Wicked Bad Boys (48 page)

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Authors: Bella Love-Wins

BOOK: Wicked Bad Boys
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Chapter 4

evin was relieved
he and Tara could pick up where they left off. They were closer than ever, and his love for her deepened more than he thought possible. They spent every waking moment together; day and night. He had spent most nights at her place, and went home a couple of nights, but took her with him. His exams were over for the Christmas break and wouldn’t resume until January, so he didn’t have to study for a while. It gave them lots of time together. And the police resumed their surveillance, even though Jake had not been seen, and there hadn’t been a murder for weeks.

About a week before Christmas, as they ate lunch in the kitchen, Tara wanted to talk about holiday plans.

“I’ve been thinking about my mom a lot lately. We speak on the phone a lot, but I want to see her over the holidays. With Christmas coming up and all…I just hate to imagine not being with her. Things had been strained for so long. Now that our relationship is improving, I want to us to be together on Christmas day. It’s a time to be with family, after all.”

“Why don’t we see if she’ll come to my parent’s place? That way, we’ll all be together. I’m sure Mom and Dad will love the company, especially if she brings her boyfriend.”

“Really? That would be awesome if we could pull it off.”

“I don’t see why not. How about you call her right now and I’ll call my mom to set it up?”

She nodded with enthusiasm and jumped up to call from her phone upstairs. Kevin admired that she was back to her old self again. With Jake out of the picture, things felt good all round. He phoned his mom and she was happy to have them over, and Tara’s mom was excited about a big family dinner. Plans were set.

“Let’s go Christmas shopping,” he suggested.

“Great idea! Are you sure you can handle hitting the mall with your girl?”

“I knew you’d say that,” he answered. “And for the record, I’d do anything with you, no matter how painful.”

“Smartass,” she teased. “Come on. Let’s have a shower together before we go, or I’m liable to jump you at the food court.”

“Wow! I see I’ve created a sex kitten. Or were you always this ravenous?” He grinned, with eyebrows raised.

“Men. Always taking the credit.”

He watched with curiosity, but had no time to get away when she took the kitchen faucet and pressed the sprinkler setting before turning it on him.

“There. You’re all showered. I’ll go have mine alone if you think I’m a sex kitten.”

He stood up, soaking wet, but pleased she was having so much fun.

“No, ma’am. I’m joining you. You can’t turn down our communal shower time after you give the invite.”

“Fine,” she said, looking like she was joking as she took his arm.

He let her pull him all the way upstairs to the bathroom, and they shed their clothes and enjoyed the warm water together. As he washed her back with the sponge, she turned and wrapped her arms around him.

“What do you want for Christmas?” she asked.

He moved in closer, relishing the feel of her soft breasts on his chest.

“I’ve already gotten what I want, and I’m holding her right now.”

He felt her heart beat against his chest, and her nipples hardened as he held her close.

“Oh, Kevin. I feel the same way. And by the way, I’m so turned on right now.”

They kissed, and as if on auto-pilot, his cock expressed his need for her too. He backed her up so they were both under the flow of water. He let it cascade over them as he pinned her against the wall and deepened his kiss. His erection rubbed on her thigh, and he could feel her tiptoe and raise one leg up around his thigh for more contact.

“What can I give you for Christmas?” he whispered, before taking her mouth tight against his.

“I’ll show you,” she moaned onto his lips.

He watched with eagerness as she pulled away and turned to face the shower wall. He could barely wait when she placed both hands on the wall and tilted her body, spreading her legs to give him full access to her sweet pussy.

“Give it to me hard, Kevin.”

“Oh God.” He could barely contain his release when she turned only her head and begged him to take her.

His grasped her hips tightly and slid his rock hard cock into her.

“You’re so hot and wet, Tara. So sweet. Fuck!” He slammed his hardness into her and she kept pleading for more.

He heard her let out the softest whimpers as he pounded her, giving her what she begged for, impaling her hard on the ceramic tile.

“Don’t stop, Kevin. You feel so good!”

