Whisky Lullaby: Rock Star Romance, Step-brother New Adult Romance (Tennessee Romance Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Whisky Lullaby: Rock Star Romance, Step-brother New Adult Romance (Tennessee Romance Book 1)
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Chapter 16

The Cave


Logan’s motorcycle revved loudly outside of McCarron Hall as Ashley moved down the stairs toward him. She wore a black Whisky Lullaby t-shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans over top her leather, high heel boots. She looked scorching sexy as she walked towards his bike.

“Hot damn!” He whistled as she gave him a quick kiss before climbing atop his bike. “You look amazing!”

“So do you, doll. C’mon! Tonight’s the night!”

“The night?!” Logan swallowed. Did she mean...?
Nah, she couldn’t be referring to sex. Wait, the band. She’s referring to whether she’s going to join the band or not. Focus, Murphy, focus!

“Yeah! You find out my decision,” Ashley replied with a smile.

Logan slipped his sunglasses back on before he squeezed her thigh. Once she had her helmet on, he zipped the motorcycle off down the road.

Tonight was a big night. Loads of shit was going on. He’d been ridiculously busy since leaving Ashley to get ready. The band had put all the equipment in their jalopy van, they had to make sure they had enough shirts as the crowd was going to be bigger than usual tonight. Word had gotten out about Rock Star Royale and people wanted to know if the band was going to compete. Then there was Ashley and her decision to join, and then there was after… that’s what Logan couldn’t seem to get his mind off of.

A crowd had already gathered outside of the Cave as Logan and Ashley pulled up on the bike. They roared as the two of them parked and sauntered up the street towards the entrance.

Dale, Zip, Gavin and Chris had arrived just moments before in the van and were unloading the equipment near the side entrance. Logan went to help them get the equipment and speakers inside.

Gavin high-fived Ashley as she walked up. “Well?!”

“Yeah! What’s your decision?!” Zip asked as he held a drum in his hands.

“Patience, boys…” she teased.

“You’re killing them,” Logan said with a muted chuckle.

“You’ll all live, darlings.” She grabbed a speaker and headed toward the door of the club.

Mike met them at the entrance, giving Logan a handshake. “Big night, Murphy.”

“Looks like it.” Logan craned his neck to see the line to get in was now curving around the side of the building. “Already? The show doesn’t start for a couple hours.”

“I hear ya, man.” Mike rubbed his hands together. “I’m going to have to open the doors early. Think you guys can set up a bit quicker than usual?”

“Definitely!” Logan let Ashley move in front of him and pointed to the stage to set the speaker on.

She did as he instructed. “Want me to do more.”

He shook his head. “We got it. Go hang with Lisa. She’s got beers lined up for us already.”

Ashley grabbed a seat next to Lisa at the bar and a beer. She cheered it in the air toward Logan.

“That woman is going to be the death of me,” Zip groaned behind Logan.

Logan laughed. “Dude, you have no idea. Try being in a relationship with her. You might as well play the Jeopardy theme song 24-7.”

“Are you sure she didn’t tell you, and just make you swear to secrecy?!” Chris asked as he drilled a serious look to his buddy.

“Do I look like I know what the hell’s going on?”

Chris laughed, “Yeah… Good point. You look like you need to get laid.”

“Shut up!” Logan snorted as he jabbed his buddy in the gut.

They went to work to set up the equipment and worked in comfortable, familiar silence. People began filling up the Cave as they tuned the instruments and ran sound checks on all the speakers and mics. Logan glanced over at Ashley. She and Lisa were managing the shirt sales by the bar. The band didn’t make any money off the shirts, but instead put the funds right back into ordering more. If they started having turnouts like this one, they’d be able to up the price and maybe actually make something off them.




Ashley looked under the table for another box of shirts. They were running out of medium and smalls. “There aren’t any left,” she told Lisa.

Lisa took the cash from a girl and handed her a black shirt similar to the one Ashley was wearing. “I think I have another box in the trunk of my car.”

“I can go grab it.”

“You don’t mind?” Lisa reached in the pocket of her jeans and pulled out her keys. “This is crazy. The guys usually sell a box, but we’ve gone through four boxes already tonight!”

