Wicked Waves: Solsti Prophecy #2 (33 page)

BOOK: Wicked Waves: Solsti Prophecy #2
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A wry grin pulled at her lips.
Only Kai
. “You have such a way with words.”

“Just one of my many skills, Sprite.”

She traced a finger along his jaw. He was so strong. He’d dragged two demons, hanging from his arms, in his rush to get to her. She was safe with him. But he wasn’t going to be there to guard her every minute of her life.

Is he?
The thought warmed her from the inside out. Not in a sexual way, though Kai’s body was a fortress of muscled, carnal skill. This feeling went deeper. It was comforting and bright, like the sun breaking through clouds to warm her skin.

She grazed her thumb across his lower lip and moved her other hand to his nape. As she gazed into the soft amber-brown glow of his eyes, her mind filled with the absolute certainty that he would be there for her. He would protect her.
Whenever I need him

And right now, she needed him. Needed his hands to erase the memory of Draven’s crude advances. Needed Kai’s sensual mouth to drive away the ugliness. Needed his caring, noble heart to banish the evil that’d covered her, and make her feel cherished and whole again.

On her tiptoes, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “I’m ready.”

“Okay, Sprite.”
He tilted his head. “You know, nurses usually give sponge baths. But this time, I’m gonna do all the work.”

“Hmm, Nurse Kai?”
Picturing him in a nurse’s white hat made her giggle. “Ow.”
She winced as her injured cheek pulled tight.

“Careful, baby.”
He loosened his grip in her waist, sliding his hands to her hips. “How about Doctor Kai?”

“I like the sound of that.”

“Nurse, doctor…I’ll be whatever you need, Brooke.”
He met her gaze with a solemn, honey-hued stare.

“I know.”
Rock-solid trust in him calmed the last flickers of ugly memories. He leaned forward slowly to rub his nose with hers.

Eskimo kisses. Who knew Kai could be so sweet?
She closed the distance between them to meet his mouth for a tender kiss. He let her stay in control, melding to her, following her lead. Her hands dropped to his waist and—

She broke away and narrowed her eyes. “You’re not wearing any pants.”

“Nope. Some demon ripped them off me.”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “Let’s get this thing off you.”
A frown snaked across his face as he reached for the hem of her torn shirt. “I don’t want to pull it up over your face…Hell, it’s not like you’re ever gonna wear this again.”
With a swift tug, he ripped it up the middle.

She wiggled out of it. “Your turn.”

He pulled his own shirt over his head, dropped his boxer briefs, and stood nude before her. He looked so powerful. Formidable and lethal
Her fingers traced feather-light caresses along the ridges of his abdomen.

He stroked his hands down her back, to the waistband of her pants. Sliding his fingers inside the fabric, he traced leisurely circles on her hips. “Off.”

His gentle command resonated on her skin. She savored the knowledge that they were equals, that they’d saved each other. They both held intimidating power, though if legend was true, she’d surpass him one day. For right now, they could take turns being the strong one. She followed his instruction with a swift movement of her hand, and the pants pooled around her ankles.

Clad in her bra and panties, she leaned against his chest and let out a contented purr. He hooked his thumbs into her panties and oh-so-slowly tugged them down, the brush of his fingertips sending sparks dancing along her skin. She shimmied her hips to hasten the process, and the silky scrap dropped to the floor.

Running his hands back up her body, he stopped at her black sports bra. “Normally I’d love taking your bra off. But, uh…these things go over your head, right?
I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’ll do it,” She smiled, warmed by his caution. “You can watch.”
She pulled the front away from her skin and up, freeing her breasts. Then, mindful of her bruises, she ducked her head through the opening and tossed it over her shoulder.

He leaned down to kiss her unmarred cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Mmm, flattery will get you everywhere.”
She turned her face to his, meeting his lips with a soft brush. Her hand wound around his neck and she sucked his lower lip into her mouth.
“Ready, warrior?”

