Wicked Bad Boys (68 page)

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Authors: Bella Love-Wins

BOOK: Wicked Bad Boys
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Rocked Part Three
Chapter 1 - Johnny

manda flicked
the airplane bathroom lights off just before I swung the door open. I felt her duck down behind me to hide in the darkness.

“Hi there, Johnny,” Fred said. “I was looking around for Amanda. Have you seen her?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer him. We were on a plane. There were only so many places she could be, and assuming he checked everywhere else, it should have been pretty obvious she was in here with me. Amanda must have been thinking the same thing, because she slowly stepped out from behind me.

“I’m here, Fred. Johnny was…we were…” she said, fumbling over her words. Even in the dim light streaming in from outside the restroom, I could tell her cheeks had flushed from her embarrassment. She didn’t need to explain why we were in the bathroom at the same time. Still, seeing her squirm was pretty entertaining.

“She was protecting me,” I said with some levity.

Fred held up a hand and averted his eyes, probably because Amanda’s dress was now inside-out. “No need to explain, you two. Amanda, when you have a moment, I have an update for you.”

“Coming now,” Amanda said, and began to step through the door.

I held her arm to stop her, and she gave me a confused look. She clearly didn’t notice her dress issue.

“She’ll be right out,” I told him. “Give us a bit of time.”

“Not a problem,” Fred answered. He turned and moved back to the center of the plane.

“I was protecting you?” she asked, eyes widened. “Couldn’t you come up with something a bit more believable?”

“Like what exactly?” I said, laughing.

“Well, I don’t know. And why did you stop me from going out there to talk to him?” Amanda asked.

“Because we’re not done yet. Well, I can wait, but…um…you’re not quite ready.” I switched on the light and stepped out of the path of the mirror. “See for yourself.”

She stepped closer and moved a hand up to her hair. “My hair isn’t that bad, is it?”

“No, your hair looks great. You don’t see it?”

“See what?”

“Never mind. Let me fix it for you. Turn around.”

“What?” she said, turning slowly and looking down her body.

I moved her hair to the side and began to unzip the back of her dress.

“Stop, Johnny. Come on, we already got caught once. Let’s leave it alone.”

I leaned down and kissed the base of her neck. “Can you trust me for just one minute? I’m actually trying to help you here.”

“I can’t see how undressing me can possibly help me now. What if Fred’s update is important?”

“We’re up in an airplane, Amanda. His update won’t change anything while we’re mid-flight.”

“And what if Kevin comes back here and finds us like this?”

“Then you’ll definitely want to be wearing your dress the right way,” I whispered in her ear, peeling the fabric off her shoulders. “See? Your dress is inside out, babe.”

“Oh shit!” She uttered under her breath, feverishly dragging the dress the rest of the way down her body and stepping out of it. “I didn’t notice! I guess I owe you one.”

“No problem. You can repay me later.” I stepped toward her, taking the dress from her hand as I wrapped the other arm around her waist. “On second thought, this is probably the most privacy we’ll have for the duration of the tour. I don’t know about you, but I want to make the most of it. I want you, Amanda. And I can tell you a lot more, except I know you don’t want to hear it. But as you’re standing here with just a bra and heels on, you can repay me now. I’m going to carry you over to that counter, and I’m going to take you. Just like this.”

I didn’t wait for her to object. I turned her back toward me and scooped her up. In two long strides, I had her sitting on the counter, legs wrapped around my waist.

Chapter 2 - Amanda

’m not
sure what came over me, letting Johnny continue this sizzling restroom session after we had already been caught. Something about his raspy, sexy voice unleashed a deep desire to stay and pick up where we left off. There was only one way to explain it—he and I could not be in the same room without that invisible magnetic force pulling us together.

“Why is it so hard for me to say no to you?” I asked him softly. I felt free with him, for reasons I still wasn’t sure I understood. The reasons didn’t matter anymore. I craved that feeling of being in the moment with him. I was way past wanting to be responsible. I was reckless.

“It’s because you shouldn’t say no at all,” he growled. “In fact, I won’t ever let you say no to me again.”

He lowered his head and pulled my hair aside, gently kissing my neck again.

“Oh God,” I moaned.

His touch was electric. That soft kiss sent a wild heat straight to my aching core all over again. It made me forget where we were and about everyone outside that door. I leaned my shoulders back on the mirror and placed my hands on his strong chest. He hooked his hands under the back of my knees and spread my legs farther apart, tenderly pulling as he went, so my hips would slide in closer to him.

I grasped his hands and placed each one on my needy breasts. He groaned, ducking his head to one breast, blowing hot breaths through my bra. He pulled the fabric down under my breasts, and took my nipple in between his teeth, licking the peaks as he moved from one to the other. I hissed at the sensation, and instantly had to have him closer. I reached my hands back to undo the clasp of my bra, and pushed the straps off my shoulder.

