When Tomorrow Ends (10 page)

Read When Tomorrow Ends Online

Authors: Cyndi Raye

Tags: #love story, #beach reads, #sexy romance, #alpha heroes, #falling in love, #contemporary romance, #new adult, #rich wealthy millionaire, #spies, #dating and relationships, #singlehood, #single women, #adventure

BOOK: When Tomorrow Ends
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Maggie never wanted to lose him and she missed being in his arms at night. She didn’t like to sleep alone any more. She would tell him the moment he hung up the phone.


“I’m sure you heard me tell Josh I’m going to take you to the Dolphin Rescue tomorrow, right?” At her nod, he continued. “Would you mind if we meet up with Josh and Sarah? He has a situation at the Bed and Breakfast in Key West and needs to talk to me.”


“That would be fun. Why don’t we see if Jon and Abby want to come along? I know Abbs would love to see the dolphins.” At his nod, she got on her cell and agreed to meet Abby and Jon first thing in the morning. She sat next to Jake as he drove the boat towards their home.


“Do me a favor?” he asked.




“Don’t wear that suit to swim with the dolphins. Please.” Maggie squeezed his arm and smiled before she nodded. She snuggled closer. He threw his arm around her shoulder and she looked up at him. “I didn’t realize friends got this intimate.”


He shrugged. “I guess we are friends with benefits, huh?”


She smiled and looked out at the water. “Jake, maybe we should call this friendship thing off and go back where we were. I miss you.”


Jake chuckled. “I’m afraid it’s too late.”


A shot of fear hit Maggie. “What do you mean it’s too late?”


“I planned out our next two weeks and I am strong enough to stick to the schedule. Are you?” He gazed in to her eyes as they challenged her.


“I guess so. It’s, well, it’s complicated. On one hand, I want you to pay attention to my like this and on the other hand I can’t stand the thought of sleeping alone. I need you Jake.”


He turned his head to the sea. She tilted her head and watched his profile, saw how he swallowed then pressed his jaw together. Maggie realized this was hard for him too. Perhaps he needed to do this so he could prove something to himself. “On the other hand, Jake, I do see the point of all this. I think you’re right. I’m going to be strong enough and stick to it. Friends?”


His placed a light kiss on her mouth. She wanted more, way more but his mind seemed made up and it was okay for now. He concentrated on docking the boat and she noticed a light burned in his kitchen window. “I think you forgot to turn out the lights when we left this morning. Want some help to clean up the kitchen?”


Jake helped her off the boat before he walked her to the door. “No Maggie. I don’t trust myself to have you in the house. Good night.” He turned to her and placed another light kiss on her cheek and then his mouth drifted to her hair. He took in a deep breath and was still for such a long time, Maggie wondered if he would change his mind.


She backed away first and threw him a kiss. “Good night my love,” she whispered as she closed the door to her bungalow. It would be a long night.




Jon showed up early the next morning.The two stood out by the docks while they waited on the women to get ready and discussed the situation. Jon didn’t get as involved as Jake, but it was because he kept himself so busy with the Urgent Care Center.


“Jon, I thought you were going to slow down since you met Abby. Didn’t the trip to John Hopkins help you decide that working 24/7 was too much?”


Jon shrugged. His hands went deep in his pockets. The two twins were so much alike and yet so different. “I loved the trip with Abby in the RV, but I ached to come back. She wasn’t too happy that I wanted to return, but I did promise to take more time off soon so we could spend time together again on the road.”


“She’s a good woman. Don’t mess it up like I almost did.”


Jon raised a brow. “It doesn’t look like you messed anything up. What’s going on?” he asked, curious. Jake told him about their relationship and how he put his work first before Maggie.


Maggie and Abby came out of the bungalow, arm in arm. Excitement rushed through Jake when Maggie smiled at him. Being separated was hard because he knew she was downstairs, not far away. He did admit, he appreciated her more and wanted her so bad he had to turn away so he could concentrate on driving the boat.


After some time on the water, an expensive scarab raced through the water towards them. Jake watched as Josh and Sara pulled up beside his boat. The ladies began to make all kinds of wild noises. Jake watched in amusement as they leaned over the boat.


