Whole Health (6 page)

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Authors: Dr. Mark Mincolla

BOOK: Whole Health
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Twenty years ago I counseled a woman who was diagnosed with end-stage breast cancer. I will refer to her as Rita. I will never forget the day Rita first walked into my office. She had a distant look in her eye. Her head was tilted off to the side as if she didn't want to make direct eye contact. She was smiling and seemed as though she was not fully connected with the gravity of her situation. I asked her if she was all right. All she continued to say was, “I'm not going to go anywhere.” I was convinced that the stress of her ordeal was weighing heavily on her mental equilibrium. Nonetheless, she continued to remind me that she wasn't going to go anywhere. A week later she arrived at my office unexpectedly, with a camera. I reminded her that she didn't have a scheduled appointment. She said that she came only to take a quick snapshot of me. I obliged and she said she'd be back in a week.

Sure enough, she reappeared a week later with a collage that included a picture of myself, her nurse-practitioner neighbor, her health food store proprietor, and her acupuncturist, among others. Rita had put together a team photo of all her caregivers. She wanted each of us to have a copy so we could all be synced into an energy loop together. Suddenly I began to realize that Rita wasn't crazy at all. Quite the contrary—Rita was building an energetic ring of fire around herself from which to draw strength. Soon thereafter, Rita was declared cancer free. I've received a thank-you card from her every year during the holiday season for more than twenty years
now. Rita taught me a very valuable lesson: It's not about cells and pills. When you get right down to it, life and healing are about energy.

Energy has become the cornerstone of my life and health care practice. Everything I do is based on energy. I train my interns in this same spirit. I begin by reformatting their thinking. Understanding that they have been inculcated to accept the limitations of a material reality, I teach them to shift their thinking to a more extrasensory level of perception. I begin by telling them that a practitioner of Whole Health Healing must never wait until physically interfacing with the patient to engage their intake and evaluation. I demand that they tune into their patients upon first greeting them. I encourage them to look into their eyes in search of energy, and to really tap into the life force of the hand they're shaking. I know they are becoming accomplished when they can tune into their patients as they approach the building from the parking lot. The practitioners of Whole Health must live life at a very different level—they must come to think of themselves as receptors and transmitters of energy that have the capability of tuning in at much deeper levels than they are accustomed to.

Current systems of natural health care embrace the concept of disease prevention—everything manifests from the subtle to the dense. When a stone is cast into the water, waves ripple from the inside out. In this same spirit, disease manifests from the subtlest energies of mind and spirit to denser symptoms of the physical body. Before disease becomes physical, it must take root as dis-ease at the subtle energetic level. I can't tell you how many thousands of times I have seen asthma that was rooted in grief from the loss of a loved one. I continue to see liver diseases born from lifelong anger, kidney diseases rooted in decades of fear, and pancreatic conditions caused by years of anxiety. If we are ever to master the art of preventive health care, we must first commit to becoming more attuned to the subtle energies that speak of dis-ease in the language
of the body. In order to do this we must first come to master the art of living life at the energetic level. Accomplished practitioners of Whole Health healing must transform themselves back into the energetically conscious beings they were designed to be, so that they can be who they are, wherever they are, not merely while at work.


We don't have to be mathematicians or physicists to know that energy brings form to all material objects. We can best master energy by simply observing life around us from a place deep within us. For example, we might think of ourselves as material objects that can be altered by form-changing energies, such as french fries. If we overconsume french fries, the dense caloric energy will store as fat, which will then expand our waistline and change our physical form. The point here is that energy merely represents a different way of looking at life and, though complex, it can be viewed much more simply from the place of our innermost instincts. Our place of “inner knowing” is the ideal place for observing and demystifying energy.

By his own admission, Einstein possessed only average mathematical skills. He said that many of his most-lauded conclusions were rarely the result of any long calculations, claiming that his memory was too deficient and that any truly accomplished calculation requires an exceptional memory. He claimed that he arrived at most results through his intuitive instinct, a sense of inner knowing as to what the results simply “should be.”

Just observe the mutable dynamism of energy within and around you. When you feel emotion, observe the changing energy. When you drink water to quench your thirst, observe the changing energy. When you see the sun shifting the shadows in the room, observe the changing energy. When you embrace someone you love, observe the changing energy.

Our matter-based reality programming has resulted in what I like to call a state of “outer believing.” Every culture instills a sense of outer believing in its people for the perceived benefit of the greater good. It's certainly been the case for us. After all, we are a material-based, free-enterprise society that depends on material goods and services for our very survival. The economic powers that be have managed to further reinforce our collective outer believing with the help of the Madison Avenue power machine. More than ever, material marketing and advertising reinforce our outer belief in a matter-based reality, in spite of the transformational discoveries of physics.

To most, physics brings an awkward argument that goes against everything they've been taught to believe in. As enlightening as it has been, it's merely too unapproachable ever to have been a catalyst for cultural change. If we as a culture are ever to benefit from the possibilities of an energy-based reality, such an advantage will have to come from our own simple observations and inner knowing.

