When the Stars Fade (The Gray Wars) (44 page)

BOOK: When the Stars Fade (The Gray Wars)
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“Good evening, Black Adders
Hennesy said. The crowd roared
Congratulations on what has to have been the best war game w
ve seen since Kronos training camp was founded back in 2158. The assembled generals, politicians and civilian consultants would have me thank each and every one of you for a masterful performance. You all executed your missions with audacity, with tactical proficiency, and with a hell of a lot of style. You officers and enlisted men should be proud of everything yo
ve accomplished.

“By now, all of you know the dire state the universe had come into over the last few months. An alien race has declared open war on humanity. The fight is young, and has already claimed more lives than any battle before. From this moment on, our role in the future of mankind is pivotal. Without warriors such as yourselves, our great civilization will be but another footnote in the ageless history of the universe. We must accept upon ourselves the responsibility such a position demands, and give our all for the safety of our families, our loved ones, and our citizens

The crowd beat their mugs on the tables and cheered. It was
t hard to excite a group of soldiers, especially when the wheels had already been greased with sufficient free booze. Hennesy held up his hands until the commotion died out. He looked to the table, where a battered and bruised Cameron sat and drank a glass of water.

“The last few days have
t been without small but significant victories. In New York, the terrorists inside the Galactic Media Tower have begun releasing hostages. Admiral Gilroy has assured the Council as well as the rest of the galaxy that a swift resolution is imminent. The rescue operation on Tallus has recovered some five thousand survivors of the horrific attacks. And here on Kronos, our resident fallen angel Lieutenant Davis is expected to make a full recovery. We look forward to learning how exactly he ended up out here. For his bravery at the battle over Tallus, and for his efforts to return to us with such pertinent intelligence, Lieutenant Davis has been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross

More applause, this time as much from the main table as the floor.              

The XO continued
m sure you all did
t come here to listen to me speak. In fact,
m betting you are all still eager to hear the results of the games
A murmur of agreement rose from the crowd
Well, I do
t want to waste any more of the evening. We have in our midst an honored guest. A man whose accomplishments I should
t even need to extoll. He is one of the brightest minds of our time, and the most brilliant scientist in all of the Federate. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our speaker tonight, Dr. Markov Ivanovich

As one, the soldiers stood and clapped, welcoming the thin Martian to the podium. Markov waved and smiled, clearly enjoying his return to celebrity status. He did
t fully understand the change in tone regarding his name, but he did
t want to waste the moment. The noise died out quickly and the audience took its seat, continuing to eat their first courses as he began his speech.

“Thank you, General Hennesy, for that introduction. I am truly humbled
He reached underneath the lectern and took a sip from the provided bottle of water
Officers and soldiers of the Terran Federal Council, I am honored to have a chance to speak before you. For those of you who do
t subscribe to a scientific periodical, allow me to introduce myself further. Many of you are probably familiar with the name CROWN. Either through anecdote or perhaps in study during your military training, the half-trillion-dollar project lives in infamy as a painful waste of resources during the height of the Martian conflict. There were many scientists and generals attached to that failure, but I personally take responsibility
The crowd whispered in wonder
I was young then, only a few years before having achieved my masters. I was cocky and made a terrible error in judgement

In the back of the room, leaning against the wall, Sasha watched in awe. He did
t know exactly where his new friend was going with this particular line, but the reaction of the crowd was interesting enough that he did
t give it much thought. A waiter passed by with a tray of drinks and the old soldier lifted a tumbler without taking his eyes off the stage.

“I wanted to take the average warrior and give him a tool with which to become the greatest weapon on the battlefield
Markov looked down at his notes, allowing a moment of reflection
I admit, I thought I was looking out for what was best for the troops. Now I know better. Years of analyzing and agonizing over the project have left me with some much needed hindsight. CROWN failed because I wanted to improve the soldier. I thought, incorrectly, that you needed my help. A failing, I must admit, that came from a lack of interaction with you all. But my ten years of research since that flawed endeavor have led to a new directive. I do
t want to make you a weapon, nor do I want to try and affect the way you perform your duties. Instead, I seek to simply enhance what you are all already proficient in doing. I want to make you better warriors.

