WidowsWalk (8 page)

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Authors: Genevieve Ash

BOOK: WidowsWalk
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“Oh God, Tom!”

He said nothing, just kissed her deeply and controlled her
rise and fall with strong hands around her waist. The sensations of him sliding
inside her, the tension in the muscles of her thighs, and his mouth on hers
were combining to rapidly push Lindy over the brink into orgasm.

Their rhythm was becoming increasingly irregular and Lindy
knew Tom was ready as well. A sharp pain as her hair was pulled again shocked
her. A hungry mouth replaced Tom’s and a hand crushed Lindy’s breast as he
continued to thrust up into her.

Sheila had come back and was making this a threesome. Lindy
groaned so loudly she thought someone must have heard and kissed the dancer
back with all the wanton need she had felt earlier.

It was Tom who came first. Lindy felt the ragged movements
of his hips peak and his semen pump deep into her as he grunted with the
release. Sheila grabbed Lindy’s hand and thrust it up under her thin dress,
trapping it between dance-toned thighs to press hard against soft, hot folds.
Lindy came then, a now-familiar sensation of a dam bursting and a hot flood
into Tom’s already-soaked lap.

As she cried out in bliss, Lindy felt Sheila shudder in
climax against her hand. The dancer’s creamy come was warm in Lindy’s palm.

Chapter Nine


They headed unsteadily back to the hotel. Tom slipped his
hand in hers as they walked silently along the tiled sidewalk by the marina,
the water lapping gently against the stone wall and breaking the silence.

Lindy was peaceful and relaxed, a glow of pleasure all
through her body. Little aches and twinges reminded her of how well she had
been pleasured. She was sated and sleepy, wanting nothing more than a soft bed
to crawl into.

Reaching the hotel, they climbed the worn wooden steps and
stepped into the small room. Housekeeping had changed the sheets and left an
extra mattress pad on the foot of the bed.

“Looks like you’re busted, Lindy.” Tom held the pad up.

Lindy blushed furiously. “Oh my God. I can’t face the staff
here ever again.”

“I am sure they have seen worse.”

“Perhaps but…”

“I am also sure that they have told all their friends.” He
laughed heartily and took her into his arms.

Kissing her neck, he pushed her toward the bathroom. “I know
you are exhausted. Get ready for bed, love.”

Lindy caught her tired reflection in the mirror and smiled.
It had been quite a day.
Will I be able to manage an entire week of pure
hedonistic pleasure?
It just didn’t seem natural.

She washed away her remaining makeup and pulled a brush
through her hair. Again her insecurity crept into the close quarters. The
closeness had created a false sense of familiarity but there were moments when
she wondered if she knew Tom at all.
Should I put on a nightgown or crawl
into bed naked?

Things seemed to move so quickly with Tom. She had known him
for months but their actual time spent together had only been a couple of
weeks. He was gone so long in between and although they had kept in touch this
was totally different. So intimate.

Lindy swallowed hard, pushing the rising panic back down
into her belly. She walked into the room to find Tom on the small balcony. She
carefully hung her dress on a plastic hanger and grabbed her short silk robe
from the closet. He raised a curious brow as he came in and saw her slipping
into it.

“You won’t be needing that.” Tom took the robe from her
unprotesting fingers and tossed it on a nearby chair.

A shiver ran up her spine as a warm pulse of breath caressed
her neck.

“Oh.” She kept her back to him but raised her head.

Tom’s arms encircled her waist and he pulled her to him. He was
shirtless and she could feel the hairs of his chest tickling her back as he
bent and kissed her neck. Lindy sighed and settled back against his hard body.

“I know you’re tired. It’s been a long and eventful day,
love. I’ll cut you a break.”

Lindy could feel the tingle growing in her belly and head
straight for the hardening bud of her clit. It might be 3:00 a.m. after more
sex than she could remember having in months and she might desperately need
sleep but Lindy knew she would never be too tired for Tom.

“Oh,” she said again, this time tinged with a hint of

He pulled back the bedclothes and motioned for Lindy to
crawl in first.

“Let me just hold you, my insatiable woman.” Then he crawled
in beside her, his strong arms dragging her body closer to his.

Lindy bit back a smart comeback about male stamina and
instead snuggled into the curve of his lap and sighed.

Tom wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back
closer to his chest and then covered her left breast with his hand. Lindy sighed
and relaxed into his embrace. A slight twitch of his body startled her but soon
the gentle breathing of sleep soothed her as she drifted off.

