Read Wicked Knight Online

Authors: Tierney O'Malley

Tags: #Erotica/Romance

Wicked Knight (16 page)

BOOK: Wicked Knight
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The cream on the Oreo glistened, wet from Julie's saliva. Tristan looked at it for a second, then took it from Julie's outstretched hand. Sticking his tongue out, he licked the cream. Sweet Jesus, he nearly exploded. The taste of cream and Julie wrapped around his senses. Images of Julie began forming in his head. Her lovely head bent low in front on his erect cock, licking the engorged head with her pink tongue the way she did with the cream—slowly and with apparent delight on her on face, but she didn't stop there. Opening her mouth, she wrapped her plump, shiny lips around his dick's head and began sucking him.

Sweet pain in his groin made Tristan groaned low in his throat.

“You don't like it?”

“I do.”

“You can have that one. See, if I have two dozen kids, I won't have to eat a whole bag of Oreos.

“Well, you have a house big enough for two dozen.”

“Yeah. You should eat more of these, otherwise, I'll finish the whole pack. I'll look like a cow before I turn twenty-six.”

“Hmmm...that's all right. Your figure will match your cow tongue.”

! It happened so fast. Julie whacked his head with a package of Oreo.

“You are a dead man, Doctor. And no one here will save you.” Another smack. “I do not have a cow tongue, eewww!”

“Quit it!” Laughing hard, he tried to dodge another blow. “You're pulverizing your favorite snack.”

“I don't care. As long as I pulverize your head first.”

. Oreos flew all over the floor and the counter. Tristan took pity on the pack and grabbed Julie's slender arm. Julie's free arm managed to hit him on the side of the head.

“Oww! You witch. You will pay for that!”

Grabbing her free arm, he pulled her against him. The moment their bodies made contact, Tristan knew he was a goner. Lust surged through his entire body. He stared at Julie's eyes and stared some more.

She'd be his wife soon. The idea brought convoluted feelings he couldn't sort out. The wedding would take place because he agreed to help her, but searching his heart deeply, he said yes to Kirsten as fast as he could say hell because of Armand. His attraction for her was stronger than antibiotics killing microorganisms and curing bacterial infections. Like right now, he wanted to make love with her again, but she wasn't really his fiance, just a friend he promised to help. This, what they had right now, would end in a month.
In a fucking month!
That, too, muddled his thinking. Now that he knew how magical it was to be with her, how in the world was he going to walk away from her? She spoke of babies. She could be carrying one already. Damn it, wasn't fate done playing with his life?

Tristan touched his forehead against Julie's. “Julie, Julie.” Gathering her into his arms, he held her snugly, burying his face in her hair. Julie needed help, not complications in her life. He was the more experienced one in this situation, therefore, he should take the steps to prevent it. She deserved respect, for crap's sake. Touching, fondling, taking her anywhere, was so wrong. “If we continue on like this, I'll be exercising my husbandly right, before we are even married.”

“And you don't want that,” Julie mumbled in his shirt.

“Julie, can't you feel me right now? I want you so badly. You'd be scared if you could read my thoughts about what I want to do with you and how to do it. Still, making love with you—”

“Is not like making love with your wife.”

“Don't bring up Carly. You are different, Julie. Remember that.”

Julie stepped out of his embrace. “I will.”

He tried to reach for her again, but she stepped back and swatted his hand. “Now wait a minute. You don't understand.”

“What is so hard to understand about you holding back because you are still thinking about your wife?”

“Julie, I am freaking holding back because...because you are not a whore I can use whenever I want to. My whole body is shaking with need to have you, but you are neither my wife, nor my girlfriend. This whole thing between us would only replace your problem with Marla once we're married.” Tristan raked his hair with his fingers. Even to himself his words didn't make sense.
. The only thing clear to him right now was the fact that he'd face hell again once this whole arrangement was over.

“I know.” Julie wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. “Sorry. I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to take advantage of your offer. It's hard enough that you'd be married again, albeit temporarily, but to tangle with a woman—”

In one swift move, he reached for her arm and pulled her roughly against him.

