White Tiger (2 page)

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Authors: Kylie Chan

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: White Tiger
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‘Why does he need a sword, Simone?’ I said. ‘Does he work with the movie studios? Or teach martial arts?’

‘Arts.’ Simone shrugged. ‘Stuff. Daddy’s stuff.’

I suddenly realised that I had no idea how Mr Chen made his money, and he was obviously extremely wealthy. He could be involved in organised crime. He didn’t seem like that sort of person to me, but I had to wonder.

‘What kind of stuff does Daddy do?’

Before Simone could answer, the dining room door opened and Leo came out, looking cowed and miserable. He gestured with his thumb over his shoulder. ‘Your turn, Emma. Simone can go to Monica for a bath.’

‘I want Emma to bath me!’ Simone yelled.

‘I have to go and talk to your daddy about working full-time, remember?’

‘Ooh, yes.’ She pushed me towards the dining room. ‘Go and talk to him.’

Mr Chen had tied back his long hair and was checking the mail as he ate a bowl of noodles.

‘Sit, Miss Donahoe.’ He pushed his ho fan noodles aside.

‘Eat,’ I said. ‘You look starving.’

He smiled and his eyes wrinkled up. ‘No, no, it can wait. Full-time. Yes or no?’

‘You haven’t said how much you’ll pay me or what hours I’ll be working, Mr Chen. I can’t decide until you tell me.’

‘Yes, you’re quite right. How about six days a week, live-in, full-time? Sunday off—that’s Monica’s and Leo’s day off. I can probably give you a few extra days off a month as well. Five thousand US a month.’

I fell back slightly. ‘
Five thousand US

He nodded. ‘I think it’s a generous offer. Room and board as well. Is that acceptable?’

Sixty thousand US a year to be a nanny? I studied him. He seemed genuine. I’d worked for him for six months and he’d been perfectly honourable in his dealings. There was just one question I needed answered.

‘Mr Chen,’ I said, then finished the question in a rush, ‘are you involved in anything illegal?’

He stared at me, his expression completely blank.

‘I mean, is the ICAC likely to burst in with guns and drag you away?’

He stared at me a little longer, then snapped out of it. ‘Nothing I am involved in is illegal. The ICAC could not possibly be interested in me. All of my activities are perfectly legal. I would never put Simone’s happiness in danger.’

‘Why do you have a bodyguard then?’ He watched me silently for a while, then said, ‘Leo protects Simone.’

‘Are there people after you?’

His eyes were very intense. ‘I am powerful. That makes me a target. You don’t need to worry—you will never be in danger if you work for me.’

‘Is that why you carry a sword around? Don’t the police stop you?’

‘I never carry the sword in the street. It stays in the car when I go out.’

I leaned over the dining table. ‘What do you do for a living, Mr Chen?’

His dark eyes looked straight into mine. ‘I will tell you after you’ve worked here for a while. If you decide to stay.’

‘Why wouldn’t I decide to stay?’

He smoothly avoided the question. ‘Will you take the job, Miss Donahoe?’

I hesitated. Sixty thousand US dollars a year, a delightful little girl and a handsome mystery man. How could I say no? ‘Yes.’

He smiled, full of warmth and good humour. ‘When can you start?’

‘I could start tomorrow, but I’d need to sort out my rent first. Oh,’ I said as I remembered, ‘I have to give Miss Kwok two weeks’ notice.’

He waved it away. ‘I know Kitty Kwok. She gave me your number in the first place. I’ll sort it out with her, and I’ll fix it up with your flatmate. You can move in tomorrow if you like. You can live in?’


He rose and held out his hand, and I shook it. He had surprisingly cool hands, with hard calluses on his fingers. ‘Leo will help you move your belongings tomorrow,’ he said. ‘Welcome aboard.’

I shook my head as I went down the hall to say goodnight to Simone. Done it again. Two snap decisions in one day. That was a new record, even for me.


t took me more than an hour on crowded MTR and KCR trains to make it home to Sha Tin. I stopped at the shopping mall under our apartment block to grab some takeout, and when I was home I sat at our tiny four-seater table and pulled the foam box out of the plastic bag. ‘Louise, come and sit down,’ I called. ‘I have news.’ Louise poked her head around the doorway from our minuscule kitchen. ‘Wait till the water boils.’

