Wielder of Tiren (The Raven Chronicles Book 3) (13 page)

BOOK: Wielder of Tiren (The Raven Chronicles Book 3)
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Chapter Twenty-Eight



ial dove over Sera when the dragon appeared, covering her body protectively with his own. The healing spell she’d begun to weave
dissipated as they collapsed
on the stone below them.

              “Are you okay?” he asked, refusing to move until she answered.

              “I’m fine. What is it?” Sera replied.

              Kial turned his body and saw a creature from legend come to life. The scales of the dragon radiated heat strong enough to make sweat trickle down his face.

              The creature slashed a massive claw at Senyan as he moved to Arwenna’s prone form. The man screamed in pain as the talons ripped his tunic and chest alike. Kial rose to his feet slowly, watching as the other man staggered through an arch and disappeared.

              A single drop of blood began to pulsate, drawing other ones near it to join and form a larger ball. Only it wasn’t red. It was black. The ball rose from the ground, spinning constantly to keep the dark ooze from sliding off.

This is your birthright. Think of the good you could do by accepting it.
A female voice echoed in his head.

              Images began to rise unbidden in his mind. Of Sera, Arwenna, Liam. An overwhelming sense of power began to fill him.
Just allow it to consume you, and all you have ever wanted can come true. Think of how Sera will love you if you return her father to her
, the voice cooed.
You will have the power of the Gods at your disposal. None would oppose your rule.             

              A delicate but familiar hand slid into his. Sera. She was still by his side.

              “The time is here, Son of Corse. Choose your path.”
The dragon’s voice reverberated throughout the sky, shattering the silence of the empty city.

I choose love over darkness. Respect over jealousy. Acceptance over hate. I will not have any part of what you offer.” Kial’s voice met the dragon’s challenge.

              Nannan nodded, her massive head blocking out the sun. “Let it be so.” She drew breath and began to slowly exhale on the black orb, covering it completely.

              The voice in his head stopped, the visions disappeared. He heard someone crying in fear, and knew it came from the mass in front of him.

              In a matter of seconds, the blackness was encased in ice. Opening her mouth, Nannan swallowed it in a swift motion. “Now it is done. The evil is contained. There is one thing left to do.” She leveled her gaze at Arwenna. “He is wounded, Wielder. Most would die from a dragon claw across the chest. That will not kill him, though. Look for him where you first met. And hasten yourselves from this place. For I will burn it to ash in moments.” The blast from a single beat of her wings threatened to knock Kial over.

* * * * *

              No one spoke, watching the creature leave, The first blast of fire, on the far south side of town, broke the spell. “Y’Durkie, Hugh, get everyone to the docks. I’ll meet you there. If I’m not there within fifteen minutes, get to Wolfgang’s ship and leave.”

              “Arwenna, where are you going?” Hugh asked.

Securing the dagger into her waistband, she replied calmly, “I’m going to do what must be done.” She turned and dove into the first corridor she could find.

              The layout of the building was familiar. All temples to Silas were built the same. She’d spent so much of her youth
in them that she knew where she was heading. The trail of blood she was following reassured her.

Do not worry, Daughter. This is not an ending for you. For me, for Trieste, for Senyan it is. But now is not your time.”
Tiren’s voice echoed in her head.

The fire hadn't reached the compound yet, but it was closing in fast. Dragonfire had a way of spreading quickly. She didn’t have much time.

“He is close, and waits for you. There is mercy in death. And there is love in living a life apart from Joss.”

              Arwenna saw the doorway and stopped. Suddenly, she wasn’t so sure any more. “Tiren, why must he die? Why did Joss have to?”

“Because that’s the nature of love. It does not mean we live the same life. And your soul needs to be saved for your children. And their children. Someone must live to tell the stories, teach the lessons. Or else the love dies along with the hate.” She paused. “Arwenna, please, this must happen. I’ve waited more lifetimes than you can imagine to truly reunite with
Trieste. Put
a stop to this cycle of hate and jealousy. It has to end, here and now. I do not wish this fight to continue. I want peace. For all of us.”

The door stood open, beckoning, at the end of a hallway. A bloody handprint decorated the frame.

She paused in the doorway. The room, the furniture, the solitary form lying still on the cot struck a chord within her soul. She could be back in Serenity all those years ago. Even the small bowl filled with water and the cloth sitting next to it atop the bedside table spoke of their first meeting.

