When We Meet Again (9 page)

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Authors: Victoria Alexander

Tags: #Historical

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"I prefer to keep my arms, thank you, " Miss Effington snapped, her resolution to be grateful apparently forgotten. "Besides, you said it yourself, you're a prince without a country, Mr. Pruzinsky. I should think that would diminish your merit as a potential husband somewhat." Lady Smythe-Windom gasped. "Pamela!"

"Nonetheless, royal blood flows in my veins. The blood of generations of kings of Avalonia and the nobility of Europe. The same blood that shall flow in the veins of my children. " He narrowed his eyes.

"You could do far worse than a prince for a match, Miss Effington, with or without a country, and I seriously doubt a woman of your advanced years could do better." Miss Effington's eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.

"Your Highness. " Roman groaned.

Alexei ignored him and stepped closer to Miss Effington in what he fully intended to be a most threatening manner. He stared down at her and noted in the back of his mind that she was really quite lovely when she was stunned into silence and wondered as well why he had not noticed before. Her unusually dark eyes contrasted nicely with her fair hair. Her skin was smooth and touched delicately with peach, and she was the perfect height for him. Just tall enough to allow him to easily kiss the nape of her neck if he so desired. He did rather enjoy kissing the nape of a lovely neck. Not that he would kiss this neck of course. Indeed, he had barely met this woman, but already he had had more than enough of her.

"Miss Effington, " he said in a low growl meant for her ears alone. She glared up at him and stood her ground. An admirable, if annoying, quality. Her gaze locked with his, and for one extraordinary moment he was not entirely sure if he wished to chastise her or kiss her. And for one moment it seemed entirely possible she would kiss him back. Ridiculous idea, of course. He brushed the thought away and began again. "Miss Effington."

"Mr. Pruz—" She sighed. "Your Highness?"

There was something unique about the woman though. Maddening and most exasperating but unique nonetheless. Rather a pity he had promised not to seduce her.

"Your Highness?" she repeated, arching a delicate brow.

"Women, Miss Effington, have always had a remarkable propensity to throw themselves at my feet. I would be foolish indeed if I did not understand that a great deal of my attraction lay in my title and wealth and the power I wielded."

"And without that power?" Her voice was low, as if her anger had mellowed, faded to something much more... enticing. Upon reconsideration, it wasn't an actual promise.

"I do not yet know, Miss Effington. " In truth, his remark about not seducing her was nothing more than an offhand comment. Scarcely carrying the weight of a true vow. "But I am confident that my charms are not contingent on my title."

"Confident or arrogant?" An odd intensity shone in her eyes, and he knew without question she was as intrigued by him as he was by her.

"It scarcely matters. " What would she do, indeed what would the entire room do, if he pulled her into his arms this very moment? Would Lady Smythe-Windom allow even a prince that liberty? Probably not. Pity. "Your eyes are lovely, Miss Effington."

"Come now, Your Highness. If that is a display of your charms, surely you can do better. " Her voice had a slightly breathless quality.

"Indeed, I could, Miss Effington. " He leaned closer until there was scarcely more than a whisper between them. "Shall I tell you about your lips then? Full and ripe and begging to be kissed?" His gaze slipped to her lips and back to her eyes. "Or shall I speak of the perfection of your skin? Or the—"

"Your Highness, " Lady Smythe-Windom's exasperated tone rang in the room. "No one save Pamela can hear whatever it is you're saying because you are standing entirely too close to her, and it is most improper. However, I shall let it pass because she has not yet slapped your face, and you have not yet wrapped your hands around her throat. I am assuming this lack of violence is an indication that for now at least you have resolved your differences."

Alexei glanced into Pamela's dark eyes and was more than satisfied to note a flicker of what might have been indecision. How very interesting. Possibly even exciting. He straightened and stepped back.

"For now. " Alexei met the other woman's gaze. "However, I have no intention of marrying Miss Effington or anyone else at the moment."

