Wicked Proposition (7 page)

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Authors: Karolyn Cairns

Tags: #historical, #suspense historical, #suspense drama love family

BOOK: Wicked Proposition
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“What is this sweet offering I see here?”
Dartmouth crowed as he sauntered over, leering at the new arrival.
He was eyeing her bosom lewdly. “We have a tasty new morsel?
Clarice has played me false! I asked for a fresh wench this

“Back off, Dartmouth,” Gabriel warned with
deadly calm, for he was in no mood for the drunken braggart.

Dartmouth appeared angry at this. His flat black
stare made the girl step backward, closer to Gabriel. He glared at
Lord Iverleigh. He was inches shorter, but his thick, stocky frame
exuded obvious power.

“We will just see about this!” Dartmouth said
with a sneer and moved closer to them. “Clarice promised me the
first night with her next new girl.”

“You are welcome to speak with Clarice if you
are unhappy with your choice of companions, Dartmouth,” Gabriel
allowed coldly. He gestured to Clarice who stalked towards them, a
fierce frown on her face.

Lord Seaton sauntered over to join them then.
The man was far leaner than Dartmouth and too pretty to be much of
a threat. He stepped between his drunken friend and a scowling Lord
Iverleigh before violence erupted.

“Don’t carry on so, Dartmouth,” Seaton said in
amusement. “Do not worry. We will all have her eventually. Perhaps
we can have her together, when Iverleigh is done?”

Seaton dissolved in mirth until he saw Gabriel’s
angry expression at his lewd comments. Lord Dartmouth was
practically salivating now, his rage was bubbling over. Many who
knew the man knew he was not above forcing the issue when he wanted

It was clear Clarice’s new girl had succeeded in
securing all her most powerful client’s attention. Dartmouth’s
other half-dozen companions behind him were staring at the
raven-haired beauty in appreciation. Gabriel wanted to drag her
away from their lecherous gazes. Madame Devereaux approached,
eyeing the men nervously despite her cheerful smile.

“What is this, Gentlemen?” she trilled gaily.
She moved to instigate herself between both men. “Lord Dartmouth,
you asked me specifically for Yvetta. Then you abandon her when my
new girl arrives. How like a man! You can enjoy our lovely
Catherine another time. I have promised her to Lord Iverleigh,” she
said firmly and turned to Seaton with a warning look. “Lord Seaton,
I believe Constance is growing cold in your absence.”

Lord Seaton wasted no time in rejoining
Constance, leaving Dartmouth to seethe in his anger to be

“There will be another time, you can be sure,
sweet Catherine,” Dartmouth promised coldly. His dark eyes flicked
over her with such a predatory look, she flinched.

He retreated back to Yvetta’s side, his
reptilian stare lingering on the new prostitute the whole time.

Gabriel stared down at her, noting her cool
expression despite her flushed cheeks. Her trembling lips betrayed

“I apologize for Lord Dartmouth. You should
learn to avoid him in the future, if you can. Would you like
another glass of champagne, my dear?”

She nodded, momentarily tongue-tied. Clarice
eyed her darkly in the mirrors. Eyes met the Earl’s with a
come-hither look.

“You needn’t apologize for Lord Dartmouth, my
lord. Why don’t you get the whole bottle and let us discuss more
pleasant topics privately?” she purred seductively.

He smiled appreciatively down at her. He
sauntered away to retrieve the bottle and have a word with the


Clarice and Gabriel exchanged several words
before he returned to her side. Gabriel’s dark eyes moved over her.
She felt the heat of his stare burning through the fabric of her

Gabriel retrieved a bottle of champagne from an
ice bucket nearby and two empty crystal flutes. He leaned down to
whisper in her ear, his warm breath tickling her ear, making her

“Let us go up to your room then, my dear,” he
whispered softly. “I would like to finish this bottle and our
conversation privately.”

Catherine could see Madame Devereaux’s pleased
expression. The woman snapped out orders in rapid French to a maid
who scurried away to do her bidding.

Gabriel led her out of the salon and Catherine
could feel many eyes upon them as they left the room. Catherine
forced a smile for Gabriel’s benefit. Inwardly, she felt like
screaming and clawing at his handsome face, damning him for
ignoring her letters, and for what she had to do.

