love Hope—so much—but I don’t know what I was thinking, bringing Amelia here. It was a stupid idea, and it’s only gonna end badly.

When I walk into the house, it’s quiet and clean. It feels like whatever chaos I’ve been walking around has dissipated. I head up the recently vacuumed stairs to check on my daughter. Hope is sound asleep, and I see the red light of the baby monitor on.

The faint light of the Alaskan night peeks through her curtains, and I see a painted border of little animals scampering across her wall. My chest relaxes as I see my sleeping girl in a space that looks well-defined as her own. I couldn’t have made this space for her if I spent the next five years trying.

Amelia did it in less than a week.

My room and the guest room are empty, so I head back downstairs. I walk to the fridge and grab a beer, then head out to the deck.

Amelia is out there, her feet stretched out on the ottoman, a glass of white wine on the side table, and knitting needles in hand. There’s a steady click-clack, and she must be lost in thought because she doesn’t notice me.

“Hey,” I say, taking in the view as I sink into the chair beside her. The water glitters and the trees rustle, letting us know we aren’t alone. That’s one of the things I love so much about this part of the world. There are living, breathing things all around us, and they speak if we listen.

I swallow, wishing I’d been able to listen to Amelia last night. But all I heard was my own asshole motivation. I’ve never been soft around the edges, but I don’t need to tell Amelia that. She knows it clear as day, because she’s been living with me for a week.

“I didn’t hear you come in,” she says, not looking up. The yarn in her lap is pale pink, and she unravels some of it to give herself more length. It rolls from her lap and hits the deck. We reach for it at the same time; our fingers brush against one another.

I want to brush against all of her.

“Oh, oops,” she says, pulling away, grabbing the yarn as if my touch burned her.

I pull back too, not wanting to force my own carnal desires on the woman who has been with my child all day without asking anything in return.

Leaning back in the chair, I sigh, suddenly only able to see Amelia naked and pressed against a wall. Pressed against me.

I adjust myself, concealing my hard-on as best as possible.

Damn, this woman is trouble.

“Did the day go okay?” I manage to ask. “I checked on Hope. She’s out cold.”

“It went really good, actually.”

“Really?” I frown, surprised.

“Yeah, Lottie came over for coffee, so that was nice. And I painted the border in Hope’s room. Well, most of it—there are still a few things I need to touch up.”

“That’s good. I didn’t know if you’d lose your mind.”

Her needles stop moving, and she looks at me. “I think it’s all a mind thing, actually. I’ve been resisting this pretty hard ... and maybe that’s the problem.”

My eyes narrow in on her.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m not sure, not exactly.” She sighs, bites her lip, like she doesn’t want to tell me something she knows she should.

“What is it?”

“Hope called me
today. Like, clear as day.”

Something tugs inside. I don’t know if it’s a good tug or a bad one; I just know it’s real and it’s deep. I’m scared Hope is already attached to this woman who might leave at any moment. This is the exact thing I wanted to avoid.

“You must have won her over.”

“I think she won me over too.”

I exhale, keeping my cool. I don’t want to scare Amelia off by asking her too directly if she’s planning on staying, so instead I take a swig of my beer.

“You hungry?” I ask, watching as she sips her wine. She’s wearing leggings and a white tank with a loose, soft grey cardigan over it. She looks comfortable, relaxed.

“No, I had a salad.”

“You still mad about yesterday?” I ask.

“Reed.” She shakes her head.

“What? Just tell me what you want. I mean, I feel like shit. You were here all day with my daughter, and things are all fucked between you and me.”

Amelia sets down her glass. “Reed, I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t give you everything, because if I do I won’t have anything left.”

“I don’t know what that means. Don’t talk in riddles.”

“You want black and white?” She huffs. “Reed, I came here because I wanted a husband. A partner. I came here because I wanted someone to choose me. And you don’t want any of those things.”

“So you’re gonna go?” I shake my head, standing. “Dammit. This is a fucking disaster, Amelia.”

“Lottie told me I should just let you play and that you’d eventually come around and want me.” She pauses, grabs the wine glass, peers into it as if it might hold some answer. She swirls it, sees nothing. Looks back at me. “But what if you don’t, Reed? Then what is my life?”

“You talked to Lottie about this?” I ask, incredulous.

“Yeah, I talked to her,” she says, standing. She shakes her head, raises her arms then quickly drops them, as if in defeat. I see exhaustion written on her face, exhaustion I didn’t notice earlier. “Because I’m in the middle of nowhere, Reed. I can’t get hold of my friends. I have no family. Nowhere to live. No money. I’m trapped.”

“Fuck that,” I yell. “I’m not trapping you. You chose to come here.”

“You’re right.” She’s crying now, wiping her face. “I did choose to come here. But I thought....”

“What?” I ask, walking right up to her, hating that she’s crying, but also hating that she’s pushing me in a corner. “You thought it would be easy? That this was going to be some romantic comedy? This isn’t pretend. This is real life. And life is fucking hard, Amelia. Life is messy.”

