Read Wicked Neighbor Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Wicked Neighbor (8 page)

BOOK: Wicked Neighbor
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He blew out a breath, wishing he knew what to do.
“What do you recommend I do?”

“Flowers, chocolate, dinner, maybe some nice dirty sex
to make up for the fact you were an ass before you tasted the sublime
Charlotte. Tell her straight, you were getting a massage and that no one else
gets your dick so hard, blah, blah,
.” She opened
her mouth then closed it.

“What?” he asked. “What were you going to say?”

“I was wondering where you expect this to go with

“What do you mean?”

“All of your other women knew the score. They didn’t
expect exclusivity from you, nor did you them. What about Charlotte? What do
you expect from her? Do you want her dating other men, fucking other men?”

“No!” He yelled before he could stop himself.

“I think it’s time you had a little thought about what
you’re wanting from this thing.” Lillian tapped her fingers on the desk. “I
wish I could help you.”

“I’m not sharing this one, Lillian.” He’d been known
to share some of his women in the past with Lillian.

“I know. The moment I saw her at the restaurant I knew
you wouldn’t.” Lillian stepped away from the desk, advancing toward him. “Be
careful with this one, Bryan. She’s delicate, used to being overlooked. Treat
her right.”

“I will. I promise.” He was going to protect and take
care of Charlotte. Under his care she was going to flower, he’d make damn sure
of it.

“I’ve got some work to get to. I look forward to
hearing all the juicy details.” She gave him a hug before sending him on his
way. This was one of the reasons why his friendship with Lillian had lasted.
She never expected anything from him other than advice and friendship back.

Leaving her office he made his way back to the massage
room. There was no sign on the door. He entered, seeing his stuff in the

“She’s why you’ve not been taking any women home,
isn’t she?” Brandie asked.

He turned to find the blonde sitting on the seat
beside the bed.

“Charlotte has come to mean quite a bit to me.”

“I can see that. All of us can see you’re no longer
into just sex, fucking.” Brandie rubbed her thighs before standing up. “Oh,
well, I will miss you, Bryan.”

He stared at her for the longest time.

If you do this, Charlotte will be the only woman you have.

The thought of only ever being with Charlotte calmed
him. She was his other half. He’d found the one woman he was compatible with. She
was the one who shared his desires and needs.

He picked up his bag leaving the room.

There wouldn’t be another appointment. He needed to
gain back the trust he’d just lost from Charlotte. On his way home he stopped
off at a florist and chocolatier before going to the grocery store.

For the rest of the afternoon, he prepared a meal for
her to enjoy. He was going to show Charlotte there were many different sides to
his talents.

Chapter Eight


Charlotte tapped her foot as she continued to work on
the latest web design. She was finding it hard to be inspired as her thoughts
drifted to Bryan and what he was doing at that very moment. She heard him
arrive back home but hadn’t gone to him, nor had he come to her.

It didn’t matter, not really.

At least, that was what she told herself.

They were supposed to be exclusive, yet he was getting
massages from women whenever he wanted.

“Fine, it’s fine. I can deal with him getting massages
whenever the hell he wants.” She talked to herself as she faded in the
background. By the time she finished her latest design it looked more like an
advert for a haunted house than an actual gym. “Pictures, I need pictures.”

She sent Lillian a quick email asking for some up-to-date
pictures before she could finish her web design. The email was off into cyber-space,
and she finished answering her mails before heading toward her kitchen.

On the way there someone knocked on her door.

Susan had already stopped by to ask her what was going
on between her and Bryan, to which she’d responded, “Not a damn thing.”

Why was she so angry? They had only suggested

She was hurt and angry. He’d taken her to a party
where Daniel, a friend to their neighbors, had seen her. Every time she thought
about it, she kept freaking out.

Running her fingers through her hair, she made her way
toward the door. Was it Bryan’s influence that kept her hair down? She used to
wrap it up in a bun, and now she had it down, curled it.

Opening the door she found Bryan on her doorstep.

“I don’t know what you want, but it’s not here,” she

He stopped her from shutting him out by putting a foot
in the way.

“I want you to listen to me.”

“Look, I get it. I should have known that you like
variety with your women. No hard feelings. We make a more interesting
relationship as neighbors. Get your foot out of my door.”


“You can’t go ordering me around.”

“I can. You’re going to come next door with me and let
me explain.”