“Fuck,” he said in a deep whisper. “I love every inch of your body, Amanda.” He lifted off just enough to take the bra off me, and I gripped on to the back of his neck, pressing his lips back to my breasts.

I let his hands roam down my back, and pushed my hips into his groin. I arched my back, wrapping my legs around his hips.

“I want you so bad,” I cried.

He lifted his head and look into my eyes.

“God, Amanda. I want you too. All I want is to taste you and please you, and then I want to be deep inside you. ”

I groaned and kissed him, and pulled off to lift his t-shirt over his head. He tugged it the rest of the way off and threw it aside before kissing me with a fierceness I was already addicted to. His tongue invaded my mouth, dueling with mine, claiming every part of me as he explored.

“Take me right now, Lorne,” I hummed into his mouth.

He slowly pulled out of the kiss. His intense eyes darkened, and he stood up, loosened his belt and undid the zipper. Those eyes never looked away while he pushed his jeans down his legs until they bundled around his ankles. He stood up again and tugged at his boxers next, unleashing his massive erection. I could see his single-minded need, and I couldn’t wait any longer to feel him inside me. I looped my fingers around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder, moaning as he spread my legs and positioned his thick, hard cock to enter me.

Yes, baby. I need you to fuck me right now,” I begged.

I kissed his neck as he stood there, pressing his manhood at my opening.

“You’re so fucking wet, Amanda,” he moaned deeply. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

“Come inside me and fuck me hard, Lorne,” I said, not caring that I was sounding more and more desperate.

I wrapped my legs around his waist again, pulling him into me as he grabbed my hips and slid his hard cock into my soaked channel. He moved inside me with gentle thrusts at first, building up slowly into a powerful force that plunged so deep I could scream.

He cradled my neck and leaned my shoulder back to meet the mirror behind me. He reached the other hand to my ankle and lifted that leg over his shoulder. His head ducked down to one nipple and latched on tightly as he slammed his manhood into me, right to the root. It was total, unbridled pleasure, and pelted me straight toward my climax. His thrusts sent shock waves through me at this new angle, so much so, I put a hand over my mouth to muffle my loud moans.

“Fuck. I’m coming, Amanda,” he growled out, clenching his teeth to hold back an even louder roar as he plunged deeper into me with sharp jerks.

I bit down on my lip, even with my hand already covering my mouth, trying to subdue the squeal I knew would escape at this invigorating peak. His hot, wet release exploded into me, and my body quaked and convulsed as I came with him, grinding into his groin to extend the sensation. When he was finished, he lowered my leg and pulled me up into his warm, safe chest. He wrapped me in an embrace that was a clear reminder why I couldn’t say no to this man. I was addicted.

We didn’t move for a few minutes. I was basking in the buzz of being completely satiated.

“Admit it,” he said. “You enjoyed that so much, getting caught by Kevin doesn’t matter so much anymore.”

I laughed softly. “I’m not sure I’d put it quite that way, but yes, I really enjoyed it.”


“We should get dressed now,” I told him, although I was just as reluctant to get up.

Johnny lifted off me and kissed my cheek. “You’re probably right. If I stay here any longer I’m going to have to take you all over again.”

I smiled playfully as I got off the counter to neaten myself up. I felt the same way. “That’s exactly why I told you I couldn’t sleep in the same bed with you that night. Remember?”

“Of course.”

I got dressed quickly—with my dress on the right way this time. I popped up on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. “See you later, Lorne,” I whispered.

He grinned, and let me leave first so I could speak to Fred and his team. It turned out Fred’s update was that the cyber-stalker replied to another post on Johnny’s Twitter account. Jenny was trying out some new IP tracing software to track the source of the message. Our meeting was over in five minutes, so I returned to my seat near the front, passing by Kevin, who was fast asleep. I was settled in long before Johnny came out of the bathroom.

Chapter 3 - Johnny

the restroom door after Amanda left, and jammed the lock in place. I waited in there a few minutes, leaning against the counter. Most of the time was spent thinking of her pressed up against the wall, or sitting on the counter with her legs wrapped around my hips. Her sweet scent was still on my fingers, and the sound of her whimpering my name still echoed in my head. I turned to the sink, washed up and splashed some cold water on my face, wondering how Amanda might react to the Johnny Q Venom persona once we landed in Athens.

A few minutes later, I returned to the front to get some rest. Amanda was already asleep in her seat. She was stretched out, with the side of her face pressed against the window. I sat beside her, put on my seatbelt and tried to relax. Before I drifted off, I looked over at her a few times. It was hard not to stare. My chest tightened as I watched her sleep.