He didn’t want to stop, but she felt so tight, so hot, he could barely hold it.

“Oh God!” She screamed.

He felt her tighten around his cock as her body shook violently with her climax, and all his will power was gone. He came with her, releasing with a force he couldn’t hold back, and leaned on her back to gather some strength.

“Mmmm, you hit the spot, Kevin,” she whispered, after she recovered.

“And you are exactly what I needed, Tara.”

“We’d better get out of here before—”

“Before what?”

“Too late. I want more,” she admitted, sending another signal directly to his cock.

“What did I say about a sex kitten?” he teased, before giving her what she wanted again.

fter their shower
, Tara would have been just as satisfied going back to bed. She was satiated and spent. With Christmas only a week away, she really did have to get her mind wrapped around gift-giving, which meant they needed to go shopping. They dressed quickly and headed out to the tiny mall in town.

She loved how protective he was of her as they held hands and went from store to store. She was safe with him. Kevin pointed out there were two police officers following them as well. Neither wore uniforms, but he mentioned he had seen them on his block a few times.

As they perused the options, she did a tally of the people she wanted to buy gifts for. There weren’t many people on the list. And she wanted all the gifts to be special. And Kevin seemed genuinely interested in the items she pointed out that would make great Christmas gifts for everyone. If Kevin was putting on a show, she was loving every minute. Finally, it seemed as if they had hit just about every store.

“Who else do you need to buy for?” she asked Kevin.

“Well, you of course, but I’ll have to make myself scarce so I can surprise you. I still need something for my mom, and…” He looked down at his list. “Oh yes. Something for Howard. Remember Howard from U of A?”

“The blond guy with the tattoo sleeve?”

“Yes, that Howard. I didn’t tell you yet, but he’s getting married to Jen.”

“Really? That’s awesome. I think Jen and I had one course together in our junior year.”

“He also invited us to Florida for the wedding. And longer if we want to stay for the holidays. But I already told him it wasn’t possible.”

She frowned. That would’ve been amazing, having a real vacation with Kevin, but he was right. Kevin couldn’t leave town yet. And she wanted to hang on to her savings for the move to Montana.

“Bummer. That would have been a blast.”

“I know. You…me…the beach…some wine…and a hotel room…” He pulled her closer to him.

The thought of it excited her. “The trouble we’d get into. I can’t picture us ever leaving our room.”

“Yep. Me and my sex kitten.”

“C’mon don’t call me that. Seriously, what do you say the minute we can put this behind us, we check our finances, and if we can swing it, let’s do it. We can go anywhere. Florida…California…Hawaii…wherever you want to go.”

“I like the way you think. I’m game. I do my classes online so I can be anywhere. All I need is computer access.”

She was giddy with the thought of putting a lot of distance between them and all the turmoil they had been through since returning to Washington State.

“Okay, the second we can, we will. We can plan now and book it when things go back to normal. Come on, let’s finish up our shopping and go home.”

“Already? You looked like you were having so much fun here.”

“I was, but now I want you to myself, Kev.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that. Let’s try one of the department stores. I’m sure we can knock a lot of things off the list. Who do you still need to buy for?”

“You and Mom.”

They weren’t inside for very long. Kevin found a necklace for his mom, and a his-and-hers perfume set for Howard. Tara bought a pair of sterling silver earrings for her mother.

“Anything else on your list?” he asked as they headed back through the mall to get to his car.

She tapped her lip, glancing around at the nearest stores. Her eyes widened as she saw the lingerie store, and she pulled him toward it. He laughed.

“What? You don’t like lingerie?”

“Are you trying to drive me wild here in this mall?”

“So, is that a no?”

“Not at all. I’d love to see you in lingerie, but I can’t promise you’ll be wearing it for long, okay?”

“Come on!” She ignored the wink he gave her and pulled him into the store so she could go through the racks. She piled several things in her arms and was completely aware of how Kevin stared at each piece.

“Are you sure you have enough?” he asked.

She looked down at her arms and laughed. “I can never seem to pick something I still like by the time I get home. Which of these do you like?”


