Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2)
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Orin appeared to be completely intrigued by her confession as he prodded more out of her by saying, “But you want to and if you had the opportunity to go through with it you would?”

“Yes,” was her unwavering response.

He stared into her eyes and said, “Truth.”

She inched closer to him and whispered, “This whole conversation turns you on doesn’t it?”

Orin took her hand and placed it on the painfully erect bulge, straining against the material of his jeans and whispered, “You tell me?”

She’d always been curious as to why Jenna had stayed with him for a thousand years. She’d guessed he had some serious skills in the bedroom. Lexy straddled him, revealing her sexy lacy black G-string underwear. He gasped as she rocked back and forth a little and she leaned in and whispered in his ear, “That’s not an answer.”

He groaned, clutched her hips roughly with both hands and bucked as he gasped, “God yes.”

She kept slowly rocking her hips and grinding herself against him as she whispered in his ear, “Dare.”

Orin commanded, “Take off your dress.”

She slowly seductively slipped off the thin layer of material and tossed it aside to reveal the overflowing black lacy cups of her bra and her barely there matching G-string panties.

Orin responded to the sexy visual with one word, “Dare.”

Lexy ordered him to take his shirt off and it was the fastest shirt removal she’d ever witnessed. A giggle escaped as she took in his chiseled abs.
This was crazy but she was having far too much fun to stop
. Her fellow Healers eyes darkened as she trailed a finger across the ridged peak of one of his nipples. He’d started to rhythmically move beneath her and she gasped as the friction made her shiver and ache for more.
Her panties were soaked
She wanted more
. Lexy gasped, “Dare.”

Orin gripped her hips and deviously grinned as he ordered, “Take off your bra.”

She continued to move with him while trying to unclasp her bra and this proved to be impossible. She ended up slipping her arms out and sliding it down to her waist. He skillfully undid the clasps and tossed it aside. Lexy shivered as lips met with her tingling peaks.
She was so close.

He groaned the word, “Dare,” as he continued to grind his strained manhood against her. She gave him the one order that would push this little game they were playing to the edge, “Undo your pants.”

Orin obediently undid his top button and unzipped his jeans. His impressively rigid manhood sprung out of his pants.
Of course, he’d be going commando.
She didn’t even allow him the time to struggle the rest of the way out of his jeans before shifting her panties to one side and slipping down onto the length of him.
Oh God, she’d needed this so badly
. She could tell by Orin’s expression of surprise that he hadn’t expected it to go this far
… neither had she
. Lexy abandoned all doubt as she wildly rode him, taking what she needed until the aching within her became unbearable. His hands began to heat up where they were gripping the pliable silky flesh of her hips. Lexy gasped as his palms created a titillating current of sensual energy that flowed into her. As soon as the first wave reached the pit of her stomach, her own hands heated up in response.
What was happening? They were doing something to each other with their healing abilities. Something in their union was causing this heightened euphoric response that was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.
It was as though her nerve endings could feel nothing but bliss. With every thrust upon the member that joined their beings she felt the towering walls around her inhibitions crumble, like the petals of a sun dried rose between two fingers. She watched his face as he fought to remain in control and he appeared to be losing the battle. Lexy wanted to kiss his lips and slow down a little to keep him going but she couldn’t bring herself to stop the steady rhythmic movements that were bringing her such pleasure and such joy.

His voiced rasped, “Oh shit, Honey, it’s too much I can’t hold it in.”

Orin started to buck uncontrollably beneath her as their explosive energy ignited and imploded from where their bodies were intimately joined and without care of their neighbors they simultaneously recklessly cried out. That initial wave of intense pleasure was followed by a mind-altering sense of euphoria as continued shivers of pleasure rushed from where they were joined and blissfully trailed down each of her limbs. Lexy collapsed on top of him, breathless and slick with perspiration.
How long had they been at this? Why were they sweating this much?
She couldn’t even maintain her thought process as she fell asleep with Orin still deep inside of her.

