Wicked Promise (23 page)

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Authors: Kat Martin

Tags: #Romance, #Historical Romance

BOOK: Wicked Promise
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Bascomb! With a plumed hat perched on his head and a musketeer's cape billowing out behind him, he was only a few steps away. He caught her wrist before she could escape, pulled her into an alcove, and pressed her up against the wall.
"Let me go or I promise you I shall scream."
His full lips curved. "I wish you would, my dear, I truly do. I'm sure the ladies down the hall would be quite aghast at my boldness." He was as tall as Nicholas; two years older and more thickly built, with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes, a handsome man, most would say. Elizabeth did not think so. "Of course, I would merely explain that my heart has completely addled my brain where you are concerned, that I have asked you to marry and was doing my best to convince you to say yes."
Her mouth thinned. "Whereupon I would simply tell them I am not interested in marriage to you—not now, nor at any time in the future."
"You could do that—but screaming would certainly make them believe there was a great deal more going on than a man merely trying to woo you into marriage. You would be ruined. You would no longer be welcomed in the ton, and neither would Raven worth nor his sister."
Elizabeth tensed. Nicholas wouldn't care what the ton thought about him, but Maggie—Maggie was a far different story.
"What is it you want?"
He made no response, just hauled her close and dragged her mouth up to his for a wet, sticky kiss, his fleshy lips almost swallowing her whole before she could jerk free and slap him.
The sharp sting brought a moment of stunned disbelief. She pulled free of his hold and darted away, gone before he could stop her, almost running down the hall toward the stairs. She was shaking all over, her pulse so fast she felt a little dizzy. If ever she had doubted how much she despised Oliver Hampton, one of his rancid, sloppy kisses, one touch of his damp, clammy hands was enough to remind her.
She returned to the ballroom, still a little shaken, pondering her unfortunate encounter with Bascomb. She shoved the memory away, her mind turning instead to thoughts of Nicholas and the night ahead.
A tremor of anticipation ran through her. It was tempered with a hint of uncertainty. Tonight she would become his mistress in truth. She wondered what particular lesson he might have in mind for the hours ahead.
Gowned in blue silk, a shade lighter than her eyes, Maggie Warring stood next to Rand Clayton, who stood beside the Marquess of Trent. Even though he wore a fifteenth-century doublet, she remembered Andrew Sutton, a good-looking, brown-haired man of medium height and build, a friend of Nick's from Oxford. He and Andrew had been close before her brother went to prison, but as Nicholas had done with the rest of his former acquaintances, he had reasoned, as a convicted criminal and outcast of Society, that his friendship with the marquess was at an end.
Maggie hadn't seen him since the scandal and didn't think her brother had. She remembered his teasing, lighthearted banter when she was a girl. She hadn't paid attention to him then, her head full of foolish fantasies about Stephen Hampton.
As a woman, she felt the marquess's presence as she hadn't before, felt those assessing brown eyes and the power of his smile, and an odd little shiver raced over her skin.
"That was your brother, was it not—dressed as the Knave of Hearts?"
Maggie smiled. "I'm surprised you recognized him. I helped him with the costume. I thought it a good disguise."
"For most perhaps, but I have known him far too long." His mouth curved faintly. "The costume was appropriate, I think. Nick has always had a way with the ladies and tonight is no exception. The way he was looking at that lovely creature in the feathered gown, there was little doubt what he was thinking—nor that the lady returned his interest."
Surprise was followed by a trickle of unease. In the beginning, she had been worried about Elizabeth and Nick, but she had convinced herself she was wrong. Tonight she had been having such fun, been so engrossed in the evening, she had paid little attention to Elizabeth or her brother. They had danced together, was all. Nick was fond of her, might even be attracted to her, but he would never actually pursue her. And she didn't believe Elizabeth would encourage him even if he did. The marquess must be wrong.
"At any rate," he continued, "I'm glad to see he's decided to make his return. I know his past has made things difficult, but whatever happened with Hampton that night—and there are those of us who have our doubts—he has paid for his sins, and I for one am happy to see him here."