Catherine felt dirty and lewd. After this night
she would never feel clean again. His large hand was felt in the
small of her back. They climbed the stairs together in search of
the blue room. Catherine knew the way, but allowed him to lead.

Gabriel led her along several corridors.
Catherine ignored the sounds emanating from behind the paneled
doors they passed, knowing what went on within them.

Catherine recognized the room when they entered
it. She had watched several couples through the peephole in this
room. Dismay filled her to know they would be watched. Clarice
wanted there to be no doubt she met her end of the bargain.

Candles were lit everywhere. The room smelled of
rich sandalwood and amber. A small fire crackled invitingly in the
fireplace. The bed was a massive canopy with sapphire blue silk bed
hangings, adorned with dozens of fluffy silk-covered pillows in
lighter shades of blue.

Catherine wandered over to a small table where
he joined her with the champagne. She watched as he popped the cork
and poured her a flute. She accepted it gratefully.

Gabriel removed his frock coat and tossed it
across a nearby chair. Catherine avoided looking at him. Her heart
was beating erratically, fear filling her in waves.

Catherine gulped down the glass of champagne. He
sat in a chair to remove his boots.

She poured herself another glass. He walked
towards her, his hands busily untying his cravat and tossing it
aside. Gabriel was unbuttoning his lawn shirt as he drew near, his
near nakedness almost making her jump out of her skin. She felt the
warm flesh of his chest pressing against her back suddenly. His
body was firm and solid. She closed her eyes tightly to block it

He nuzzled her neck and Catherine refrained from
nearly slapping him. She felt her heart pounding out of control in
fear. Surely he could hear it? His lips kissed the hollow of her
neck and Catherine shivered at the first touch. She tried to
remember Clarice’s instructions. Catherine forced herself to relax
and lean back against him, arching her throat to allow him more
access there.

Catherine felt a warm fuzziness envelope her
from the champagne she had drunk. She was grateful he had brought
the whole bottle. Gabriel’s hands rose suddenly and moved to pull
the pins from her hair. Catherine drained the flute in nervousness,
feeling tipsy now. Her hair cascaded down her back. Gabriel
threaded his hands through the silken mass.

He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her
perfume. His hands slid around her to caress the fullness of her
breasts. She jumped slightly as his large hands encompassed them,
caressing them through her gown.

Catherine’s eyes flew wide. His thumbs brushed
over her sensitive nipples under her gown with slow precise
strokes. A shocked ripple went through her as the peaks hardened
and tingled in response.

Gabriel turned her to face him. She stared up
into his passion-darkened eyes. Gabriel took her empty glass and
refilled them both. He handed her one and raised his glass to his

“Let us drink to a very pleasurable evening, my
dear,” he whispered, his eyes glued to her red lips. She emptied
hers in a flourish. His eyes lingered on a droplet that clung to
her lower lip. He leaned forward and his lips caught the lone drop.
He sucked her lip inside his mouth, before he covered them both

Catherine was unprepared for his kiss, feeling
she dared not even breathe. His firm, warm lips covered hers.
Gabriel’s tongue was slow and seeking, making her tremble.

She felt warm all over and it had little to do
with the alcohol. Catherine leaned into his passionate kiss,
parting her lips beneath his. His tongue engaged hers, stroking
softly, mating with hers insistently.

His hand rose and cupped the back of her head,
drawing her closer into his passionate kiss. A stabbing ache shot
through her middle as he continued to assault her senses.

Gabriel pulled back, desire in his eyes. He
reached down and pulled off his shirt, letting it fall to the
floor. He set his flute upon the bedside table. Her eyes took in
the rippling muscles of his arms and the wide broad shoulders and
chest. She felt the urge to faint. Still, she heard Clarice’s words
in her head, telling her what to do.

“I thought you wished for some conversation, my
lord?” she asked breathlessly. She touched his chest, her fingers
splayed across the golden mat of hair there, feeling the beating of
his heart beneath her hand. She let her shaking hand trail lower to
run across his flat hard abdomen to the fastenings of his breeches.
She rejected what she was doing, closing her mind off to it.

