Whispered Promises (9 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: Whispered Promises
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Caitlin saw a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth and knew he thought he had her just where he wanted her. But she had news for him. He would soon find out she could play just as hard as he did.

“All right,” she said blandly. She walked up to him, but before he could reach out and touch her, she gave him a chaste peck on the cheek.

Dex grabbed her arm. “Hey, that's not what I wanted, Caitlin.”

“But that's all you're getting, Dex Madaris,” she countered, giving him an all-accusing glare.

Dex's eyes widened in surprise at how she had just stood up to him again. During the two weeks that they were together at Whispering Pines, she had been accommodating to his every whim. He couldn't retain the grin touching his features. Sometime during the past four years, Caitlin had grown into a gutsy woman. He had a feeling she wouldn't be as accommodating as she used to be. He would just have to work on that, and would enjoy every minute breaking down her resistance. He was looking forward to seducing his wife.

“Wrong, Caitlin,” he said, pulling her closer. “That's not all I'm getting.”

Before she could react, Dex's mouth covered hers. His kiss was urgent. It was warm and demanding as their tongues met in an exchange so stimulating, so frenzied, Caitlin was immediately consumed with desire. Her lips moved eagerly beneath his and she lifted her arms and encircled his neck. Dex pulled her closer to his hard frame, his hand gently pressing her more intimately to him.

Somewhere in the back of Caitlin's mind she remembered they still had a guest in the house who, like last night, could pop up anytime. She pushed herself out of Dex's arms.

Dex lifted his head and looked down at her, his eyes glazed with desire. He shook his head, clearing it. He'd been completely held captive by the sweetness of Caitlin's mouth. The taste of her would remain with him the rest of the day. Reaching up, he touched her swollen lips with the tip of his finger.

“Your mouth can't handle too many of my kisses, can it?”

Caitlin's gaze rested on his lips and, without thinking, she replied saucily, “My mouth can handle as many kisses as you care to give it.”

Dex chuckled at her sassy words of confidence. “You think so? Would you care to prove it?”

Caitlin took a deep breath. She was slightly dismayed at how easily Dex could arouse her to the point of making her forget that besides being physically attracted to each other, they had nothing going for them other than the love of their daughter. That wasn't completely true. Unknown to him, he still had her love; a love that unlike his, had survived the test of time.

“Maybe some other time, Dex.”

Dex's mouth curved upward. “Is that a promise?”

Caitlin stiffened at his words. “Haven't you learned by now that I break any promises I make?”

The smile on Dex's face vanished instantly. He cupped her chin roughly with his hand. “Why can't you just leave well enough alone?” he asked sharply. “There's nothing wrong with making promises as long as you intend to keep them.”

He quickly released her then regarded her resignedly. “How can you expect me to put the past behind us when you can't?”

It was only after Caitlin had heard the door slam behind Dex, that she realized she'd screwed up what had started out as a promising new beginning.

Corinthians Avery nervously sat in the plush reception area on the executive floor of Remington Oil. Although she was looking forward to the meeting with the company's board of directors, she couldn't stop the butterflies floating around in her stomach.

Her gaze skimmed approvingly over her outfit. Knowing she had this early morning meeting, she had taken the extra time needed to look her best, conveying an aura of total professionalism. She knew the navy-blue tailored suit, with its straight skirt, did wonders, and outlined the slimness of her five-foot, eight-inch figure. Her legs and feet were encased in ultrasheer black hose and navy leather pumps.

Her hairstylist had given her hair a totally new look. Gone was the long thick black hair that she often wore in a French braid. Instead she had a chic short style that was curled around her chocolate-colored face. Her makeup was flawless, thanks to the teachings of her best friend, Brenna, who was a former model.

Satisfied with her appearance, Corinthians slanted the man sitting next to her a sidelong glance, wondering if he shared her nervousness. She inwardly laughed. Adam Flynn, senior exploration manager for Remington Oil, had been in the business much too long to get nervous. It was well known that he had worked for the company a lot longer than her age of twenty-nine years. It was also a known fact that he was a personal friend of S. T. Remington.

Corinthians shifted in the leather chair, making another attempt to downplay her nervousness. It wasn't the idea of attending a board meeting that made her anxious—she'd done that several times before—it was anticipation of the news she hoped the members of the board had for her and Adam. Specifically, she wanted to hear that the Leabo Project was a sure thing.

The Leabo Project was her baby. As one of the top geologists with Remington, it had been her untiring research—not to mention Adam's belief in her uncanny sixth sense when it came to playing hunches—and her intense analysis of core samples that had produced the detailed report. Her studies had discovered some promising geological anomalies located in an isolated area not far from Eagle Pass, Texas. Based on her report, the executives at Remington Oil were moving quickly to acquire all the land in the area for exploration.

Although no one would admit it, there was little doubt in everyone's mind that the possibility of locating a major oil field in the area existed.

“Ms. Avery. Mr. Flynn.” The secretary's soft voice captured Corinthians's attention. “The members of the board are ready now.”

Corinthians tightly grasped the portfolio she held in her hand as she stood.

“Don't you dare get nervous on me,” Adam Flynn said as a smile flitted across his face. His blue eyes gleamed bright as he heaved his huge muscled framed to an upright stance.

Corinthians returned the smile to the man who had been her immediate boss since the day he had interviewed her just weeks before graduating from Grambling. Remington Oil had sent him and a team of company recruiters to the university, and they had made her an offer she couldn't refuse—a chance to work as a geologist with one of the nation's major oil companies. That had been nearly eight years ago, and since then, Remington Oil had made good on all its promises.