"Nor do I, " Miss Effington said quickly although not with the same vehemence as she had a moment ago. "Not at the moment, that is."

"If the two of you will allow me to explain my idea, you'll find I am not proposing marriage. That would be absurd. Even I can see you have nothing in common save an instant dislike of one another, although I daresay successful marriages have been built on substantially less, " Lady Smythe-Windom said coolly.

"What I am proposing is nothing more than courtship."

"Courtship without marriage, " Alexei said slowly.

"You've always been rather good at that, Your Highness, " Roman said under his breath.

"Well, I for one do not see the point of it. " Clarissa shrugged. "Marriage is the culmination of courtship. Courtship without marriage is like marriage without—"

"And as no one here is interested in marriage. at least not now and not to each other, this should work out rather nicely. " Lady Smythe-Windom cast Alexei a brilliant smile, and he suspected he would come to fear that smile. "It's really very simple, Your Highness. Six years ago, Pamela was involved in—oh what is the word?"

"Dear Lord. " Pamela sank into the closest chair and covered her eyes with her hand. "Take me now."

"An indiscretion, " Clarissa offered.

"And scandal. The silliest of scandals really as the world sees such things but scandal in England nonetheless. " Lady Smythe-Windom lowered her voice in a confidential manner. "Involving a truly despicable young man who should have been drawn and quartered for his crimes."

"Miss Effington? The oh so very concerned with propriety Miss Effington? I must say I am shocked. " Alexei bit back a grin. "Apparently I am not the only one with a dreadful past." Miss Effington muttered something he did not hear, and he thought it for the best.

"Needless to say she was ruined. " Lady Smythe-Windom sighed regrettably.

"Was she indeed?" Alexei wondered just how serious this ruination was. From what he had seen of the English through the years, it could well have been something the rest of the world would scarcely note as significant at all. Or it might have been an incident even he might consider truly scandalous. Miss Effington moaned, buried her face in her hands, and seemed, if possible, to sink even lower into the chair. Alexei was fairly certain if a large fissure opened up in the floor at this very moment, Miss Effington would quite happily throw herself into it.

Lady Smythe-Windom nodded. "Indeed she was although in London there is a minor scandal every third
day and something really tasty every week or two. By the next season it might well have been forgotten altogether. Therefore, there was no need for it, mind you, but Pamela took it upon herself to leave the country and join me in my travels. She has not returned to London since." This was extraordinarily interesting. The Miss Effington he had met today did not at all strike him as the type of woman to flee her home because of a bit of scandal. Today's Miss Effington did not appear to be frightened by anything. Apparently she was not entirely as she appeared.

"Now that Pamela has returned, she would prefer if society forgets about her past. The very best way to do that is on the arm of a prince. " Lady Smythe-Windom beamed. Miss Effington jerked her head up, confusion on her face. "What?"

"If I understand her correctly, what your aunt is trying to say, Miss Effington, " Alexei paused to choose the right words, "is that no one will care or probably even remember an indiscretion of—how long ago?" Miss Effington rolled her gaze toward the ceiling. "Six years."

"Six years? That is a long time in exile. " He had scarcely been away from his homeland for six months, yet it already seemed a lifetime. "At any rate, the past will not matter in the least if in the present you are seen in the company of a prince who is quite obviously captivated by you, in a most respectable way of course. Any memory of your long-ago indiscretion will be swept away by the brilliance of the match you have now made."

Miss Effington straightened, her eyes wide. "That's very good. Very good indeed."

"It is, isn't it?" Lady Smythe-Windom grinned in a most immodest manner.

"Beyond that, when our charade is at an end. and you have sent me away for whatever reason your aunt devises—"

"Infidelity would work, Your Highness, " Roman suggested. "It is an excellent reason for a lady to sever a relationship. And when the gentleman in question has a reputation as impressive as yours, infidelity is practically to be expected."

