Wicked End (29 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Wicked End
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“That’s fine. I didn’t get to tell her about her car.”

Trying not to react, Brandon quietly asked, “What about it?”
More bad news?

Winston sighed. “A huge tree fell over that whole row of cars. It’s completely crushed.”

His eyes closed, Brandon decided not to tell her until he had to. “OK thanks. I’ll deal with it. Don’t worry.” He knew it wouldn’t be covered by her insurance. It was an old car. He put the phone in his pocket and squeezed her tight. “I’ll fix it, Tink. I’ll fly down with you and help you get new things. I got a few free days.”

She looked up at him, sniffling. “I can’t ask you to do that. You have a life, and the band needs you. It’s too much.”

“It’s not.” Brandon kissed her quivering lips. “I can’t let you just go home. We’re in this together, got it?” He gazed into her eyes, deeply and saw the fear. “Trust me. I’ll make it OK. I swear.”

She nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. “OK.”

He rubbed her bare back and hoped he could fix it. Finding her a new place in a devastated area was no easy task.
Maybe I can buy a flooded-out house and build a new one on the property?
That would take time, though. He needed to have a real plan for her to feel at ease.

“Hey, man, I gotta piss.” Jake knocked on the door loudly.

Brandon groaned. “Go inside then! I’m busy.” They were parked in the arena’s fenced in back lot. Their concert was not until the next day, but the arena crew was setting up for it.

“Fucking is not an excuse!” Jake bellowed.

Angrily, Brandon flung the door open. “We’re not fucking! She’s crying, and you need to cut the fucking shit! I’m so sick of you bitching and moaning about her. She’s staying until I fucking say she goes home, asshole. Now go the fuck away!” He slammed the door, his face red with anger and frustration.

About a minute later, Jake said, “I’m sorry.” He put his hands up on the door’s frame. “I just thought… Mackenzie, you OK?” He knew Brandon was serious and felt bad about his assumption, since he had grown to like having her around.

“Can you get dressed?” Brandon lifted her face to look at him. “I’ll help.” The hallway was silent when they emerged. Jake and Chico stood waiting for him. “I didn’t mean to lash out at you. We got some bad news. It was just bad timing.”

Jake looked to Chico for a few seconds. When Chico nodded in Brandon’s direction, Jake took a deep breath. “No. I’m sorry. I been riding you about her getting in the way. The truth is, she’s made a difference in you. This is the first trip in a while you’re not sulking, and you even wrote a song that’s not mushy, finally.” Jake gave him a half-smile, glad the two-year stint of almost ballads was over. “You were starting to worry us you know.”

Chico held up a hand when Brandon opened his mouth. “Look, you two need time alone, to figure this out.” He had seen the looks between them. Their relationship had definitely changed. He was happy for Brandon. “You guys need a room to yourself. So, for the next few days, we’ll back off and let you two see what happens.”

Shocked and grateful at once, Brandon smiled. “Thanks guys.”

Unsure what to say, Mackenzie held onto Brandon and closed her eyes. He could always make it better, no matter what, but what she was facing would be life changing. What if there were no apartments available, nowhere for her to go? Could she move back to Baltimore and find a job there? She knew she could stay at his place, but how would she feel when he left for tours? It was easier being far away and it not actually affecting her.

“We’re gonna go out to lunch. We’ll meet you at the motel.” Brandon pulled Mackenzie so they could pack a bag.

After a semi quiet hour at a local café, they went to the front desk of the motel to retrieve their key. Oblivious to his lack of disguise, Brandon was surprised when a teenager jumped on him, hugging her legs around his.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Brandon Knight! I love you!” the 15-year-old girl squealed. “I’m going to your concert tonight. Can I come backstage to see you?”

Mackenzie folded her arms over her chest. She was still not used to the constant harassment he had to put up with. When Brandon looked to her for help, she wasn’t sure what to do.
Should I tell her he’s taken? Would that even matter to the girl?

“Debbie, what are you doing?” A man in his 50s shouted to the teen. “Let him go.”

Brandon sighed when he was free. “Sorry, Tink,” he whispered, knowing she hated when girls threw themselves at him.

“Grandpa, this is Brandon Knight from Wicked End!” she screeched, excitedly. “Oh my God! He’s so hot!”

Rolling his eyes, her grandfather pulled her away. The man snapped, “Behave yourself!”

