Read Whirlwind Online

Authors: Robin DeJarnett

Tags: #Romance

Whirlwind (17 page)

BOOK: Whirlwind
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The temperature of the room around me plummeted as he drank in my appearance. I resisted the urge to cross my arms. Pressing them against my sides instead, I inspected the patterns woven into the couch behind him.


I might as well be a virgin. What do I do now?
All my previous sexual encounters had been quick and in the dark—ending with a sigh or grunt. It was clear Jason had no intention of rushing this experience. He raked his eyes over every inch of my nervous body.


Jason licked his lips, and his gaze rose to my face. “You
beautiful, Melissa. Never, ever doubt that again.” Like molten lava, his voice sizzled over me, scorching away any argument.


Without looking away, his hands slid up my arms, hesitating for one long, tantalizing second before they began their slow descent.


“So soft, like silk,” he marveled, fondling each breast, eliciting gasps and moans whenever he touched me. The longing returned to his eyes, and he dipped his head.


Oh yes.
His breath tickled the top of my breast. With feather kisses that sent surges of delicious pleasure through me, his lips followed the path his fingers had taken. He found my erect nipple, circling and fondling it with his tongue. He inhaled sharply before surrounding it with his lips.


I couldn’t quiet this moan or suppress the spasm that accompanied it. I latched onto his shoulders, grinding my hips into him. He relentlessly sucked and teased, answering my wanton cries with a groan of his own.


“So perfect,” he said, his words tickling my skin.


I wanted him so much it was almost painful, but he wasn’t finished. As he moved from one side to the other, he tilted his head so his soft hair brushed across my chest. My vision blurred
. How long have I been holding my breath?
Intense need overwhelmed me. It wouldn’t take much more to send me into climactic oblivion.


Jason performed the same sensual ritual on my other breast, drawing an even louder moan. My fingers buried themselves in his hair, reluctantly letting him tip his head up when he finally released my granite nipple.


“There aren’t words to describe how enticing you are, Melissa,” he said.


As I lost myself in his eyes, the rest of the world faded away. “Then show me,” Naughty Melissa commanded.


Jason squeezed me to his chest. Our mouths met, and the kiss wasn’t the only thing that was wet.


Before I knew it, he’d lifted me off the ground, sending another jolt through me when his erection rubbed against my core. As he stood, my feet automatically locked together behind him. He placed one hand on my back, while the other cradled my ass.


He took a careful step forward, and I realized he couldn’t see where he was going as long as my mouth was glued to his. Well, there were other places I could put my lips.


We’d made it to the bedroom by the time I’d reached the hollow over his collar bone, and when I tickled the perfect indentation with my tongue, Jason actually growled.


He set me down on the edge of the bed, admiring the view of my chest before letting his hands fall to the waistband of my pants.


“No, you first this time,” I said slyly, pushing him away. He stood motionless before me while I ran my hands down the outside of his legs. The firelight illuminated every curve, every ripple of his muscular body—making an especially long, straight shadow across his trousers. His pants twitched when I reached his knees and started back up his legs, my thumbs skimming a leisurely path up his inner thighs.


At the top of his legs I paused, earning a grunted “Oh, God.”


“These look a little tight,” I teased, running my hands along the thick, hard bulge that was


I couldn’t tell if he actually voiced the “yes” that formed on his lips. My fingers slipped between his pants and skin. His eyes closed, and his mouth opened slightly in obvious pleasure. The button on his pants came open easily, and following his example, I lowered the zipper as slowly as I possibly could.


“Oh, Melissa,” he groaned. Five excruciating seconds later, his pants fell to the floor, revealing a wondrous sight. His briefs were exactly that—brief—with only the waistband connecting the small amount of black fabric in the back to the even smaller piece in the front. There was barely enough material to contain him.


“Oh my,” I whispered, and he opened his eyes. I looked up at him in awe, and my lightheadedness returned. My fingers rose to the trail of dark hair leading from his belly button into his briefs, but they were shaking so badly I couldn’t control them.


Jason caught my hands in his and held them securely. “How about if I do this part?” he said. I nodded, and he bent down and kissed me again, our tongues tangling as we panted together. He kissed each hand before releasing it, then lifted the edge of his briefs. He paused and smiled.


Stepping out of his pants, he turned his back to me. The midnight briefs slid smoothly to the floor, giving me full view of the most perfect ass I’d ever seen. His socks disappeared with the briefs, and he straightened up, glancing at me over his shoulder. Just a hint of pink tinted his face.


“You’re breathtaking,” I assured him with a stab of guilt. I hadn’t said a word about how fabulous
body was. “Perfect.”


When he turned around, my heart stopped.


Without an ounce of shame, my eyes drifted down, drinking in every inch of him. He
perfect, and so hard, curving slightly in anticipation of completing me. The sight sent another tidal wave of hot lust rushing through me, pooling between my legs.


Jason held out his hand. “Your turn, beautiful,” he said, pulling me to my feet. I swayed for a moment, but he caught me, steadying me against his body. His tip was moist against my stomach, and I gasped again. I shuddered at the thought of how he would feel inside me.


“I told you how you affect me,” he said, then kissed me deeply, swallowing my surprise.


When he backed away, he raised his eyebrow at my slacks. “You seem to be a little overdressed. May I?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye.


“Yes,” I barely breathed. He copied my movements, bringing his hands slowly down the outside of my legs, then back up with his thumbs pressing firmly along my inner thighs. He didn’t hesitate at the top, immediately finding the source of the hot desire flowing from me.