"Brilliant observation, " Alexei said dryly. "I shall keep it in mind. As I was saying, in the wake of our ill-fated liaison, I suspect you shall have no problem finding a suitable match if you so wish. Men always see a woman who is already taken, particularly one who was desired by royalty, as more attractive than one who is available. " Alexei glanced at Lady Smythe-Windom. "Am I correct thus far?"

"Indeed you are, Your Highness. " Lady Smythe-Windom nodded with enthusiasm. "And it shall be even better if, as you suggested, the two of you are betrothed."

Alexei started. "As I suggested? I do not recall suggesting anything of the sort."

"It did indeed sound that way, Your Highness, " Roman said under his breath. "The brilliance of the match comment I believe."

Pamela stared at Alexei. "And you are willing to do this?"

"Absolutely not. " Alexei huffed. "I have already said I do not wish to make my presence in London known. That precludes attendance at any society function whatsoever and completely eliminates the public exhibition of a betrothal."

"That's that then although, in truth, it scarcely matters. " Miss Effington rose to her feet, resolve in the very line of her body. "I am more than capable of resuming my life and venturing into society without a prince. Indeed, I had fully expected to do so."

"Your Highness, this is a condition of your residing in our home. " Lady Smythe-Windom fixed him with an uncompromising gaze. "If you refuse, regardless of Count Stefanovich's assertion that legal action will take a considerable amount of time, I will initiate such action. That, and the fact that I will not hesitate to tell the biggest gossips in London that you are here, will effectively end your desire for anonymity and privacy.

"I do hope you realize that, aside from anything else you are seeking to avoid, an eligible prince residing in London, regardless of whether he has a country or not, will become the target for every lady with a marriageable daughter in England. I daresay the matters of state, politics, rebellion, and crisis you mentioned a moment ago pale in comparison to the battles that will be waged for your hand. " She favored him with a pleasant smile. "However, it is entirely your choice."

"I see you are not as gracious as you first appeared. " Alexei stared. Lady Smythe-Windom folded her hands in front of her and stared back, her gaze and her smile unwavering. If one didn't know better, one would have believed her to be innocuous and quite harmless. Obviously erroneous assumptions. Even so...

"I will not be forced into this absurd farce against my will."

"Your Highness. " Roman stepped quickly to his side and murmured low in his ear. "Do not forget we do not have the funds to rent another house and, even if she refunds our money, there is nothing available save perhaps a hotel, and that would provide no privacy whatsoever."

"There is that, " Alexei murmured.

"It is entirely possible as well that the bank might look with favor upon a man who will soon become part of one of England's most notable families and release your funds with greater speed. Indeed, I shall make it a point to query our man at the bank on the question later today."

"No real choice then?" Alexei said out of the corner of his mouth. Roman shook his head. "None that I can see, Your Highness."

"I thought not. Very well. " Alexei straightened and drew a deep breath. "However. " He summoned his most charming smile, the one guaranteed to melt the heart of even the most resistant virgin, and aimed it at Lady Smythe-Windom. "As your guest I should be delighted to lend my assistance in whatever manner you desire."

"Are you certain?" Miss Effington moved toward him, and her gaze searched his cautiously. "Even given the circumstances, it is rather a lot to ask."

"There are far worse things in this world than pretending to be in love with a beautiful woman and attending endless parties and, I suspect, having rather a good time of it. " He smiled down at her and shrugged. "I suppose, Miss Effington, I cannot hide forever although I had hoped to do just that for at least a short while. Besides, my schedule is surprisingly free at the moment, and I find myself with a great deal of time on my hands."

"I am most appreciative, Your Highness. " For the first time since he had met her a smile curved her lovely lips. And did something decidedly odd to the pit of his stomach.

"Mark my words, it shall all work out beautifully. Your Highness. Count. " Lady Smythe-Windom gave the gentlemen a satisfied nod, then started toward the door. "We shall further discuss our plans over dinner this evening. In the meantime, my nieces and I will spend the remainder of the day settling in and re-acquainting ourselves with the house."

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