“Can we ride with you?” one of them asked Josh. The older man looked up at Jake and he nodded. He’d give Maggie whatever made her happy. Besides, Josh was with Sara, he didn’t see any harm in the girls having some fun.


“We’ll meet you at the Research Center,” Josh yelled out and took off like a bat out of hell to impress the ladies. Jake and Jon watched as the ladies screams and wild laughter filled the air.


The twins shook their heads in unison. It would seem like a long ride until they reached the Dolphin Research. Nothing could keep up with the scarab and Josh was showing off. Jake had to admit to himself he was a little jealous.


“I wonder if Josh would let me borrow the scabard sometime,” Jon said out loud. “Abby seems to like it a lot!”


Jake nodded. “I was thinking the same thing, bro.”




After the research center, the couples went on their way, with Jake and Maggie agreeing to a girl’s and guy’s night out in Key West. Maggie picked up her cell and called someone as the boat docked.


“I’d like to make an appointment this evening for three.” After her call, she turned to Jake. “This will be a night to remember. We’re going to Destiny’s Art on Duval to get body painted.”


“Doesn’t that consist of being naked?” he asked, a stern look on his face.


She shrugged. “I’m not going to get all the way naked.” At that, Maggie waved and ran to her bungalow and slammed the door. She heard Jake behind her but tried to ignore him until he spoke right outside her closed door.


“If anyone touches you, I’ll tear them up.”


Maggie grinned. He was so protective.




The three couples met at the Inn With No Name, Jake’s Bed and Breakfast that Sara and Josh managed. Then the three women walked arm in arm to Duval street to get their bodies painted. The men acted as if they weren’t going to follow, but the open window in Destiny’s Art studio told them a different story.


Maggie looked up to see the three outside the studio. “Look who’s here,” she told the others.


The artist spoke up. “You should’ve seen the one guy. He tried to come down here, but we didn’t let him in. He threatened to buy the building. I laughed and made him leave.”


Maggie giggled. “That would be Jake. He owns this big company and thinks I’m his employee, I swear. But it is adorable how jealous they are. Perhaps this is good for them.”


Abby spoke up. “Jon told me he didn’t like me running around topless if he weren’t here to protect me!”


Maggie nodded. “I know, right. Jake told me if anyone touches me, he’ll tear them up. He’s so protective.” She didn’t want to tell them any more about their relationship at the moment. About how Jake wanted to be friends for two weeks to prove she meant the world to him. It was something Maggie wanted to keep to herself because her feelings were so raw right now.


“Josh told me to have a good time, but he looked so lost.”


“Sara doesn’t have to worry because Joshua probably has his men lurking in the back alley’s watching,” Abby said.


“What do you mean?” Sara asked, a puzzled look on her face.


“Did I spill the beans?”


“I think you did,” Maggie told Abby. They didn’t know Sara was clueless when it came to what Josh did for a living. She turned to Sara as the artist began to paint her. “I’m surprised he never told you he was an undercover agent.”


At Abby’s strained, shocked look, Maggie and Abby began to tell Sara how Josh was undercover for ten years. They explained how he brought down one of the worst drug dealers on the east coast. “I’m so sorry Sara. He should’ve told you. I’m not sure why he didn’t, but please let him explain himself, okay? I thought you knew or I wouldn’t have said a word.”


When the artist finished, Maggie felt daring and sexy. She wore a thong to cover the intimate parts, but the rest was brilliant. The artist drew a pair of skin tight mini blue jean shorts over her skin and then painted a black and gold Harley top over her breasts. She topped it off with a colorful headband and some gold chains that hung around her neck.


The ladies talked more about Sara’s situation and Sara agreed to forget it and try to have fun. “He’ll tell you, Sara, let him do it in his time.”


They all went up the steps to the front of the shop and as Maggie walked through the door on to the street, Jake turned and stared. He was unable to take his eyes off of her. She stood there for a moment, nervous. “What do you think?”


“I should’ve brought my bike,” Jake muttered. He went to her and claimed her with a deep kiss. When they broke apart, Maggie ran her tongue across her lips.


