Wicked Edge (36 page)

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Authors: Nina Bangs

BOOK: Wicked Edge
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But he reacted a second too late. All five angels loosed energy at Bourne in deadly waves. Edge could hear what sounded like a sonic boom as each blast hit him. Bourne staggered as he looked up, trying to fight back, but that was the moment Ted had been waiting for. Power poured from him, coalescing into a shimmering ball of killing force that he launched at Bourne.

The deadly ball exploded on impact with Bourne’s body. For moments that seemed to stretch on forever, blinding light enveloped Bourne. And when the light faded, he lay on the floor.

him die. The tearing of the bond that had connected him to the Big Boss since he first emerged from his primeval past almost brought Edge to his knees. Agony and an aching emptiness where the bond had rested made him gasp for breath. He’d never known, never realized that Bourne had filled so much of him, had meant so much to him.

“All of you are now mine. I’m the strongest among you. None can challenge me.” Ted waited only a moment, secure in his belief
that he was the most powerful in the hall. “Both forces combined under my leadership will shape this planet into something better.” His voice was filled with triumph.

Self-important prick.
Something better?
Edge didn’t think so. He was only saying that to maintain the charade for the dumb angel wannabes who followed him. Ted was all about power for Ted.

Hunger for vengeance was the lit match held to the primal fury boiling in Edge. His woman, no, his
, was frozen beside that bastard. His leader was dead because Ted had no honor, couldn’t beat Bourne in a fair fight. And it all would stop.


Edge glanced at Ganymede. The chaos bringer nodded, giving his okay for Edge to avenge Bourne. He understood that it was Edge’s right to punish the one who’d hurt Passion.

“You cowardly son of a bitch, you only
you’re the most powerful here.” Edge stepped forward as he issued his challenge.

Ted glanced at the ceiling, ready to order the hovering angels to strike Edge down, but another voice interrupted.

“I love games as much as the next demon, but this cheating has to stop. Takes away from the fun. So I’ll just even the playing field a little.” Murmur sounded mildly annoyed.

The demon pushed away from the wall long enough to focus on the five angels. “Come on down with the rest of us.”

Edge wasn’t sure what happened next, but for a moment weird music seemed to fill the hall. Then it did what music shouldn’t be able to do. It almost sounded as though it compacted into a thin stream of screaming sound aimed at the five.

They shrieked as they clamped their hands over their ears, and then they fell. Everyone scrambled to avoid being hit. When the angels landed, they lay still.

Murmur shook his head. “See, no one appreciates good music nowadays.” He nodded at Edge. “Do what you have to do.”

“Thanks.” Edge was starting to see the benefit of demonic connections.

For a moment, there was silence. And then all hell broke loose. Fury at their leader’s death drove the cosmic troublemakers. They fought now with deadly intent, not much caring if they killed every one of Ted’s fake angels.

“It’s just me and you now, Ted.” Edge started toward him.

Fear tore at Passion, but she couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything to stop it. Ted would kill Edge. She could see Dacian fighting his way toward them, but he wouldn’t be any match for Ted either.

Then she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. How did she know Edge would lose? He was Death. She had to believe, to have faith, that he’d survive this. But God, she was sick of being helpless.

She watched Edge draw closer, moving in confident, deliberate strides. Silent screams filled her mind as Ted drew his power around him. She wanted to close her eyes, but that would be the coward’s way. If Edge had the courage to fight Ted, then she had the guts to watch. And if Ted killed the man she loved, Passion would find a way to destroy him.

Edge stopped a short distance from his enemy. Ted started to glow with the power he was drawing to himself.

“Give it your best shot, because one shot is all you’ll get.” Edge seemed amused.

“Surrender.” Ted nodded toward where Bourne’s body still lay on the platform. “He was the only one who might have matched me. If any of you were stronger, you would’ve overthrown him long ago.”

“Maybe none of us were power-hungry bastards who cheated because they couldn’t win in a straight–up fight.”

Ted laughed. “My motto? The end justifies the means. Always.”

Suddenly, Dacian was beside Passion. She realized that while
Edge and Ted had riveted her attention, the vampire had carried Cinn away. Now, Dacian scooped her up and moved her to where he’d deposited his wife. Ted didn’t notice.