“Must be a big night.” A wave of butterflies flew across Ashley’s stomach but she ignore them as she took the keys from Lisa. “What kind of car is it?”

“Red Honda. Parked right beside the band’s van.”

“Awesome! I’ll be right back.” She waved at Logan on the stage and blew him a kiss. He pretended it smacked him across the face. She laughed and slipped behind the bar to go through the side entrance to grab the box of shirts.

A cool breeze blew across her face as she stepped outside. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment before heading to Lisa’s car. She hit the lock button on the key fob and heard Lisa’s horn behind the van, the car’s lights flashed against the outside of the Cave’s wall.

Hurrying, she made her way behind the beat up van the guys used and popped Lisa’s trunk open with the key fob. Two boxes lay inside the trunk. She leaned down to check the size of the shirts in the boxes. The last remnants of sun made it hard to read the writing.

Finding the right one she pulled it out and set the box down on the ground to close the trunk. As she straightened, she jumped back in surprise.

A tall, muscular guy stood with his arms crossed, blocking her path back to the club.

“What the hell?” Ashley frowned and she looked up.


He stared at her, an unreadable look on his face. “I want to talk to you.”

Ashley set her feet shoulder width apart. She did not have time for this right now. “Lisa’s waiting for me to bring these shirts in.” She pressed her lips tight together. Was this guy really that stupid? She should’ve filed a full police report.

“I won’t take long.” He reached around into the back pocket of his jeans.

Ashley took a step back. Terror ran through her and her blood quickened, screaming at her to run. Fight or flight begging her to make a decision. She stood, frozen, unsure of what to do.

Charlie pulled out an envelope and held it out to her. “I want you to give this to Logan, and the rest of the band.”

She glanced down, not sure what to do.

He pushed it toward her. “Take it.”

“No.” She looked down at the envelope and then up at his face. His eyebrows pressed together and his eyes filled with worry, the way Logan’s did when he was anxious. “What is it?”

“Money. For Rock Star Royale.” He glanced behind him, as if nervous someone might see him. “Please take it. Give it to them but don’t tell them it’s from me.”

Ashley hesitated. “Why?”

He scoffed. “Because I’m an ass? Because I was supposed to come up with my share and then I fucked up. Royally.” He ran his hand through his short hair. “I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t believe me and you don’t have to forgive me, I just want to try and fix… I don’t want Logan mad. He’s a good guy. I’m not.”

She stared at him, unsure of what to say or do.

“Can you please take it? Just tell them you found it on the ground or it’s from an anonymous donor. I don’t care.”

Slowly she reached out and took the envelope. It was thicker than she thought it should be. She opened it and looked inside. “There’s more money than your share in here.”

“I know. It’s the whole entrance fee. Tell Logan… tell Logan you’re giving it. Let it be from you.”

“I’m not going to lie to him.”

Charlie swore under his breath. “Whatever. Just don’t tell him I gave it to you.”

“You should give it to him.”

Charlie shook his head. “I’ll make things right. Just in my own time.”

The side door of the Cave creaked open behind the van. “Ashley?” Lisa’s voice called out. “Do you need help?”

Charlie glanced behind him and then pressed his finger to his lips. He tore off behind Ashley around the back of the building so Lisa wouldn’t see him, leaving Ashley standing there with the money still in her hand. She quickly shoved it in the back of her jeans pocket and grabbed the box of shirts off the ground. “I’m coming,” she called to Lisa.


Chapter 17

Awake My Soul


The Cave was packed with wall to wall crowds of people as the clock turned to the nine o’clock hour. Logan’s fingers anxiously tapped against his jeans backstage as Zip passed by with his drumsticks in hand.

Raising his eyebrows, he tapped Logan on the arm. “Ready man?”

“Ready,” Logan said as he let out a breath.

“Not nervous, man. Are ya?” Gavin strolled beside him and peered through the door that would lead them to the stage. He whistled. “Hell of a crowd!”

“Nervous?” Logan forced a laugh as anxiety flooded his blood. “Nah!”

“Then pump up! We need you on tonight!” Zip yelled in his ear. “We want this!”

“All right, all right! I’m good!” Logan yelled back. “I want this!”

