When the Lights Go Out (5 page)

Read When the Lights Go Out Online

Authors: Roxy Mews

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Holidays, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: When the Lights Go Out
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“Yes. Yes. That’s. Oh, hell, so close.”

Right as she was blooming beneath his touch, his fingers slid inside her aching channel. Her G-spot swelled as he twisted to press against her inner walls.

The world exploded with light as April came harder than ever seemed possible before. Let alone in a public bathroom. The whole world went white as her orgasm shook her body.

Chapter Ten

Taylor squinted against the lights that buzzed to life. The first thing he focused on was the sexy beauty splayed open in front of him. Her hair floated around her head. Without opening her eyes, her smile let him know she’d come beautifully for him. If he wasn’t already on his knees, he would have dropped to them at the sight.

His fingers were still inside her quivering channel, and his entire face was damp with her climax. Her eyes were still closed. Did she not realize the lights had come back on? Or did she just not care?

He wanted to gently tell her, but with no blood in his brain he struggled to form her name on his lips.

She opened her eyes, and immediately threw up her arm as her poor irises shrunk ferociously to try to adjust to the sudden light.

“I guess the lights are back on.” Her voice was muffled behind her elbow.

“Yes.” Taylor didn’t have any more words.

If he was a decent guy he would have helped her up and covered them both in their clothes, but he needed to see if she was going to hide in the light or revel in it.

Taylor twisted his fingers and began to pump them in and out of her softness. He did get a soft startled gasp, but instead of pulling away from his touch she pressed against his fist. Her arm fell from her face, and it took her a moment to focus on him. Her eyes were lazy with pleasure, and he wanted to make her come again. Seeing her deep cherry nipples distended from how much time he’d spent working them over, he couldn’t not touch her.

He slowly moved her legs to the ground and spread her knees open. She was blooming beneath him. Slick and hot and ready for him.

He slid her folds open and, as he moved near her little clit, her legs began to shake. He had to lean forward and lick her again. Just before he dipped low enough to concentrate, he saw her head roll to the side and a smile spread across her face.

When his lips took the place of his hand he touched his own cock, and any blood cells that had worked their way north for cognitive function quickly made their way south again.

Her mewls turned to rhythmic gasps as she rode the sensations closer to orgasm, and Taylor couldn’t keep out of her any longer. Looking behind him, he found the condom that had been slid under the door.

He kept one hand inside the beauty on the floor as he gripped the gold foil. She dug her nails in his arm and pulled herself up to her knees in front of him.

She ripped the packet from his hand and tore it open with her teeth. Still on his knees he tilted his head back as she sheathed him in the latex. He thought about the plants in the urinals to keep himself from exploding at her touch. He didn’t have long. She released his aching cock and pulled his mouth to hers once again.

He tasted her. Her kiss and her juices mingled inside his mouth. Her legs went over his thighs as she sunk down on him. He loved the feel of her on him, but if they stayed like this he couldn’t move. There was no way he could keep still. There was nothing stopping this now. She’d made sure of it.

He let her kiss him for just a moment longer and felt her throb around his cock before his hands sunk into her hair and he pulled her back to give them both a breath.

He let her focus before he told her, “Hang onto me.”

Taylor threw her arms around his neck and pushed her legs behind his back.

She squeaked as he put his hands beneath her ass and lifted. The shift of his cock inside her was incredible. He needed to move. Her body was hot, and his was ready to explode. There was nowhere to put her down. So he did this the way he had to. Taylor pressed her against the door that had locked them inside in the first place. With the hardware rattling and the frame banging against the solid door, Taylor slammed into her.

He watched her as he slid inside her again and again. His fingers dug in and he moved her hips exactly how he needed them. He wouldn’t last long. He leaned in and gave her everything he’d always held back before.

She screamed as he thrust, and when her pussy clamped down on him, he followed her over the edge. Throwing his head back he roared at the feeling of his release.

His arms slumped as his dick softened inside her. She slowly lowered her legs, but stood on her tiptoes to keep them connected. He pressed her against the door as he finally slipped free. Both of them hissed at the sensation.

That’s when they heard it. Voices.

A panicked look crossed her face, and Taylor was sure it mirrored his own expression. They went scrambling for the pile of clothes.

He should have let her go first, because when their skulls connected it was the same damn spot he had hit on the urinal and he saw the world spin yet again. But this time while the world turned, he felt the wet slurp as the condom caught on his shoe and pulled off. He scrambled to clean off the shoe as his beauty got dressed and became his bathroom crazy lady again.