She heard Orin’s voice whisper, “This definitely lands in my top ten best ways to wake up in the morning.”
Oh, that woke her up.
Lexy was now completely sober.
He was still balls deep inside of her …Awkward.

Orin grinned and started to slowly rhythmically move beneath her as he whispered, “Don’t over think it. I’m not.”

The rippling trails of pleasure had already begun as Lexy gave him her breathy response, “Good.”

They spent the entire night exhausting each other until the sun began to creep across their nude forms.
She’d better get back to the room.
She quietly got out of bed, and slipped on her dress, deciding to just carry her bra and underwear she’d discarded at some point in her arms. She snuck out of the room taking one last appreciative look at the unassuming sex god’s sleeping form.
She had definitely not seen that coming.
Lexy walked away from the room, knowing Orin would understand if he woke up alone. She made it back to her room unseen and as Lexy opened the door she braced herself hoping Grey had also spent the night elsewhere. She heard him breathing but she couldn’t see him.
Where in the hell was he?
Lexy snuck around to the other side of the bed; he had rolled on to the floor. She sprinted to the bathroom, and hopped into the shower but no matter how hard she scrubbed she wasn’t going to be able to wash that naughty away. She smiled as she thought about it. They’d probably had sex five or six times and they’d never even kissed. She felt like a horrible person for sleeping with her friend’s ex-boyfriend. That was against the friend rules in any book. Jenna was an Oracle she probably already knew about it. Lexy cringed as she dried herself off, readying herself for the repercussions and merciless teasing that was sure to follow her choices.

She thought about putting her underwear in the garbage but instead Lexy stuffed them into her bag.
At this rate she’d be throwing away three pairs of underwear every couple of weeks.
Lexy grinned as she thought about her spectacularly naughty slot of time. She’d gone from all of those years with the same person to this…

Lexy wasn’t even sure how to describe her predicament. It was like she was thirty years late and going on a twenty year olds sexually explicit journey of self-discovery.

Chapter 14
Something Wicked This Way Comes

exy had herself looking like she’d been innocently watching Netflix all night with Orin by the time Grey woke up. He didn’t even ask about her night as he started to tell her about the dramatic events she’d missed while opting out of going out with the group. She was having a difficult time focusing on anything he was saying; she only caught a few tag words. Kayn…Drunk…Vomiting.
That’s really all she needed to know.
She’d had the pleasure of being granted the duty of drunken hair holder, while many a friend had been trapped praying to the porcelain god of the bathroom. It was to be expected. They made their way down to grab something to eat. It kind of went without saying that they were supposed to opt for the free continental breakfast if the motel provided one verses the restaurant.
Grey still hadn’t even attempted to question her
Not about anything. It was a little bit strange but still a relief

He added, “By the way if anyone asks if you were there. Just agree. I helped Zach give Kayn a bath because she’d puked all over herself and for some reason he added your name to the list of bath attendants. It just sounds better if a girl’s name is involved in the whole bathing while passed out scenario.”

Lexy shrugged and replied, “No problem.”

Grey held open the door for her and they wandered into the large room that had enormous carafes of cereal, tea, coffee and a large tray of bagels.

Grey grabbed them each a bowl and announced, “Raisin bran, Cornflakes, or Bran flakes?”

“Oh, definitely Raisin Bran,” Lexy answered. She grinned as she watched him pour way too much milk into each of their bowls. They had many little routines as most people that had lived in close quarters for many years did. She grinned, grabbed two styrofoam cups and questioned him on his choice of beverage, “Tea or Coffee?”

“Coffee,” Grey replied as he wandered over to one of the minimalistic metal framed tables in the center of the room and found a seat, placing her cereal bowl directly across the table from where he was seated. She filled the coffee right to the rim of his styrofoam cup just to be a pain in the ass and placed it in front of him without spilling a drop.

When she took her seat with her own coffee in hand, Grey beamed at her and said, “You realize that I had a long night last night helping with vomit duty and I’m also completely hung over. Drinking this coffee without spilling it everywhere is going to be impossible.”