Maggie smiled, relieved the subject had taken a different turn. "That is kind of you, my lord. Perhaps Nick has more friends than he believes. It would please him to know the way you feel."
He gave her a long assessing glance and the odd little shiver returned. "Then I hope that you will tell him." He smiled. "Or perhaps, with your permission, I shall call upon you both and tell him myself."
Her stomach fluttered strangely. Surely he wasn't implying he would be making a call on her? No matter what her brother might want for her, she wasn't ready to entertain suitors—she had been locked away far too long. And yet this particular man intrigued her.
"That would be very thoughtful, my lord. I'm sure it would mean a lot to Nick." His gaze lingered, a warm velvet brown, and finally she glanced away.
"Perhaps, Lady Margaret, you would care to dance?"
Maggie smiled with a bit of uncertainty. It was one thing to dance with men she thought of as friends and another thing altogether to dance with a man who made her insides turn to mush.
"My lady?" he pressed.
She placed her hand in his but made no effort to move forward. That first night at the ball, she had been terrified to step out on the dance floor. She'd been petrified of what people would say, but in the end, with Rand's protection and gentle encouragement, the evening had been a success.
There had been a few lewd remarks, of course, but the dowager had squelched most of the gossip. The story was told that she had entered the convent because of the scandal her brother had caused. The why of Stephen Bascomb's death remained shrouded in mystery, and the blame for Maggie's departure dumped squarely on poor Nick's shoulders, but they were broad, and he didn't seem to mind.
The Duke of Beldon appeared beside her, "Go on, Maggie. You'll be as safe with Andrew as you are with me."
He was right, of course. The marquess was a friend of Nick's and the perfect escort, a man nearly as powerful as the duke. She smiled into Andrew Sutton's handsome face.
"All right, but I warn you, my lord—I am still a little rusty. I pray you will have patience."
He returned the smile and her heart beat faster. "I was born with patience, my lady." He extended his arm and she rested her hand on the heavy velvet sleeve of his doublet.
On the way to the dance floor, a few sly comments were made as they usually were, but the wagging tongues stilled when they realized her escort was the wealthy Marquess of Trent. It was a long dance and she thoroughly enjoyed it.
"Thank you, my lord," she said to him when the music ended.
A thick brown eyebrow went up. "What for?"
"For helping me remember some of the pleasures of life."
The brown of his eyes went indigo dark. He bowed over her hand. "Perhaps there is more I can show you, my lady."
His breath felt warm through her glove and a tingle ran up her arm. "Perhaps there is, my lord."
icholas left the ball first, before the party-goers were unmasked, yet Elizabeth glimpsed his tall frame outside the mansion half an hour later, waiting until she was safely ensconced with her aunt in Beldon's carriage, Elias and Theo, dressed in the duke's gold livery, riding as footmen at the rear.
When she reached the town house, she said good night to her aunt and went straight to her room, growing even more nervous and uncertain. Nicholas would be arriving any minute. He expected her to play the role of mistress as she had agreed. He would kiss her, touch her, make love to her. Her stomach swirled and her mouth felt parchment dry. It was one thing to make love to him in an instant of unbridled passion, another thing entirely to set out on a course of action that would change the balance of her life.
It is already changed
, she told herself.
It was altered the instant you fell in love with him
. From that moment on, her happiness was forever entwined with his, her future enmeshed with that of the Earl of Ravenworth.
Mercy was waiting in Elizabeth's bedchamber to help her undress. She allowed the girl to dispense with the buttons and tabs fastening her costume together and help her out of the green-feathered tunic. Her maid hadn't yet guessed her relationship with the earl. As perceptive as Mercy was, Elizabeth was certain it wouldn't take her long to figure it out.
Mercy would know, and soon the other servants in the house would begin to suspect, yet Elizabeth felt as Nicholas did that their staff was loyal and at least for a time their secret would be safe. Still, it bothered her what each of them might be thinking.
The buxom little maid pulled the last of the pins from her hair and brushed out the tangles.
"Thank you, Mercy. I can do the rest myself. Go ahead and get some sleep."