“Yes. Tell me.”

“Either the black lace one you picked out first, or the purple one with the cute frill.”

“You like the purple one?”

“Of course. That color is so hot on you. Come on. Try them on. I’ll buy them for you.”


“Don’t you know that if I see you in that, it’ll be like a gift for me? Plus if we don’t leave, I won’t be able to control myself. And I distinctly remember you saying you were horny for me a few minutes ago.”

“Maybe I can sneak you in my fitting room,” she whispered as the two store clerks helped other customers.

He followed her back to the dressing rooms, and she was relieved no one noticed them. There were benefits to the Christmas rush. After they both stepped into one of the larger rooms, she locked the door behind them.

o Kevin
, each piece of lingerie was better and better. Tara made him cover his face so she could try the pieces on and surprise him with each one. It was pure temptation as he sat in the seat in the corner, waiting to see his woman in those sexy numbers.

“What do you think?” She twirled around in front of him in the purple outfit. Just as he expected, she looked amazing in it. His cock twitched as he looked on. That outfit was a winner.

“Um…yeah, I’m buying that one.”

“It’s settled then,” she said between a giggle.

She leaned down to him. Her breasts were pushed up and looked like they were ready to escape her bra.

“Maybe I should wear this one tonight,” she said, then kissed him.

“You’d better change before I take you right here,” he whispered, pulling from the kiss and pointing down at the bulge in his pants.

“Would that be such a bad thing?”

“For us, no; but for everyone else in the store, definitely.”

“Come on, live a little,” she teased.

She straddled him in the chair and began to grind on the bulge in his pants.

“I’ve created a monster,” he joked, trying to contain himself.

“Okay enough for you, big boy. We can continue at home.”

He let her dress and went out to pay for the piece she let him choose.

“Where to next?” she asked when they met back at the store entrance.

“Let’s get back to the car. I’ve got an idea.” He took her hand and led her out the mall.

“What are we doing?” she asked when they got back to the car.

It was almost dark, and the parking lot was still packed. The police officers didn’t seem to be following them anymore.

“We’re living dangerously. Are you with me?”

“For what?” She asked.

“Living. Dangerously,” he repeated. “I’m tired of worrying about every little thing. I sat in that dressing room, worrying more than I was enjoying. And I was enjoying a lot. And up to now, I worried about my brother…about whether I’ll pass the class…about what’s in store for our future…”

“You worry about that?” she asked, stepping closer to him.

“I want to be with you. I know it, and I’m not worried about that, but there’s uncertainty all the time. Just like this…” He pointed to the back seat of the car.

“There’s uncertainty as to what mischief we can get up to with the possibility of someone passing by and seeing us. But you know what? I’m ready to take a chance. When you get the urge to do something memorable, sometimes you have to go for it no matter where you are. Now jump in back and let’s go for it. We’ll have a story to tell our kids one day.”

“I doubt this would be a story they’d want to hear, at any age”

“We can tell each other when we’re eighty.”

She still looked scared about the idea.

“Hey, don’t get antsy now, Tara. You were giving me a lap dance in the dressing room, remember?”

“Yes, but it had a door. And no windows.”

She looked like she was contemplating it, and then her expression lightened.

“I suppose you only live once,” she said, smiling as she climbed into the back seat after him. “Now, where were we?”

“I seem to recall a hot girl in purple lingerie giving me a lap dance.”

ake looked
at them from the vantage point of his borrowed SUV. Tara was hot. There was no doubt about that. His cock pressed hard against his jeans, reminding him he was only an outsider. He was relieved when the cops didn’t follow them out the mall, but he had no idea he would be treated to a show. From where he looked on, he could see Tara’s face and her expressions alone were like X-rated entertainment.

You should go to her. Let her see what you’re made of. She’ll never be yours if you don’t take a chance.
The voices continued to drown out his thoughts. “It’s not time,” he whispered back to them. “I’ll know when she’s ready for me to have her back. Don’t rush it.”

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