Without waiting, she walked to the shower and turned the water on. She paused for a few seconds to let the water warm up, then gave him a wink and stepped inside.

He followed her. She stood with her back to the showerhead, head tilted up, letting the water soak her hair. She didn’t think it was possible to enjoy a shower more than she had yesterday, after not bathing for days. But she was eager to wash off the dirt, blood, and all traces of Draven. The water coursing down her body felt like heaven. Pushing water out of her face, she looked at her demon.

Kai stood before her, his thick cock fully aroused, but he simply massaged her biceps. His hands were tantalizingly close to her breasts, her nipples hardening from the spray and from his nearness.

“I love your breasts,” he murmured, reading her mind. He trailed two fingers from her collarbone to the valley between them.

Her hands flew to his hips. “Soap,” she said in a raspy voice. “Or we’ll be in here for hours.”

He kissed along the top of her breast. “So?”

“So, you probably shouldn’t stand for too long.”
She poured some shower gel onto a washcloth, then folded it and rubbed the two sides together to create suds.

He took the cloth from her and set it aside. “I’m doing the work, remember?
Shampoo first.”

“That’s right.”
She smiled and handed him one of the bottles on the ledge. He poured the liquid into his hand and lathered it into her hair.

Her muscles relaxed as if a switch had been flipped. “Oh, that feels so good,” she sighed.

“You deserve to feel good, baby. Turn around.”

She obeyed, wrapping her arms round her waist as he worked the suds through her long hair. He smoothed the extra soap across her back and down her arms and legs. Moving up from her feet, he reached her ass and kneaded. He traced delicate patterns on her skin as he massaged her muscles, and she dropped her head back against his chest.

“Oh God,” she murmured.

His sudden snarl startled her from the bliss of his hands and she whirled, flinging her arms around his neck. Her heart crashed against her ribs. “What’s wrong?”

“Your shoulder.” He turned her around and tilted her head to one side. “That motherfucker.”

She blinked up at him in confusion. “My shoulder?
You were washing my bu—”

“Ah hell, Sprite.”
He ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I looked down, saw the cut here on your shoulder…I snapped.”

Fury and the need to avenge darkened his face. He would’ve killed Draven if the elf hadn’t done it. She took a deep breath and let it out, reaching for his hands. “It’s okay. You scared me a tiny bit there, but it’s okay. I’m okay. How does the cut look?”

“Skin’s closed, and there’s only a few pink lines here.” He traced a finger in the air above her skin and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Shit, Sprite, I’m so sorry—”

She laid a finger against his lips. “No. It’s over. All I want to think about is you and me.”
Pressing her head to his chest, she relaxed to the steady, slowing beat of his heart. He held her until she leaned back to gaze up at him. “Just you and me.”
She kissed his shoulder. “Now it’s your turn.”

She reached for the washcloth and gently worked it around the gash on his thigh. The blackened areas had faded to gray. The wound was raw, but it had stopped bleeding.

“It looks so much better already,” she murmured. “Your body’s amazing.”

“I’ll show you all the amazing things it can do, Sprite.”

“I’m not finished!” She giggled as she washed his other leg. Straightening, she grabbed his arm. “Next injury. Oh,

His bicep muscle had knit together. Only the top layers of skin remained an ugly red. She swiped the washcloth above and below it, shaking her head. “I don’t need to do much here.”

“How ‘bout a kiss to make it all better?”

She grinned and leaned into him, placing a lingering kiss just above the cut. “Almost done.” She moved around to wash his chest. “I can’t reach your hair.”

“Fuck my hair,” he growled, pulling her flush against him.

She giggled again. “You’re grimy.”
Reaching for the shampoo, she thrust it at him. “Wash it. Nurse’s orders!”

“Don’t the doctor’s orders overrule the nurse ones?”

“Nope. Shampoo. Now.”

“Yes, Nurse Brooke. Shit, you’re tenacious.”
He dutifully washed and rinsed his hair, then turned to her with arms spread. “Do you approve?”

She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and raked her eyes over him in a lazy sweep.