* * * * *

The white morning sun was peeking through the wooden blinds
as Lindy opened her eyes. The smooth skin of Tom’s shaft was slipping in the
wetness between her thighs, the soft head of his cock pushing at her clit.
Lindy groaned and began to circle her hips.

Tom pulled her back against him and pushed inside her core
in a single, fluid motion. The sensation of him filling her once again made
Lindy bite at her lip to keep her emotions in check. His thickness stretched
her already-sore muscles but as he slid slowly in and out the pain quickly
turned to pleasure.

Lindy let him control her hips, not wanting to lose the
sleepy feeling of having no control. Still groggy, she remained relaxed and let
the feeling of pure pleasure take her higher.

Tom’s hand slid lower on her hip and delved into the curly
hairs, searching for her clit. He rubbed slowly in circles, keeping his pace
unhurried. The tingle turned to a glow then to a constant hum and Lindy’s
release came close. Her breathing was shallow, her moans turning to whimpers.

“Oh Tom, you are going to make me come.”

“Good. Coming is good.”

“No—it’s too much, too good. I can’t.” The panic rose inside
her. She couldn’t possibly feel this good. She didn’t want to feel this good.
if it is all taken away from me again?

“Yes you can, Lindy. Yes you can.”

“Please, Tom.” The pleasure was beginning to wash away her fear
and she wanted it. She wanted all of it, to feel everything, to not be afraid

“Please what?”

“Please don’t stop.”

“I am not going to stop. Just let go.”

Lindy was trying to fight her release, letting the denial
fuel her final climax, but she couldn’t hold on. All the blood had rushed to
the hard nub beneath Tom’s fingers. With his cock moving in her tight, wet
channel, it was more than she could handle. She screamed out her breath and let
go, the sensations carrying her to the place where only pleasure lived.

“Good morning, love.”

“Well good morning to you too,” she mumbled, drowsily lost
in the afterglow of her orgasm.

“Let’s go to the beach today. We’ll stop at the market and
pack a picnic. Does that sound okay with you?”

“That sounds perfect.” Lindy thought about the simple meals
they had shared on the porch and the feeling of normality washed though her,
bringing peace. She climbed out of bed and joined Tom in the shower.

They washed each other tenderly, enjoying the simple
pleasure of touch. The rhythm of their togetherness was easy as they moved
about the room dressing and getting ready for the day.

Lindy packed her beach bag, making sure she had her hat, her
SPF 60 sunblock, a paperback and plenty of water. Tom pulled on his bathing
trunks and a soft t-shirt and grabbed a rolled-up blanket from the closet
shelf. Patiently he waited for her to finish packing.

“Do we need a luggage cart to get that bag to the beach?”

Lindy smiled. She loved when he teased her. “Very funny,
Tom, always be—”

“Yeah, I know, always be prepared. Did you bring the last of
the letters with you?”

“Yes…” she said hesitantly.

“Well, if you can find an empty spot in there, bring them
along.” Tom grabbed an empty burlap tote and they headed for the Mercat de

Although it was still early, the stalls were crowded with
the locals doing their shopping. Lindy liked this time best, before the
tourists converged, seeking to insult their way through the vendors, afraid of
being taken for a ride. There weren’t too many things Lindy liked as well as
sex but food was a close second.

The vibrantly colored, carefully arranged fruits and
vegetables looked almost too good to eat. The briny smell of freshly caught
fish mingled with the yeasty warmth of freshly baked bread, and hams and
sausages were hanging at every turn. The perfume of the spices seemed to be
dusting the exotic blooms of unusual flowers.

Lindy took a deep breath and let the sensations fill her.
She could taste it all. Feel it all. The sun was bright, the water sparkling
blue and Tom’s hand was in hers. Life was most definitely good.

They filled the sack with more than they could possibly eat
but it had been too difficult to choose. Tossing the bag into the Jeep, Tom
drove them to a local beach secluded in a small rocky cove. He found a spot in
the shade of some palms nodding gently in the sea breeze and set the bags on a
flat rock.

“Tom, don’t you want to be in the sun? I was hoping to work
on my tan. I’m a little pale next to you.”

“Believe me, Lindy, you will get plenty of sun right here. I
am not going to have you frying like a rasher of bacon out there on the
beach—British bacon, not that wee strip of fat you Americans call bacon.”

“Oh Tom—go pound salt. Okay. But I have sunblock. And a hat.”
She whined just a little.

“Both of which you will wear. I can’t have you burned so
badly that you won’t let me touch you later,” Tom said, his gaze burning her
already-scorching, willing flesh.

