WIFE WANTED (A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: WIFE WANTED (A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance)
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Figuratively speaking, of course.

He rubbed his forehead as he forced another laugh to drown out her high-pitched hyena bark. It was horrifying to think these were the type of women he’d be dealing with. Gold diggers. The way this one kept mentioning her job and how little she earned for what she did, he knew exactly what would happen the second they were hitched.

“Did you hear me?” she asked and patted his hand gently.

“Hmm? Oh, I’m sorry, work on my mind and all.”

“It’s all right, Ben,” she said. Riley had told Ben that if he was going to be on this damn website, he was not using his real name. At least not until he met the right woman that he didn’t feel was going to put him into an early grave. Or rob him blind. “I know you’ve had quite the week.”

“Yes, but that’s no excuse to be rude.”

“Well, if your mind is not on dinner, we can always go somewhere else.”

“I know there’re a few movies—oh!”

He almost flew out of his chair when her hand was suddenly at his groin, massaging him through his jeans. He glanced around but no one paid any attention to them.

“I was thinking somewhere more private,” she whispered as she sidled closer and licked her lips.

“Ah, well…you see…” he muttered, trying to focus. Though he didn’t necessarily like this woman, it was hard not to be aroused by what her hand was doing. And she felt it, too. Her smile only widened as she nuzzled his neck.

“I’ve always wanted to see what a penthouse looks like.”

Riley nodded, then gently removed her hand. “I have to run to the restroom right quick, then we can head out. Maybe order us a bottle of wine and dessert to go?” She nodded enthusiastically and called out loudly for their waiter as Riley hurried through the tables to the back of the restaurant. Hopefully, no one noticed the bulge in his pants. Too hard to try and readjust himself out here with everyone watching. He neared the bathrooms, passing several other tables with couples. He started to turn back around when his eyes caught sight of a young woman with long auburn hair that trailed down her back. It was a stunning shade, and Riley paused for just a moment to see if she’d turn.

She did. Her green eyes looked bored as she stared off into nothing and sipped her wine. The man at the table kept talking away, and Riley could hear the smile in his voice, though he couldn’t see his face clearly. Riley frowned. At least he wasn’t the only one having a bad night. He stared just a moment longer at the gentle curve of her cheek and lips before he turned down the hall that lead to the bathrooms. Too bad he couldn’t have been on a date with her. At least she didn’t look like a money-grabbing hyena.


Phoebe glanced at her phone, wondering if she should text Charlotte to call her, make it sound like an emergency with her mom. Anything to get her out of this dreadful night. Hell, she’d had meetings at work that weren’t this dull.

“So,” Mitch said after ending another long explanation of some account or other, “shall we get down to the real business of the evening?”

Phoebe’s ears perked up. “Excuse me?”

“Look, you can be honest with me. I know you joined that site because you need money for something.”

She bristled as she set her glass down. “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You’re not exactly dressed to the nines there, Anna. You need money and I have that. My only question is, what’s your price?”

Phoebe wasn’t sure what to say. She stared at him, open-mouthed. What exactly was he asking her? She didn’t think they were going to talk about anything like this on their first date. And why was he suddenly looking at her with narrowed eyes and a smirk? A few moments ago, he’d seemed so normal, but now…now she wasn’t sure who she’d just had dinner with.

“Look, I joined that site because I’m just looking for a guy to date. You know, meet new people,” she lied.

“No, you’re not. You need money,” he said, leaning forward and taking one of her hands in his. “That’s why all the women join that site. It’s not a secret, Anna, and you can’t hide from it. What do you need money for?”

She wanted to pull her hand away. His touch didn’t feel so friendly anymore. “My mother. She needs surgery and I…I’m out of options. That’s all.”

“Your mother? That’s easy enough. I think I can work with that.”

“What? You mean you’ll…you’ll help me? Just like that?”

“Well, no,” he said, laughing. “I want something in return. Dating you would be fun, sure, but I think I deserve a little something more. Don’t you think?” His fingers trailed slowly up the back of her hand to her arm, giving her goosebumps. “Why don’t we head back to my place and we can talk about exactly what I’ll want in return?”

That was it. Phoebe yanked her hand out of his grasp and grabbed her wine glass—still half full—and threw it in his face. “Get away from me, you asshole!”

He tried to reach for her, but he stepped on the tablecloth and nearly fell out of his chair. Phoebe took her chance and rushed for the bathroom towards the back of the restaurant. If she could hide in there for a few minutes, maybe he’d leave. Or she could sneak out a window…run out the kitchen—

“Shit,” she muttered as the heel on her left shoe suddenly snapped. She stumbled into the wall and almost fell when two strong, tattooed arms caught her gently.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine I just…” Phoebe trailed off as she saw the blue eyes staring down at her in concern. “My heel…it just snapped right off.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. Just about sums up my evening. Speaking of which…” She glanced over her shoulder to see if Mitch was following her. She heard him calling for a waiter. “I need to get out of here.”

“I was wondering if he was boring you to death.”


“I passed by earlier. You looked ready to bolt then. Was it that bad?”

“Worse, I’m afraid. I can’t walk back out there, not with everyone watching.”

Phoebe watched the man as he slipped on the black leather jacket he’d held in his hand and peered back down the hall. There was something about him…she wasn’t sure what it was. A warmth, maybe? Something made her want to trust this man. Especially after what Mitch had been suggesting they do for their arrangement.

“Here, follow me.”

“But aren’t you here with someone?”

The man laughed sharply as he took her hand to help her walk. “Yeah, and I’d prefer not to go back out there either. Trust me, I have a way out.”