‘Okay.’ I used the plastic cutlery provided by the fast-food place to attack the baked pork chop on its bed of rice.

Louise came out of the kitchen with a mug of coffee and sat across from me. Her blue eyes sparkled under her short, spiky blonde hair. She was about the same height as me, and Australian like me, but the resemblance ended there. She was thin, blonde, bony and covered in freckles; I was soft and round and not nearly as good-looking. People noticed her and ignored me, and that suited me just fine.

She gestured towards the takeaway box. ‘Where’s mine?’

‘You starve,’ I said. ‘Where’s my tea?’ ‘You die of thirst,’ she said. ‘What’s up?’

‘I’m moving in with Mr Chen,’ I said. ‘I’ll be full-time—’

I didn’t have a chance to finish because she flew to her feet and yelled with delight. ‘Way to go, Emma!’ I stared at her.

‘That hunky guy on the Peak? The Chinese widower? The really rich one? What a catch!’

I sighed with exasperation. ‘Full-time, live-in nanny.’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ she said suggestively. ‘I know what you mean.’

‘That’s all it is, Louise. Nanny. That’s all.’

She sat down again. ‘Geez, Emma, can’t you do better than that? You have a freaking degree, girl. Go out and work for a bank or something.’

‘What, like you?’

‘Yeah, like me. I meet heaps of guys in the bank. Lots of traders from Europe. Really cute. What about Miss Kwok?’

‘I already resigned from the kindergarten.’

‘You could do a lot better than being a nanny, Emma. I’m on nearly twenty thousand a month.’

‘I’ll be on five thousand US a month. That’s nearly forty thousand Hong Kong.’

Her mouth dropped open.

‘I’ll be moving out tomorrow,’ I went on.

She shook her head. ‘Okay. Tell me all about it. Will it be just you and him? There is
hope for you, isn’t there?’

‘Me, the bodyguard, Monica the domestic helper, and of course Simone, his daughter.’ ‘Bodyguard? Is he cute?’

‘God, Louise, is that all you think about? Leo’s a big black American, lovely guy. But I don’t think he’s into chicks.’

Her eyebrows creased. ‘Wait a minute. Leo, you said? Big American guy? Black?’

‘You know him?’

‘Not personally, but I’ve seen him at the Last Hurrah. Really popular. Knows everybody.’

‘What the hell were you doing at the Hurrah?’ I demanded. ‘You won’t find a date there,
of them are into chicks.’

She shrugged. ‘Sometimes it’s nice to have a quiet drink in a place you won’t be hit on. Scenery’s always good, too.’

‘That sounds like fun. Let me know next time you’re going.’

‘We’ll still go out on the town together, right?’ She was sounding concerned. ‘I mean, we’re going for that Thai meal with April tomorrow night. We can still go out, can’t we?’

‘I don’t think Mr Chen will stop me,’ I said. ‘If he tries to he’ll get a piece of my mind.’

‘I believe it.’ She leaned back. ‘You’ll need to keep paying your half of the rent until I find a new flatmate. But on your salary that won’t be a problem.’

‘I’ll make sure you don’t lose out,’ I said. ‘He said he’ll look after you anyway.’

‘He’d better,’ she growled. Then her face lit up. ‘Way to
Emma. What a catch.’

‘Nothing there.’

‘Yeah, right. You haven’t stopped talking about this gorgeous man with the long hair since you started working for him.’

I sighed. ‘Yeah, I know, but he’s the employer. Not going to happen. I’m more professional than that.’

‘Geez, you’re cold-blooded.’

‘I wish you people would stop saying that.’

The next morning I sat in the front of the car alongside Leo, who drove me and my stuff up to the Peak in Mr Chen’s monstrous black Mercedes.

‘How long have you worked for Mr Chen?’ I said, making conversation.

‘About six years,’ Leo said, ‘but I worked for Mrs Chen before that.’

‘You always been a bodyguard?’

He glanced at me, then turned back to the road. ‘Done some other things.’ ‘Like what?’

He sighed. Then he obviously decided to tell me. ‘In the Navy for a while. Bouncer for a while, but that was really tough, I didn’t like it. Sorta fell into the bodyguard business by accident.’

‘That was nice, what Mr Chen did for Louise. He didn’t need to pay her out for the rest of the year like that.’

‘It was the least we could do, hiring you and having you move out so quickly.’ ‘
? You and Mr Chen?’