"Are ye sure?"
"I'll be fine."
"All right, then. Good night, miss."
"Good night, Mercy."
She waited till the girl left the room, then, still wearing her chemise, lit the candle that sat on a table in front of the window. Shadows flickered against the walls and a soft yellow glow seeped into the corners. Elizabeth glanced toward the door, nervous yet strangely excited. She had made her choice. Nicholas would come. The night ahead should be special. What to do?
Then her eyes came to rest on the green-feathered mask she had tossed onto her dresser. Slowly she reached for it, settled the mask over her eyes, and tied the string around her head. In the mirror, dark green sequins glittered. Through the holes in the mask, her eyes seemed to glitter as well. For a moment she hesitated, then daringly, she slipped off the straps of her chemise and let it slide down her body. Naked she crossed the room and climbed up into the big four-poster bed, propping herself up against the pillows.
Minutes ticked past. An ember snapped in the fire, hissed against the grate. When she glanced back to the door, Nicholas stood framed in the opening. His costume was replaced by snug black breeches tucked into high black boots. A full- sleeved white lawn shirt stretched over his powerful chest. The door closed softly behind him, but he did not move, just stood there, the silvery blue of his eyes running over her naked body.
"I see you have dressed for your lesson," he said in a voice rough with seduction.
"I hoped to please you."
He strode toward the bed with his easy grace, his gaze meeting hers through the mask. "Then you have—and most exquisitely. But tonight, my love, it is I who intend to please you."
Heat rolled from the top of her head to the bottoms of her feet. Her heart thumped madly. Nervously, she moistened her lips. "Is there . . . is there something you wish me to do?"
His hot gaze raked her. "Aye, my love. There is a good deal you will do before this night is done." He crossed to the bed, sat down beside her, and pulled her into his arms. "But first, I would simply like to kiss you."
She closed her eyes, felt the softness of his lips over hers, then the warm, probing pressure of his tongue. He tasted of brandy and his shirt smelled faintly of bay rum cologne. He kissed her deeply, erotically, pressing her down in the mattress, letting her feel the hard length of his arousal, sparing none of her maidenly sensibilities. That time was past. She was his woman now and he meant to show her exactly what that meant.
Tilting his head, he took her mouth again, his tongue sweeping in with expert skill, tasting her thoroughly, firing hot sensations that pulsed through her body. Elizabeth kissed him back with the same fierce passion, returning what he gave, encouraging him to take more.
"Put you arms around my neck," he softly commanded, and she did so, her breasts pressing into his chest. He groaned and deepened the kiss, then trailed his mouth along the side of her neck, kissing his way along her throat and shoulders. When he reached the swell of a breast, he pebbled the end with his tongue then took the roundness into his mouth and began to suckle the end.
Intense heat poured through her, hot and sultry, flaring out to the ends of her limbs, coiling deep in the pit of her stomach.
"Nicholas..." Clinging to his shoulders, she arched upward, desperate to absorb the heat of his mouth over her skin. He teased the second breast, taunting the little tip until it ached and distended, then laved and suckled until she writhed beneath him.
He pressed her back down on the bed, his face harsh with need in the light of the candles, a thick curl of jet-black hair tipping over his forehead. His arousal pressed hard against his breeches. She could feel the heavy weight of him against her thigh, feel his rigid length, and the promise it spoke made her tremble. Nicholas kissed her breasts again, slowly and with purpose, then began to move down her body. He paused to ring her navel, feathered soft kisses across the flat plane beneath.
"Nicholas..." Her body was on fire, desperate with the need to feel him inside her. "I want to touch you, too. I want to see you naked."
His eyes seemed to smolder. "Soon, my love. For now there are things I wish to show you, lessons I wish you to learn."
The words sent a fresh waive of heat rippling through her. He kissed her again, deeply, fiercely. His hands found her wrists and he lifted them above the headboard. It was ornately carved and fashioned of dark, polished wood. He laced her hands through a bouquet of intricately carved wooden flowers, making certain each finger found purchase.

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