When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie (2 page)

BOOK: When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie
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From Siah’s perfectly toned arms and chest that were graced with the right amount of body art, to his slightly bowed legs, that I’m sure was due to the blessing that was between them, everything about this man screamed living, breathing, addiction. It was evident in the way he walked, talked, hell, simply the way he breathed, and I was an addict. Yep, my ass was sprung the second I laid eyes on him, but little did I know, Siah would end up being my worst headache.

He had tracked me down and forced his way into my life, not really giving a fuck that I was with Royce. I couldn't do Royce like that, so Siah and I kinda kicked it on the low, even after I finally walked away from what Royce and I had. Siah hated it, but he did it out of respect for me. I had damn near begged because Royce was cool, and he had always been square with me. But Siah was a drug, and after my first hit, I was addicted. Siah was trouble, though. Every female wanted him and every guy hated him, which was one reason why I never let anyone know that we were kicking it.

I knew he would never be with just me, so my way of coping was to let him live his life while I lived mine. Only difference was that Siah felt like I was his, and no matter how much I pretended, I wasn't actually living my life. He hated me being with anybody but him, even though he had hoes on top of hoes day in and day out. I couldn't count the number of times he had rolled up on me and shut me down from kicking it with the next man. I eventually learned to live with it, but it annoyed me that he could do whatever he wanted and I had to play by his rules. Problem was, half of Siah was better than no Siah. I needed him. Crazy as it sounded, I accepted his terms because I needed him.

Royce and I weren't together anymore, but we still kicked it occasionally. He was a good substitute when Siah wasn't around, but he wasn't Yosiah. I made it work, though, because Royce was A-1 too. He kept me satisfied, it’s just that my heart wasn't with him the way it was with Siah. Crazy, I know, but some things we have no control over, and my addiction to Yosiah was one of those things.


“Yo, you wrong as fuck for sending him out to Hawthorne like that. You know that nigga cussing your black ass for days. Ain't shit going on out there, ’cause Hollis be on point with his, and you sending Royce out there to check on him is gonna piss him off.”

I chuckled. “Man, fuck Royce. That nigga wanna keep his job then he’ll go wherever the fuck I tell him to go. I already hit Hollis up and told him to keep that nigga busy for a minute.”

I let my head fall back and my eyes closed. I was high as fuck, as Jock pulled away from the club. I sent Royce on a pointless trip to check on a few things, just to make sure he didn't show up at Nonie’s crib. I was good for that shit, but I could do that. Royce and Nonie used to be solid, but she eventually let him go after we started fucking around. It wasn't that I ever really intended to fuck up her relationship, but once I had Nonie, a nigga got possessive as a muthafucker.

I should have felt bad for scooping her up like that, but Royce wasn't for Nonie. He straight, I guess, and probably better for her too. But Royce wasn't me. He couldn't handle somebody like Nonie. Besides, she was mine from the second I laid eyes on her. We kept that shit on the low, though. That was her thing. She didn’t wanna hurt that nigga’s feelings, even though I didn't give a fuck how he felt about it. I only went along with it ’cause she asked me to, and Nonie got what she wanted from me… well almost anything. Commitment wasn't in the cards, but everything else she was good for, so the only people who really knew about us was Jock, and Kizzie. The way I was blocking her ass with other niggas likely had people assuming, but nobody questioned me on anything I did, so that shit was just that, assumptions.

“Royce is dumb as fuck. I can't believe he still don't know you fucking with Nonie.” Jock laughed a little like he was talking more to himself than me. He did that shit all the time, so I didn't even respond. If he wanted me to, he’d let me know. “Where you heading, bruh?” Jock asked, now addressing me.

I thought about it for a minute. I was high as fuck and wanted to lay up under a female, but I also wanted to see Nonie. Problem was, she might be on that bullshit and holding out on me, so I didn't know if I wanted to fuck with shorty or not. If she was in one of her moods, we’d be arguing and shit and I’d end up in one of her guest rooms instead of between her legs. Fuck it. It had been a minute, and I missed my shorty.

Swing me around to Nonie’s crib and then have somebody bring my whip there. Nah wait, fuck that, you bring my shit. Them niggas can't drive, and if they wreck my shit, I’m bodying a muthafucker.

Jock laughed. “Aight, bet. But I’ll be a lil minute. I need to swing by and hit Kizzie off real quick, but I’ll make sure your shit is there before you wake up in the morning, with your rise and shine ass.”

I chuckled. “Man, fuck you, nigga. I got business to handle. Fuck all that sleeping in shit.”

“Yeah, I feel you.”

