Wicked Flames (Solsti Prophecy) (38 page)

BOOK: Wicked Flames (Solsti Prophecy)
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The woman wore an ivory silk dress that flattered her mocha skin tone. Her green eyes were wide and somehow familiar…Gin blinked. That made no sense.

“Hunter.” The man nodded at Mathias.

“Hey, you guys are back,” Nicole said. “Um, Gin’s here.”

Gin narrowed her eyes at her sister, who totally looked like she was hiding something.

“Gin, this is Raniero and Ashina. They’re visiting from Torth and just had a night out, Chicago style,” Brooke said.

“Nice to meet you,” Gin said. Brooke had a weird look on her face too. But before Gin could say anything, Ashina stepped forward and hugged her.

Gin sucked in a breath. This woman’s hug was warm and comforting, like they somehow knew each other.

“I’m so glad to meet you,” Ashina said, and looked over Gin’s shoulder. “Hi, Mathias. I take it the two of you just got here?”

Does Mathias know
from Torth?

“Three of us.” Mathias nodded at Ria. “My little sis is here too.”

Ashina and Raniero both waved to Ria, then Ashina flicked a glance to Mathias. “Did we interrupt anything? If you just came from Torth, you probably have a story to tell. We’d love to hear it.”

“That sounds good. Hey, is anyone up for a midnight snack?” Brooke asked. “Since it’s the middle of the night. I’m hungry.”

“Yes, let’s get started. Or would you rather do this in the morning?” Ria asked Gin. “You need more sleep than we do.”

“I’m too wired to go to sleep.” Gin said. “And I’m hungry too.”

Brooke came out of the kitchen bearing a platter of cinnamon rolls. “I made these earlier today,” she murmured as she set them on a coffee table.

“Oh, I’ve missed these!” Gin grabbed one and took a bite, smiling as the buttery cinnamon flavor filled her mouth. Brooke was the best baker ever.

Brooke took a roll for herself and sat next to Kai on the couch. “So, let’s hear it.”

Gin settled next to Mathias on the other end of the sectional. “Well, the school had a dance—”

Mathias’s arm draped around her back, and he squeezed her shoulder. “Actually, the night before that was when we found the dirt.”

. Gin opened her mouth, then closed it.
May as well listen from the very start.

Between Mathias and Ria, with occasional input from Gin, the events of the past week unfolded. The other warriors expressed admiration that the Tarsa demons had taken them in, given their fierce reputation. And when Mathias elaborated on the visit and Rosa’s unexpected appearance, the room went nuts.

“No way!” Brooke leaned forward and stared at Gin. “We had to search for her! Treck through wastelands! And she just came to you?”

“You had to go looking for her?” Gin’s eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, we did too. Not in a wasteland though.” Nicole said. “Wow, that’s really telling that she felt the urgency to get to you.”

“That witch’s power is intense.” Brenin spoke up. “You don’t want to cross her.”

Raniero and Ashina exchanged a look. The room quieted.

“What?” Gin and Mathias asked at once.

“We have stuff to tell you too. Things that happened this week. But you finish your story first.” Brooke said.

“Um, okay.” Gin shrugged. “Then I practiced my power some more.”

“She was getting really good with her aim and with rings of fire. We had to cut it short thanks to one of Tarsa’s famous monsoons,” Mathias said. “Then we had dinner, put two and two together with that test tube, and here we are.”

Gin breathed an inward sigh of relief at his quick summary. Had it only been a few hours ago that they’d been wrapped in each other’s arms? She looked at his strong thighs next to hers on the couch, encased in tight dark-washed denim. His whole body was lean, chiseled muscle, honed to fighting perfection.

He will always protect me.

The thought popped into her head, unbidden. She had no idea where it came from, but it was crystal clear. He’d fought demons for her. He’d followed her to another realm. And he’d called in a favor from a normally-hostile race.

She looked up at him, surprised at the intensity of her emotion.
What is going on between us?
She was dying to get him alone and find out.

He glanced down at her. “Did I leave anything out?”

She could only smile and shake her head.

He smiled back, then looked at Brooke and Kai. “So, what happened here while we were gone?”

Brooke inhaled and exhaled slowly. Gin’s senses went on alert. Whenever Brooke did that, she had newsworthy information.

“Well, I’ve been working on my own power, trying to expand my ability to be able to breathe underwater.”