“Yeah, and it’s also really lonely when you’re living with a man who says he doesn’t want you for anything besides a fuck-buddy and a babysitter. I need more than that, Reed. I
more than that.”

I pull her to me, hearing her words but too stubborn to let them sink in.

“Then go, Amelia. If you don’t want what I can offer, go,” I tell her. Our bodies inches apart, and we may have been yelling, and tears may streak her face, but I’m not scared of her emotions spilling out. I’m only scared of her leaving for good.

“Reed,” she whispers, her mouth so close to mine that I feel her warm breath. I feel her mounting desire. I feel her body inch toward me until we’re nearly one. “I can’t decide my forever in one day.”

“Then decide your right now, decide your tonight.”

She leans in, and I cup her face with my hands. I kiss her hard, and I kiss her deep.

But that isn’t how I plan to fuck her.

That, I’m doing nice and slow.

Chapter Sixteen

is mouth
on mine makes me melt. His arms wrap tight around my waist and I just want him to take me anywhere, take me everywhere. I want him for more, but right now I’ll take what I can get.

And not because I’m desperate or weak, but because my body craves his touch, his calloused hands, and his beating heart. Because I want him, and he’s offering himself to me, and I might not have this chance forever.

But I have it right now.

So I sink into him. I give in. I let go.

He carries me.

Literally—he picks me up, and we walk to the edge of the deck. In the corner there’s a covered hot tub I haven’t noticed before.

“You wanna go in there with me?” he asks, cocking his head at the tub.

“So badly.”

“It won’t be a quick fuck, not tonight,” he whispers in my ear.

“Good,” I tell him. “Because it’s been a long day.”

“It’s been a long fucking week.”

He sets me down and pulls the cover off the tub. The water is already steaming, and he presses a button, releasing bubbles.

“Now, let me strip you down.” He walks back to me, and as he does, I let the sweater I’m wearing fall to my feet. I’m left in a see-through tank and thin pants. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Amelia.”

I whimper at his words. I know my friends feared I was on the rebound, but the truth is I’m recovered from whatever bullshit relationship I had with Derrick. Being here, with Reed, a man who is everything I want, reminds me how little Derrick offered me.

Neither man was willing to give me his heart—but right now, Reed will offer me what he can.

His hands run over my bare shoulders, down to my fingertips. He laces his fingers through mine, then wraps our hands behind my back. Lowering himself to the ground, he kneels before me, easing his hands from mine, squeezing my ass, then letting his fingers graze between my legs.

My shoulders drop; how can they not? I’ve been denying myself Reed’s offers all week, but a girl can only resist for so long. Eventually her pussy is going to start demanding some real attention.

He presses his mouth against me; the fabric is a barrier I don’t want. I run my hands through his thick hair, grabbing strands as he loops his fingers over the waistband of my pants. He pushes them past my ankles, forcing me to step out of them. Then he pulls my hips toward his mouth again and inhales my scent. My pussy is throbbing before he even touches me.

Instead, he kisses my mound, his hand spreading my thighs. My feet step apart, giving him access to everything he wants and everything I need.

I’m already wet, so wet for him. There’s been so much fighting, so much build-up—now all I want is a release. His tongue licks between my legs, his fingers running the length of my slit, and he expertly pauses against my hood, rubbing his thumb in circles as I squirm ever so slightly.

I want his mouth buried against me. I want his tongue deep inside, and his fingers fluttering against my pussy walls until I drip all over him. He must be reading my mind because he stands, then lifts me and carries me to the chaise beside the tub. Placing me on my back, he spreads my legs. He doesn’t ask if it’s okay, because we both know there’s nothing more perfectly right than this.

His face disappears between my thighs. My legs drape over his shoulder and he licks me up and down, and back again. My pussy thrums, awake and wanting.

“Oh, Reed,” I moan, pulling my shirt over my head, wanting everything off, wanting to be completely exposed to him. My nipples are so peaked and hard as I run my hands over them. Reed looks up at me from between my legs, a dreamy smile across his face.

“I love seeing you touch yourself.”

“Good,” I tell him, running my hand lower, to the space his head has been buried, dipping a finger between my juicy folds, my back arching as I move in fast circles. “Touch me, Reed,” I beg. “I need it.”

His eyebrows lift slightly and he presses a finger into my tight entrance, not hovering on the outside like I’m doing. He presses his finger deep inside, causing me to moan as it moves high against me, and I feel myself pouring out all over his hand.

“Oh, Reed, oh baby, yes,” I moan. “Hard, don’t stop, promise you won’t stop.” He moves deeper, faster, and soon enough I feel a wave crash tight against me, and I’m crying out in pleasure, unable to restrain myself. I’ve never been finger-fucked so deep and so good. Reed knows exactly what he’s doing, like he knows my body inside and out.

“Take off your clothes, Reed. I want your cock. I want it so bad.”

He slaps my thigh, rubbing my juice over my leg, smiling slyly. “Good, because I’m ready to give it to you.”