He glanced away from the road to me. Then grinned as he looked back at the road. ‘Absolutely not.’

I stared incredulously at him and his grin widened.

Absolutely not
,’ he emphasised, without looking away from the road. ‘Not Mr Chen.’ He glanced at me again, then turned back to the road. ‘
Mr Chen.’

‘Okay, okay.’ All right, not Mr Chen.

He was still grinning as he shook his head. He deliberately changed the subject. ‘How long have you been an English teacher?’

‘About four years. I just sorta fell into it when I arrived in Hong Kong,’ I said, intentionally echoing him. ‘Very lucrative, easy work, hours aren’t very long.’

He nodded. ‘Seems to be the way with most people here. Just find themselves doing something after they arrive. Where you from originally?’


‘Oh. I hear it’s nice there.’

‘Nice does not begin to describe it,’ I said with feeling. ‘You have no idea. You’ve obviously never been there.’


‘What does Mr Chen do for a living?’

Leo watched the road silently.

‘Leo, what does Mr Chen do for a living?’

He grinned at the road. ‘You’ll have to ask him that. I’m just the driver.’

‘Yeah, and I’m the Queen of Sheba.’

The minute I had Mr Chen pinned down I would ask him. I spent a few quiet moments enjoying the delightful concept of having Mr John Chen pinned down. And then I pulled myself together. Keep it professional, Emma.

Leo froze and his eyes glazed over. He continued to drive, but appeared not to be paying any attention to the road.

‘Are you okay, Leo?’

He raised one hand to stop me, still with his eyes unfocused. Then he snapped back and quickly poked the hands-free earpiece for his mobile phone into his ear.

The phone rang and he pressed the button and spoke without hesitation. ‘We’ll be coming into the tunnel very soon, we’re in Kowloon City. I think it’ll be about another thirty, forty minutes, then you can have it, sir. Is that all right? Should I hurry?’

He nodded, listening, then said ‘Sir,’ and hung up.

‘Mr Chen wants the car?’ I said.

Leo glanced at me. ‘Yes. But he’ll wait, no great rush.’

‘So he only has one car?’

‘Yeah, we only need one. There’s only four of us: him, me, Simone and Monica. Most of his staff make their own way. I drive Simone out for her lessons and I
take Monica to the market.’ He glanced away from the road and became more serious. ‘After you’ve moved your stuff up there, we’ll go through Simone’s routine. She has lessons outside, and quite a few at home as well, and you’ll be in charge of making sure she gets to them on time.’

‘You’ll need to show me where everything is, as well,’ I said. ‘And make sure you give me a set of keys.’

Leo nodded. ‘Sure. Forgot about that. Tell me if I miss anything, okay?’

‘Okay, Leo.’

Mr Chen’s apartment building was very high on the Peak, much higher than the Peak Tower. When Leo reached the gates at the end of the overgrown drive they swung open and the security guards waved him in.

The building was eleven floors, with two enormous flats to a floor. It wasn’t new, and pollution had turned the light brown tiles dingy grey with patches of mould from the damp. Hong Kong’s clouds come down very low sometimes, swathing the Peak in moisture that makes everything dripping wet both summer and winter.

The view from the building was spectacular. One side overlooked Hong Kong Harbour, which was packed with highrises on both the Hong Kong Island and Kowloon sides. The other side of the building faced south, with a view over the crammed boats in Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter to the ocean stretching beyond.

An open car park surrounded the entrance lobby on the ground floor. Parked cars covered most of the land around the building. Every second one was a huge Mercedes; there were a couple of monstrous Rolls-Royce and a few exotic, extremely expensive European sports cars.

Leo parked the car, and helped me carry my boxes up in the lift to Mr Chen’s apartment.

‘How many square feet is this apartment, anyway?’ I said when we reached the front door. ‘Big enough.’

The front door was a standard wooden one, but as usual in Hong Kong it had a large steel gate in front of it. Leo entered the code for the security gate into the pad next to the wall and opened it outwards. He unlocked the deadbolt on the wooden door and held it open for me.

We kicked off our shoes at the entrance, then Leo led me down the main hall and turned right. He passed the first door and opened the second on the left. ‘This is your room.’

I went in and stopped dead. It wasn’t a room, it was a suite. The huge rectangular space had been divided in two: the first part was a living room with a comfortable leather couch, a small television and a desk with a computer. Further in, the bedroom had a trim modern double bed and a door on each side.