“Over the last few years, I have been creating a new and exciting training program for the special forces of the Federal military. Through these simple exercises, soldiers found their combat efficiency increased dramatically. It was through the application of physical sciences rather than theoretical experiments that I regained my faith among the military brass. And it is because of that faith that we sit here today after months of grueling tests. With the permission of the Kronos training staff, the last few months have been a part of a grand selection, one that concluded only nights ago.

“Your successes and challenges were mapped and regarded, and seven names have come from the midst of thousands
s voice rose, his excitement growing and building within the crowd
For those of you selected for this new training program, you will travel immediately with me to a secure location on New Eden. From there, at a remote facility, you will train with the most elite of the elite and become a new breed of special forces. For those of you who remain, you will also receive new and powerful training tools for use within your units. And, as an added benefit, you will all receive two weeks of leave on New Eden to spend as you choose, once the immediate hostilities are ended
He paused, allowing the stunned crowd to roar and pound the tables. Soldiers, he thought with a smile. So easy to please. He raised his hands and attempted to quiet the men and women
Please. You deserve the time to remember what yo
re fighting for. I want you all to know that in my eyes, you are each winners in this competition. In my years working with the military, I have never seen such skill and prowess in the application of violence. But our selection process is extremely restrictive. There are seven of you in the crowd tonight who will be afforded an opportunity to train with special services. If you prove yourselves, you may even get an opportunity to join their ranks
This drew even more conversation from the crowd.

Markov smiled, looking over at General Casey. The elder officer wore a sour expression. He clearly did
t approve of the docto
s choices. But, such were the privileges to having support in the government for the project. He turned back to the soldiers
For now, please enjoy your meal. W
ll announce the candidates after dessert. Thank you all once again
He walked back to his seat, accompanied by applause. He sat down in the chair next to Casey, waving a final time to the crowd.

“I want weekly updates on these soldiers
Casey said
re taking some promising men and women away from me


m giving them a chance to make a difference to the war
Markov answered
re not just going to be cannon fodder, against the Boxti or Blightman or anyone else. I do
t understand why you ca
t appreciate that

Casey leaned in close, the sweet smell of pipe smoke ripe on his breath
ve spent my life in uniform, Doctor. These soldiers are my family, and you want to take them away for your little science project. Yo
re not the first brainiac with a new way t
make war easie
on the troops
He tipped back his glass, swallowing a mouthful of scotch
We had a young kid just like you when I was a captain. Wanted to mess around with our brains, fix whatever causes a man to stress out about fighting. Only took a few dozen men losing their minds before they figured that was something best left untampered

“General, I do
t thin

Casey snapped
You do
t. You want to imagine the world a better place, fine. But do it with your own guinea pigs. The rest of of us live in reality, where a soldier is fine just the way Christ made him. We do
t need supermen, doc. We need infantry

Markov raised his hands in surrender. He knew it was better than to argue with the General, especially with the booze rolling off him. He lifted his own glass and grinned
To the infantry, then

Casey mimicked the toast, but his eyes never left Markov. He drained the tumbler, savoring the burn
If yo
ll excuse me, gentlemen. I have to make a call
He walked away from the table and out the side door, his medals jangling with each step.


*              *              *              *              *


              Cameron awoke with a start, his eyes adjusting to the dimly lit room. As his mind cleared, he began to relax. The familiar sounds of the infirmary eased his nerves and heartbeat. H
d been coming and going the last few days, never conscious for more than a minute. The doctors had pumped him full of antibiotics and enzymes and other nasty medicines. He felt awful, but that was still an improvement from before.

A young nurse walked over from outside the room carrying a chart in her thin arms. She smiled, obviously exhausted but still showing warmth
I think you might stay with us this time

“What day is it
His throat was raw and dry. He reached out with a trembling hand and brought a nearby cup of water to his parched lips. The lid was capped off, but a square sponge stuck out from a straw, allowing him to moisten his mouth. Nothing had ever tasted so good.

The nurse yawned
Friday. The 25th

“And where am I again

She placed a hand against his forehead, her skin warm against him
Ever Night, tactical operations for Kronos

s pulse quickened. How did he get out here? Where was the rest of the flight group from Tallus? What had happened?
Oh my god
. He gripped the bed, veins bulging from his arms in effort. His skin went sheet white and a cold sweat ran down his face. The nurse moved toward him, gripping his shoulders.

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