Whisper (7 page)

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Authors: Tressie Lockwood

BOOK: Whisper
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Chapter Eight




“Why are you so grouchy lately?”


Alec pretended not to hear the question. He knew he’d been a hare trigger away from flying off the handle all week, but he wasn’t discussing it with Max no matter how much his brother antagonized him. Max could read him like a book and vice versa, but he wasn’t sharing his feelings if that was the man’s aim. All that would get him is more of Max’s stupid theory about Whisper being his mate.
He didn’t believe that ancient destiny stuff anyway. Sure, he could believe that Sarah was meant for Max, but then so could a lot of women have been—ones that were sweet-natured and who thought Max hung the moon. Of course he would fall in love. Well Alec Macgregor was not some romantic character who would fall prey to that type of stuff. He could use it to hook a woman into giving him what they both wanted, but he didn’t buy into the myth anymore than the next logical man. Whisper Price was just another beautiful woman. Sure, he would have liked to have her in his bed a while longer, but it didn’t matter. Someone else would take her place soon enough.


As soon as I bother going out to meet a new one.


He had been lying at the apartment, barking at every sound Max made and refusing to close on his new house. There was no reason why he was still here, none why she should still occupy his thoughts at every waking moment. Hell, every sleeping moment, too. Why? She was…


She is excellent in bed. Sensual, beautiful, innocent, and experienced all rolled into one. I want to touch her and kiss her. I want to taste her sweetness and hear her cries of ecstasy.


He could dismiss it as just a strong physical attraction if it ended there, but he missed her laughter, too. He had considered telling her about his book and getting her opinion of it. That was crazy in itself. When he realized she’d argued with her friend and thought it might have something to do with him, he was going to talk to her and assure her he had no interest in Sheila. Whisper had run from him, and he hated acknowledging even to himself that it hurt.


“I’m not grouchy,” he shouted, taking Max by surprise since he’d waited so long to answer.


“Okay, I’m convinced.”


The obvious sarcasm made him scowl at his brother. “Just leave me alone. I’m having a bad week. It happens.”


His brother shrugged. “Sure, to men who deny themselves their mate.”


“Don’t start, Max.”


“Just saying.”


Alec surged to his feet and headed toward the balcony. The apartment felt too small. They weren’t used to such enclosed spaces. All of his family enjoyed large houses and acres of land around it for running in their animal form. He didn’t know what he’d been thinking moving here. The sooner he relocated the better. He’d intended to allow Max to stay at his house as long as his brother needed him, but Max seemed a lot livelier.
He’s finding new enjoyment in life by tormenting me.
Maybe he would suggest his brother start looking for his own house if he intended to stay in the area.


At the balcony door, he turned, “Whether you believe she’s my mate or not, I’m not going to see her again. In the end, we can choose whom we want to be with, and I choose to continue the way I always have. If you don’t like that, well, that’s your problem.”


Max made no more comments, and for that Alec was grateful. Even as he said the words, he didn’t wholly believe them. Whisper occupied his thoughts more than he liked. He tried shutting her out and not bringing that sweet face to mind, but it remained impossible. Maybe if he got out of here after the sun went down, he could run in his leopard form until exhaustion took hold. Then when he hit his bed, he’d sleep and not dream of her. One could only hope.


Waiting through the rest of the day proved to be torture itself. Alec spent a few hours on his book, but everything he put on paper sounded hollow and unemotional. He felt like he lost his creativity, which frustrated him all the more. The night couldn’t come soon enough, and with it an overcast sky. He didn’t care. Running wouldn’t take thinking. He could give in to his instincts, hunt a little, and forget about her even if for a short while.


Rather than take his car, Alec walked to the wooded area where he would take his run. When the trees hid him from public view, he removed his clothes and left them where they wouldn’t be found. Then he shifted and took to all fours, pounding the ground beneath his paws. A growl rose up in his throat and instead of suppressing it like he would have around humans, he let it build and explode from his lungs in a full on roar. The burden of staying hidden and controlling his animal nature began to lift. He ran faster, his muscles burning, breath coming in heavy pants.


The ache for Whisper didn’t release him as he’d thought it would. She wasn’t in the forefront of his mind, but he felt her there, always present, almost as if she was a part of him. That was ridiculous. She was human, and his kind didn’t connect in such a way with those who weren’t like him. Sarah had been a shifter, a cougar. She wasn’t rare, but she was special. If Alec even thought of finding a mate, he’d choose his own kind.


he shouted in his mind.
Enough of thinking along these lines. Just run.


He let everything go—his irritation at Max, his fear of not being good enough with his writing, and Whisper. The sounds of nature, its scent, only that consumed him, and he pressed on for hours. By the time he decided he’d outrun his demons, the sky had opened up. Alec was soaked when he walked back to his clothes in the form of a man. He dressed and headed home.


Before he reached the parking lot, he smelled her in spite of the dampness in the air. All that he had accomplished in reaching a state of peace washed away with one glimpse of her. She stood at her car leaning in. When she straightened with something in her hand, the night-lights bathed her beautiful face, and he went still staring at her.


He wasn’t too far away to see water hanging from her long lashes or the lock of hair plastered to her cheek. Why had she come out in the rain at night? He watched her protect what looked like a book or a journal under her top, but that only led his gaze to her full breasts, highlighted by her damp T-shirt.
Damn it, Whisper, can’t you have mercy on a man?


She looked up as if he’d spoken out loud, and their gazes met. Alec had no intention of turning away. He couldn’t have if he tried. Some force drew him in her direction. He thought at first that she would run again as she’d done before, and he didn’t think he could stand it if she did. Whisper stayed put until he was a few steps away, and then she turned her back to him. His heart seemed to stop, but she peered over her shoulder at him.
An invitation to follow.


