Wicked Lovers 06.5 Wicked All The Way (13 page)

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Bound And Determined

Strip Search

“Arresting Desire” – Hot In Handcuffs Anthology


MASTERS OF MÉNAGE (by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake)

Their Virgin Captive

Their Virgin’s Secret

Their Virgin Concubine

Coming Soon:

Their Virgin Princess

Their Virgin Hostage


DOMS OF HER LIFE (by Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob, and
Isabella LaPearl)

One Dom To Love

Coming Soon:

The Young And The Submissive


Stand Alone Titles

Naughty Little Secret (as Shelley Bradley)

“Watch Me” – Sneak Peek Anthology (as Shelley Bradley)

Dangerous Boys And Their Toy

“Her Fantasy Men” – Four Play Anthology




Tempt Me With Darkness

“Fated” (e-novella)

Seduce Me In Shadow

Possess Me At Midnight

“Mated” – Haunted By Your Touch Anthology

Entice Me At Twilight

Embrace Me At Dawn


HISTORICAL ROMANCE (as Shelley Bradley)

The Lady And The Dragon

One Wicked Night

Strictly Seduction

Strictly Forbidden

Coming Soon:

His Lady Bride, Brothers in Arms (Book 1)

His Stolen Bride, Brothers in Arms (Book 2)

His Rebel Bride, Brothers in Arms (Book 3)



A Perfect Match




Wicked Lovers, book 7

Available May 7, 2013

By Shayla Black


Between two brothers…


Xander Santiago spent years living it up as a billionaire
playboy. Never given a chance to lead his family business in the boardroom, he
became a Master in the bedroom instead. His older brother inherited the company
and worked tirelessly to make it an empire. But while the cutthroat corporate
espionage took its toll on Javier, nothing was as devastating as the seemingly
senseless murder of his wife. It propelled him into a year of punishing rage
and guilt…until Xander came to his rescue.


Comes an irresistible
woman …


Eager to rejuvenate Javier’s life, Xander shanghais him to
Louisiana where they meet the beautiful London McLane. After surviving a decade
of tragedy and struggle, London is determined to make a fresh start—and these
sexy billionaire brothers are more than willing to help. In every way. And
London is stunned to find herself open to every heated suggestion…and
desperately hoping that her love will heal them.


And inescapable danger


But a killer with a hidden motive is watching, on a single-minded
mission to destroy everything the Santiago brothers hold dear, especially
London. And as fear and desire collide, every passionate beat of her heart
could be her last.




“I’m sorry if I startled you. Your dance was so sweetly
seductive, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to express my appreciation. In
fact, I’d like to appreciate you even more. What’s your name,

In case he was a rapist, she didn’t feel the need to be
polite. “You need to leave.”

He held up both hands in a gesture meant to convey that he
was harmless—not that she believed it. She scrambled back.

“Stop. Breathe. Listen.” His voice dropped an octave as he
stepped forward again.

Instantly, she found herself following instructions, then
wondered why. Something in his voice maybe? It carried a stern note of a
command, but his expression read gentle. Whatever it was, London responded. She
dropped her gaze to the scratched-up stage, frantically trying to gather her

“Good girl,
I’m not going to hurt you. Relax.”

Again, she found herself doing as he bid and being oddly
happy that he’d praised her. Almost proud. God, was she so thirsty for
something good in her life that she’d fall for kind words from a potential ax

“Nothing to worry about,” he promised. “I’m a friend of
Alyssa Traverson, the owner.”

That raised her hackles. He should have stuck to the truth
and said he was simply a customer. “I know most of her friends. I don’t know
you. What’s your name?”

“I’m Xander.”

Logan’s billionaire playboy pal? He was dressed expensively. Though Xander’s
eyes appeared hazel, rather than blue like his brother’s, he looked enough like
Javier otherwise—ungodly handsome—to convince her she’d guessed right.