When they were gone, Brandon pulled Mackenzie into his arms. “We’ll be alone soon enough.” He turned to the woman behind the desk. “Austin Reese booked a room for us, uh...” He glanced at her badge. “…Amy. He said you would have the room key for me.” He gave her a smile and a wink.

Blushing, Amy smiled back. “Yes Mr. Knight. You’ll be in room 212.” She typed some information into the computer and retrieved a card for him. “It’s on the south side. Your other friends are on the north side. I was told you needed… privacy.” She giggled to herself then handed him the room’s key card.

Mackenzie leaned a head on his shoulder. “Privacy is overrated, but it would be nice for a change.” Once in the room, Mackenzie jumped on the bed and laid on her back. It was soft and so much more comfortable that Brandon’s bunk. “Ah… so good.”

With an evil grin, Brandon pounced on her. “Yeah, and ours for three days.” He grabbed her hands and held them over her head. His voice lowered, getting deeper and raspy. “I’m gonna fuck you till you can’t cum no more.” He brushed his lips over her ear. “You’re gonna be screaming…” He slid a hand into her shorts and stroked her clit, drawing a sigh. “…and crying my name, the entire time.”

She moaned as he rubbed harder, in tight circles. “Fuck me, please.” She was so ready for him. Her pussy was wet and swollen, aching for his cock.

Those words normally made him rip her clothes off, but he had the need to change things for once. “I will, after I make love to you.” He ran his tongue down her ear then across her neck, trying to be romantic. Truthfully, he had no clue what he was doing. “We’ll take it slow just this once.” His cock twitched in protest.

Their eyes met. Mackenzie felt her heart swell. She wrapped her legs around his back. “Just this once,” she repeated softly, longing to feel loved. She moaned as he slowly ground his hips into hers. Her lids fluttered closed as a hand slowly ran up her shirt and over her belly. “Ah, God,” she mumbled, unsure why the gentle touches were so electrifying.

Brandon smirked when he heard her reaction. He had no clue it would work. He pushed her shirt up and pulled at her bra with his teeth a few times. He should have known that was impossible. “Don’t move,” he whispered, letting her hands go. He quickly undressed her, not wanting to give her a chance to interrupt his spontaneously concocted plan.

She shivered with anticipation, but kept her hands in place. When he grabbed them again, she jumped. Every nerve ending in her body was on overdrive. Her back arched as his tongue snaked down from her neck. Then he lapped at her hardened nipples. She whimpered, unable to stop her pussy from clenching with need.

“Please…” she begged. “I can’t…” His lips brushed her breasts all over, barely touching the skin. Her hips lifted, but he still had clothes on. “God, Brandon! Get your pants off.” She rubbed against the denim, hoping the friction would ease the ache.

He looked up as he licked her belly, slowly. Her mouth was open. She looked like she was about to cry or scream. He didn’t want her to cum yet though. He wanted to give her love.
Did I just say “love?”
His own mouth dropped open. His over-engorged cock was drawing too much blood from his head, maybe he couldn’t think straight.

“Eat me, baby. Please! I need to cum. You’re killing me!”

He chuckled silently. Then he remembered he was trying to make love to her. Was sexual torture part of that?
Am I supposed to just be tender, not make her beg for me? I gotta talk to Scott, I think I’m doing this wrong
. He took a deep breath then closed his eyes. The few romantic movies and shows he had watched flashed through his mind. Slow, that was what he should be doing.

Mackenzie’s breath quickened as she watched Brandon strip.
Was he finally gonna fuck me?
She couldn’t wait much longer. She reached out to him as he climbed over her again. His lips covered hers, and she moaned, while their kisses grew more urgent. She hesitantly licked his lower lip. When he opened his mouth, she plunged her tongue into his mouth. He grabbed her face and the passion escalated.

“I can’t wait any more.” While still kissing her, he lifted his hips and moved them until he felt the moist spot. Then he pressed forward and missed. He groaned and tried again, that time thrusting into her pussy. “Fuck!” Incredible pleasure flowed through him while she cried out and clenched within.

Mackenzie had tears falling, overwhelmed. All the buildup had her at the edge for so long, she just exploded. Her nails dug into Brandon’s back and biceps while he groaned, loving the pain.

“That’s it, hurt me.”

Each stroke was slow and she felt every inch of him because of it. Still, it was not enough. Her body writhed, pleading for another release. She pushed her hips up, meeting his. Her rhythm quickened and so did his.

