Wholehearted (18 page)

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Authors: Cate Ashwood

BOOK: Wholehearted
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“Sorry, dude. I didn’t mean to assume….”

“No sweat, Lerner. I know I haven’t exactly been forthcoming with my, uh, preferences.”

“No, I mean, yeah, but I’m good with it. You know that.”

“Yeah, I know. It means a lot too, that you are. It’s nice not to have to worry that people are going to undermine me or freak out about it, you know?”

“Yeah, dude. My cousin’s gay. She married her high school sweetheart last year in Montreal. My family freaked a little, but when we saw them together, it was easy to see how much they love each other, and who can argue with that? Love trumps everything.”

“I hope so,” Declan said.

“Well I’m going to head out on patrols for a couple hours. You want anything while I’m out?”

“Coffee, if it’s not too much trouble,”

“You got it man, and congratulations. On your guy I mean.”

“Thanks, Scott. See you in a bit.”

Declan turned back to his computer screen and started his work for the day. There was some paperwork to file on tickets he had written the previous week. Fucking paperwork. Even in a town where nothing ever happened, there was a shit ton of paperwork. He just couldn’t get away from it.

He recalled the names that Lucas had mentioned. He had promised Lucas that he wasn’t in cop mode, but it was difficult to turn it off. It wasn’t in him to do less than the best job he was capable of, or to bend the rules he had sworn to uphold. This was the first time Declan had intentionally manipulated the law to his benefit, but Lucas was worth it. There might be a day when Lucas changed his mind. He might realize later that he did want to press charges, and would allow Declan to move forward with the case, but until that day, Declan would do a little checking, strictly off the record.

He pushed aside the files and pulled out a notepad. He pulled up the NCIC database and typed in the captain’s name. Lucas had said it was Pete and the boat’s name was…. He searched for the information in the file he had put together the day of the attack.
The Orion
. He punched in the information he had into the database and waited for the results to come up.

Bingo. There he was. Peter Corddry. Date of birth: May twenty-third, 1959. He wrote down the information on a sheet of loose-leaf paper. He cross-referenced the name and birth date with the database to find Corddry’s additional information. He was able to track down a current address and telephone number.

The man lived just outside of Bangor. That wasn’t too far a drive. He could make it there and back before dark. He could make Corddry understand just how grave a mistake he had made when he had walked away from the man who had needed his help so badly.

He restrained himself from getting in his car, or even picking up his phone to call the fucker. He waited until he was alone in the office once Scott and Lisa left for lunch. He picked up the phone and dialed the number for the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Once he explained who he was and what he was looking for, the receptionist there was very accommodating, promising to e-mail him all the information he needed. A few minutes later, the little square in the corner of the screen popped up to let him know that the e-mail had come through.

Right there in front of him, right there in black and white, was the manifest with the names, addresses, and socials of all the men who had brutalized Lucas. He had all the information he needed to file charges against the fucking bastards, and with the medical report and victim’s testimony, at least some of them would serve time. Victor for sure. Fucking prick. He deserved a lot worse than jail time.

Declan could feel the poisonous hate flowing through his body, and he wanted to hit something. Hard. There was so much furious energy in him that he wasn’t sure how he would manage to make it through the day without losing it on someone.

He hit the print button and waited for the ancient piece of metal and plastic to shoot out a piece of paper with the names of his enemies.

He lifted the paper from the tray and slipped it into an unmarked file folder. Then, one by one, he went down the list. He started with Victor, typing his name into the NCIC database with anger, the keys clacking loudly as he struck each one.

The page loaded quickly, and without drama. It would have been more fitting if Declan had been using the old dial-up Internet and the photo revealed itself slowly, but there it was in full color. Victor Matvey. Twenty-four years old. Born in Charlotte, North Carolina. And there was his rap sheet. He had been arrested before. And he was on parole. Declan felt a surge of triumph. It would be so easy to pick up the phone and call his parole officer.

With one phone call, Declan could be so far up Victor’s ass, he could nail him for sneezing wrong. He held back, wanting so badly to keep his word to Lucas. It was the only thing that kept him from calling. He wanted to be true to Lucas more than he wanted to follow the rules. It was a first in his life. Things had always been black and white for Declan, and since Lucas had shown up in his life, his way of looking at the world had gone from monochromatic, to full-on fucking rainbow.

Declan assembled the rest of the information he could find, printing out a file on each of the crewmembers, then slid them into the same unmarked file folder.

It was getting close to three o’clock. Scott had long since returned with his coffee, and Declan’s stomach was rumbling. He needed to get something to eat, or he was going to get lightheaded. He smiled to himself, thinking that he had been expending a lot more energy lately than he was used to. It made him happy to think about the sweat he had worked up the night before. If he had his way, Lucas would be his main source of cardio.

He let Lisa know he was slipping out of the office for something
to eat, and walked over the few blocks to Dixie’s. Oliver’s was
delicious, but Dixie’s was greasy, and he wanted that salty, cheesy deliciousness. He stepped through the door and was greeted by Debbie, the server in the yellow apron.

“Have a seat anywhere, Declan,” she said friendly. “Coffee?”

“Please,” he said as he slid into an empty booth close to the door. Debbie walked over and turned the white porcelain mug upright before pouring the dark liquid in.

“You must be getting excited,” Declan said warmly.

“Yup, but I think my mom is almost more excited than I am,” she said as she lovingly rubbed her protruding belly.

Declan chuckled. “First-time grandmothers get that way I’ve heard.”

