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Authors: Ellie Dean

While We're Apart (40 page)

BOOK: While We're Apart
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‘But it's such an awful thing to realise that my father was no more than a cheap crook. Heaven only knows what sort of woman my mother was to get entangled with him.'

Peggy gave a shrug, unwilling to lie any more.

Mary's tears shone in the firelight. ‘I've been so certain about who I was and where I'd come from until now. But I've been guilty of lying and of deceit. What if I've inherited my father's dishonesty and slyness – or worse, my mother's morals? Emmaline was constantly telling me I was born with the mark of sin on my soul – and now I know why.'

Peggy couldn't stand it any longer, and she moved across to her and gathered her into her arms. ‘My dear little Mary, please don't cry. Everyone fibs now and again, and it was horribly unkind and unjust of Emmaline to say such things.'

She felt Mary nestle against her and had to blink back her own tears. ‘You're a sweet girl,' she continued as she stroked the long silky hair, ‘and as honest as the day. Why, you even faced up to Doris about playing at the Anchor – and that took some courage, I know.'

Peggy drew back and gently cupped Mary's face as she looked into her eyes. ‘You have been raised by a good and loving father who taught you right from wrong, and that is a lesson you will carry for the rest of your life, Mary. Don't let what you've heard tonight cast a shadow over all that Gideon taught you. You would be betraying his memory if you did that.'

‘Yes,' Mary breathed through her tears, ‘I would, wouldn't I?' She withdrew from the embrace and pulled a handkerchief from the sleeve of her sweater. Once her tears were dried, she seemed to be far more in control. ‘I'm glad you've told me everything, Peggy,' she said quietly, ‘because knowing what I do now has made me see that I must put all this behind me and start afresh.'

Peggy kissed her cheek. ‘I'm sure Barbara and Joseph will welcome you back with open arms,' she said warmly. ‘After all, there's no place like home.'

Mary shook her head. ‘No, you don't understand, Peggy. I'm not planning on leaving Cliffehaven.'

Peggy's pulse stuttered as she stared at her. ‘But I thought you said you'd only come down here to look for Cyril – and if it proved impossible, you'd be returning home?'

Mary smiled. ‘That was the initial plan,' she agreed, ‘but going home now would be a very backward step, don't you think? I like it here. I'm enjoying my job and earning my own money, and I've started to make friends – lovely friends like you and Ivy and the girls I work with. And I really can't complain about my billet – not now I know how to deal with your sister.'

Peggy didn't know what to say.

‘Don't look so shocked, Peggy,' Mary teased. ‘Anyone would think you didn't want me to stay.'

‘Of course I want you to stay,' Peggy told her hastily. ‘You could even move in here, if you'd prefer. I have a spare room.'

Mary's smile widened. ‘That's very kind of you, and it would have been lovely, but I'm settling in with Mrs Williams and Ivy quite nicely now. I will be a regular visitor to Beach View, though, so you won't be getting rid of me quite so easily.'

Peggy's emotions were all over the place, for on the one hand she was delighted – but on the other there was always the fear that her lies would be uncovered. ‘How lovely,' she managed through a tight throat. ‘So how long do you think you'll stay in Cliffehaven?'

‘Until the end of next August,' Mary replied. ‘I'll have to take up my place at teaching college in the September, but being here in Cliffehaven has already given me so many new experiences that I feel quite excited by the future possibilities.'

Peggy regarded the shining blue eyes and excited smile with deep affection before she gave the girl a hug. ‘It will all be marvellous, I'm sure,' she said firmly as they finally drew apart. ‘Now you run along and join the others in the kitchen while I dampen down the fire in here.'

She saw Mary hesitate, and shooed her out of the room with the assurance that she could easily tidy up on her own and would be with her soon.

Once the door had closed behind Mary, Peggy sank into her chair and stared unseeing into the glowing embers of the slowly dying fire. She wasn't proud of what she'd done tonight, but in essence she'd told the truth about the man who'd fathered Mary, and it seemed the girl was sensible enough to realise that she would gain nothing from finding him.

And yet Fate seemed determined to thwart her, tightening the threads of the tangled web of lies and secrets that held all of them prisoner. Unless something extraordinary happened, Peggy could see no way out of it.

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Epub ISBN: 9781448165278

Version 1.0

Published by Arrow Books 2015

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Copyright © Ellie Dean 2015

Ellie Dean has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

This novel is a work of fiction. Apart from references to actual historical figures and places, all other names and characters are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

First published in Great Britain in 2015 by

Arrow Books

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 9780099585329

BOOK: While We're Apart
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