Gabriel grinned at her and reached for her small
hand. He placed it upon his hardened erection below. “What is that
telling you, Catherine?” he asked in amusement as his maleness grew
even harder under her trembling hand. “I believe the time for talk
is over. Take off your clothes, my sweet.”

Catherine was startled at his impatience and her
hand withdrew from him quickly. She drained the glass of champagne
as she moved away. Her eyes sought the peephole in embarrassment.
She couldn’t recall the exact location of it on the wall. Her
vision grew fuzzy and she shook her head to clear it. Catherine she
spoke over her shoulder.

“I need help with my dress. Do you mind
attending me, Lord Iverleigh?” Catherine asked huskily, not quite
recognizing the woman’s voice that had become her own.

She was startled as she felt his hands at her
back. They were deft and efficiently undoing the laces and buttons
as any ladies maid. When his hands fell from her so did the dress.
Her eyes flew wide. She heard his harsh intake of breath behind her
as he gazed down at her nakedness.

Catherine stepped out of the dress, wearing
nothing but the red silk stockings and heels. She felt his hand
slide over her slim back tracing the curve of it. She trembled as
his hands touched the curve of her slim waist, softly rounded hips,
and her derriere. He seemed intrigued with the firm upturned flesh,
his hands squeezing both cheeks gently. She felt panic rise within
her. Gabriel spun her around to face him. Her eyes met his and she
was shocked to see the raw lust flaring in his dark eyes. Catherine
felt shame as she stood naked before Gabriel.

She ignored her desperate desire to shield
herself from his heated stare. Hearing the words of Clarice, she
stepped toward him boldly, allowing him to drink in her nakedness
from head to toe. Inwardly, she wept in mortification.

Gabriel felt the desire that raged within him
the moment he had set eyes on Catherine. Her standing before him
naked, in nothing but her stockings and heels, nearly did him

His eyes slid over her full breasts. He reached
out and cupped their firm roundness, delighting in teasing the
large rosy nipples which hardened before his eyes.

He admired the slim perfection of her body and
her curvaceous legs. She quaked under his slow, hot perusal.

Gabriel’s hands shook at the fastenings of his
breeches. He removed them and tossed them aside hastily. She gasped
as his large engorged manhood sprang free and jutted out proudly
between his legs. Gabriel smiled and reached for her. He caught her
to him gently, dragging her up against his chest. He smiled down
into her flushed face.

“You are lovely, Catherine,” he whispered
appreciatively as he traced the delicate lines of her face with his
fingertips. His lips found hers once more, hungry and insistent
now, no longer gentle like before.

Gabriel’s mouth was hard and demanding as it
took possession of hers, his hands stroking her back, molding her
up against his hard nude form. He lifted his head and stared down
at her for a moment before he picked her up and carried her to the
bed. Catherine gasped as he tossed her upon the silken comforter.
Before she could remember the instructions from the madam, his hard
frame followed hers. At the first disturbing feel of his body
pressed against her nakedness, she felt a sense of panic. It was
all happening so fast.

Catherine closed her eyes in fear as his mouth
left a blistering trail of heat from her throat to her chest. She
moaned in denial as his lips moved to her breasts. His hands
stroked them feverishly, caressing them with an expert touch.

The golden head lowered as he took one hard
nipple into his mouth then, suckling upon it voraciously until she
shuddered and gasped at the pleasurable feeling. Stabs of some
alien sensation made her tense.

Gabriel’s lips pulled hungrily at her tingling
peaks as her fingers dug deeply into the mattress. He moved to the
other breast, and yet back again. Blocking out the sensations
coursing through her body proved impossible. She began to enjoy
what he did to her. Catherine grew dizzy and clutched his golden
head to her. The Madam’s instructions grew fainter inside her head.
Her hands were sliding through his silky hair and gripping handfuls
of it.

He nibbled deliberately at her nipples, gently
taking the peaks between his teeth. She was lost in the feeling of
his hot mouth when his hand slipped between them. Catherine felt
his hand sliding down her abdomen and she instinctively stiffened.
His hand slid between her thighs. She almost shrank from him in
horror as his hand stroked her there. His hand brushed the velvety
folds open, his finger teasing her and stroking the flesh

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