A familiar tickle grazed her clit and she swallowed hard. He
pulled the t-shirt over his head and Lindy ogled his tanned, muscular chest.
Just enough of a six-pack to know it was there.
she thought.
overdeveloped but so fit

“Lindy, hand me the sunblock and lie down.”

“Oh.” She sucked in a breath and stared at him with hunger
in her eyes.


“What? I just said ‘oh’.”

“You say ‘oh’ a lot and it always means something.” Tom’s
smile was easy and warm.

Lindy settled on the blanket and closed her eyes.

“On your tummy.” He chuckled warmly.

She turned over and sighed as Tom began to work the lotion
into her skin. He started at her feet and worked his way up her calves, rubbing
the muscles deeply. His hands moved up her thighs, gliding up and down, his
fingertips dancing dangerously near her sex.

As he massaged her arms she moaned, feeling the relaxation
sweeping through her. The sound of the ocean crashing to the shore, the birds
chirping in the trees, the chatter of people enjoying the day all lulled Lindy
to a place of peace.

Her body jerked as Tom squeezed the cold lotion onto the
center of her heated back. Tom’s laughter filled the air.

“You brat,” she howled.

“Thought you were going to nod off on me.”

His hands worked the lotion into her back, moving up and out,
his fingers tickling her waist. He untied the string across her back and
pressed the heels of his hands into her shoulders, his fingers grazing the
sides of her breasts.

Lindy whimpered and turned over, the tiny green scraps
slipping with her movement and exposing the edge of a pale-pink nipple. Tom poured
more sunscreen into his hands and slid them together, warming it before placing
them flat on her belly and massaging it into her soft skin.

His fingers slid under the edge of her bathing suit, just
reaching the patch of curly hair. His hands moved over her thighs and down her
legs and back up again.

Turning his hands inward, he moved between her thighs,
letting the edge of his hand brush against her sex. Lindy whimpered and
wriggled her hips on the blanket. Opening her eyes, she saw Tom smiling at her.

“You are enjoying teasing me like this, aren’t you?”

“Why yes I am. Thank you.” His tone did not patronize.

“Just remember what they say about paybacks. I will have my
turn.” His index finger slid under the band near her thigh and he pushed hard
on her clit.

Lindy’s bravado slipped as the pleasure filled her. Tom
chuckled and removed his finger from her bikini bottom. Coating his hands with
the slippery mixture, he worked on her arms, running his hands over her
shoulders and across her collarbone. His fingers met at the hollow of her
throat, his palms flat on her chest as he looked at her intently. Lindy saw
need in his eyes.

“Mine,” was all he said.

Lindy stroked his cheek tenderly. She wasn’t sure exactly
what he was asking for but she was certain she wanted to find out.

Tom reached behind her back and tied her top. Lying beside
her, he took her hand and they rested in the warmth of the day. It had been a
short night and they both dozed in the companionable silence.

* * * * *

The midday sun was strong when they woke and Lindy was glad
for the shady copse of palm trees protecting them.
Tom always makes me feel
so safe.
They shared the delicacies from the market, the sharp, crumbly
cheese mixing with the sweet nectar of the mangoes.

Tom fed her, pushing his fingers into her mouth, and Lindy
groaned, sucking the juices from them. He shifted on the blanket beside her,
his growing erection evident in his tight-fitting trunks.

He pulled his fingers from her mouth and kissed her. Lindy
could taste the tangy cheese, the succulent fruit and Tom’s desire for her.
Crawling into his lap, she let the passion fill her to bursting, trying to get
closer to him to ease the ache. She needed—oh how she needed.

“Lindy, if you don’t stop wriggling like that, I am going to
take you here and now.”

Lindy wriggled again, sliding her bottom against his cock.

“Very funny. Do you want to spend the next few days in a
Spanish jail?”

“As long as we were in the same cell, I wouldn’t mind.” The
soft tinkle of her laughter ran through her words.

Tom lifted her from his lap and tried to ignore her adorable

“You’re no fun, Tom!”

“What happened to the ‘I’m not ready for all that wantonness’?”

“Must be something in the water here.” She slid her hand up
his muscular thigh. “Or maybe the threesome we had in the club the other night
has made me more adventurous?”

“There is that…” Tom lifted it to his mouth and kissed her
open palm. “Let’s read the letters now.”

“Oh Tom, I don’t want to spoil the day.”

“Why would it spoil it? You’re the one that started all

“I’m afraid.” Lindy nibbled at her bottom lip as she dropped
her gaze to the blanket.

“Afraid of what?”

“That perhaps there might not be a happy ending.”

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