As a geologist, she had received a top salary, had done extensive traveling to all corners of the globe, and had worked with a number of well-known scientists and researchers. During all that time, the older man standing before her had been her mentor, her teacher and most of all a friend. He was a man she highly respected.

“Let's not keep the old boys waiting,” Adam said, taking a firm grip on her arm and leading her out of the reception area toward the meeting room. “The question is no longer ‘if,' Corinthians, but it's ‘when.' As soon as all the land in the area is purchased, Remington will make their move.”

She nodded as Adam swung open the huge ornate door to the boardroom, to let her enter. The members of the board were already seated around the table. She and Adam moved toward the vacant chairs left for them. Seconds later S. T. Remington, president of the company, entered the room through double doors at the opposite end of the room and took his place at the head of the table.

With a cursory nod to everyone in the room, Mr. Remington brought the meeting to order. Corinthians nervously listened as items on the agenda were dealt with one after another, which to her way of thinking seemed to take forever.

“The next item on the agenda is the Leabo Project.” Mr. Remington's gaze moved to her. “Corinthians, I know I express the sentiment of every man here by saying your research for Leabo was outstanding and is to be commended. We're lucky to have you as a member of RO's team. I hope your recent promotion to head geologist indicates how much we value you and your services.”

Corinthians's smile lit up the entire room. “Thank you, Mr. Remington, and it does.” Adam gave her hand an I-told-you-so squeeze.

“Now,” S. T. Remington continued. “Edward, can you give us an update on the land purchase?”

Edward Wilson stood. “As you know, gentlemen, to date we have purchased quite a number of landholdings in the area for the Leabo Project. However, as you can see from my report in front of you, there is one tract that isn't marked with our ownership. This, gentlemen, is a very important parcel that has not yet been purchased. Although Corinthians's report doesn't indicate this tract of land contains any promising formation, without it, there can be no Leabo.”

Boisterous conversation rumbled around the table after the man's statement. Mr. Remington had to use his gavel several times to get order restored. “Edward, would you please explain why this parcel is so important?”

“The tract, which is registered as Shadowland, encloses the area of Leabo on three sides. Therefore, without it, we have no way of getting our equipment on Leabo.”

“You said this tract only surrounds Leabo on three sides. What about the fourth side?” a board member asked.

“The fourth backs up against a small pool that's filled with some sort of rock formation. Without Shadowland, our only other alternative would be by air. And that too, gentlemen, is impossible when you think of the equipment we'll be using.”

“Have we made an offer to the owners of Shadowland?” S. T. Remington asked.

“Yes, and according to Malone Land Developers, the company we're using to handle the negotiations, they were just about to close the deal with the owner when he suddenly became ill and died. Mr. Malone is to meet with the man's daughter, after a reasonable period of mourning has passed. He doesn't foresee any problems. The deal on the land should be finalized by the end of the month.”

“Good.” Mr. Remington's gaze then swung to Adam Flynn. “Adam, have you selected an exploration company for the project?”

Adam stood. “Yes, S.T., I have. The company I've chosen is relatively new but they have completed a number of smaller projects for us. I think they're ready to take on something of this magnitude.” Adam smiled at the men sitting around the table. “There's no doubt in my mind the owner of the company will do an outstanding job, basically because I'm the one who taught him a lot of what he knows. He's a former employee who went into business for himself. I've decided to offer the job to Dexter Madaris of Madaris Explorations. Unless, however, there're some objections.”

Corinthians felt a sharp jolt at the mention of Dex's name. She glanced up at Adam, clenching her hands together, trying to concentrate on her surroundings and not on the name she had just heard. But she couldn't.

Dex was back in the States and had formed his own company?
If that was true, then Adam was right. Dex was the best man for the job. In her personal opinion, Dex Madaris was the best man for anything.

She swallowed with difficulty as memories assailed her. Memories of her love for a man who had never returned it. Dex had been one of Remington Oil's top geologists when she'd been hired on after college. He had taken her under his wing, showing her the ropes. During that time, they had become close friends, but not as close as she'd wanted. Before she had been given the chance to push for more, he'd been transferred to Australia. She had heard through the company grapevine that he'd gotten married and had later divorced. For the life of her, she couldn't imagine any woman not wanting him. He was hardworking, intelligent, well mannered and as handsome as sin.

Corinthians unclenched her hands and relaxed her muscles when none of the board members opposed Adam's choice. As head geologist for Leabo, she and Dex would be working closely together again.

Determination grew like a flame within her. This time she would have the intimate relationship she'd always longed for. Dex didn't know it yet, but she was the woman for him and had always been. She was exactly what he needed, a woman who would appreciate him for the man he was.

She lifted her chin, her dark eyes cool and calm as her decision was made. Dexter Madaris would one day be hers, and this time nothing would stand in her way of having him.

“When will you be contacting Mr. Madaris?” Mr. Remington's question jarred Corinthians's attention back to the meeting.

“I'll try reaching him later today,” Adam said.

Mr. Remington nodded. “Fine. That concludes our business. Good day, everyone.”

With solid conviction and a made-up mind, Corinthians slipped out of her chair and stood. A bright smile covered her face as she walked briskly from the room.

“Mommy! Mommy! My daddy's back from taking Uncle Clayton to the airport. I heard the car outside!”

Caitlin was standing at the kitchen cabinet lining the shelves with fresh contact paper while Jordan jumped up and down beside her. Her daughter's face was filled with excitement. Caitlin couldn't remember ever seeing her in such a happy mood. In just four short days Dex had managed to capture a special place in his daughter's heart.

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