The more you observe energy, the more you begin to realize that even though it may escape your five senses, it always exerts powerful effects on them. Energy may be a phenomenon studied by the world's greatest minds, but energy also reflects actionable changes that can be routinely observed by us all. All we have to do is practice seeing it.

Energy is so much more than the words on the pages of a physics textbook. Energy is constantly manifesting within, around, and through our lives, forever altering our form and movement. Observe energy as it infinitely adds and subtracts from your reality. Allow it to inspire an opening of the window to your inner knowing. It's all about seeing what you're looking at. To some, being hit on the head by an apple falling from a tree is much ado about nothing. But to Isaac Newton, it was good enough for a paradigm shift that would eternally change the modern world.




A code is a specialized language that translates specific, unique information. One of the greatest examples of this is our genetic code, the language that defines and disseminates the unique information contained within our DNA. Similarly, Whole Health asserts that we each possess our own personal energy codes that can be broken down into a language, which represents all the unique information that makes us who and what we truly are. Whole Health refers to these exclusive energy codes as our constitution.

I recently enjoyed an interesting conversation with a pediatric nurse regarding human constitutions. We chatted for a few moments about my writing this chapter. Our discussion immediately moved into the area of human variation. As we spoke, we drifted off a bit onto the topic of reincarnation. I questioned whether he believed in it, and if so whether he felt it might play a role in the
uniqueness of our constitutions. He said that after more than a decade of attending to the birth of “preemies”—premature babies—he was inclined to believe that every single one had come into this world with a fully developed and unique inner core. He said that to his way of thinking, when it comes to the question of nature versus nurture, it was all about nature. He went on to further emphasize how, when you look into their eyes, each preemie reveals a separate, secret universe. As we parted, I reflected on the paradox of energy—how unique yet similar everything is.

I've often thought about the sense of oneness that orbiting astronauts must feel as they gaze down upon Mother Earth from miles up in space. From their lofty macrocosmic perspective, the galaxy appears as a holograph. Observing life at a quantum level, however, provides a glimpse of a world of tiny particles telling a completely different story about the profound uniqueness of all things that are as one. The way of energy is undivided yet sui generis.

We are all as unique as the droplets that make up the same sea of energy. Separation is an illusion, yet the multiverse's varied manifestations remain but a reflection of its unanimity and flux. Even though we are constituents of the same sea, your energy is different from mine. Our energy is different today than it was yesterday, and it will continue to change throughout the course of any given moment, day, week, month, and year. Our subtle flow of constant changes is due to the myriad of mutable energetic influences within and around us, influences such as our thoughts, the food we eat, the people we encounter, the things we do, and the ever-fluctuating conditions we face.

Identical twins may possess the same DNA, and may physically appear to be exactly the same. But at the energetic level, their constitutions are worlds different. Just ask the people who know and love them. Their tastes in food, music, and fashion are likely to be very different. Their moods, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors
are also likely to be very different. People are often puzzled when I muscle-test them for food allergies and find they are allergic to lemon but not lime, or to Savoy cabbage but not Chinese cabbage. Because we are accustomed to observing the vicissitudes of life from a purely material, and not an energetic, perspective, we tend to overlook the dynamic, phenomenological variability within and around us. The multiverse may be one, but everything contained within is representative of a separate, complete multiverse.

I recently watched a daytime health-talk show, and as usual the “experts” were hyping a superdetox formula that was touted as being good for everyone. It truly amazes me how stuck we are on the “one size fits all” mentality. It's likely due to the never-ending marketing pipeline that finds its way directly from the research lab to the media outlets and straight to you. While this mind-shaping hype machine may generate an endless stream of revenue, it continually spews obsolete misinformation. No
nutritional supplement, drug, or food can be good for everyone. When we're dealing with living energy, every living thing has its own separate constitution.

We are all unique and should never allow ourselves to be cattle-prodded into the corral of “one size fits all” living. We're all forced to contend with our constitution every day; we're simply not aware of it. Some of us look good in yellow while others look good in red. Some of us are drawn to sweet, doughy foods while others prefer salty foods with a crunch. We're each one of a kind, and we all express individual tendencies that reveal our constitution. Whole Health teaches that the first step to true wholeness is to appreciate the subtle energetic differences between all forms.

Over the years I have witnessed many examples of constitutional differences among my patients. For example, a woman once told me that she could only correct her hyperacidity with foods like red meat. Red meat is an acidic food, but for some it may actually help absorb excess hydrochloric acid. I recall another woman who insisted that whenever she consumes peppermint tea with any
regularity, she tends to lose weight. Then there was a man who once claimed that he could only regulate his pH (acid/alkaline balance) by consuming a baked potato once a day. We are all microuniverses unto ourselves, together making up a vast macromultiverse. Everywhere you look there are reminders of the multiplicity of constitutions. Recently, the topic of cellular memory theory has provided some interesting perspective regarding the uniqueness of our codes.