Chapter Seventeen

stand from the chaise
, pulling off my shirt; Amelia scoots to the edge of the chair and wraps her legs around mine. Her pussy is before me, so ready and willing. This position is sexy as hell. I’m looking down at her pouty lips, her tousled hair, her eyes filled with desire as they meet mine, and I swear I’m gonna lose my load before I get inside her.

She licks her lips, then unbuttons my jeans, pushing them and my briefs down in one fell swoop. I’m stripped in seconds, my hard cock ready to take her pretty little pussy. But when she parts her mouth, begins to stroke my hardness nice and even, my head falls back.

“Fuck, woman, what are you doing to me?”

She laughs softly, her tits squeezed together as she runs up and down the length of me.

“Your body is insane. You know that, right?” She runs a hand up over my chest, then over my ass, keeping one hand on my cock. “Your cock is so big, so thick. It fills me so good, Reed.” She teases me by grinding her tongue over me, her tongue twirling at my tip. “But I want you in my mouth before you come in my pussy. I want to taste your come.”

I run my hands through her hair, wanting to suck on her round, perky tits, but knowing something else is getting sucked first.

She opens her mouth, taking me greedily, as if she can’t have me deep in her throat fast enough. She bobs her head back and forth, and when I look down I see the curve of ass in front of me. It causes me to thrust against her mouth, because the sight of her creamy skin gets me off so hard.

She holds my balls in her hand, and they tighten as she sucks, her mouth wrapped tight around me. She takes me as far as she can go without gagging. I watch her drop a hand, watch it slip between her pussy folds, and watch her dip it inside of herself as she sucks me off hard and good.

“You’re gonna make me come, baby,” I tell her. The view is just too much. Her gorgeous tits and her dripping pussy and her silky smooth skin.

“Good,” she says, pulling me from her mouth. There’s pre-come on her lip, and I watch her lick it off, fingers still circling her pussy. “I want you to come in my mouth and then on my chest. I want to be covered in you, Reed.”

Fuck me, now. She pulls me back into her mouth, pumping my shaft as I release against her.

Her eyes close and she whimpers, swallowing my come before pumping again, pulling me from her mouth. Ropes of my milky come coat her tits, covering her hard nipples with my release, and she pumps me again and again, letting every last bit shoot out.

She draws my tip closer, licking the drops that are left. She bites her bottom lip, as if satiated, and her other hand moves from her gap.

She draws her fingertips over her tits, over her nipples, then brings those fingers to her mouth and licks them off one by one. My cock is throbbing from the release, and she gently cups my tight balls in her hands, looking up at me, breathing so heavy, as if on the verge of an orgasm all over again.

I scoop her up, needing my cock to plunge into her pussy so bad it hurts. I want to press my face against her gorgeous breasts as she rides me. I want to grab her ass as I press my massive length into her tight little opening.

Together we step into the hot tub, and I set her down on the edge. I sink into the steaming water, then come up on my knees, wanting one more taste of her sweet nectar. I force her legs apart and she covers her face with her hands, like she’s embarrassed that she’s going to be gushing her release all over my face again.

“Just let me taste your pussy, baby. Then I’ll fuck you.”

Her legs fall open and I press my face against her opening, my tongue lapping up her perfect juicy cunt. She moans above me as my fingers spread her little pussy lips apart and I suck against her clit, my tongue running fast around it as she writhes above me.

“Stop teasing me, Reed,” she begs. I wrap my arms around her waist, and pull her down into the water. Her tits bob in the water and the bubbles cover her skin. I swear this naked woman in the hot tub with me is what my dreams are made of. She’s just so fucking delicious—and, for tonight, she’s mine.

I bring her into my lap and she straddles me. My cock is still nice and ready for her. There’s no way I couldn’t have a constant hard-on, with this woman sitting on me. She lowers herself against my cock, and I watch her wince slightly as she settles against me. Clearly a week isn’t long enough for her pussy to get used to my cock.

Good. Maybe that will remind her why she should stay.

“You feel so good in me,” she moans, her arms wrapped around my neck, her hips swiveling ever so slightly as she fills with my cock.

I press my mouth against hers, my hand holding the back of her neck as her body sinks against me completely. Her hands wrap tighter around me, as if neither of us can bear any space between her body and mine.

Her lips are swollen and perfect, and I kiss her with a passion I’ve never felt before. It surges from somewhere deep inside, and I don’t know what to call it, but I know having her on top of me, her pussy wrapped around my cock, her breasts against my chest, makes me feel like I could conquer the world. Like I could do anything.

She rides me harder, the steaming water splashing against us, and I pull away from the kiss, massaging her breasts, pulling her perfect tits to my mouth. Sucking her hard little nipples as she rocks against me. Hard, harder, until she begins to moan loudly, her release crashing through her.

I hold her in place as she tenses from head to toe. She curls toward me as I thrust deep inside her, as I pour my seed into her pussy. As I pull her to me, holding her so damn tight.

Tight, like I’m scared to let go.

Tight, like she is everything I need.

BOOK: Wifed By The Mountain Man: A Modern Mail-Order Bride Romance
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