Whirlwind (29 page)

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Authors: Robin DeJarnett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Whirlwind
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“Hey there, big guy. You hungry?” I asked, letting Buckeye find the carrot I held under his wiggling nostrils. “Say hello to Jason.”


The horse snorted on Jason’s outstretched hand.


“Nice to meet you too,” he said with a laugh. When he offered Buckeye a carrot, the horse’s manners improved.


“So, did you ever let Melissa ride you?” Jason asked the horse.


I was about to answer for him when two guys wandered in the far end of the stable. “We should probably be going,” I said. “Don’t want to spoil Buckeye with too many treats.”


Jason glanced over his shoulder. “Do you know them?” he asked softly.


“Sort of. They know me.” I’d spoken to the cowboys a couple of times but had never been officially introduced. I wasn’t sure they were on the rodeo team.


I looped my arm through Jason’s, but he didn’t take the hint to go.


Great, here we go again.


His blue eyes darkened. “Melissa, I made a mistake with Mark, and I’m deeply sorry. I won’t embarrass you again. Please let me prove it.”


Jason was asking for my trust. I hesitated, and his expression turned to anguish. I couldn’t stand it.




Buckeye whinnied, begging for more carrots. With just a hint of a smile, Jason took the bag from me and busied himself with the horse.


“Hey, it’s
Lois Lane
!” the first guy called. “Did you come by to welcome Diablo home?” His gaze dipped below my face, and I looked at Jason. He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t move.


I watched the second guy’s eyes sweep over me, and my heart skipped a beat. Did they always do that? How had I missed it?


“Is that what’s going on?” I asked, thankful they now looked me in the eye.
Poly’s Prize Bull on Loan
…I remembered the story now; Craig had asked me to look it over. Diablo had been making bovine girlfriends at UC Davis for the past month.


“Yup. It took us an hour to get the stubborn son of a bitch out of the truck. The smallest sound freaks him out,” the other guy said. He nudged his friend when he saw Jason, and they kept walking.


To my amazement, Jason lifted a hand and offered a friendly “Hey.”


The first guy slowed and pointed at Jason. “You look a lot like…”


His friend’s eyes became saucers. “We’d better get back out there,” he said and hurried his companion past. “Say hi to Mitch for us.”


“Take it easy,” I said, watching them go. I shrugged, then reached up and kissed Jason on the cheek. “And thank you.”


“Any time.” He leaned down to return the kiss but Buckeye nuzzled him in the side. Jason had to step back or fall down.


I laughed. “I guess you’re not the only one who’s jealous!”


We shared the rest of the carrots with Chase’s horse before continuing our tour. Walking back toward the heart of campus, I thought about the last time I’d visited the stable with Mitch. I’d momentarily forgotten Jason wouldn’t be the only one disappearing from my life. Mitch was already gone—would Buckeye disappear too? Adding Jason’s impending departure to the list amplified the loss it in ways I couldn’t explain. I found myself fighting for breath, unable to visualize any future, fantasy or otherwise.


Jason stopped suddenly and put his hands on my shoulders. “Are you okay?”


Get control of yourself, Melissa!
I made my lungs expand with a cough. “Uh, yeah.” I scrambled for some kind of rational explanation for my distress. “It’s just that, sometimes…the horse dander gets to me, I think.” I rushed through my lie. “Maybe I’m allergic. I’m okay now.”


He cradled my face in his palm. “Are you sure? Your eyes were starting to bug out there for a sec.”


Deliberately I sucked air in through my nose. “Yeah, I’m fine, see?” I could tell he didn’t believe me, but I pretended not to notice and started walking again. “I wonder what’ll happen to Buckeye now that Mitch will be living in the city.”


Jason’s critical gaze blanketed me as we made our way down the road, but he finally decided to play along. “Buckeye’s moving down south too. Ann’s parents have quite a spread in Rolling Hills, including a corral. They already have a stable for Buckeye and hands to take care of him. He’ll live the good life, and Mitch will get to keep on riding.”


“That’s good. I know Mitch loves him.”
Lucky horse.


We reached the main campus and turned west, toward the library.


I pointed out various buildings and sights but continued to mull over my reaction. I knew Jason would disappear in just a few days—nothing had changed that fact. We’d made no commitments, and I expected to miss him just like I missed his brother. But what I’d felt was much more profound than mere sorrow. Why?