“Yes. Out!”
She turned off the water and they stepped out, where she repeated her little drying off trick.

“That’s so cool, Sprite.” Appreciation filled his voice as she dumped the water droplets into the shower.

“Still flattering me?”

“Only because it’s true.”

She pointed to the bedroom. “Go lay down.”


she wanted to do, and getting horizontal with her sounded like the best plan ever. He lay on his side and patted the space next to him. “Get over here.”

She sashayed up to the side of the bed and whispered, “On your back.”

Damn, but he liked this side of her. “You can order me around all day, baby. Tell me what you want.”
He rolled to his back, his cock engorged and ready.

She climbed up beside him and leaned down so that her lips tickled his ear. “Let me love you.”

He sifted his fingers through her hair. “Look at me,” he whispered, and she complied, their eyes locking. He poured as much tenderness into his voice as he could. “You’re in charge, Brooke. We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.”
Releasing her hair, he trailed his hand down her side. “I mean it.”

“I know.”
The trust in her gaze wrapped around his heart like a steel cable. He belonged to her, whether she knew it or not. He’d be whatever she needed.

His mushy thoughts turned to pure lust when she swung one long toned leg across his body and straddled him, giving him a peek at her bare sex in the process.
So fucking hot

Her soft hair brushed his chest as she kissed her way across his pecs, licking, sucking, and nibbling. She swirled each of his nipples with her tongue, making him crave her lips on his cock. He tilted his hips, nudging it against her ass.

“Not yet,” she whispered with an impish grin.

He needed to touch her. Thrusting his hands into her hair, he groaned.

She scooted down his body, repositioning her legs to straddle his good thigh. She continued her exploration, her mouth creating a path of fiery destruction across his torso. With every lick she moved lower. His groin ached. He couldn’t keep himself from rocking against her soft curves.

She stopped at his belly button and flicked it with her tongue. Circling the edge, she teased him with her warm wet mouth. Every instinct in his body screamed to flip her over and bury himself balls-deep inside her heat.
Claim my mate.

Her hair feathered like birds wings over his hip bones. The scent of her arousal pierced the air, calling to the primal male in him, driving him to the edge. His cock twitched in anticipation as her curves pressed against him. He raised his head to watch her work her sinful magic.

Her lush lips were red from attending to his body, her eyes meeting his with devilish intent as she licked just below his navel. Beyond her naughty mouth, his cock was nestled between those big sexy breasts of hers. The thick head glistened. He was so ready to explode.

“Fuuuck, Sprite.”
He dropped his head back, needing to hold out. He thought of old demonish spells. Various sword-fighting moves. Anything else.

“Look at me, Kai,” she purred.

There was no way in hell he could do anything except what she asked. He met her sultry gaze. She moved back a little farther to kneel between his thighs. And oh-so-slowly, she lowered her mouth to his aching shaft.

She felt like heaven. Warm and wet. A sensual cavern that brought every nerve ending to critical mass. He couldn’t hold back a string of curses.

She closed her lips tight around him, sighing deep in her throat. Her tongue lashed velvety strokes along his length, up, down, and around. She circled the head and flicked the sensitive underside, making him moan.

He clenched the sheets as she released him, only to lick him from base to tip like an ice cream cone.

“Look at me, Kai.”
She licked her lips and did it again.

“Holy fu—” His curse cut off when she cupped his balls. With her fingers cradling and massaging them, she robbed him of speech.

She took him in her mouth again, sucking hard. One soft hand circled his base and pumped him below her mouth. His hips jerked, unable to lay still under her sexual dominance.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Watching his dick slide into her sexy mouth was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. His semen built at the base of his cock, his spine buzzing with need.

“Sprite, I’m almost there.”
He tried to pull away.

She sucked him harder. Pumped her hand faster.

“God…Brooke, I’m gonna…”

She met his eyes with a stare of pure, wicked delight. And stayed exactly where she was.

BOOK: Wicked Waves: Solsti Prophecy #2
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