Zane was there. He looked a little beat up and a lot embarrassed. “Ted took me down before I could get the ward up. I’m sorry he got to both of you.”

“Just break the spell,” Dacian ordered.

Nodding, Zane touched both Cinn’s and Passion’s hands. Like the last time, suddenly she could move and talk.

“Ohmigod, we can’t let Edge fight Ted.” What could she do?

Dacian shook his head. “He wouldn’t want anyone to interfere.” He offered her an intense glance. “He’s doing this for you as much as for Bourne.”

Passion blinked. “Why?”

“Ted hurt you.” The vampire seemed to think that said it all.

She didn’t have time to sort through that statement now. Passion stood. If she couldn’t help Edge, then she’d help someone he cared about.

Passion looked with despair at the mob she’d have to fight her way through. She’d never get to Bourne in time.

“I think this has gone on long enough.”

Startled, Passion turned to see Sparkle beside her. “What?”

“This crap.” Sparkle waved at the men still fighting. “Look.” She held up one of her stilettos. “I broke the heel on the head of the last dumbass I fought.” She shook the offending shoe in front of Passion’s eyes and then narrowed her gaze. “You need to get to the Big Boss.”


Sparkle faced the room and shouted. “Everyone fighting for Ted just got kicked in the nuts.”

Shocked, Passion widened her eyes as every one of Ted’s men dropped to the floor clutching themselves and writhing in agony.
Only Ted’s women remained standing. It didn’t take long for the troublemakers to overcome them.

Passion stared at Sparkle. “You could’ve done that at any time? Why didn’t you?”

Sparkle sighed. “I’ll explain about men and their egos at another time. Let’s get to Bourne.”

A few seconds later, as Passion knelt beside Bourne with her hands on his chest, she watched the man she loved face Ted.

“You assumed that no one but Bourne could destroy you. You were wrong.” Edge’s voice had changed, grown deeper as it filled the hall. “I am Death. And tonight I claim you.” The words had the ring of ancient ritual in them.

Passion shuddered.

For the first time, Ted looked a little unsure. He covered it with bluster. “I guess I’ll have to find a new Death now.”

Edge said nothing. He stood there as Ted prepared to destroy him.

Terror lived and breathed in Passion as she reached out to Edge’s mind.
“I love you. Don’t you dare die.”

She watched his lips quirk up.

“I love you too, angel. Should’ve admitted it before this. And if you have to write my epitaph, don’t forget to say what a great lover I was.”

“That’s not funny.”
She knew her smile was watery.

her. The knowing was a warm and joyful fulfillment. Tears filled her eyes. She would
lose him. Instinct told her he would be the only one to complete her life, no matter how long that life lasted.

Then everything happened at once. Ted tried to reprise his glowing ball act. He watched with smug satisfaction as the ball exploded against Edge the same way it had with Bourne.

Passion knew she screamed, but she couldn’t stop it. And when the glow died, she expected to see Edge lying on the floor.

He wasn’t. Edge stood staring at Ted, a half smile on his lips.
“Oops. It’s a little harder when you don’t have five of your people helping you.”

Ted looked shocked. He narrowed his eyes and glared at Edge. Passion figured he was either trying to put the big freeze on him or control his thoughts like he’d done in Sparkle’s store.

“Not working, Ted. I feel you tapping on my mind, but I’m not opening the door. You caught me by surprise the first time. But I’m not surprised anymore. Too bad for you.” Edge’s smile widened. “Now it’s my turn.”

Passion could almost see Ted assessing his chances. He’d already expended a lot of energy, and his forces were beaten. She knew what his next step would be. Passion waited for him to dematerialize. He didn’t, and she could tell from his expression that he’d tried.

“Oh, no, Ted. You’re not leaving until I’m ready.” Edge stepped into Ted’s space. And before Ted could react, he’d picked the other man up with one hand and held him suspended in the air. “You hurt the woman I love. You murdered Bourne. And for these crimes, you’re history.”

Ted struggled in Edge’s grip, but he didn’t seem to have any strength left. Panic filled his eyes. “Let me go. I’ll leave and never come back. I’ll—”

“Oh, yes, you will definitely leave and never come back.”

And suddenly Ted disappeared.