Pressing his thumb against the center of my moistened slacks, he slowly dragged it forward. The other thumb followed close behind, taking with it my ability to stand. I reached for Jason’s shoulder to steady myself. Suddenly my slacks fell to the ground. While I concentrated on staying upright, Jason leaned over and freed my feet from the pants. As he did, his hair—his luscious, thick hair—brushed my thighs.


I wavered, unable to feel my toes.


He leaned back and caught my hands. “Are you all right?” he said, turning his face to mine.


“Oh, God, yes,” I whispered and bent down to kiss him. As our mouths met, his hands released mine and found their way to my lower back. His fingers slowly slid down, catching the edge of my plain, black bikinis and sending them to the floor. He ended the kiss, and I realized he’d captured my hands and was silently urging me to straighten up.


I tried to bring my hands down and together to hide myself, but Jason held firm and scanned me from head, to chest, to hips. His gaze traveled lower, but I stared at the floor, suddenly insecure.


“Magnificent,” was all he said, and I managed to peek at him. The flames that danced in his eyes may have been echoes of the fire across the room, but they matched the desire burning in his voice. “Come here,” he coaxed.


Jason slid himself between the sheets, giving me a gentle tug before releasing my fingers. With a single sweep of his arm, he banished the extra pillows and candies to the floor.


I climbed in after him—and promptly got caught in the covers. It took some embarrassing squirming to untangle myself.


Avoiding further awkwardness, Jason guided my arms around his neck. For a silent moment he held me close, then gave me a careful kiss.


Guessing at what he was about to ask, I hitched my leg over his. “I want you, Jason,” I whispered against his lips. “So much it hurts.”


No more questions. No more doubts
. I stroked his calf with my foot, opening my hips to him.


With renewed intensity, he kissed me—no,
me. One hand at my back, one at my neck, he held me so tight I couldn’t tell where he started and I ended. Only one match was yet to be made, one last connection.


His fingers roamed down my back and over my hip, lingering, squeezing, teasing.


So close.
He paused, so I moved against him, delighting when he grabbed my ass in response. More than naughty, I sucked in his earlobe, letting it slip out between my teeth.


“You promised me more than eight seconds, remember?” I breathed.


“Holy hell, woman,” he croaked. His hand slipped lower, his fingertips sliding smoothly through the welcoming wetness. With a high-pitched gasp, every cell in my body exploded in an inferno of tingling pleasure. His fingers moved steadily back and forth, matching the rhythm of his body. When he slowed, I moaned, “No,” and he slid his fingers back—then inside me.


With a quiet scream I arched my back, driving my chest to his face. He withdrew his moistened fingers, and I cried out again. Jason’s ability to tease and arouse me at such a slow pace was gloriously frustrating. His fingers repeated their erotic slide, and as he entered me, his mouth caught my breast. My entire body
, and the first hints of the coming orgasm burst through me.


His fingers retreated, and he released my nipple.


“Jason…” I begged.


“Melissa,” he whispered hoarsely. “What is it you really want?”


Answering his question with my touch, I sent my hand down his chest, over his abs, and through the stiff curls at the base of what I wanted. His fingers stilled, allowing me to concentrate as my hand drifted lower, cupping the delicate velvet between his legs.


“Soft,” I whispered, carefully fondling his vulnerable sac. Moving higher, I wrapped a finger and thumb around him and thrilled at how his whole body stiffened. I slowly stroked his solid, silky length once. “And oh, so hard.”


“Please,” he begged through his teeth. “I want you, Melissa, so much.”


I wrapped another finger around him, stroking him a little faster this time, and he drove his hips against my hand with a deep, unrestrained growl. I stroked him one last time, grasping with my entire hand, and he threw his head back, barking my name.


“Jason, make love to me,” I pleaded.


His lips met mine before I finished speaking, his kiss scrambling my thoughts. The rattle of foil registered in my brain somewhere between
I hope I remember how to do this
Take me now, damn it!


My legs opened eagerly when his fingers returned, stroking me with such a tantalizing lightness that he brought me right to the edge of climax. My teeth snapped together in a desperate attempt to hold back the wonderful finale.


“Now!” I cried.


Effortlessly, Jason rolled on top of me, and with a shared moan our bodies became one.


The shock of his invasion—and his size—interrupted my pleasure for one distracting second, reminding me just how long it’d been since I’d had sex.


He froze, his eyes locking on mine, questioning.


“Jason, I want this. I want
,” I whispered earnestly, and contracted around him.


The uneasiness vanished, and we lay motionless, filled with the completeness of becoming one. I kissed him as deeply as I could, hoping to convey the desire words couldn’t.


Slowly, Jason pulled his lips away. “God, Melissa, you feel so good,” he breathed as his hips began the one dance I did know. With long, slow, deliberate passes he filled me over and over again, refusing to surrender to the eminent ecstasy. At first I rocked with him, matching his movements, but as the intensity increased, I stilled, giving him complete rein over me. His eyes closed tightly, and the tenor of his movements changed.
, I thought,
…and his tempo increased without a sound.


Beads of sweat covered my skin as I focused on reaching that one delectable goal. I pinched my eyes shut and held my breath, willing myself over the edge. With a muffled cry I came first, arching into him. In that blissful, eternal second, there was only Jason; all my senses filled by him, all my being was his. His last strokes held my climax for a few more glorious moments, and then he joined me in orgasmic ecstasy, pulsing deep within me. I whispered his name as he lowered his body onto mine, resting his head on my shoulder.

BOOK: Whirlwind
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