When Jock pulled up in front of Nonie’s crib, I dapped him up and got out. I told him not to wait, since I had a key. Yeah, I had a key to her spot. She had handed it off on some emergency only type shit, but we both knew what it was. There was no need for Jock to wait because I was going in either way, and if she was on some shit, I would just hop in the shower and take my ass to sleep.

I stepped into Nonie’s house and it was dark and quiet. I could tell from watching shorty all night that she was lit, so that meant that she was likely knocked out. After locking up again, I stopped by the kitchen first and checked the fridge. I hadn't been by her spot in about two weeks, so I didn't know if she had laced me or not, but sure enough, she had a six pack of Heineken sitting pretty for me. I smiled, thinking about how her mean ass always tried to front like she hated me but still made sure she looked out.

I grabbed two and then made my way to her bedroom. When I pushed open the cracked door, Nonie was balled up in the center of her king sized bed knocked out. She had one leg kicked out the covers, exposing her plump ass, which forced a grin on my face. As usual, she was naked, which had my dick instantly moving to brick status. But after having females all over me, I needed to hop in the shower.

I would never lay up under Nonie with another woman's scent on me, even if I didn't fuck her. I respected shorty too much for that. Technically, she wasn't mine, but I was claiming her, which meant that I showed her mad respect. In fact, Nonie was the only female I respected that way. Other bitches could suck my dick if they didn't like how I treated them, but with Nonie it was different. She had me on some gentleman type shit, and that wasn’t even my thing.

I was a street nigga, and trust me when I say, I had no love for hoes. Nonie was my baby girl though, so she got privileges that other females only dreamed of. I just couldn’t let go of my ways enough to lock her down and be what she needed me to be. Not yet, anyway, but it was coming. For now, I was simply young, making money and having fun. I just hoped I didn't fuck around and miss out.

Being raised the way I had been, I honestly I didn’t know if I had it in me to pull off that monogamy shit. Hell, my pops was an OG, a got damn pimp in every sense of the word. My moms died when I was a baby, so my pops and his women had raised me. I had so many so called mother figures that I couldn't keep count, but I was always cared for.

Still, coming up that way had damaged me. I learned to spread myself around, and that was a hard habit to break. My pops loved the fuck outta me, but he didn't teach me a damn thing ’bout how to love a woman. I could fuck one into a coma because my stroke game was something fierce, nothing to play with. But on some love type shit, don't come looking my way ’cause I had none to give. Nonie was as close as I had ever come to love, but even she couldn't tame my wild ass.

After watching her sleep for a minute, I pulled open my drawer and grabbed some boxers to slide into and then headed for the shower. Yeah, I had shit at her house. Nonie looked out because she never knew when I would fall through, and nights like this were the norm for me. Sometimes it wasn't even about sex, I would just fall through to talk and chill.

Nonie was like my best friend, my sounding board and shit, so when I needed to clear my mind and escape, I would fall through and just kick it with her. We were cool like that because she had the ability to tame the demons in my head. My life was stressful as fuck, so sometimes I needed her in that way.

See, I run New Jersey. It started with my pops, and was passed down to me. Being that it was a legacy, I had to make good on it, which I did. My empire had damn near tripled what my pops had, and he was doing the damn thing back then.

I had a shit load of people working for me, and moved more weight than most could imagine. On top of that, I had several legit businesses that required my attention, which meant that I was always on the go. Up early and in the bed late, so sometimes I just needed to put everything down and chill. When I needed that, Nonie was my go to.

She didn’t want anything from me but my time, and I loved that about her. Nonie was a hustler. She and her homegirl, Kizzie, had a party planning gig, and they made shit happen. Something from nothing. Everybody used them when they needed a hot joint to pop off, and my shorty was doing her thing.

She made me proud ’cause on the humble, she didn't need me, and that was priceless. Because of who I was, I lived in a world where people always had their hand out to me, but not Nonie. Even when I surprised her with the Benz she drives now, it sat in her driveway for a month because she had too much pride to accept it from me.
I can buy my own shit, Yosiah
, she’d sang over and over again. When she realized I wasn't taking it back, she eventually broke down and started driving it. Now you can't pay her to hop her ass in that damn Acura she used to rock with.

Nonie was my lil rider. I pray one day I figure it out and learn how to slow my wild ass down enough to make things official. For now, we were just Siah and Nonie, and that was good enough for me.

The next morning, I woke up to Nonie wrapped around half of my body. Her leg was across me with her goodness pressed against my thigh, her head on my chest and her hand on the side of my face. This was the type of thing that made me wanna get my shit together. Nonie had me wanting to wake up to this every got damn day.

