Read Wicked Edge Online

Authors: Nina Bangs

Wicked Edge (12 page)

BOOK: Wicked Edge
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Passion got out of bed and shrugged into her robe. She raked her fingers through her hair. She could hear the shower running through the wall.
Don’t think about it.
“What about breakfast?”
Hot, sexy male served on a warm croissant and lathered with melted butter.
“Don’t you think it’s time to shut down the laptop?” Good, she couldn’t think of anything sensual about that.

“I ordered room service.” Hope looked up briefly. “I registered on Twitter too. This is a lot more fun than soothing troubled souls.”

“What would Archangel Ted say?” Not that Passion cared.

“He’s not here.” Hope was once again lost to the magic of Twitter.

“How easily we’re corrupted.” Her mutter didn’t reach Hope.

Before she could think of anything else to say, someone knocked on the door. She stuffed her feet in her slippers and went to the
door. “Who is it?” She’d learned caution. No more flinging the door open to just anyone.

“Jack the Ripper with your breakfast, madam.” Holgarth’s sarcasm leaked under the door and poisoned the air.

But if he had breakfast, she’d put up with him for a few minutes. She opened the door.

Even this early in the day, he wore his whole wizard outfit complete with tall conical hat. He waved the man pushing the serving cart into the room and followed him inside. He closed the door with a wave of his hand. Show-off.

Passion went over to peek under the lids once the man had left.

“I apologize, madam, but we ran out of eye of newt. We tried to substitute vampire’s blood, but alas, Dacian refused to hold still.” Holgarth walked over to see what Hope was so engrossed in. “Ah, Facebook. I believe the gentleman who has requested your friendship is a demon. I hope you’re open-minded. Demons can be quite entertaining.”

With a frightened squeak, Hope slammed the laptop shut.

Passion sighed. “I don’t remember a side order of annoying wizard with my pancakes.”

“Have no fear, I won’t be staying. I simply came to collect Edge. I’ll be his guardian for the day.”

As if on cue, Edge returned. He must’ve taken a side trip back to his room for fresh clothes because he was dressed in jeans, boots, and black T–shirt. He oozed sensual promise. He paused when he saw Holgarth. “Don’t tell me.”

Holgarth raised one haughty brow. “Then I most certainly won’t.”

Edge made a disgusted sound. “Be prepared to go where I go, wizard.” He strode toward the door.

Holgarth sighed dramatically. “It’s not enough that I give my
life’s blood to my job each day, but now I’ve been ordered to babysit Death.”

“Don’t you want to eat before you go?” Passion forced her gaze to stay on Edge’s face.

His smile was all about sexual temptation. “Oh, definitely, but I don’t think what I want is on the hotel’s menu.” Then Edge followed Holgarth out the door.

Passion turned from the door and wondered what was happening to her. Somewhere during the last twenty-four hours she’d lost her focus. Then she remembered. “Did you report in to Archangel Ted last night?”

Hope was tentatively opening the laptop again. She looked up at Passion from wide eyes. “I forgot.”

“Yes, well, if you don’t do it soon, he’ll just—” Passion got no further, as suddenly the temperature dropped and power vibrated all around her. “Too late.”

A male voice filled their minds.
“It has come to the Supreme Being’s attention, Hope, that you calmed the mind of an irredeemable one last night.”

“Irredeemable?” Hope’s voice was a horrified squeak.

“How the heck did he know?” Passion wondered who the snitch was in the castle.

“You do not think like an angel, Passion. An angel accepts that the Supreme Being knows all. Humans are the ones who are suspicious, who lack trust and always suspect a ‘snitch.
’” Archangel Ted sounded sadly regretful.

Passion didn’t believe he was regretful at all. He’d never liked her.

“The Supreme Being does not want you to interfere with the cosmic troublemakers again. They are beyond redemption.”

There was a pause, and Passion could picture Ted ticking off his list of complaints for the day.
“Do you have anything to report, Hope?”

Hope looked at Passion. Passion shrugged.

“Umm, no, Archangel Ted. But Passion and I will spend the day looking for souls to help. I’m sure there are many of them.”