“We all do!” Gavin glanced back at Chris. “Except maybe him. Poor fool’s throat is killing him. Looks like he caught something.”

“You’re shittin’ me?” Logan looked back at Chris, who was coughing into his sleeve.

“I’ll be fine,” Chris barked.

“Yeah, as long as you don’t sing.” Dale shook his head.

“We’ll be fine.” Logan clapped Chris on the back as he grabbed his banjo. “Let’s go!”




Ashley sat on a barstool, not sure what to think or do. The corner of Charlie’s envelope pressed against her back. They had put the rest of the shirts away about ten minutes ago. She glanced at the clock and it was nine on the button. What should she do?

Lisa sat beside her, no longer pestering her for answers, but waiting with anxious anticipation. Ashley felt the same inside, except for a completely different reason. She couldn’t get Charlie’s attempt at fixing things out of her head.

Lisa could barely sit still. She turned to Ashley. “You nervous?”

“A little.”

“You’re going to say yes. I already know.”


“Why else would you risk stepping out on the stage?” She smiled knowingly at Ashley. “You’ve seemed off since you went outside, but I can’t see you telling the guys no in front of a crowd like this.” She gestured to the people all around them. “You redid your make up. Which, by the way, I want your pretty green eyes. They’re glowing under that smoky eyeshadow. You look gorgeous.” Lisa flipped her hair back. “Except…”

“Except what?” Ashley brought her fingers to her hair to make sure the heavy mane was somewhat in place.

Lisa reached in her purse. “Sit still. Open your mouth just a bit.” She pulled out a lipstick and colored Ashley’s lips a vibrant shade of red. “There. Now you’re perfect.”

Ashley pressed her lips together and glanced in the mirror behind the bar. She smiled. She liked the shocking shade against her pale skin.

“Whatever you got planned,” Lisa said with a laugh, “I’m sure you’ll knock ‘em dead.”

“You’re looking pretty good yourself!” Ashley smiled as the butterflies returned. She didn’t do nervous. It was a foreign feeling to her. She pointed at Lisa’s outfit. Her friend had left her t-shirt and sweats at the dorm and traded them in for a black mini dress and a pair of knee high boots.

“Sometimes I clean it up… you know. When Dale’s good.” Lisa winked as she took a swig of her beer.

“Mmm… Seems you have a few tricks up your sleeve as well.”

Lisa didn’t have a chance to reply. The overhead lights went off as the stage lights went on. A thin layer of blue fog drifted across the stage as the band came on. The gentle notes of Chris’ guitar began to play. Zip banged a steady beat on the drums. Then suddenly, like a burst of lightning, Logan burst from backstage and skidded onto the stage as Chuck Ragan’s song “Something May Catch Fire” began to play.

Logan’s raspy voice crooned through the club as he looked out to the crowd. He looked amazingly hot. All the women in the bar seemed to agree as they screamed.

Ashley got off her stool and walked slowly, gracefully, keeping her eyes on the stage. His pick was in her hand. As the music raged on, Logan held a hand out to her as she approached the stage. Rather than simply passing him the pick, Ashley let Logan lift her to the stage.

Twirling on her heel, she cupped his face in her hand. Brushing her ruby red lips against the stubble of his chin, Ashley kissed his firm jaw. The crowd went wild as they noticed the red lip mark left on his cheek. She took the mic he held out to her and they finished the song together.

When it finished the crowd screamed and clapped. Gavin motioned the band off stage and they walked off as the people continued cheering.

“Thank you very much, indeed,” Logan told the crowd before he walked off, his hand in Ashley’s.

“So what the hell is your answer?” Gavin laughed nervously. “I’ve seen the video of you in class, you’ve got skills good for Whisky Lullaby.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I can’t freakin’ wait for the show to finish to find out.”

Ashley smiled. She glanced around at the group, at their anxious faces as the crowd outside begged them to come back on. She wanted to be part of this. How could she not? “My answer is a conditional yes.”

Logan’s face brightened as the bandmates high-fived each other. “State your conditions.”

“I’ll play with the band if I’m considered an equal member.”

“No problem.” Gavin nodded. “You gotta lug the heavy shit then too.”

