Where I Live

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Authors: Eileen Spinelli

BOOK: Where I Live
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Text copyright © 2007 by Eileen Spinelli Illustrations copyright © 2007 by Matt Phelan
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Spinelli, Eileen.
Where I live / Eileen Spinelli ; illustrated by Matt Phelan.
p. cm.
Summary: In a series of poems, Diana writes about her life, both
before and after her father loses his job and she and her family
move far away to live with Grandpa Joe.
eISBN : 978-1-101-07826-6
{1. Moving, Household—Fiction. 2. Family life—Fiction.
3. Astronomy—Fiction. 4. Novels in verse.] I. Phelan, Matt, ill.
II. Title.
PZ7.5.S68Wh 2007


Hannah Schwartz,
Ellen Mager,
the folks at Chester County Book Company
For my family
This is Where I Live
This is where I live—
in the yellow house
with the white shutters.
I'm the one who helped plant
the maple tree in the front yard,
the one who waters
the daffodils in the spring,
who rakes the leaves in autumn.
My room is on the second floor.
See my window?
This morning I looked out
and saw my best friend, Rose,
waving to me.
“Wanna ride bikes?” she called.
The sun was shining,
the sky was so blue,
I thought I could swim in it.
My heart was happy.
It's a good day when
the sky is blue
and the sun is bright
and Rose and I have plans.
New Resident
A wren has made
her nest
in the willow wreath
on our front door.
Now the yellow house
is her home
Note to My Grandpa
Dear Grandpa Joe,
Thank you for
the money you sent.
I am going to buy
Rose will help me
paint my room.
I'm thinking
midnight blue—
that will go best
with my astronomy charts.
I will send you
a picture of my room
when we finish.
Where Grandpa Joe Lives
Grandpa Joe lives far away,
near Pittsburgh.
A six-hour drive.
We don't go very often.
My little sister, Twink,
gets itchy in the car.
Every mile she says:
“I'm hungry!”
“I'm bored!”
“I need to go to the bathroom!”
“Are we there yet?”
I get itchy
just listening to her.
Grandpa Joe comes to us.
He's lucky:
no itchy Twink
all the way
from Pittsburgh.
Naming Twink
I gave Twink her name.
It used to be Lucy.
But when she was an infant
I sang to her:
“Twinkle, twinkle little star ...”
Over and over.
I wanted to teach her
to love the night sky
as much as I did.
When baby Lucy
finally spoke,
her first word
was not
“Ma-ma” or
“Da-da” or even
Baby Lucy's
first word was
“I named you.”
I remind her
She hates when
I do that.
She folds her arms
across her chest
and pouts and says,
“I named myself!”

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