Leo lowered the box he was carrying. He opened one of the doors. ‘This connects with Simone’s room.’ He closed the door and went to the other one. ‘Your bathroom.’

‘I get my own bathroom?’

‘Yep. Anything you need, tell me.’

I looked around. ‘This is terrific. I wasn’t expecting anything as good as this.’ The large picture window overlooked Hong Kong Harbour and the highrises of Kowloon beyond. ‘What a view.’

‘Let me show you around,’ Leo said, ‘and then we’ll get the rest of the boxes.’


He took me out to the hallway, which ran the full width of the apartment, and pointed to the doors on the same side as my room. ‘Mr Chen’s bedroom. Mine. Simone’s. You.’

I nodded.

‘All of ours are the same size; Mr Chen’s is slightly larger,’ he said. He opened the door opposite. ‘This is the music room.’ The room had a piano, a table holding a Chinese musical instrument called a guzheng, which was something like a zither, and a black electric guitar in one corner. ‘Next to the music room, the TV room. The surround sound is really good. You can use it if nobody else is.’

He stopped at the door next to my bedroom and hesitated.

‘What’s in there?’ I said.

‘You might as well know, you’ll be living here. Here goes.’ He opened the door.

At first I thought it was a dance studio. Soft white mats completely covered the floor. One wall was mirrors from the floor to the ceiling.

And then I saw the other wall. A fearsome array of martial arts weapons sat on racks on the floor and hung off hooks on the wall. Swords, staves, chucks, knives, axes, everything.

‘Holy shit,’ I said softly.

Leo crossed his arms in front of his chest. ‘Use language like that in front of Mr Chen and you’ll be out the door before you know it.’

I wandered closer to the weapons. I bent to lift a sword from the rack but Leo put his hand on my wrist to stop me. ‘Don’t touch anything. All of these are extremely sharp and you could easily get hurt. Don’t come in here if the door is closed, or you could be seriously injured,’ he said. ‘Stay out. Okay?’

I nodded. ‘Whatever you say.’

He took my elbow and gently led me out, closing the door behind us. He gestured towards the end of the hall. ‘Mr Chen sometimes has…’ He hesitated, searching for the right word. ‘…
come here to
learn from him. They stay in two rooms at the end of the hall there. Don’t try to talk to them, they are here to…ah, learn and not socialise. So don’t talk to them, okay?’

I shrugged. ‘Whatever.’

He glowered down at me. ‘I mean it.’

‘I won’t talk to them.’


He led me back up the hall to the main corridor. ‘Linen closet and powder room on the corner.’ He gestured to the doors on the left, across the hall from the large living room with its twin cream couches and picture windows overlooking the spectacular South side of Hong Kong Island. ‘Mr Chen’s…’ He hesitated again. ‘Study.’

‘Disaster area,’ I said, looking through the open door. He made a soft sound of amusement. ‘I’ve seen some messy offices, Leo, but his absolutely has to win first prize.’

‘I’ll tell him you said that. Dining room next, then the kitchen.’ He took me into the kitchen, past Monica who was cutting up some vegetables on the counter. He led me to the back. ‘Monica’s room’s in the back here. Next to it, the storeroom.’

I went into the storeroom and looked around. Most of the stuff seemed to be poles covered in cloth. An enormous glass jar, easily up to my waist, sat in the corner. It appeared to be full of large black beads, like olives, and had a complicated metal seal. I bent to study it, curious.

‘Don’t touch that!’ Leo grabbed my arm and pulled me away. ‘Don’t ever go near that. If you open it, it could kill you.’ He released my arm. ‘Don’t ever go anywhere near that.’

‘What the hell’s it doing here if it’s toxic?’ I said. ‘Simone could get into it.’

‘She knows better, and now so do you,’ he said. ‘Stay away.’

‘What is it? It looks like preserved fruit.’

‘I think you’ve seen enough.’ He closed the door behind us after we went out of the storeroom. ‘We’ll bring up the rest of your boxes, and then, if you don’t mind, we’ll go through Simone’s schedule. She’s a very busy little girl.’


After dropping the boxes in my room, Leo led me into the dining room. It had a round rosewood twelve-seater table and a rosewood side table. A couple of fluid ink paintings adorned the walls.

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