He looked at her and for a moment their eyes connected. She stopped buttoning and zipping to wink at him and smile. “You might want to put your pants on before your shoes. They’re getting closer.”

She was right.

He’d just pulled the red shirt over his head when the bathroom door swung inward. He kicked himself for not locking it and giving them even a few more seconds together.

Chapter Eleven

April realized she wasn’t in the middle of her dream any longer. Her mother was one of the many people that flooded into the bathroom when the door opened. April’s heart pounded up into her throat. She was high on adrenaline and there was a good chance half a granola bar was going to evacuate her system.

She just had sex in a bathroom. In the dark. With a stranger. She had to keep her mouth shut or her mother would likely invite this man to a party to celebrate her exit from Celibacyland. After she squeezed the life out of her with a bear hug of course.

“April,” Her mother flipped aside one of her signature dreadlocks to get a better look at the man who had just banged an orgasm from her daughter moments ago. “You smell like intercourse.”

April grabbed her mother and shoved her out the door. She hustled her down a hallway and toward the sales floor. She thanked every deity she could think of that no one stopped her.

“Hey, lady!” The girl who had told her where the bathroom was before the lights went out was running toward her.

If April had any sense of self-preservation, she would have kept running. Unfortunately, her good manners were so deeply engrained that she automatically turned toward the person she knew was calling to her.

“I really need to go,” she pleaded to the chick in the red shirt.

“My boss said you can have the handcart for free for your trouble.” She turned toward the aisle April had been shopping in with a knowing grin. “It will only take me a second to grab the ladder and pull it down. I know you’re probably tired from your…ordeal.”

“Well that’s nice, isn’t it, sweetie?” April’s mom elbowed her.

The problem was, no. It wasn’t nice. April hadn’t had much sex in her life, but the sex she did have didn’t end with someone buying her off with moving supplies.

Cheap. He’d made her feel cheap.

Sure she had just screwed a guy on the floor of a bathroom with questionable cleanliness, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t worthy of some fucking respect. The way mister boss man ejaculated while pounding away at her easy button proved he was just as much a participant as she was. She’d left thinking she’d taken advantage of him.

Now this girl, who probably wasn’t old enough to get the drink April desperately wanted, was delivering the message that her lover was going to buy her approval with some metal tubing and wheels.

April’s mom leaned in. “What is your boss’s name?” She was probably going to send him a customized incense blend as a thank you. April wasn’t feeling appreciative.

“Wow.” The girl cocked an eyebrow at April. “I’d have thought he’d at least introduced himself in all the time you were stuck in there. I guess you weren’t doing much talking then?” Fishing is not flattering when someone is doing it with judgment.

April rolled her shoulders and let the tendons pop over the joints a few times before she addressed the girl. April’s manners might have kept her there, but her stubbornness was about to override the manners portion of her brain.

“I didn’t have time to ask his name while his tongue was down my throat.”

April waited for the girl’s mouth to drop open. The lime green gum in her mouth hit the floor. “His…his name is Mr. James.”

April looked at the gum before she turned to her mother. “Yes, I had sex. No, I will not talk about it with you.”

Her mother pouted.

“My sex life…my business.” She turned back to the girl and pointed to the aisle where the handcart was, using the momentum she was building to keep going. Because if she stopped talking or moving right now, she would definitely puke. “Go get my handcart and help my mother put it in my car.”

The girl scurried off and stepped in her own gum. Long sticky strings made a path behind the employee as she went to do what she was told. April hoped the girl would remember not to judge other people for their sex lives when she scraped it off the floor later.

Avoiding the gum strings herself, April took full strides back to the bathroom. Sure she had run for the hills, but she was a modern woman and she could change her mind. She decided she wasn’t going to be embarrassed.

The door to the bathroom was propped open with a small metal kick out doorstop. No one was in there. So April followed the sounds of voices down the hall to a room with a couple ancient computers, a lot of filing cabinets, and three men.

None of them were looking at her. She only knew one name, so she called it out to get his attention.

“Mr. James.”

Chapter Twelve

There was no way he could let his employees call him Mr. James again. He would have to change his name. After hearing her call to him with the breathlessness in her voice, the image of her saying his name and her moaning in pleasure would be burned into his memory.

Come to think of it, he could never go to the bathroom again. It would be incredibly difficult to urinate with a hard on.             

In the pitch-blackness of the bathroom, before she touched him, it had been just her voice. His sense of hearing had been all he had to take her in, and he felt like he knew her voice almost better than he knew his own after only a couple of hours.