Brandon had lost control. Her encouraging movements had him skidding off the tracks, and straight into:
fuck her brains out!
His hips thudded against hers, both of their voices getting louder. She raked her nails across his skin. He moaned loudly. Then she bucked while her body shook and pussy contracted around his erection. He struggled to continue, only able to give her shallow strokes.

“Oh, God!” Mackenzie screamed. Brandon was grinding against her, rubbing her clit with his pubic bone, while the head of his cock kneaded her sweet spot. “Baby, yes!” Another scream ripped through her body. “Please cum.” She felt so worn out and just knew she was done until they got some sleep. Then he shocked her by withdrawing and pounding her like a mad man.

He was so glad he had slowed down. It gave him the strength to ravish her as hard as he could. Her next cry went right through him. He felt it in his balls it was so loud. His hips slammed into hers, over and over, harder and harder, until he was at his limit. Her eyes rolled back as her body bent. She was so close to giving up.

“Enough!” she shouted and collapsed.

He held her close. “Perfect timing, Tink.” He gasped and ground into her again. Then he shuddered while several spurts of hot semen shot into her. “Oh fuck, that felt good.” He rested his head next to hers and closed his eyes.

Mackenzie felt him drift off, just as her own mind succumbed to sleep.

Chapter Twenty Three

After their nap, Brandon and Mackenzie headed down the hall where the noise level was much higher. Austin had booked a block of rooms on the second floor, most of which were on the north side of the building. Only two were on the south side, theirs and the other that four of the road crew shared.

Jake and Chico shared a room. The door was open. It was obvious from the slurred words they heard, that the alcohol was flowing freely. Some of the road crew was out sightseeing, or girl-chasing, but the band decided to stay in, to unwind.

“Hey, man.” Jake pulled Brandon into the room when he reached the door. Mackenzie was dragged in with him. “Have a drink. We’re discussing ideas for the Gasoline tour.”

Mackenzie sat on one of the chairs near the open balcony doors. A cool breeze was blowing. August temperatures were very unlike Florida. She looked outside and saw part of the in-ground pool below. No one dared to swim in 60-degree weather.

A glance at Brandon told her she needed to deal with her feelings for him. Leaving him was going to be the hardest ever. She wanted to hold onto him for dear life. Her heart was breaking with just the thought of letting him tour the country, possibly meeting someone else and dropping her like she meant nothing.

Brandon had accepted a beer. That was harmless, and he did need to relax. He was uptight about Mackenzie’s situation. He wanted to be her shining knight and sweep her off her feet.
Could this be the way to tell her how I feel?
Then he sighed. He wasn’t sure what he felt still. It was so confusing, pain and happiness all at once, almost impossible to describe.

Scott came in from the balcony and sat next to Mackenzie. “You all right?”

“I guess.” She looked down. The pain in her heart kept growing. She had less than a week left with Brandon. He had booked their flights to Florida for Tuesday afternoon, although they hadn’t found an available hotel room.

Knowing she was hiding something, Scott suggested. “Let’s go for a walk.”

“Sure.” She followed Scott out to the hallway then downstairs.

He placed a hand on her lower back, guiding her to the lounge chairs. “We’ll sit and talk, OK?” He watched her sit in the next chair and then frowned when she slumped down, looking sadder than a puppy. “What’s eating you? You’re worrying me.”

“My apartment complex was destroyed.” She felt everything was coming down around her. “My life’s a mess.”

Scott grabbed her hand. “Not everything’s lost. You still have Brandon.”

“But I’ll lose him Tuesday.” A tear slowly fell. Her heart felt like it was going to explode. “I’m going home.” The fact he was going with her for a few days was no longer registering.

Scott squeezed her fingers. “You won’t lose him. You’ll see each other a lot more now. He won’t let his girlfriend be lonely.”

“But… but… there’s so many girls out there.” She felt more tears spilling. “I can’t lose him on top of all this.” She was being irrational, but she couldn’t help it.

Stunned, Scott didn’t say anything for a while. He watched her cry, curled up in a fetal position. It told him that Brandon was a lot more to her. “You love him, don’t you?”

“Huh?” She looked at him, lost. “Why would you say that?” She had never been in love before and was sure if she were, she would know it. The thing with Brandon was more than lust, but love? “How do you know you’re in love?”

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