Senyan lay on the bed, his chest heaving with pain. The tattered remains of his shirt held more blood than he did at this point. Crossing the room, she sat next to him and dipped the cloth into the water.

Fever had taken hold of him already. Lore spoke of how many dragons were venomous, using their claws to distribute the poison. That Nannan was one such creature didn’t surprise Arwenna one bit.

He stirred as she dabbed a cool rag against his face
in an attempt to give him some comfort. His eyes opened and focused on her. "Am I dead?" he asked, his voice breaking. Blood
seeped from his throat as he spoke.

“No, you aren’t dead. You’re in an infirmary. My name's Arwenna. I'm a cleric of Hauk. We've been taking care of you for several days now."

“You’re not an angel, then?” His voice had a wistful tone.

Arwenna smiled, ignoring the tears falling down her cheeks. “Yes, I'm an angel. And I'm here to save both of us."

She withdrew the dagger and slid it between Lu'Thare's ribs. “Rest well, Tiren,” she whispered. Holding the dagger, she watched as the Gem of Tiren pulsed in time with his heart. Together, the pair died as she waited.

Arwenna reached forward, closing her patient's pale blue eyes. The fire moved rapidly her way, ready to consume the living and dead alike. She rose and left, without looking back.

              They were in a small boat at the dock, waiting for her. Liam held out a hand to help her into the craft. No one said a word. They didn’t have to. As the oars began to part the water, she grabbed onto the bow to steady herself. Taking one last look, she watched as Nannan circled the city a final time. The fire
down from the sky, the giant wings fanning it even hotter.

              For the first time that she could remember, Arwenna knew she’d wake up in the morning without looking over her shoulder. It was over.


The End





About the Author


Born in the late 60's, KateMarie has lived most of her life in the Pacific NW. While she's always been creative, she didn't turn towards writing until 2008. She found a love for the craft. With the encouragement of her husband and two daughters, she started submitting her work to publishers. When she's not taking care of her family, KateMarie enjoys attending events for the Society for Creative Anachronism. The SCA has allowed her to combine both a creative nature and love of history. She currently resides with her family and two cats in what she likes to refer to as "Seattle Suburbia".

You can find KateMarie at the following sites:

Twitter:  @DaughterHauk


Her blog: 




              Everyone likes to talk about the author as creator, but it takes oh so many more people than that to take a book from an idea to reality.


              Melissa Manes, Lauren Urban, and Charla Shaw: You are three of the best crit partners I could ever hope for. Even if I don’t agree with your comments, you’re only trying to make my books better.


              Cyn Ley: Wow. What an amazing editor you are. Hoping to keep you busy with Solstice (and my writing) for years to come.


              Melissa Miller: You took a chance on me in more way than one, and I hope to never fall short of the trust and faith you’ve shown in me.


And, my readers: Each and every one of you that’s ever took a chance on me and my writing. It’s your reviews, your encouragement that kept this series on track. I hope this final book hasn’t disappointed.

Other Solstice Titles


KateMarie Collins


Fin’s Magic

A Book of the Amari


Fin depends on her companions to keep her safe…and out of chains. As one of the Amari, the only race that can harness magic, she longs for a normal life. One where she didn’t have to constantly look over her shoulder, and she could fall in love.

Alaric fell hard for Fin from the moment he laid his eyes on her three years ago. He swore an oath to keep her safe, even if it meant his life. But he knew that any relationship he could hope to have with her would be on her terms.

When a king offers them the chance at a normal life, Fin’s cautious. And rightly so, as there are other who think she’s the one to lead the Amari from a life of slavery.



Alaric’s Bow

A Book of the Amari


Kai grew up in privilege as a prince, and in the shadow of his older brother. Kaerdan made sure Kai knew he’d always be second best.

On the night of Kaerdan’s wedding, though, a long held family secret comes out. Kai was the son of the Island king, yes. But his mother was Amari.

Fleeing for his life, he sails for the mainland. His only hope to survive is to reinvent himself. Taking on a new name, one given to him by his birth mother.


Arine’s Sanctuary


The Moreja Sisterhood exists to rescue boys from abuse and arranged marriages. Arine’s on assignment, bringing Cavon back to her home in Sanctuary, when she discovers something terrifying. He can do magic. When the chance comes up for her to go back out and rescue her own brother, sold off by her mother ten years earlier, Arine eagerly takes the chance. But can she talk him into coming home to Sanctuary with her? And can they get there before the Domine’s army, bent on controlling the magic?


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