“Where’d he go?” someone asked.

Edge turned to search for Passion just as Bourne’s body jerked. He drew in a deep breath. Passion closed her eyes, relief washing over her. Both Edge and Bourne were alive.

Bourne stared up at her. “Thank you.”

For just a moment, Passion
him. Not physically, but as a brilliant energy burst in her mind. And the seeing took her breath away. “What are you?” She could barely force the words past her lips.

His gaze never left her even as his answer filled her mind.
“What you would never imagine.”

She waited.

“But some things should remain unknown.”

She nodded.

Edge reached them and crouched down beside Passion. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. His answer was more for Bourne than the troublemaker who’d asked the question. “Ted dematerialized, but I made sure he’ll never materialize anywhere else. All that he was is scattered across the universe now.”

“Good.” Bourne sat up. “I’m getting too old for this. Help me up.”

Ganymede had joined them. He pulled Bourne to his feet. “What do we do with all Ted’s people?”

Bourne scanned the room, his gaze resting on the two bodies of his own people. His expression was grim. He glanced at Passion.

She shook her head. “Sorry. Their souls have left.”

He nodded. “I don’t have the energy to deal with Ted’s people right now. We’ll send them through the portal to join Kemp and Hope until I’ve recovered. The worst they can do there is trash my home.” He didn’t look happy at that prospect.

Bourne looked at Ganymede. “You have the power to open the portal and send them through.”

Ganymede nodded. “We need more nights like this, Boss. You know, sort of recreational periods where we can cut loose and kick ass.”

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Bourne still looked weak. “Take care of Ted’s people and then join me in the meeting room. I want Edge, Passion, and Sparkle there too.”

Then he raised his voice so everyone in the room could hear him. “I’m proud of you. I know I don’t praise you often…”

“Like never,” someone in the crowd muttered.

Everyone laughed.

Bourne laughed with them. “Okay, I’ll try to do better from now on. But know that through all the centuries, I’ve recognized your greatness. And if I’d died permanently tonight, I know that you would’ve carried on because every one of you is that strong.”

He waited for the cheers to die down. “Now bring our fallen comrades to me.”

Silence fell as they gently laid the two men at his feet. Sadness wrapped around her. She hadn’t saved them.

“You can’t save everyone.”

Edge’s whispered comfort warmed her, eased her guilt.

Bourne crouched beside the bodies. Sorrow seemed to reveal the ancient being Passion knew lived behind that beautiful face. “Thank you for your sacrifice. I release you from your service, and I send you to your reward. We will always honor your memory.” The bodies disappeared. He lowered his head, and everyone waited in silence.

Finally, he straightened and looked over the cosmic troublemakers watching him. “Go. Relax and celebrate.” He seemed to consider his words. “Don’t celebrate too much. I want Galveston to still be here tomorrow.”

Passion felt the release of tension. Except for the ones who would help Ganymede get Ted’s people to the portal, the troublemakers left the hall.

Bourne looked at the others who’d fought with them. “Dacian, it’s almost dawn. Get some sleep. I appreciate what you did tonight.” His gaze moved on to Bain, Zane, and Holgarth. “I’ll remember all of you.”

They nodded. And Passion noticed that Holgarth’s gaze kept returning to his son. She hoped they could work things out.

Edge spoke up. “Murmur brought down the five floating bastards.”

Bourne smiled. “I owe you five floating bastards, Murmur.”

Murmur’s eyes lit. “This is the second favor you guys owe me. I’ll have to visit more often.”

Passion let everything drift past her while she thought about the monumental event that had happened tonight.
Edge loved her.
He really loved her. She rolled the words around in her mind and felt them melt into her heart. He’d said them, and she’d never let him take them back. She clasped his hand. “Let’s get to the meeting room and see what Bourne wants. Then I’ll tell you what I want.”

His smile was a slow slide of sensual promise. “No matter how much you want, sweetheart, it’ll only be a speck in the universe compared to my list.”


Bourne sat at the head of the table in the small hotel meeting room. He waited as the last person took her seat. Sparkle.

“Where were you?” Ganymede was still in human form, and he didn’t look happy to be here. He glanced at the others in the room. “Let’s get this over with. I’m hungry.”

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