Try many, many, many of them. And Passion didn’t have a clue where to start. Somehow it had been easier in heaven. It was like the difference between telemarketing and standing behind a counter. If things got tough on the phone, you could just hang up. But when you were behind the counter, the customer could jump over it and chase you through the store. Besides, she’d never had to deal with any hardcore sinners before. Add to that her pesky emotions that kept getting in the way, and you had a recipe for disaster.

“Very well. But I want a list of all the sinners you find, their sins, and your plans to help them find the light. By tomorrow. And even though I don’t want you to interfere in their fights, I do want you to keep an eye on the cosmic troublemakers. If they become too violent, I’ll send down the avenging angels.”
The room returned to its normal temperature. He was gone.

Okay, this called for food. Passion piled pancakes, eggs, and sausage on her plate, poured herself a cup of coffee, and sat down on one of the chairs. “We won’t be able to do all that by tomorrow, you know.” She set her coffee cup on the coffee table.

Passion closed her eyes in bliss as she savored the spicy flavor of the sausage. She mourned that she’d be going back to a world of eternal dullness.
Be honest, everything is bland in heaven.
Ted had explained that the Supreme Being believed if anything in heaven was more than bland, it would distract the angels from their jobs. Look at humans; they were slaves to their senses. The Supreme Being was probably right.

“Of course we will. Archangel Ted understands our capabilities.” Hope set the laptop on the bed, fixed her own plate, and brought it back to the bed where she immersed herself once again in the world of Facebook.

If Hope thought that, then she didn’t understand the situation. “We can eliminate Ganymede, Edge, and Sparkle. We don’t have to worry about Bain either.”

Hope looked up. “Why?”

“He’s a demon.”

“Demon?” Hope dropped her toast.


Hope finally gave Passion her complete attention. Evidently, it took a demon to tip the scales against Facebook. “How do you know all this? And is there anything else you haven’t told me?”

Passion studied her pancakes. She sort of felt guilty, but things had been happening so quickly she hadn’t had time to fill Hope in completely. “Umm, Dacian is a vampire.” She hurried on. “But he can still be redeemed.”

Hope carefully placed the laptop on the floor next to her mattress and got up. “I’m getting dressed. We have a full day ahead of us.”

“I think Ted said something about a plan. Do you have one? Because I sure don’t.” They couldn’t just start knocking on doors and asking whoever answered if they were evil. “Maybe we can start by waking up the irredeemable cat. I got the feeling he didn’t want to miss breakfast.”

Hope had no chance to answer because someone knocked on the door. Passion went to the door and did her who’s–there thing. She hoped there wasn’t another smartass on the other side.

“It’s Sparkle. I brought Mede’s snacks and some things so we can get started on your transformation.”

Transformation? Did that sound a little demonic? Fascinated, Passion opened the door.

Sparkle swept into the dungeon. She carried a small bag and was dragging a rolling suitcase behind her. Passion closed the door as Sparkle lifted the suitcase onto the table with the restraints.
That seemed ominous. Then she walked over to where Ganymede still slept, oblivious to everything going on around him.

Sparkle pulled a large cup from the bag, removed the top, and calmly poured its contents onto the head of the sleeping cat.

Ganymede came off the bed in what had to be a four-foot vertical leap. Impressive. His outraged yowl made Passion’s head throb.

“Now that you’ve had your drink, you can chow down on the rest of your snacks.” Sparkle dropped the bag onto the bed and started to turn away. “Oh, and the store is still a wreck. I think you promised to clean up the mess. I can’t open again until you do.”

Passion widened her eyes. Wow, if Sparkle wanted to jump-start the apocalypse, she was doing a great job. She waited for Ganymede to blow out the walls of the castle.

But all he did was jump off the bed and head for the door. The door swung open with such violence that it bounced off the wall.
“I’m going next door to shower this crap off me. I’ll get Bain to stay with me today. Let me know when you’re over whatever it is that’s pissed you off.”
He was muttering about one-hinge-short–of–a–nuthouse-door women as he slammed the door shut behind him.

Sparkle strolled back to the table, hoisted herself onto it, and crossed her long legs. Her short black dress rode up her smooth thighs. “I probably should’ve controlled my temper.” Her smile was all wicked enjoyment. “But that felt so good.”

Passion dropped onto a chair. Talk about relieved. The door might be still vibrating, but the walls stood firm.

“You thought Mede was going to go ballistic on me, didn’t you?” Sparkle looked amused.