The answer eluded me, and my thoughts eventually turned to other subjects, namely dinner. Jason fiddled with his cell phone, subtly checking the time with increasing regularity. By mid-afternoon the anticipation of tonight’s date had become a tangible prod, urging me to walk faster, to finish the mundane tour, and get Jason home. The car was a welcome sight when we made the final turn.


“So, we need to decide what we’re going to do tonight—before the amazing sex, that is,” I said, starting the car.


Jason shook his head with wily defiance. “No,
don’t. I’m taking you out, remember? I get to choose tonight’s pre-orgasmic activities.”


I pressed my lips together, my heart doing a rhythmic double-take on the word


He smirked. “Rest assured, reservations have already been made. We’re starting with dinner at six. I’d recommend we head back to your place and change.”


Without another word I put the car in gear and sped home.


We pulled up to the apartment and parked, but Jason caught my hand before I could get out. “Would you mind if I borrow your car while you get ready?”




A hint of pink touched his cheeks. “Well…among other things, I need to restock.” He read my blank expression and with an exaggerated motion looked down at his lap and then back up. “For tonight.”


I took the hint and dropped my gaze to his lap and his protruding fly. Oh,


“That’s not necessary. I’m on the pill.” It was my turn to blush—the last time I’d discussed birth control was with my mother in the ninth grade.


Jason cradled my face in his hands and kissed both cheeks. “That’s good to know. But that’s not the only thing I plan to get.” His mouth captured mine, effectively erasing my questions—and my thoughts.


When he let me breathe, I just stared at him. What were we talking about?


“Your car?” he reminded me with a lopsided smile.


“Uh, sure. Just let me get the front door open.”


Jason followed me closely to the door, and after I’d unlocked it I turned around to find myself in his arms. “
. You sure you don’t want to join me in the shower?”


He stared at me the way a starving man looks at a juicy steak—ravenous. “Not until later.”


“What should I wear?” My attention wandered as his finger chased a strand of my hair back behind my ear.


“Well, I’m planning on a jacket and tie, so something comparable? I thought I saw something black and sexy hanging in your closet.” He lightly traced my nose with his finger as he spoke.


“You saw that?” I bit my lip and looked down. My black dress was something a former boyfriend had insisted I buy, but the relationship had ended before he’d ever seen it on me. It had never left the closet and was buried behind blouses and slacks I had yet to ferry home. I blushed, remembering the deep neckline of the dress. As I stared at the ground, Jason’s finger lifted my chin.


“Maybe it’s time to take the tags off, don’t you think?” He gave me a quick kiss before hustling back to the car. “I’ll be back before you know it,” he called and slipped behind the wheel.


Stunned by his sudden departure, I yelled, “There’s a GPS in the glove box!”


When he was out of sight, I dashed up the stairs. Naughty Melissa would be ready for whatever he’d planned.
Especially anything
that leads to an orgasm!






It took me a few minutes to find the article about the murder. I knew a random slaying wasn’t likely to be front-page news in
Los Angeles
, but the tiny story was hidden on page fourteen between a violent dock workers’ strike and the current scandal in the mayor’s office.
Woman Found Dead at Posh Hotel
—the article read more like an advertisement for the resort than the account of a young woman’s murder. I wondered if the hotel had any part in getting the story buried.


I shifted uncomfortably in my black pumps. Wearing a dress that revealed way too much and with no place to sit but the floor, I was left to read the paper standing at the kitchen counter. I didn’t know exactly when Jason got back; he’d locked himself in my bedroom by the time I’d emerged from the bathroom.


He’d answered my knock with a muffled, “Wait for me downstairs, okay?” The door had remained closed.


I adjusted the straps on my halter-top dress, wishing more fabric would magically appear to cover the exposed center of my chest. The neckline—if I could call it that—extended all the way down to the bead-encrusted empire waist. My back and shoulders were also bare, adding to my discomfort. Even my hair, most of which was pinned back in a single large barrette, didn’t conceal much. At least the skirt was full and long, falling to the middle of my calf. If I were a little girl I’d be twirling around the tiny kitchen.


Finally, I heard the bedroom door open and Jason’s footsteps on the stairs. I pushed my hair over my shoulders and waited for him to find me.


He stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Melissa?” he asked tentatively.


“In the kitchen.” I clasped my hands in front of me, my arms pressed against my cold ribs.


He appeared in the doorway, one hand behind his back. “Wow,” he purred at the sight of me. His free hand reached out, and I met it with my own.


“Wow yourself. You look amazing.”


Jason had on a charcoal gray suit accented with a vibrant sapphire shirt and jewel-toned blue tie. Combined, they electrified his eyes. The matching pocket square was icing on the cake.


“There aren’t words to describe how you look,” he whispered. Gracefully he lifted my hand and invited me to spin.


My skirt flared as I circled, and when I rounded to face Jason, a huge bouquet of red and white carnations greeted me. “These pale in comparison to you, but they were the best I could do,” he said.


I lifted the flowers from his hand, my smile growing. I held them close to my face, savoring the sweet scent. “They’re lovely, thank you. Carnations are my favorite.”


His lip curled suspiciously.


“Is there anything you
know about me?” I asked.


“Plenty, but I hope to rectify that over time.”


I set the flowers on the counter, and he pulled me close. His warm hands ran lightly over my shoulders and down my back as we kissed, setting my skin on fire. Our lips separated, and he brought his cheek to mine. “You’re so beautiful, Melissa,” he whispered, pulling my chest to his.


In his arms I felt beautiful…and protected…and wanted. His strong heartbeat, his enticing cologne, his fiery hands on my skin—forget dinner, I was ready to have Jason, here, now.


I squeezed him tighter, willing time to stop. Could he feel the desperation in my grasp?


He leaned in and kissed my neck, sending a shiver through me, then loosened his grip. “I think we should go. Do you have a wrap?”


I laughed. “A
? No. A jacket? Yes. I’ll be right back.” After a quick trip to my closet and a careful walk down the stairs, I was ready to go, my black coat draped over my arm.


Jason had found my lone vase and was arranging the carnations when I reappeared.


“I’m ready,” I announced. “Where are we eating?”


He handed me my purse and escorted me out the front door. “Have you ever been to the
Port Inn?” He walked to the passenger side of my car and opened the door.


“I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never eaten there. It’s supposed to be really nice.” I gathered my skirt in the car, and he closed the door. He glided around to the driver’s seat, and soon we were headed toward the freeway.


“Do you know where you’re going?” I asked.


“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I do. If I get lost, I promise I’ll ask for directions,” he said, raising his right hand.


We spoke very little during the twenty-minute drive down the coast. I spent most of the time watching Jason, noting the now-familiar curl of hair above his collar and the tiny freckle below his ear that wiggled when he grinned. Every once in a while he caught me staring and would wink or stroke my arm in response. His expression intrigued me; his guarded smile was a sharp contrast to his intense gaze.
Read my mind
, his eyes pleaded, sending my nerves into high gear. I tore mine away, afraid I might hear what he couldn’t say.


Friday. This all has to end on Friday. He knew that…didn’t he?


Port Inn sat at the end of the pier in a tiny seaside town just south of Santa Lucia. The restaurant resembled an old, weathered sea shanty, not a fine dining establishment. Jason drove slowly onto the wooden jetty and parked in one of the few spots next to the restaurant.


He opened my door with a flourish, and I gladly took his offered hand, welcoming his support as I extracted myself—and my dress—from the car. After straightening my twisted skirt, I started for the entrance. I didn’t get far.


“Hold on a sec,” he said and pulled me close. He held his cell phone at arm’s length and softly kissed the spot just behind my ear.


I gasped.


“Smile,” Jason whispered.


The phone made a clicking sound—taking a picture, I realized too late. “Our first date,” he said playfully, displaying his handiwork. Ignoring my dopey grin, I stared at his elegant face. “I can send you a copy,” he offered.


I wanted a copy, more than anything. That one photo could be the only evidence I’d have of Jason’s existence a few days from now. But how wise would it be to fawn over a picture, knowing I’d never see him again?


“Maybe later,” I said, my smile fading. Avoiding his eyes, I looked toward the restaurant. The aroma of smoky mesquite and buttery garlic were a tantalizing complement to the salty air. “I’m hungry, and it smells wonderful.”


“Melissa,” Jason said, his lips curving down. He cupped my cheek in his hand. His eyes questioned me, though I was sure he already knew what I was thinking.