“Yeah, but it’s good. I like having someone there that’s been through it before. Let me tell you, when you have kids one day, do not ever google parenting tips. It’s scary. I freaked myself out pretty good the other day looking at birthing videos. I was ready to cancel having this kid completely, until my mom reminded me that women have been having babies since the dawn of time, and when the time came, my body would tell me what to do.”

Declan laughed again. “I think it’s a little late to cancel. Your mom’s right, though. You’re going to do great. You’ll be a wonderful mother.”

“Thanks. Declan,” she said, her cheeks rosy with happiness at the compliment. “What can I get for you?”

“Whatever’s on special will be fine, Deb. Thanks.”

“You got it,” she said, taking his menu and walking through the dented aluminum doors to the kitchen.

Declan stirred milk into his coffee.

He had a lot to think about and was having a hard time calming himself down. The white liquid swirled around in his cup, turning his coffee a warm brown color. He thought about Lucas, sitting at his house. He wondered what he was doing at that moment. Should he call to check in? Was that weird?

Declan didn’t let himself think about it too long before picking up his phone and dialing his house number. It rang twice before Lucas’s familiar voice came over the line.


“Hey, Lucas. It’s Declan.”

“Oh hey. What’s up?”

“Nothing, I was just wondering what you were up to. Wanted to check in.”

“Oh”—Lucas’s voice was bright—“I’m good. Things are good here. I was watching TV and hanging out until you got home. It’s a little boring here by myself all day, but it’s nice too. I haven’t really had much time off since I was eighteen, so it’s a nice change.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re relaxing. How’s everything feeling? Any pain?”

“Nope, a little stiffness, but not too bad. It’s getting better every day.”


“Oh! The hospital called today with a referral to an orthopedist I’m supposed to go see next week. Could you to drive me back into Ellsworth for the appointment? It’s Thursday afternoon at two o’clock.”

“Not a problem at all. I’ll let Mack know I need it off. We’ll make a day of it.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to have to miss work for me.”

“It’s no big deal. Other than while I was with you at the hospital, I haven’t taken any time off since I started working, so I have vacation days and sick time banked up. One day is no big deal at all. Don’t worry. It’ll be fun. Our last visit to Ellsworth together wasn’t exactly enjoyable, so maybe we can use this as a do-over.”

“Okay, cool. Maybe I’ll be able to get my cast off. It would be nice. My arm is fucking itchy, and it’s driving me nuts.”

“Don’t get your hopes up too high. It’s only been a week. You have a lot more healing to do before you’re completely better.”

“I know, I just… it’d be nice to be able to touch you with both hands…,” Lucas admitted quietly.

Declan’s heart started thumping just a little bit faster. He wanted that too. Fuck, did he ever. The idea of Lucas’s hands running everywhere over his body was making him hard under the Formica diner table.

“I know. Soon, okay?” Declan said, hoping that Lucas could hear in his voice how much he wanted it too.

“Do you want me to put something on for dinner?”

“No. I can make something for us when I get home. You shouldn’t be fucking around in the kitchen.”

“I shouldn’t? I guess there go my plans for dessert,” Lucas said, his voice low and gravelly.

“Fuck,” Declan breathed into the phone. “You’re lucky no one’s around to see just how much you turn me on. You’re going to end up getting me into a world of trouble,” Declan admonished.

“I’ll make it up to you.”

“You’d better.”

“See you in a couple of hours?”

“Yep. Be home just after five.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Declan tried to breathe through the lust that was coursing through him. “Bye, Luc.”

“Bye, officer.”

Goddamn, the way he said the word
should be illegal. It was all kinds of distracting, and Declan didn’t know how he was going to get through the next two hours. There was no way he would be able to keep his lust-addled brain on topic. Maybe he should just call it a day. He could put in the extra hours later.

Debbie brought him his lunch, and he ate it quickly, anxious to get back to the office and wrap up the last couple of things before going home to his man.

Chapter 18


home at three thirty—an hour and a half early. Lucas was obviously surprised to see him, but when Declan found him in the living room, the smile that crossed his handsome face made any trouble he might get in for begging off early totally worth it.

Lucas was reclined on the couch in a pair of sweats, but Declan wasn’t complaining. He loved the way the soft fabric fell and highlighted all the best parts of Lucas. Declan walked into the room, puffing up at the devastating smile Lucas shot to him from across the room.

Declan could get used to this, coming home to see the man he was quickly falling in love with warm and happy in his house. It would be a hell of a way to end his day, and he figured that if he could have this, any daily stresses at work wouldn’t seem quite as bad.

He walked across the room and bent to kiss Lucas hello. Lucas wrapped his good arm around Declan’s neck and held him there when Declan tried to straighten.

“Just gonna get changed, and I’ll be right back.” He kissed Lucas again and headed into the bedroom to put on his own sweats.

Lucas hadn’t moved when he returned, and Declan lifted Lucas’s legs to slide in underneath them. Lucas sighed happily and handed Declan the remote. If he hadn’t been in love before, the surrender of the remote was the last domino to topple over. He took one of Lucas’s feet into his hands and began to knead at the muscles. Lucas groaned in pleasure. Declan loved that noise. Anything he could do to make Lucas make that noise, he would go out of his way to do.

They sat together watching old episodes of
Criminal Minds
and touching and stroking each other’s skin. It was lazy and comfortable and easy and it made Declan very happy.

A few hours later, the men had migrated on the couch to lie together, wrapped in each other’s arms. Declan heard Lucas’s stomach growling.

He laughed. “Hungry?”

“Maybe a little,” Lucas said with a shrug.

“Your stomach is always demanding when it wants something, you can’t hide it from me.”

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