He was grateful he was at his desk, because he was already getting hard again. There had to be some medical condition caused by having an orgasm right after getting a concussion.

Adam’s shove to his shoulder reminded him he should probably address the woman in front of him with some professionalism. Right. He was shocked she’d even come back after Rebecca took off after her. He thought about baseball stats and stood up.

“I’m Mr. James,” he held out his hand for a handshake because that’s what a professional does when he introduces himself. “I’m sorry again about the horrible inconvenience, and I assure you we are getting those doors fixed so this never happens again.”

“Yeah,” she snorted. “Because it was so awful.”

Was she being sarcastic? He’d tried to stop Rebecca from going to offer to buy her handcart like Adam had suggested, but she was too fast. When this breathless woman came back to see him, he was pretty darn sure she would slap him. She was a lot harder to read in broad daylight.

Adam was looking back and forth between Taylor and April, and Taylor knew he couldn’t claim that nothing happened any longer. A man will selectively ignore most odors from a men’s room, because they frankly don’t want to know the specifics of what happened in one. But when a twenty-something male discovers his boss probably got his freak on with a customer in said bathroom…Taylor would never hear the end of it.

“Nothing about it was awful.” Taylor pulled his hand back when it was obvious she didn’t want to shake it.

“I don’t tend to get paid for my services in handcarts afterwards. I assumed it wasn’t up to snuff, otherwise you would have offered me a laptop.” The woman leaned in. “And believe me, if we had a more ideal setting, you would have begged me to take a Mac.”

Now he would have a hard on in the computer aisle too.

“That wasn’t my idea. My employees didn’t know what happened…”

Adam jumped in. “We do now.”

Taylor turned around and glared at the kid until he put his hands up and pulled his hand across his mouth like he was closing a zipper.

He turned back, and the woman wasn’t as angry. Thank goodness.

“It’s not a normal situation. There really isn’t a right or wrong way to handle it,” she offered. “But if there was a wrong way, what just happened would be it. I…just wanted you to know that.”

“Point taken.”

“I’m going to leave now.” And she started walking out the door.

Adam smacked his back.


“Aren’t you going to go at least offer to take her out to dinner?”

You know your manners are bad when a college boy is correcting them.

“I think my brain is still working on processing everything, and the fact that I may need to go to the hospital for a concussion is not helping.” Taylor grimaced as he pressed on the back of his skull.

“You dog. Must have been damn good if you ended up with a concussion from it.”

Taylor didn’t answer. He just ran after her. He needed to do at least one thing. “Hey,” he called out.

The woman stopped moving but didn’t turn his way.

The registers still needed rebooted, something he really needed to fix, but he needed to do this first. He walked fast to make it close enough to not have to yell across the store. When he touched her arm, she finally turned toward him.

“Hey,” she finally said. “My mom is out front loading up the moving cart.”

His mouth dropped open. “I thought that was insulting.”

“Doesn’t mean I still don’t need one,” she shrugged. “and I think it would be a bit awkward to come back and shop here.”

Taylor looked at her. She wasn’t planning on coming back. Suddenly wanting the awkward situation to go away wasn’t ideal. He wanted to see her again.

“I want you to shop here. If you shop here, at least I’d know your last name.”

“Is that all you want to know?” she leaned closer.

Taylor took his cues from her and leaned in closer as well. Their bodies slowly touched. First their chests pressed together and then their hips molded snug. Her hands gripped his arms, and just as her lips were an inch away she whispered, “No.”


Then her body pulled from his and he
couldn’t think.

“My last name. I’m not going to tell you.”

He leaned back, but he didn’t dare let go of her, because if she bolted right now, he’d never see her again.

“Why don’t you want me to know your name?” He loosened his grip. Taylor didn’t want to touch a woman who didn’t want to be touched, but this one was making it damn difficult to figure out what she wanted him to do.

“If we walk away and I don’t know your name, then your body against mine is a beautiful thing that happened in a dream.” She did pull from his arms then. “But if I know you…then it’s real and we have to deal with all the things that come with it being real.”

Taylor dropped his arms.

“I don’t think I want it to be real,” she whispered. “I think I want it to be magic.”

Then she really did walk away, and Taylor really did let her. But he wasn’t sold on the idea it wouldn’t be magical if it wasn’t real. He just knew she didn’t want to see him again. It stung, but they would always have the men’s room. They would always have April Fools’ Day.

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