He didn’t question it but fell into step behind her. They headed into the building and up the stairs. At her door, she paused. He hesitated nearer to his, but again she met his gaze, with hers so full of doubt. She disappeared inside. He waited a moment longer, and when the door didn’t shut, he slipped into her place.


Her hands fluttered at her sides where she stood a few steps away from him. “I’ll get you a towel.”


Alec would have told her he was fine, but she was already gone. He moved into the living room and found a spot on the carpet rather than mess up her furniture. Whisper reappeared carrying a thick red towel and handed it to him. With another, she dried her hair. To his disappointment, she’d changed into a dry T-shirt. That didn’t stop him from admiring her figure though. She was still beautiful.


“Thanks.” He dried his face and rubbed the towel over his hair. “Why were you out there in the rain? What was that book?”


She grinned, and he realized there had been strain in her face. He hated that he might have been the cause of it. “That wasn’t a book. Well not exactly. It’s my new Kindle. I’m trying an e-reader for the first time, and I’m excited. Have you heard of it?”


He nodded. “Yes, I own a few, one of which is a Kindle.”


“Aw.” She pouted. “So I’m Johnny Come Lately.”


Damn, her lips were kissable. He forced his gaze away from them and focused on the device she’d picked up from the table. “You’ll like it. I devour probably a dozen books a month with mine and have an extensive library.”


Her eyebrows went up. “Really? I’m impressed.”


He chuckled. “Meaning you thought I was an illiterate Neanderthal?”


She giggled. “You said it. Not me.”


They chatted about their likes and dislikes in the world of books. Alec threw out a few author names that were his favorites and found that she’d heard of each one, but read two. Her interests weren’t the same as his as far as genre. Whisper enjoyed paranormal and shifter stories, some fantasy. He loved mysteries and thrillers. Of course, he couldn’t help the swell of pride knowing she was into books with his kind being the central characters. He had avoided reading them, figuring they would be absurd and more offensive to their true nature than anything else.


“I write.” He threw the words out while feigning an interest in the pictures on the wall. They were generic at best. Now that he’d said it, his stomach cramped. He was ashamed of his weakness and the small hope that she would be impressed with this as well. While she remained silent—and how long did it take for the woman to respond for cripes sake?—he argued with his decision to say anything. If there was anyone he should have confessed to, it should have been Max. However, Max wasn’t the reading type. He liked to get out and live life, not get it from a book. Not that Alec didn’t.
Damn it, m
get a grip on yourself.
She doesn’t care, and it doesn’t matter.


“Wait, did you say you write? Like in an author?” The awe was plain in her tone. “Oh wow, I’ve never known a real author personally.” She rolled her eyes. “Well, a couple people I work with have written books on trading, but yawn! What’s your genre? Can I read one of your books?”


As she scooted closer to him, excitement on her face, he held up his hands and laughed. He couldn’t have hoped for a better reaction. Pride swelled inside him, but he resisted running home to get his laptop to show her a sample. “I’m not that far down the line yet. I’m in the process of writing a thriller. I’m halfway through.”


“That’s so awesome.” He saw sincerity in her eyes. “Can I read it when you’re done? What’s it about?”


Alec hesitated for just a few seconds. This was what he wanted, someone to share his love of reading and his passion for writing. He couldn’t be a wimp about it. That was definitely not in his nature.


His comfort level rose as he shared the details of his story with her. Alec lost himself in the way she sat at rapt attention, eyes wide, lips parted as if she couldn’t wait to hear what came next. The killer’s motives, his methods, Alec intended to keep to himself, but she dug out every detail, asking questions that let him know she was not ignorant.


“He leads her to the seaside, to the old house where he grew up,” Alec explained.


“Why when he could just as well have done it at her father’s shop?” Whisper countered. “I mean, that place held significance in his humiliation and pain, too.”


Alec laughed, and before he knew what he was going to do, he laid a hand alongside her face. Her skin was baby soft, so smooth, and this close he picked up her scent. She smelled of roses and raindrops. “Your mind is like lightning.”


She went still, and he snatched his hand away. When had she come so near? He fought the temptation to pull her onto his lap and stood up.


“I should probably go.”


He moved toward the door, and she stood and followed. He expected her to say something, but she remained silent. Alec’s entire being wanted to turn and take her into his arms, and his muscles ached as if they contracted to keep him from doing it.


At the door, she stopped him with a hand over his. The contact sent electric currents up his arm and down into his groin.


“I meant what I said,” she said in a low tone. “Your ideas are incredible. I bet your book will be a success, and I would love to read it.”


“Even though I told you the entire plot start to finish?”




She smiled up at him. He curled his fingers into his palm.


“Okay, then I’ll bring it by tomorrow.” He said it with as little emotion as possible, but he didn’t look away from her or move.


Alec made no conscious decision to do it, but the next instant he had her on the door, legs spread and wrapped around his waist while he devoured her mouth. The protest he expected sounded more like a moan of delight, and Whisper’s hands crawled up his arms to lock behind his head. She opened to him, welcoming his tongue. Alec hoisted her higher, squeezing her ass as he kissed her.


“Damn it, you taste good, baby,” he muttered against her mouth. “More, give me all of you.”


“Yes,” she moaned.


He didn’t need any more invitation than that. Alec allowed her feet to touch the floor long enough for him to rip her clothing from her body. He yanked her T-shirt over her head and paused when her luscious breasts came into view. He thumped a hand on the door and pressed in closer.

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