Lexy grinned and sighed as she switched coffee cups with him without spilling a drop and teased, “Is that better sweetie?”

He took a sip of the piping hot coffee, winked at her and sparred, “Much better.”

Lexy’s back was to the door as Grey’s eyes lit up and he waved someone over to the table.

Orin’s voice said, “I’ll be there in a second.”

She was a red head and indeed her freckled skin tone usually came with the ability to blush ten shades darker at a moment’s notice but she’d never been much of a blusher. That wasn’t what she was worried about. She was thinking about how she’d snuck out of his bed telling herself he wouldn’t mind, but what if he had? Lexy prepared herself to see her naughty companion from the night before as she casually sipped from her coffee cup. That had been a seriously mind-blowing experience and she did want to repeat it but they weren’t in love and she’d never had a booty call before so she had no idea what she should say or do in the cold light of day.

Orin sat down beside her and Lexy politely said, “Good morning.”

He grinned as he took a drink of his coffee and replied, “It is, isn’t it?”

What in the hell was she supposed to say back to that?
She peered over at him trying to gage his temperament. Orin didn’t seem to be upset. He appeared to be amused by her confusion.

Grey piped in, “Oh, yah. How was your movie night? What did you guys end up watching? I forgot to ask Lexy with all of the drunken drama.”

What was she supposed to say?

Orin answered for her, “We watched a movie and had a couple of beers, it was nice. I was exhausted, and I fell asleep. She was gone when I woke up.”

Lexy smiled at Orin.
He hadn’t said a word.
She replied, “I didn’t want to wake you so I snuck out. I knew you wouldn’t mind.” Lexy couldn’t resist it as she added, “Did you sleep well?”

“Like a baby,” Orin replied while maintaining a completely innocent straight face.

Markus and Arrianna sat down across the table and Markus said, “Hey, what did you guys end up watching last night? We watched that new Comedy. It was absolutely hilarious.” He glanced at Arrianna and said, “What was it called again?”

Arrianna laughed, “It was the one with the brothers…you know what…I totally can’t remember the name. It was really funny though. I’ll probably remember the name in ten minutes when I’m not trying to think about it.” She laughed and added, “I’ll text it to you later.”

Grey got up to get another coffee. He snagged Lexy’s empty cup from in front of her so he could also refill hers.

Markus repeated his earlier question, “What did you guys end up watching again?”

Orin casually responded, “It was one of those long winded dramas. It turned funny and then super dirty half way through the show.”

Lexy choked on her mouthful of soggy Raisin Bran.
Orin gave her a couple of friendly pats on her back, then addressed Arrianna and Markus and added, “We’ll have to watch it again because I guess we both fell asleep last night and missed the ending.”

Lexy could read between the lines on this one.
Orin was telling her without having to say the words that he wanted to do it again
. She glanced up, and both Markus and Arrianna had that blank morning autopilot thing going on.
They had no idea

Most of their clan showed up and they were looking seriously rough. Kayn and Zach were still missing.

Grey came back to the table, handed Lexy a fresh coffee with a travel lid on it and announced, “We should all take a coffee to go.”

Markus stood up and announced, “Do me a favor Grey. Can you go ask that guy in the window over there if they have any apple pie?”

Grey hopped up, strolled over to the window and started to speak to someone.

The door opened again and there they were. All eyes were on Kayn the second she walked through the door, but they carried on eating and nobody said a word about it. It was more than moderately entertaining to watch Kayn try to choke down some toast.

Once everyone had finished eating, they strolled outside and got into the motorhome that was taking up multiple spots in the parking lot. It was time to go. Lexy scaled the couple of steps as Grey announced, “We’re driving first.”

Lexy quickly stowed her backpack and made her way past the group already seated at the table rifling through the cupboards searching for a board game. She smiled at the group as she passed with her fourth coffee of the day in hand. Lexy got into the passenger seat and Grey was messing around with the radio station.

He glanced at her and whispered, “I think Frost is purposely reprogramming every station I like to something else and hiding all of my CDs.”

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