When Totems Fall (42 page)

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Authors: Wayne C. Stewart

BOOK: When Totems Fall
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I write stories because I think stories matter. While Totems began as half personal dare and half rainy day downtime activity, I quickly began to realize that the characters and scenes coming together on the page meant something to me. And I hope they will to you, as well.


On the educational background side of things, I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Social Psychology and a Masters in Christian Worship Studies. I have long been fascinated by the complex worlds and characters of geopolitical thrillers and find that questions and conversations raised in both the arenas of psychology and theology have much to contribute to the human condition and the world we live in.


As a displaced Seattle native I am still a rabid Seahawks fan and lover of good coffee. My wife, Breta, and I have three amazing children, all off making the world a better place with the investments of their hearts, minds, and creativity.


You can contact me directly at [email protected]

Visit the website at: whentotemsfall.wordpress.com






So many people were critical to the process of this book coming about. I am indebted for the gifts of time and attention that helped at every step along the way. Thanks firstly to my family for letting me spend so much time in getting the manuscript completed and out there for people to read. Breta, my wife for your patience and wonderful proofing eye. The beta reading group: Allison Greenwald, Leif Wanager, Geri Shelton, and Kristin Uhrig for giving me enough direction and encouragement to keep going on to better versions. To E and J for your insight regarding Chinese culture that helped shape the characters more reasonably. And to Andrew Bradley, GySgt USMC, retired. Without you telling me it was obvious I had never served, the book would have been a much poorer reflection of those like you who have so faithfully given of yourselves with a protector's heart and skill.

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