“Through the kitchens? We’ll get yelled at.”

He laughed as he pushed open the double swing door and hurried down the cook line. Several waiters yelled at them, but the man just waved them off with a wide smile, Phoebe still holding his hand as he guided them through the steam and chaos of the kitchen. Phoebe found herself laughing despite the situation. It was crazy, following this strange man with a silver stud in his ear out the back door of the restaurant and into a large alley that dumped them on a street the next block over.

“There, freedom at last,” he said. “Now then, may I ask your name?”

Phoebe held her breath for just a second then said, “Anna. Name’s Anna.”

He smiled and squeezed the hand he was still holding. “Ben.”

“Well then, Ben, what do you propose we do now?”

He started to laugh, then laughed harder until he doubled over from it. Phoebe wasn’t sure what she’d said, but whatever it was, he couldn’t stop. “I’m sorry. Just…it’s been that type of day.”

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” she muttered, the smile falling from her face. He stopped laughing and watched her, eyes shining with curiosity, reflecting the streetlights. “Sorry, bit of a mood-killer today.”

“From the look on your face, I’d say you’re allowed.”

Phoebe smiled. She glanced down at her shoes and felt tears start to prick the corner of her eyes. This was ridiculous. Worst date-night ever. This was the only damn good pair of heels she had, too, so of course she broke them. Pathetic. Everything about her right now was pathetic. He asked her for her other shoe, without the broken heel, and she stared at him, confused.

“Trust me. Let me see it, otherwise walking the rest of the night is going to suck.”

She took off her other shoe and after giving him permission, watched him snap it off. She slipped both shoes back on and laughed. “Girl can always use another pair of flats.”

“Hey, I know a great ice cream place just down the street,” he said and offered her his arm. “Walk down there with me?”

Without really meaning to, she laid her hand in the crook of his arm. The leather was warm despite the slight chill clinging to the air. A front had moved through. Lightning still struck overhead, but no rain fell. At least not yet.

“Why not? Ice cream can solve quite a few problems.”

“My thoughts exactly,” he said, and together they strolled out of the alley and made their way down the sidewalk.

He was tall. She hadn’t realized how tall until she was right up next to him. He was a good head over her, more without her heels. From the feel of his arm, he was muscular, too, and that earring shining under the lights made her think of a modern-day pirate. All he was missing was a pistol and cutlass.

“Well, I’m glad to see something has put a smile on your face,” he said.

“And I’m sorry to say it’s at your expense.”


“Do you always wear that earring? Part of the bad boy look or something?”

He grinned, reaching his free hand up to tug on his earlobe. “No, not unless you consider grandfathers getting ear piercings as also bad boy behavior.”

“Your grandfather? Jeez, you from a family of bikers?”

“Ha! No, nothing like that.”

She wanted to ask him more questions, but a shadow flickered in his eyes and she made herself back off. “Ok, I’ll make you a deal. We don’t ask any questions about who we are or what we do for a living.”

He tilted his head to the side and frowned. “Then how am I supposed to get to know you?”

Phoebe wasn’t even sure herself. This was all new to her. The adrenaline from their escape was starting to wear off, and her usual nervousness was returning quickly. Any second now, she was going to do something stupid and have to bolt in the other direction. She opened her mouth to tell him she had to leave, but that wasn’t what came out.

“You’ll just have to ask me out on a proper date.”

What the hell? Am I channeling Charlotte tonight, or what?

They’d stopped walking in the middle of the sidewalk, forcing others to shove their way angrily around them just as the few first drops of rain started to fall, wetting her hair. She turned her face up to the heavens and let the cold drops cover her skin…and wake her up to what she was doing. Quickly, she pulled her hand free of his arm and started to back down the street, walking carefully in the makeshift flats.

He looked stunned and started to reach after her. “Wait! Anna!”

“No, just…I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.”

“Where are you going?”

“Home,” she yelled over her shoulder. “Just need to get home!”

She heard him calling after her, but she tucked her chin down into her chest and hurried faster. Another street over, she ripped her shoes off angrily and ran barefoot. The rain poured down around her, filling the gutters in minutes and spilling over. It was the second time this week that she walked through her front door, soaking wet from head to toe and shivering with cold. What had she been thinking? She couldn’t handle dating anyone right now, let alone finding someone to marry! It was too much. She curled up in a ball on the floor, just inside her front door, and tried not to imagine those tattooed arms catching her.


Riley wasn’t sure what happened. He walked back to the restaurant in the rain, hair flattened against his head. Had he said something wrong? He figured she was probably upset from her date with that guy, but why did she just take off like that?

“Ben! There you are!”

He didn’t register the woman’s words until she reached out and shook his shoulder.

“What happened? The waitress said you took off out the back. I waited for you. Dessert and wine, remember?”

Riley glanced down at the woman, obviously still desperate to keep his attention despite the fact he’d just rudely run out on their date. Well, at least she was better than Diane coming onto him. “Yeah, sorry,” he said. “Urgent phone call. I can’t believe you waited.”

“For you, of course I’d wait.” She winked and licked her bottom lip. “Where’s your car? I’m getting soaked!”

“It’s parked around the corner. Let me just call my driver.”

Riley stayed with Trisha under the awning of the restaurant until the car pulled up to the curb. He opened the back door for her to get in. He took one last long look up the street, then slid in beside her, trying to forget about the woman with the auburn hair and those green eyes that said so much. They made it back to the penthouse, and he let Trisha in, watching the sudden look of greed in her eyes as she took in his place.

“I could fit, like, five of my apartments in here,” she said.

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