“And?” Gin leaned forward, willing her sister to say it already.

“I can do it!” Brooke beamed. Kai leaned over to kiss her.

“Oh my God! Just…but…how…you mean, like a fish?” The unfinished phrases tumbled from Gin’s mouth as she tried to grasp this new facet of Brooke’s ability.

“Yes! But without gills.”

“That’s amazing!” Gin stared at her sister. “You can go anywhere now.”

“That’s part of our news,” Brooke said, taking another deep breath. “So, when Kai and I were on Torth, we met Raniero and Ashina. It’s a long story, but what’s most important is this connection I felt to Ashina. Plus, I thought it was interesting how much her eyes look like yours and Nic’s.” She bit her lip and shifted her gaze to Nicole.

“So we invited them to come here for a visit. And they stopped by the condo.” Nicole twisted a lock of her blond hair. “And we were looking at old family photos, and we showed them our parents’ wedding portrait.”

“John and Samara’s portrait, with their names in gold along the bottom.” Brooke’s voice quivered.

“I remember that photo.” Gin glanced between her sisters. John and Samara were their biological parents. Gin didn’t have any memories of them. “Okay, and…”

“And.” Nicole squared her shoulders. “Ashina and Raniero had a daughter named Samara. She was raised on Earth and died in a car crash twenty-two years ago.”

“What?” Gin’s hand flew to her mouth and she turned to stare at the demon couple. “You think we’re related to you? Aren’t there a lot of Samaras in the world?”

“There’s more to it than the name, Gin.” Brooke said. “I felt a connection to Ashina, like I knew her somehow. And the reason her Samara was raised on Earth is because a witch had a vision that the baby would be the vessel to bring balance to the realms.” Brooke’s voice cracked and she wiped a tear.

Nicole’s eyes shone. “And the witch was Rosa.”

Gin gasped. “What?” Thank God she was sitting down. She leaned into Mathias, needing to draw from his strength. “You mean…”

Ashina got up from the table and crossed the room to sit next to Gin. She held out her hand.

Gin stared at her, confused. Then Mathias stroked a hand down her back, as if reassuring her.
Reassuring me of what?
She didn’t feel like she was in danger, but she had no idea what was going on.

She pressed her palm to Ashina’s. Immediately, her arm felt the same comfort she’d felt in Ashina’s hug. “What
that?” She looked from their hands to the woman’s eyes, which were a perfect match to hers.

“I think it’s a unique connection. A bond we share because we’re…family,” Ashina said.

“You’re my…grandmother?” Gin could barely think past the lump of disbelief sitting in her mind. Her grandparents were demons? Her mother was a demon? “Are we part demon?”

“Not as far as I can tell,” Ashina said. “You three are unique. You’re Solsti.”

“Can you tell who the fourth one is?” Gin whispered.
Please say yes. She’s out there, somewhere.

Ashina shook her head. “I wish I could. It would have to be a random contact, for me to feel the family connection I feel with all of you.”

Gin pulled her hand from Ashina’s and sat back, taking a deep breath. “This is…wow. Beyond overwhelming.”

Mathias pulled her close and she rested her head on his shoulder, not caring if anyone in the room thought they were together. Her brain was fuzzy and her muscles felt leaden. She’d never been more physically and emotionally drained.

“Maybe now would be a good time to rest,” Mathias said.

“I think we’re all a little overwhelmed.” Nicole nodded.

“Not me. It kicks ass that we have three Solsti and their grandparents. In. The. House!” Rhys yelled, punctuating his last three words with fist pumps. Brenin threw a crumpled up napkin at his head, which Rhys caught. “Gotta be faster, bro.”

“Any luck over there?” Mathias asked.

“These places have the Fort Knox of firewalls. I’m working on it. Trying to get in to see a list of employee and visitor photos, so you can ID this Xavier dude. May need to call Parker again.”

“While Rhys is workingwe should get some sleep.” Brooke stood up. “Gin, you can have the room next to mine.”

Everyone stood. Gin gave Ashina a quick hug, not wanting her to think the wrong thing. “Maybe we can talk more tomorrow?”

“Sure.” Ashina smiled. “Night.”

Brooke and Kai led the way upstairs. Gin was thankful for Mathias’s strong arm holding her up as they navigated the dim hallway. Brooke paused at one door. “This is where Kai and I will be, and you can stay in that room.” She pointed to the next door down.