The good news was, if he was a friend of Logan’s, he wasn’t
an ax murderer or a rapist. In fact, she’d heard the stories about the ways in
which Xander had helped both Logan and Tyler save their wives from some really
dangerous situations. From everything she could tell, both of those men had
great creep radars, so Xander wasn’t a psycho.

But he was unnerving. She’d read about men who could make a
woman’s heart skip a bit, but London had believed it was all crap until
recently. Xander and Javier were both lip-bitingly hot.

“What’s your name?” Xander asked.


“Like the city?” he smiled.

She nodded. Hell, his gaze was so fixed on her that her
brain shut down. When he looked at her like that, she couldn’t think of
anything to say.

“Have you ever been there?”

“No.” She tried to smile. “Someday.”

“You should see it.” He smiled. “It’s unique. And beautiful,
just like you,

“What does that mean?”


Exactly what his brother had murmured to her in his stupor.

“Don’t frown at me. You looked gorgeous onstage. Do you
dance here?”

Was he kidding? In the thong she was still wearing—with
little else to cover her—she scrambled back to find her clothes, grabbing her
blouse first and holding it up over her torso. She’d been so startled, then
blinded by his gorgeousness, she’d forgotten that she was damn-near naked.

He laughed. “Hmm, covered or not, you’re still sexy. You
have the most tempting sugary pink nipples.”

London spread her shirt across her breasts even as she felt
heat crawl up her cheeks. “You can’t see that. I’m wearing a bra.”

“Made of peekaboo lace.”

A quick glace down proved him right, and since her thong was
made out of the same fabric, the chances were that he could see pretty much
everything down there, too. Mortification swept over her in a hot wave. It
shouldn’t bother her, really. So many doctors and medical professionals over
the years had seen her mostly naked, but those people had looked at her like a
specimen. Xander stared at her like a predator sizing up a meal. Hungry. Intense.
His gaze heated. Desire simmered. And she couldn’t help but respond. Yes, she
was flattered, but more, she felt an answering flutter between her legs.

“Could you . . .” She bit her lip, then forced her words
out. “Could you be a gentleman and turn around so I can get dressed?”

He shrugged, but quirked a smile in her direction that said
he’d be working to get her out of those clothes again soon. “Sure.”

“Thank you,” she said stiffly as he turned away.

She struggled into her clothes, tugging up her cargo capri
pants, shrugging into her floral blouse with shaking fingers. This was the
prudent thing, walking away from a womanizer already eyeing her. She had no
experience with that kind of man—or any kind, for that matter.

But wasn’t that why she’d left her mom’s house and moved
here, to break away from the shadow of her illness and go to a place where no
one knew or remembered the tragedy of her adolescence? So she could finally
experience life. So she could truly


So Xander wasn’t going to win any husband-of-the-year
awards. London wasn’t looking to get married. Sure, she’d like to have a
boyfriend someday. Right now, all she wanted to do was meet people, date, and
okay, maybe have a little sex. Or a lot. She had as much libido as the next girl,
maybe more since she didn’t exactly know what she was missing out on. But books
and movies provided tantalizing glimpses. Even if it wasn’t like all the
glorified fictional accounts, well . . . then she’d know, right? She could
finally say she’d experienced something—with a man who knew what the hell he
was doing. If Xander had slept with that many women, why would he mind one
more? She doubted that her virginity or her past would even matter to him.

Decision made, London loosened her top button and pulled
aside the edges of her blouse so he’d get a good glimpse at her cleavage. “You
can turn around now.”

He did, appreciation lighting his eyes instantly. “Lovely. I
didn’t mean to scare you or peek uninvited. The door was open, I walked in, and
you looked so beautiful that I simply couldn’t stop you. So glad I didn’t.”

Xander reached out slowly, seeming to give her plenty of
opportunity to back away. Heat rushed up her body. Her heart chugged and pulsed
violently, but she refused to give in to the urge to scamper away.