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Chapter Nine

* * * *

Julie pushed against Tristan's chest, but he didn't budge. Instead, he tightened his hold on her. “Let me go.”


“I see your point, Tristan. In fact, for the first time, I can see clearly what's ahead of me. You and your family decided you should come here because you all care. And what do I do? Open myself like a slut born in a gutter. No, don't shake your head. I am not an invalid incapable of blocking your wiles. What happened was as much my fault as yours. You are right. We are just creating a totally different problem by being close. One is ruining our friendship. We are just friends, and this physical affair is just that. A
affair. After the marriage, I don't think I'd be able to look at you as my sparring partner.” Tears blinded her eyes and choked her voice, but she didn't care. It hurt too much to think Tristan considered their intimacy as another problem.

“Love, I don't think you understand anything.”

“Oh, now I am stupid?”

“That's not what I mean.”

“Whatever. You know what? While we wait for the marriage license, you should stay away.”

“Why, because you're afraid Marla would find me here? Guess what? She'd need strong evidence to prove you didn't follow the terms in your will. Now, if you want me to leave because you are tired of my company, I'll leave.”

“Don't turn the table on me. You clearly indicated that you regret—”

Tristan stopped her with his searing kiss. “Obviously, you're as confused as me. So stop talking for a minute and kiss me.”

Like the burning edge of a paper, the fire quickly spread from her mouth to the tips of her toes. She leaned on him for support. He gave it right away. Tristan encircled his arm around her waist and back.

With eagerness, she returned his kisses, eliciting a groan from him. The sound was so alluring she had to grab his head to have more of him, more of his taste and heat.

Without breaking their kiss, Tristan reached down and lifted her. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. The intimacy was achingly sweet. Julie's mind went wild with desire.

“Julie, love. What do you say we make the best of what we have right now until we sort things out?”

“What do you mean?”

“You want me and I want to exercise my right as your fiance. We'll have to forget about the
no honeymoon
deal. I want my honeymoon. I want you. Now.”

After this, he'd move on and start dating again. Julie winced at the rippling pain that struck her heart. She'd probably die after their split. Right now, though, she had him, so why not make the best of it? “Me, too.”

“Oh, thank God!”

“Make love with me.” She raked her fingers on his back, shoulders, and neck.

Tristan hissed. “Take it easy, minx. Your nails are sharp,” Tristan said in between kisses. He headed toward the stairs.

“Sorry, sorry...” She kissed the skin where she raked her nails.

“Keep that up and we won't make it to the bedroom.”

Nuzzling Tristan's neck, Julie laughed and clung to him, feeling his erection pressed against the very center of her.

“This damn house should have an escalator.”

“Turn left,” Julie whispered in his ear, when they reached the landing. “Third room on the right. My bedroom.” She licked his ear. He turned his head and bit the skin below her chin.

“You're driving me insane, woman.”

“Glad to hear that. I want you crazy for me,” Julie replied.

Tristan kicked her door open without breaking the kiss. He laid her down on the bed, his body followed. In one swift movement, he pulled her shirt off. Warm strong hands cupped her breasts while he buried his head in between.

“Do all men do that or you just have a breast fetish?” She wriggled, tickled by his rough chin.

“Don't know about other men. All I know is that I love...your breasts. Julie, you're beautiful.”

“You are, too.” Julie shifted voluntarily. Her body was burning, wanting more pressure from him.

Tristan swiftly moved and sat back on his heels. With their eyes locked together, he slowly tugged her pajama pants down. Julie knew what to do. She lifted her butt to make it easier for Tristan to pull her pants down. Dressed with nothing but a white thong, she laid there, exposed like meat in the market for him to peruse.

Heat, either from embarrassment or from excitement, warmed her whole body.

“You are one magnificent creature.”

“Thank you.”

Julie's heart thundered inside her chest as she watched Tristan remove his shirt and the white pants he called
. His boxers followed. Good heavens, he was all meat and muscles. As curious as a kitten, she stared at his long, thick erection. Shiny transparent liquid emerged from the tip. Lord, she wrote about a man's penis releasing pre-cum, but to actually see it happening sent heat rippling under her skin. Julie was totally entranced by his stunning virility. She knew he filled her the first time they made love, but now, seeing how long he was, she couldn't believe how her body had managed to accept him.