“I wasn’t fucking Brandie when you walked in or at any
point in the last couple of weeks since I’ve been with you.”

“You expect me to believe you?” she asked.

“I’ve not lied to you yet. I’ve been honest with you.
Think about it, Charlotte, I’ve shared more with you than I have with a lot of
the women I’ve been with.” He offered her a hand. “Come and have dinner with
me. I’ve spent all afternoon making you a meal.”

She started to cave.

A delicious, homemade meal sounded lovely.

Putting her hand in his, she closed her door, following him back to his
home. She was aware of him holding her hand as they made their way across the
lawn. If anyone saw them, they’d be the talk of the street in the next couple
of hours.

The moment they entered Bryan’s home, she saw the lit
candles decorating the counters. He closed the door, taking her hands as they
made their way toward the dining room. Bryan walked with his back to the room.

“So I was thinking we could maybe start over.”

“Start over?”

“Yes. Brandie is an amazing massage therapist. She’s
popular, and most of her clients have to book a month ahead of time. Today was
my day.” He helped her into her chair, pushing it under the table as she sat

There was a bucket with ice and wine nestled inside.
The bucket looked like a garden one.

“It’s new. I’ve not used it transfer mud.”

She chuckled. He opened the bottle, pouring her a
generous glass full.

“I want us to toast to new beginnings.” He raised his
glass to her, taking a seat beside her at the table.

“Wine, beautiful
smelling dinner, and new beginnings?”

“I want to keep things exclusive between us. No other
men or women.”

“Being exclusive?”

“I won’t be taking any more massages from Brandie.
I’ve not put my name down for another one.”

Guilt swamped her. “Nothing happened?”

“No, nothing happened. Nothing is going to happen. I
promised you we were going to be exclusive. I’ve never backed away from a
promise, and I’m not going to do so now.”

She licked her lips, staring at him. “I want you to
organize your massage.”

“I won’t—”

Placing her hand on his, she shook her head. “If we’re
going to be exclusive and do this properly then we’re going to do it with
trust.” She took a sip of her wine. “Are we about to enter a relationship?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I think we are.”

She dropped her gaze to his lips. “It has been a long
time since I’ve been in a relationship.”

“Me, too.
I’ve liked how my life has been.”

“What’s changed?”

This time he took a sip of his wine. “You, you’ve
changed me.”

I’m exactly the same. I’m no different. Nothing has changed here.”

“When I was with Brandie or the other women I fucked,
I didn’t care if other men were in their lives. With you, I care. I care a hell
of a lot. In fact, I don’t want men like Daniel or any others to put their
hands on you. You belong to me, Charlotte.”

She licked her lips. Her pussy grew wet at the
intensity of his words.

“I belong to you?”

“Yes. When it comes to you, I don’t want to share.”


Nodding, she drank some more of her wine. “We’re in a
relationship that doesn’t share.”

He reached over, running his thumb along her lip. “I’m
going to go and get dinner, but before I do, you broke one of my rules.”

She frowned.

“You’re still clothed. Get naked, now.”

Her hand shook a little as she put her glass of wine
down. She’d never been a wine drinker, and she was only taking little sips.
Standing up, she kept her gaze on his as she removed her dress.

“This is why I cooked dinner. I couldn’t expect you to
go naked in a restaurant. There wouldn’t have been any way for me to handle it.
I’d have tried to kill every man who tried to look at you.”

His threats of hurting someone else should have her
alarmed. Instead, she liked them. She liked this possessive side of him.

She stepped out of the dress, followed by her

“Give me your panties.”

As she placed her wet panties in his palm, heat built
in her face. She watched, unable to look away, as he inhaled their scent.

“They’re wet and sweet. Come here.”

Stepping closer to him, she waited.

“Open your thighs.”

She did as he requested.

He slipped his fingers between her thighs, stroking
one digit through the lips of her pussy. Bryan started to tut. “Charlotte,
you’re so wet. Tell me, baby, what has made you so wet?”

She whimpered as he circled her bud before moving down
to plunge inside her. He teased her.

“Tell me.”


“I turn you on?”


He released her pussy. Moaning, she watched as he
licked her cream from his fingers. “You’re so juicy. I could spend all day
licking and sucking you. I may do that yet.” He stood up, taking her hand, and
placing it over his cock.