As far back as the early 1970s, many heart transplant recipients were noted as having undergone dramatic personality changes that eerily reflected the personality of the donors. Changes in opinion, craving, taste, attitude, and even vocabulary have all been consistently noted in many organ transplant recipients. In his book
The Heart's Code,
neuropsychologist Paul Pearsall tells the story of a three-year-old Arab girl who received the heart of an eight-year-old Jewish boy. One day the girl mysteriously began asking for a type of rare Jewish candy that neither she nor her family had ever heard of, a candy that had been a favorite of the little boy who was her donor. But the concept of our energetic uniqueness isn't just logical, nor is it complicated. We need only turn to common, day-to-day life scenarios to see our personal energy codes revealed.

Imagine going to a party with a good number of invitees. Over the course of the next several hours you will have the opportunity to meet and chat with many of them. The next morning, as you reflect back on your various party encounters, you will likely recall a blend of great, good, fair, poor, and not so great connections. No one personality jibes with all others. Energy must match in order for there to be compatibility. At the subtle energetic level, life is a game of pitch and catch. Some connections spark instantly, some spark a little, and some don't spark at all. And so it is also true when it comes to the mixing and matching energies between people, jobs, music, movies, food, vitamins, and medicine. It's all about constitutions.

Whole Health is a healing system that focuses on the profound
differentiation of energy and the exchange of energetic influences from one moment to the next. The thing that truly distinguishes this from other healing systems is that it provides the practitioner with tools to decode and master the art of understanding the energetic constitution.

Our energy codes contain and reflect our own, unique information. At an energy level we all have different quirks, needs, preferences, and tendencies—and we also possess distinctly different spirits, psychologies, and physiologies. Science is beginning to find constitutionality showing up in the most unexpected places.

In June 2012, the Human Microbiome Project published its long-awaited findings, announcing the discovery that we each have our own personal bacterial codes. As it turns out, we all have varying amounts of good and bad bacteria, with a variety of different strains. Moreover, none of our good and bad bacterial populations exhibit the same behaviors. The researchers found that healthy people have “bad” bacteria floating around inside their intestines that live in perfect harmony with their “good” bacteria. They surmised that each bacterial immune system deciphers its own unique way of figuring out how to acclimate itself to the host body. This remarkable research suggests that each of us produces an immunological adaptation reflective of our personal code.

Our constitution codes represent all our most vital information, and in order for us to maximize our balance and wellness, it's essential that we understand the inner workings of our codes. Whole Health asserts that constitution is a vital missing ingredient in our current health care approach. Wellness and disease prevention have become main focuses of medicine, yet we've made no real effort to properly educate patients about their constitutional self. The average patient knows little about good nutrition and even less about their own body, mind, and spirit. When it comes to fixing our broken health care system, patient education in constitution coding might be a good place to start.

In order for each of us to become more willing participants in our own disease prevention, we must become more attuned to our specific individual needs. Without a greater understanding of constitution, there can be no disease prevention. Before we can truly become well as a nation, we must first recover from our chronic “one size fits all” hangover.

I continue to hear patients complain that when they leave my office following food allergy testing, they return to their families, friends, and work associates, only to be grilled by them with unending questions about not being able to eat certain foods—“But I thought dairy had calcium,” and “What's wrong with whole wheat?” These questions only reflect a culture that has been programmed to view life solely from a homogenous perspective. To most, energy coding may not seem like such an important issue, but it represents a shift in consciousness that will enable us to take a quantum leap far beyond the imbalanced state of our present health care and lifestyle models.

I have counseled thousands of people whose health conditions were previously either misdiagnosed or simply missed altogether, because the nuances of their personal energy codes were not deciphered. I once worked with a young boy who was dealing with life-threatening anaphylactic peanut allergies. When a few of his teammates on the soccer field decided it wouldn't be a big deal to give him a cookie with a few peanuts in it, they soon discovered that they were very wrong. The boy was rushed to the emergency room, but passed away a short time later.

His was an immunoglobulin E allergy (IgE). This type of food allergy is rare and represents only 1.5 percent of all food allergy reactions, but, as the anecdote illustrates, it is potentially fatal. Meanwhile, some experts estimate that as many as 80–90 million Americans suffer from less-threatening immunoglobulin G (IgG) food allergies. IgG allergies are the causal root of gas, bloating,
constipation, and headaches, among many other ailments, but what's more significant is that they are often major contributing factors to a variety of more serious conditions. The most important point of all this is that some 80 percent of those with IgG allergies remain undiagnosed. The reason why we are failing to reach beyond these health limitations is our lack of energy awareness, and the absence of personal coding.

The recent defeat of Proposition 37 in the state of California represents a potential violation of personal coding. This failed referendum establishes a chilling precedent destined to spawn great regret in the not-too-distant future.

Currently, 85 percent of the corn and 91 percent of the soybeans grown in America are genetically modified. About 70 percent of food products on grocery store shelves contain at least one genetically modified ingredient. In many cases, these foods are being bioengineered to include ingredients from other foods. For example, manufacturers have experimented with splicing a gene from deepwater fish into strawberries. Many thousands of years of survival specialization has allowed deepwater fish to develop a protective gene that keeps them from freezing to death. Bioengineering researchers are now looking to splice the fish's antifreezing gene into strawberries to prevent spoilage. Sounds all well and good, but what about those strawberry consumers who are allergic to fish?

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