It still seemed surreal that my plan had come together, and she was finally fitting into my life. It was not the most ideal situation—considering I had not come clean about what I wanted, and this was still a part-casual, part-contrived relationship for her. And she was adamant about staying clear of anything remotely serious. Still, what we shared was miles ahead of what I had just a week ago, so to me, that was progress. It could only get better—as long as she could come to terms with my stage personality, and whatever it was that made her resist so strongly against what had been happening between us. I rested my head back and let out a labored breath. I would find out about the former soon enough, but had no idea whether she would open up about the latter.

I turned to her sleeping figure. The blanket she was using had sagged into a ball at her lap. I reached across and lifted it over her shoulders. Without thinking, I brushed a loose strand of hair away from her closed eyes. Out of nowhere, her hand came up and grabbed my wrist in a bone-clenching grip. I let out a short yelp of pain and her eyes opened after a second. A look of recognition slowly appeared on her face, and then one of shock when she realized what she had done.

“Oh! Sorry Johnny! I didn’t mean to do that!” she exclaimed, releasing my arm. She sat up in her chair, the blanket falling away again. “Are you okay?”

I rubbed my wrist to relieve the burning pain where she had held on to me. That grip was pretty impressive. “Holy crap, Amanda. You’re still so strong!” I blurted out. “I mean…Yes. I’m fine. It was my fault. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just…I didn’t want you to get cold.”

She glanced up at me, still dazed from sleeping. She looked down at the blanket and thanked me, then continued to stare at me, as though expecting more of an explanation. I had nothing else to say—unless I wanted to confess everything—I smiled and leaned my head back again. The pilot came on the speaker and announced we would be landing at JFK shortly, so Amanda didn’t pursue it further.

Kevin called us all back to speak with him after we touched down in New York. Schedules had been thrown so far off that with the time difference, we would arrive in Athens late on Sunday. This would give us very little time to clear customs, and no time to shake off our jetlag before my performance.

He was able to call ahead, and suggested a shorter performance due to the later kick-off time. The family was understanding, and offered to move the private performance to Monday. They had been celebrating for several days straight, and planned to be on the island for another week. The birthday girl also preferred to get the full performance. Kevin was agreeable, and so was Fred. It would give us an evening to get rested, and enough time for Fred’s men to set up and clear the location. I was tempted to remind Kevin we should not have agreed to this event in the first place, but opted against it, to keep the peace for the moment.

After the new plan was settled, the FBI and Amanda returned to their seats, while he and I reviewed some of the performance sequences. Soon, the plane took off again. Kevin and I ended up working for that entire leg of the flight. It was the first time in a few days that we were able to simply focus on the business of my music, which something we were both passionate about.

The remaining hours passed by quickly before we finally landed at Athens International Airport. By then it was late evening. Fred and his team led the way as we disembarked and made our way through Passport Control and Customs. Amanda followed behind. She had her game face on as she observed the bustling surroundings and people nearby. Because of the schedule change, we would stay overnight at a nearby hotel, and head to the island in the morning.

Kevin spoke to a man waiting for us when we cleared customs. He was one of two drivers that would take us to the hotel tonight, and also to the helicopter landing strip the next morning. We all milled around on the sidewalk, stretching our legs as the vans were loaded up with our luggage. Kevin ran around doing a final check to make sure all of the bags were accounted for. When he was satisfied, he directed us all to get in. Amanda ended up in the other vehicle—probably Kevin’s doing.

The hotel was close to the airport, and we arrived within a few minutes. This time, Kevin led the group and got us checked in. I paid less attention to these details. Amanda was in my sights, and I was curious what she was thinking—and whether I could sneak in some private time with her tonight.

“Rachel, Johnny. Here are your keycards,” Kevin said, turning to me and pressing a small envelope into my hands. “You’re booked in a suite together.”

Amanda approached and my eyebrows shot up, surprised and quite skeptical this development could be Kevin’s doing.

“She’s your girlfriend, remember? The Feds want this little show to be believable. You know how easy it is for the press to get wind of where we’re staying tonight. It would create much more blowback on the cover story if someone leaks that Rachel Preston is
getting it on with her new rock star boyfriend,” he explained.

“Makes sense,” I replied, doing my best to hide my elation.

“But don’t worry. The suite is beside the one I put Fred’s team in, just in case.”

Amanda nodded, and showed no emotion about this news. I could not tell if she was putting on an act or genuinely didn’t care about getting a couple of nights alone with me. My delight made it hard to be too concerned about anything else.

“Get some rest, Johnny. Tomorrow is going to be a long day,” Kevin said, a wrinkle of irritation showing between his brows as he spoke.

“Ready?” Amanda asked as we joined the FBI waiting at the elevator bank.

“Yes honey. Let’s go, Rachel,” I answered.

She and the agents flanked me as we rode up to our floor and walked the long hallway to our side-by-side suites. I stood in the entryway while the agents, joined by Amanda, made a sweep of the room. Once everyone was satisfied that the room was safe, the agents reminded us they were just next door if we needed anything, and left.

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