“Yes.” Passion decided not to elaborate on the black swirling around him and her expectations based on what that black meant. “Why didn’t he?”

“He loves me.” Sparkle uncrossed her legs and leaned forward to open her rolling suitcase.

Passion mustn’t have done a good job of hiding her reaction, because Sparkle laughed. “Just because he’s a hard-ass doesn’t mean he can’t love. I spread sexual chaos wherever I can, but I love him.”

“But you—”

Sparkle waved away whatever Hope had been about to say. “The good don’t own love.” She unzipped her case and dragged out trays of makeup and nail color. “Tell me the truth, have either of you ever done anything bad?”

Passion shook her head. Sure, there were her fantasies, but they were in her mind. That didn’t count as
anything bad. She sat on her conscience to keep it quiet.

Hope looked horrified that Sparkle would even ask the question. “I’ve always followed Archangel Ted’s rules.”

“Not your Supreme Being’s rules, but
rules?” Sparkle looked at both Passion and Hope. “Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with that?”

Hope looked confused. “Well, Ted gets the rules from the Supreme Being.”

Sparkle sighed. “This could be my greatest challenge.” She crooked her finger at them. “Come here, ladies, and find out what it’s like to be a beautiful and sexy woman.”

“I don’t think so. Archangel Ted said only natural beauty is worthy.” Hope gathered up her clothes and headed for the door and Dacian’s shower.

“Archangel Ted is an ass.”

Hope was already closing the door and didn’t hear Sparkle’s mutter, but Passion heard it. And as wrong as she knew it was, she believed Sparkle.

Sparkle turned to Passion. “How about you?”

Since she’d started the day with impure thoughts about Edge, her goodness rating was already shot, so she may as well go for it. She took her coffee over to the table. “Sure.”

While Sparkle worked on her, Passion asked a few questions. “What exactly are your duties as a cosmic troublemaker?”

Sparkle smoothed a cleansing pad over Passion’s face and neck. “I foment sexual chaos. That means I encourage people to have sex.” Her gaze turned distant, and a small smile tugged at her lips. “I get particular pleasure when I bring together two people who’re all wrong for each other, they have crazy sex, and then I’m able to tear them apart.” She sighed. “The emotional trauma is absolutely wonderful.”

“But that’s not right. People’s misery shouldn’t make you happy.” Passion drew back a little.

Sparkle sighed. “If it’s any comfort, lately my track record sucks. I’ve brought together people who lust after each other but have nothing else in common. The odds should be against any lasting relationship.”

Passion wanted to slap her silly.
Violence is wrong
. Right, no violence. Arrgh! “That’s not the point. Your intent is evil.”

“Hello, I’m a cosmic
. It’s what I do.” Sparkle brightened. “But good does come from it in the end. Once the woman gets over wanting to either kill the guy or crawl to him begging that he take her back, she realizes she’s better for the experience. Now she has good hair, great makeup, and a hot wardrobe. She can aim higher next time.”

“What about the poor guy?”

Sparkle shrugged. “I’d offer makeup and hair tips, but only a few men are secure enough in their masculinity to take advantage of my advice. They usually resort to drink.”

Passion subsided. Turning Sparkle to the light would be tough.

Two hours later, Sparkle was finished. And so was Passion. Sparkle had labored over Passion’s face, hair, and nails. Then she’d chosen an outfit and shoes for her and shooed her next door to Dacian’s bathroom to change.

Passion couldn’t have sat still for another minute.
was worth this. She muttered her opinion of all things Sparkle related as she dressed and slipped her feet into shoes with heels she just knew were evil instruments of torture.

There. Finished. Then she glanced into the mirror for the first time. Oh. My. God. And knew that Sparkle had corrupted her for all time. No longer was she bland and boring. Her hair was a tangled golden glory around her face. Her lips, eyes, and…everything were…
Pride is wrong.
Passion’s conscience was doing lots of finger wagging, but she couldn’t help feeling a swell of excitement.

What would Edge think? She froze on that thought. He shouldn’t be on her mind at all. She turned from the mirror and rushed from the bathroom.

She’d just gotten back to the dungeon when someone knocked.

“I’ll get it.” Anything to keep Sparkle from seeing her face, because Passion was sure the name Edge was blazoned across her forehead.

BOOK: Wicked Edge
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