Tristan lowered his body to cover hers. This time, when their bodies touched, Julie swore she died and went to heaven. Because this—lying in bed with the man she loved—definitely felt like heaven.

* * * *

Kissing his way down, he didn't stop until his head was above the very spot he wanted so badly. “Spread your legs wide, love.”

“Tristan, what are you—Oh my God! Oh...”

He flattened his palms on her thighs and caressed her soft skin. He smiled at the seahorse-shaped birthmark and kissed it. Slowly his hands moved toward the vee of her legs and then down again to her knees. With little force, he urged her to open her legs for him.


“Beautiful.” He stared at her pussy. She was already hot and wet. Tristan's intense sexual desire pounded the blood through his heart and head. In front of him was the small door he wanted to enter, to feel, to fuck. Using two fingers, he spread her folds. “Julie, you're mine, baby. You're mine.” And then he licked her. “Fuck, you taste so good.”

Julie's legs clamped around his head and she tried to scoot up. Gripping her hips, he prevented her from escaping. With his tongue, he switched from teasing her clit with its tip to laving her. Soft sounds of pleasure came from Julie as she began to relax her legs. She even opened for him wider.

“That's it, love.” Soft and beautiful. Her pussy was plump and ripe.

Tristan dipped his thumb inside her. Hot damn, juice oozed out from her. Taut as a string, his body screamed for release. He couldn't let this foreplay last. His dick throbbed so badly, two minutes was all he could handle without ejaculating on the bed. Reaching for her breast, he pinched her hard nipple while his other hand continued to finger fuck her. His mouth concentrated on that one part he knew would help reach her peak—her clit.

“Tristan, don't stop. Good, so good. This is wonderful. I want you, please.”

“Hmmm...I want you too, love. Come for me. Now!” He formed his mouth into an O shape and sucked her clitoris. Julie writhed beneath his mouth. She moved her hips in a thrusting motion. She was close to coming.

Growling low, he sucked hard on her clit the same time he pumped two fingers inside her weeping pussy.

“Oh, oh...God. I'll die if you stop.” Her voice was raspy.

“I'm not God, baby. But I won't stop.” Inch by inch, he pushed his fingers deeper inside her vagina. She was so tight, just like the first night he took her virginity. With Julie's pleasure in mind, he gave what her body asked for. He ate her pussy, sucked her juice, reveling at the sexy moans she was making.

Julie gripped his hair and moved her hips in a thrusting motion.
Oh yeah, fuck my mouth
. Faster and faster, she thrust. Finally, she screamed his name. But Tristan didn't let go of her clit or pull his fingers out. He waited until her body stopped convulsing before he slowly crawled back up.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Ten

* * * *

“Can't believe a pediatrician could be so wicked.”

“You must have confused us with priests.” In truth, he was surprised at the consuming lust that nearly drove him wild. He wanted to do all the wicked things he imagined doing when he was in high school. How was it that making love with Julie far exceeded the pleasure he had experienced in bed with other women, including his ex-wife? Was it her uninhibited side that made him try unconventional ways to please each other? God damn, he made love with her as if he wanted to consume her, like a man who hadn't touched a woman in years. He pushed himself up, propped his elbow and looked down at Julie. Her eyes still held the glow of a satisfied woman after making love. The knowledge that he pleased her doubled the size of his heart. At least it felt that way.

“I'm not surprised that you are wicked.”


“Uh-huh. Your eyes show the sensual side of you. And these,” he touched her lips, “are just begging to be kissed. The way you move, talk, and smile speaks sensuality.”

“Maybe because I'm a writer. I write bed scenes, read books, particularly the romance genre and the sub-genre—sensual, erotic, you know.”

“From now on, I want you to live in the real world, not just in your books.”

“I've been living my life.”

“Yes, but not as a free woman. When was the last time you made a decision for yourself, the last time you did something without worrying about Marla? Baby, living is pleasing yourself, without worrying, and doing things because it is what you want.”

BOOK: Wicked Knight
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