“My, my! I didn’t know friends behaved this way.” Her teasing tone made him smile.


“I’m afraid this friend has an agenda. We need to talk about our friendship. Later tonight.”


Sara’s voice rent the air as she began to argue with Josh. Maggie turned as Sara stomped away, following Abby, who shouted, “What do you say, let’s party it up!” Maggie grabbed Jake’s hand as they followed the others to a small bar tucked on a corner of Duval. They found a few tables and pushed them close together.


Sara and Josh were at odds with each other and Maggie told Sara to at least give him a chance to talk about why he lied to her, but Sara was in a dangerous mood. The three girls stood at a table while the guys bought drinks. “We didn’t tell you so you could make a spectacle of yourself Sara, even if I’m not sure why he hid this from you.”


Sara put her face in her hands as Josh appeared and asked to talk to her. When she refused, Maggie elbowed her. “Don’t be stubborn,” she whispered, “let him explain.” But Sara turned on Maggie, fury in her eyes. She stomped off to the dance floor where she began to dance with strangers.


Maggie tried, but now she wanted to spend time with Jake. The way he looked at her when she walked up the steps from the art studio made her shiver. He wanted her and tonight she would make sure he got whatever he wanted. They sipped their drinks and laughed at Jon and Abby, while Josh stood at their table, solemn, his eyes glued on Sara.


Maggie followed Josh’s eyes to the dance floor. Sara looked over her way, her eyes apologizing without saying a word. Maggie gave her a thumbs up. “It looks like those two have some things to straighten out,” Maggie told Jake as she brushed her mouth alongside his ear.


He nodded and turned so her mouth brushed his instead. “It looks like we are in the same situation. I think it’s time we put this to rest. You are my friend, Maggie. But most of all you are my love, the woman I want to be with. I shouldn’t try to pretend you’re anything else. I’m sorry.”


“Does this have anything to do with my body paint and the fact I am naked from the thong up?” she teased.


He stared in to her eyes. “Yes.” He began to draw tiny circles on her arm while he looked in to her eyes, unable to turn away.


Maggie sucked in a breath. If anything, Jake was honest. Blunt. It made her want him more. “I can’t wait to go home.”


Jake looked up at a loud noise. “It may have to wait,” he said and followed Jon to the dance floor where Josh blasted a brutal punch to a man’s face who tried to dance with Sara. The man, sprawled on the floor underneath a wooden table shook his head and tried to get up. The bar began to sizzle and Maggie knew all hell was about to break loose.


“Let’s go.” She took Abby’s hand and yanked, determined to get out before a brawl between too many patrons started. She heard Jake order Josh outside and took the lead as she almost ran through the open door of the bar.


They all headed up the street until Josh and Sara began to argue in the middle of the street. Maggie squeezed Jake’s hand. “This night is getting out of hand. We need to get those two home,” she told him. All of a sudden the sky cracked and rain began to fall as the heavens opened up. “Oh dear!” she shouted and ran towards Sara.


Abby had the same idea as the two ran in the rain to their friend. When they got their bodies painted earlier, Sara wanted water soluble paint so it wouldn’t react to her skin, which was tender to chemicals. Now with the surprise of a sudden thunderstorm, the rain washed away the paint and the colors all began to run down her body. Before the rain exposed her, Josh took her in his arms to shield her. It was a tender moment and almost stopped Maggie in her tracks.


Then Abby reached down to the bag that fell from Sara’s hand when the rain burst through the clouds and pulled out a top. She stood in front of Sara as Abby helped get her top back on. “I want to call it a night,” Sara told them. “I’m sorry, I guess I’m not the party girl after all.”


Maggie smiled. “Go home and make up,” she told her over the sound of the rain and wind that began to stir up. She looked for Jake, who stood under a canopy on the side walk with his brother. The two joined the men under the canopy.


“That is sweet of you two,” Maggie said. “Thank you for giving Sara space. I can’t believe the colors washed off of her so quick!” When she snuggled up to Jake, her breasts fit tight against his chest. He moaned. She looked up at him. “Want to call it a night as well?”

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