When my lips connected with her forehead, she stirred a little and release a soft moan before I heard my name. It was sexy as fuck, and had me ready to slide up in her, so I gently moved from under her until I could hover over her body. After a few flutters, her eyes opened and a scowl formed on her pretty little face.

“Siah, what are you doing here?”

“What's more important, why I’m here, or the fact that I’m here?” I said with smirk.

Nonie rolled her eyes, but damn sure didn't move. She did however turn her head and glance at the clock next to her bed. It was after eight, which was late for me, but I wasn't about to leave without blessing her.

“Don't you have shit to do?” she asked and pushed me away just enough to move from under me.

She hopped out the bed, and I rolled over on my back before I stood and stretched. Nonie didn't bother to put on any clothes. Instead, she simply strutted her fine naked ass right into the bathroom, so I followed. I found her standing in the mirror pulling her hair into a ponytail while I walked straight to the toilet and released all the drinks I had the night before.

“This why you sent Royce away last night?” Nonie asked before she shoved her toothbrush into her mouth, but she kept her eyes on me.

I flushed and walked to the sink to wash my hands, but didn't say anything. I searched the counter for my toothbrush but it wasn't there, so I pulled the drawer open and found it.

“Why you got my shit in here, Nonie?”

She spit in the sink, rinsed it, and then dropped her toothbrush back in the holder. “You know why, so don't ask me shit you already know the answer to. I don't need Royce questioning me about it.”

“Man, fuck Royce, and any other muthafucker you think got some kind of opinion about what I do. I’ll tell all them niggas and dare them to say shit.”

She rolled her eyes at me and then left the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth, I joined her. She was pissed because she was in the process of trying to put some clothes on, which I quickly put a stop to.

“You mad, Pretty?” I asked after I snatched her shirt and tossed it on the floor.

“Hell no, I’m not mad. You don't run shit here, so what the fuck do I need to be mad about?”

Aside from the way her pretty face was balled up, I could tell she was pissed because every other word she spoke as a cuss word. Nonie didn't really talk like that unless she was heated about something. I used one hand to grip the back of her neck and roped the other around her waist before I closed the space between us. Looking down at Nonie, I locked eyes with her until she broke down and smiled.

“That's better, Pretty. I know you missed me.” I leaned down and kissed her lips.

She kissed me back. “I hate your arrogant ass, I swear.”

“Man, gone with that slick shit you talking. If you hate me so much, why your little ass grinning while you saying it?”

I walked her back until we reached the bed, where Nonie sat down and watched while I stepped out of my boxers. Her eyes were on my massive erection as it sprung to life. Solid and heavy, it bounced a little, forcing a smile on her face. She knew what was coming and she craved it. I could see it in her eyes.

I moved to her, spreading her legs as wide as they would go before scaling her body until I reached her waist. I planted a trail of kisses down her stomach until my lips reached her inner thighs.

“Siah,” softly escaped her lips before she released a moan that was slightly louder than my name.

I gripped her thigh with one hand while I used the other to stroke my growing erection. My lips connected with her swollen clit. I felt Nonie's hands move across my head before they found my shoulders in an attempt to push me away.

Fuck that, I was digging for gold. I sucked and licked like she was my addiction. Shit, she was. I needed her just as much as she needed me, and right now, I needed her river to flow.

“Damn, Siah, wait. I’m about to… oh shit.” Nonie's hands gripped the sheets as back to back orgasms flowed through her body. When my fingers entered her, she was on the verge of a third, but fighting it hard.

“You good, Pretty?” I asked between rotations of my tongue and my lips.

Nonie didn't respond verbally, but her third orgasm hit, giving me my answer. By now she was weak, her breathing was accelerated and she was begging for mercy, but I was just getting started. She knew better, wasn't no tapping out happening until I was ready.

I lifted my head and smiled at Nonie, whose eyes were halfway open. Her face was balled up because she was trying her best to regain some type of composure, but I had other plans for her. Moving up her body, while allowing my lips to connect with her skin, I grinned as it pulsed because she was still sensitive to touch. When I entered her, she threw her head back, exposing the length of her neck.

“Slow, Siah, please… I need a minute,” she whined, moving her hands between our bodies.

I chuckled and gave in to her request. With only the head inside her, I stretched her opening, not moving any further than that until she was ready to receive all of me. Sex with Nonie was always an experience. She had me praying for strength from the moment I entered her, which was insane to me. I had a lot of women, all the time, but it was always different with her. It wasn't just about her body. She got in my head in a way that heightened the experience.

BOOK: When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie
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