“It’s nothing,” I said, covering his hand with mine. This wasn’t how I wanted to start our evening. I struggled to recover the sensation of his lips on my skin, to recreate the image stored in his phone.


Jason’s expression didn’t ease, so I tried a pout instead. He set his jaw stubbornly, though the corners of his mouth twitched upward.


Not one to back down from a challenge, I decided to let Naughty Melissa off her leash. I nuzzled his hand, sliding his palm over my lips, tracing the lines and grooves with my tongue. He inhaled sharply, his mouth falling open.


“Shall we go?” I asked sweetly.


Jason shook his head, waking from his lust-induced trance. “You really are dangerous, you know?”


I just laughed and banished all thoughts about the future from my mind—with the exception of those pertaining to our sensual plans for later. Jason walked to the door with his arm around me, protecting me from the light breeze coming off the water.


The hostess greeted us and led us through the restaurant’s clean, light interior. My heels clunked against the wide-planked hardwood floor, the sound echoing off the walls of the sparsely populated dining room. All conversation stopped when we walked by.


“They’re looking at you,” Jason whispered in my ear.


Pulling my coat tighter around me, I was glad when the hostess seated us on the empty patio. Sheltered from the wind by high Plexiglas walls and warmed by a propane heater, I took off my jacket. The Pacific sparkled with a thousand tiny suns reflecting off the wind-driven ripples. Above the sea, a few wispy clouds crossed the sky, waiting to color the coming sunset.


“Magnificent,” Jason said softly.


I turned to find him gazing not at the scenery, but at me. I smiled back and slipped my hand into his. Our fingers danced, lightly touching and circling until the waiter interrupted us, asking if we’d seen the wine list.


Before I could open the leather-bound folder, Jason said, “We’d like the Corbett Canyon Riesling, please.”


He’d selected one of my favorite wines. I raised an eyebrow at him.


“Yes?” he asked innocently.


“You read my mind.” It wasn’t too hard to guess his co-conspirator, but I was surprised Mitch had any idea what wine I liked. Pizza and beer were more his speed.


The waiter left, and we opened our menus.


I was more interested in Jason than food, so rather than read I watched him peruse the pages. He inspected the list line by line, squinting at some entries while licking his lips at others. His hair captured the sunlight, a few of the brown strands reflecting the golden rays when he tilted his head to read the next page.


“What looks good to you?” he asked without looking up.


“You do, of course,” I replied without hesitation.


With a slow, seductive smile, he glanced at me through his lashes. “On the
,” he said. “You’re going to need your energy for later, you know.” Jason found my hand again and stroked it lightly.


Naughty Melissa immediately took the dare implied in his words. I stood and slowly leaned over the table, bringing my face just inches from his. He didn’t fail to notice the view down the front of my dress as gravity tried to liberate my breasts from the thin black fabric. “Bring it on, lover,” I whispered.


Jason’s blue eyes locked on mine. He exhaled, blowing his hot breath down my chest. The shock on his face was consumed by burning desire, and my skin tingled at the sight of such wanton lust. Before he could act on his yearning, I heard the doors open behind me, and I sat back down just as the waiter returned with our wine. I grabbed my menu and held it in front of me as I subtly readjusted myself and verified that I was indeed still
the dress.


“Are you ready?” the waiter asked, and Jason looked at me with one eyebrow cocked.


“Definitely,” I said, not taking my eyes off of Jason. With a cough, he quickly spread his napkin across his lap and looked up at the impatient waiter.


Every movement I made, every word I uttered, affected Jason in some way—and this realization brought with it an unfamiliar confidence. Smiling, I casually made my selection. While Jason placed his order I tested my new-found power. When his eyes flitted to me, I licked my lips, causing him to stumble over his words.


Pinching my lips together, I barely contained the giddy laughter threatening to bubble out. I wondered how much more of this he could take before throwing me over his shoulder and whisking me away.


The waiter repeated our orders and asked if we needed anything else. Jason refused to look at me as he requested a large glass of ice water. When the brimming goblet arrived, I couldn’t contain my giggles any longer.


Jason watched my near hysterics, his exasperation vanishing in his own fit of laughter. Only when the hostess seated another couple at the next table were we able to get a handle on our hilarity. Our hands came together again as we caught our breath.

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