She glanced at him before turning back to Logan. “And I’ll only play as long as it doesn’t interfere with our… our relationship or whatever you want to call it. I’m not coming between a guy and his band.”

“Our band,” Logan corrected. “Of course. I agree to that.”

“There’s one more thing.” Ashley reached behind her back and put her fingers on Charlie’s envelope.

“Anything,” Logan said.

“You’ll let me pay the registration fee.” She pulled the envelope out with a slightly shaky hand. “Equal member means equal responsibility regardless of whose girl I am. Consider it my entrance fee.” She hated lying, but she knew he wouldn’t take the money if he knew it was from Charlie.

Logan chuckled and then so did the other guys. Gavin laughed the loudest and slapped her on the back. “I wasn’t sure about you, girl. Now I like you!”

“Looks like you just got bested at your own game.” Dale elbowed Logan.

“Well, I did agree to equal member. I guess I can’t fight you on this one,” Logan said sheepishly. “I’d rather we each pay—”

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Gavin put his arm around Ashley. “She’s got talent, guts and money!”

“Well then, Whisky Lullaby, you’ve got yourself a deal.” Ashley bowed dramatically.

The crows began chanting their name, they’d been gone too long. The guys rushed back to the stage, Ashley right behind them.

“Woooooo!” Logan cried out as he swung Ashley around and kissed her.

“All right now!” Zip yelled as he smacked his sticks together.

A sharp whistle sounded from Dale’s lips and the crowd went wild. “We’d like to welcome Whisky Lullaby’s new member!”

Ashley waved to the crowd and squinted against the bright lights.

Mike, the owner of the Cave, came up to the stage with a microphone. Quickly, from the back, several bar employees brought Ashley’s cello up to the stage. He cried out, “Introducing Whisky Lullaby’s newest band member, Ashley Slater!” Quickly, he passed Ashley the microphone as another song kicked up. Giving Logan a wink, Ashley passed his pick as she took a seat next to her cello. As Ashley adjusted herself in her seat, she realized her bow wasn’t anywhere to be found. She looked under the seat, on her music stand, but her bow was nowhere.

“Looking for something?” Logan said loudly in his microphone. He reached over his shoulder and pulled it from behind him. Holding the bow up high for everyone to see, he passed it to Ashley as the song picked up.

With passion, the song “Sugar” by the Horrible Crowes began to play as Ashley crooned the lyrics while pulling her bow across her cello strings. Chris’ guitar strummed along softly and Zip gently tapped his drums as the song intensified. Logan watched intently as Ashley sang the song and allowed the music to take control. At the bridge she stood up and danced along with him on stage, allowing the music to lead them every step of the way. 

She had chills when Logan crooned, “Nobody knows you like I do.”

It was in that moment Ashley felt like she was on a precipice. They were on the edge of something big. Logan and Ashley. Logan, Ashley and the band…

She looked into the crowd, and as the band rocked the house, her eyes met with another’s. A pair of cold, callous eyes that caused all the joy she felt in that moment to melt away.

She sang, “Just who do you think that you’re kidding this time,” in an almost whisper.

Charlie’s eyes met hers and a shiver of warning ran down her spine.

Forcing herself to concentrate on the song, Ashley looked over at Logan. He gave her an impassioned kiss as the song ended. As the crowd roared, and Logan smiled, Ashley watched as Charlie slipped into the dark of the bar and out of sight.

“Forget him,” Ashley told herself in a whisper.

Suddenly, the band began to play their own rendition of “Jungle” by Emma Louise. It was Ashley’s swan song, her chance to show the audience her musical props. Tapping her feet against the hardwood of the stage, she clasped her microphone as she let all her emotions, all her rage, all her love spill from her mouth.



Whisky Lullaby found its sixth member, and secured the money they needed to pay the registration for Rock Star Royale. Now all they had to do was show up, right? September 30
was just weeks away.




Will Ashley and Logan make sweet music together on and off the stage? Will their love translate into the perfect song, or will Ashley’s presence cause disharmony among the band? Will Logan and Charlie go head to head over Ashley?




Whatever happens, don’t expect the ride to be a boring one.



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