“That’s what you do to me, Charlotte. You make me so
damned hard all the time. Thinking about you, makes me hard. When I’m away from
your company, I want to know what you’re doing. Today, with Brandie, I couldn’t
stop thinking about you. No woman has ever left me feeling like that.”

She squeezed the hard ridge of his cock, loving how
hard he was.

“Let’s skip dinner.”

“No. We’re not skipping dinner.” He kissed the inside
of her wrist. “Take a seat.”

Sitting down in her chair, she tapped her fingers on
her thighs, anticipation building with every passing moment.

He placed a small bowl in front of her with a small
“Fish chowder.”

“It looks and smells delicious.”

Charlotte didn’t think she’d last the entire meal, but
after the main dish then the dessert, she found herself relaxed, loving his

“I think we should tell Susan and Michael about us when
we’re at their barbeque next week.”

She licked the last of the chocolate pudding from the
spoon before turning to look at him.

“You want to tell them about us?”

“I want to shout it from the rooftops. I know, it’s
completely unlike me, isn’t it?”


“You missed a bit.” He leaned over, licking the corner
of her mouth before sliding his tongue inside.

She moaned, meeting her tongue with his. The kiss
deepened, and Bryan held her face in his hands.

“I’m going to take you upstairs now, and I’m going to
fuck you. Are you ready for that?”

“Yes, I’m ready.” She stroked her fingers over his

“I can’t believe you were right next door to me.” He
jerked away from the table so fast that the chair behind him fell to the floor.

Bryan took the lead like he had done before, taking
her upstairs to his room.

“I’m going to be honest with you now, Charlotte. No
other woman has played inside my bedroom.”

She smiled. “Where did you play?” she asked.

He opened the door nearest his room. The curtains were
closed, and he flicked on a light switch. The room wasn’t as big as his, but it
had the same toys. “This is where I brought all the women I fucked. They
weren’t allowed in my room.”


“This is where they stayed.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because you’re the first woman I’ve ever let into my

She tilted her head to the side.
what about all the toys in there?
I’ve seen
whips, chains, all of it.”

“They’ve not been used. I didn’t see a point in using
them. I hoped I’d one day find a woman who desired my way of life. I hadn’t
found her until you, that night in the restaurant.”

“How do you know I’m her?”

“You’ve let me tie you up, spank you, play with your
ass, Charlotte. You didn’t push me away. Everything I did to you, you embraced
it. I have to hold back with everyone else. You, I don’t have to hold back

He closed and locked the door, giving her the key.

“I don’t understand.”

“This room is yours to do with as you wish. I’m giving
it to you as a promise. I won’t cheat on you.”

“Bryan, you really don’t need to do this.”

“I do, and I am.” He cupped her cheek. “I’m in this.
No half measures. I want you to be the same.”


Could she do it? Bryan was putting himself out there
for her. She only hoped that she could give him the same kind of commitment
that he was offering her.


They entered his room with Charlotte taking the lead.
She looked so beautiful with all of her naked curves for him to gaze at.

“Where do you want me?” she asked.

“Do you trust me?”

“I trust you not to hurt me.”

He nodded, walking her over to the spanking bench he
kept in the corner. “Lean over. I want to strap you down. It will keep you in place
when I take this sweet pussy.”

She leaned over the bench. He waited for her to get
comfortable before taking her hands and placing them inside the straps. When
her hands were secure he moved onto her ankles, securing them in place as well.

Caressing along her back once again, he moved down to
the cheeks of her ass, spreading them wide.

“You’re still wet.”

Charlotte didn’t say anything even as he teased a hand
between her thighs. She remained silent. He liked her restraint.

“Now, you’re due a punishment. You ran out on me at
the gym without giving me a chance to talk. I’m going to give you five with my
hand, and then I’m going to use my wooden paddle. You’ll like it, Charlotte. It
gives just enough pain to make it pleasurable.”

He heard her moan, which made him smile.

“So, let’s get started on hearing you scream.”
Wrapping her hair around his fist, he lifted her head up. The slight pain from
her hair being pulled already had her moaning. Bryan tested the angle, lifting
his hand up while also holding onto her hair before testing her limits. When he
was pleased, he stared down the long line of her neck. There was already a
purple bruise that he’d given her with his lips the other day. He intended to
have many of his marks on her flesh.

BOOK: Wicked Neighbor
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