With a reassuring smile, he helped her off the stage, then
curled his fingers around her elbow with a proprietary grip, using it to draw
her closer. “Come with me. Sit and talk.” The words were half-request,
half-command. He gestured to the club’s dark bar. London didn’t see the harm.

“All right.”

“Excellent. I can’t promise that I won’t try to proposition
you, but you’re always free to say no.” He sent her a disarming grin. “I’d like
to get to know you. For now, I’ll keep my hands to myself,” he promised.
“Mostly. Until you tell me otherwise.”

London hesitated, trying to think things through, but it was
damn difficult with him so near. “You don’t give up, do you?”

“Not when I want something.”


The Doms Of Her Life, book 1

Available Now

By Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob, and Isabella LaPearl


Raine Kendall has been in love with her boss, Macen
Hammerman, for years. Determined to make the man notice that she’s a grown
woman with desires and needs, she pours out her heart and offers her body to
him—only to be crushingly rejected. But when his friend, very single, very sexy
Liam O’Neill watches the other Dom refuse to act on his obvious feelings for
Raine, he resolves to step in and do whatever it takes to help Hammer find
happiness again, even rousing his friend’s possessive instincts by making the
girl a proposition too tempting to refuse. But he never imagines that he’ll end
up falling for her himself.


Hammer has buried his lust for Raine for years. After
rescuing the budding runaway from an alley behind his exclusive BDSM Dungeon,
he has come to covet the pretty submissive. But tragedy has taught him that he
can never be what she needs. So he watches over her while struggling to keep
his distance. Liam’s crafty plan blindsides Hammer, especially when he sees how
determined his friend is to possess Raine for his own. Hammer isn’t ready to
give the lovely submissive over to any other Dom, but can he heal from his past
and fight for her? Or will he lose Raine if she truly gives herself—heart,
body, and soul—to Liam?




Liam raised his fist and knocked on the door. Raine whipped
her head around, hope brimming in her eyes. It visibly died when she realized
he wasn’t Hammer.

She surprised him when she cast her gaze to the floor
submissively. “Hi, Liam. Sir. Um, if you’re here because you’re worried or
something, I’ll be fine. I’ll bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies and be as
good as new.”

So sweet. And lying. Eventually, he’d both soothe and paddle
her until she learned to be honest, but for now he simply tried to set her at
ease. “While I’ve little doubt about your culinary skills, since your baked
goods are most excellent, I doubt they’ll mend your woes, lass. Show me your

Obediently, Raine held them out. Liam stepped closer, taking
her wrists in his grip and examining her fingers. “You’ve a few wee cuts, but
nothing serious.” He gave her a smile and gently kissed her palm. “I think
you’ll live.”

She stiffened. “I told you I’m fine.”

“Your hands, yes. What about your heart?” He watched her
shoulders slump. “I’ve come with a proposition. Would you hear me out?”

He had to win her consent—and give her hope—or she would
leave and take Hammer’s only chance of healing with her.

Raine sent him a wary glance. “I guess.”

Liam sidled closer cautiously, careful not to give her cause
to bolt. “Would you be adverse to me training you?”

At his words, her startling blue eyes widened, sucking him
in like a whirlpool. He’d surprised her. Almost an instant later, she opened
her mouth, regret already softening her face.

Before she could refuse him, he cut in. “How much longer
will you let your own happiness be denied? Why not seek it with someone ready
to appreciate the beauty you are?”

He watched her, following her every nervous gesture: her
slight shrug, the tilt of her head, the rise and fall of her chest, the cant of
her hip as she leaned back against the counter. Her innate grace and the subtle
feminine scent he inhaled as he drew closer sent blood rushing to his cock
unexpectedly. The primal reaction surprised him, but he was male, and Raine was
lovely, after all.

As he looked into her haunting eyes, he knew yet another
reason Hammer had kept this one for his own. Innocence. Fear. Hunger. A
swirling mirror to her soul lay just beyond reach. Interesting. A heady

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