“Okay, night.” She gave her sister a quick hug, then continued down the hall.

“Want company?” Mathias’s deep voice rumbled at her back.

She turned to see his handsome face. His hazel eyes had taken on a faint amber glow in the darkness. “What’s going on with your eyes?”

He grinned. “I don’t have to mask it anymore.”

“Mask what?”

“Lash demons’ eyes glow when we’re in battle, or feeling strong emotions.”

“Oh.” She was scared to ask the question, but she needed to know what was in his mind. “What are you feeling right now?”

She’d barely got the words out before his lips covered hers. Her arms wound round his neck and she lost herself to his possessive kiss. His scent and warmth surrounded her as he pushed her back against the wall, blocking out everything else. In the dim hall, with his strong arms caging her in, her heart swelled with a mix of need and contented happiness. Like she was meant to share this moment with him, and only him.

Not just this moment.
This life.

Understanding struck with brilliant clarity, infusing her with surprise and reassurance at the same time.
But what does that mean—

“You wanna know what I’m feeling?” He brushed his lips across her ear, dissolving any coherent thought. Everything about him urged her closer.

She nodded, on fire with anticipation. Her breath quickened and desire pulsed deep in her belly.

Reaching down, he grabbed her ass and yanked her against him. She gasped. The hard heat of his erection warmed her even through their clothes.

“I want you.” He moved to her other ear, sucking the lobe between his teeth. “Now. Tomorrow. The next day.” His lips moved down her neck. “And the day after that…”

“I want you too.” She angled her neck, granting him more access.

“I wasn’t done with you on Tarsa.”

“Mmm, me neither.” Threading her hands into his hair, she tilted his mouth toward hers again. And sucked in a breath as she caught his gaze.

The glow of his eyes, faint only a minute ago, had brightened to a multi-hued blaze. Greens, blues, and browns swirled and danced in a kaleidoscope just for her. “That’s so cool.” She traced her fingers along his temple. “I’m glad you don’t have to hide it.”

“Yeah? Here’s something else I’m not gonna hide from you.” He guided her hand to his fly. “Bed. Now.”

She palmed him through his jeans and tucked her other hand into his waistband. “Best plan I’ve heard all day.” Keeping her hands on him, she walked backward into the room. The door slammed closed after them, and then her legs bumped the bed.

In a heartbeat she was on her back, fuzzy slippers gone, with Mathias making quick work of her zipper. She tugged off her thick sweater and cotton tee. She lifted her hips so he could remove her jeans, and licked her lips as he pulled his shirt over his head. His torso was pure muscular perfection.

He dropped to the bed, covering her, claiming her mouth in an urgent kiss. “I need you, Ginger.”

She reached down to pop his jeans button. “Then take me.”

With a groan, he stripped her panties and freed his cock. Digging in the pocket of his pants, he pulled out a foil packet, tore it open, and slid the condom on. He settled between her legs and nudged inside, and she arched to take him all the way.

“You’re so fucking perfect,” he growled. His eyes glowed with color, and she loved that she’d caused it.

He leaned down to slide his arms under her, locking his hands around her shoulders. His broad pectorals brushed her breasts as he moved inside her, slow and deep, kissing her tenderly.

She craved him with a whole new level of need.

Everything felt
so right
. She couldn’t explain it. The past and future burned away, and all that mattered was right now. This man.

Their eyes locked in the dark room. He thrust into her body, their mingled breaths the only sound. No words were needed. She clutched his shoulders and dug her ankles into his perfect ass as their pace increased until her body vibrated with desire. With a final thrust, they came together.

Mathias kissed her mouth, her cheeks, her neck, while she caught her breath. Her heart slammed in her chest. “Can you hear that? My heartbeat?”

“Yes.” He kissed the tops of her breasts. “I always could.” Sliding back on the bed, he dropped the condom in the trash and reached for her.

“Always?” She tilted her head and let him pick her up.

He held her in one arm and yanked the covers down with the other. “Yep. Enhanced hearing.” He laid her down and got in beside her.

Snuggling close, her back to his chest, everything slipped away except for the sensations of the man beside her.
Correction—the demon beside
. She smiled into the darkness and every muscle relaxed. She traced her fingers along his strong arm, thrown over her waist. “I’m glad you’re with me,” she whispered.

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