When Saint Goes Marching In (38 page)

BOOK: When Saint Goes Marching In
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In a blink of an eye, my entire world was hit by an atomic bomb,

Before I knew it, my wife and my seeds were gone.

In a blink of an eye, I had no time to fully grasp what had just occurred.

 I tried to talk to my Queen, but she didn’t want to hear one word.

All that she could see was that someone else was violating me, or should I say, doing things that should have never been seen. I tried to tell my Goddess, that it wasn’t as it seemed

but it looked so bad, there was no way I could redeem…

…myself, and now, ex-girlfriends are bad for one’s health.

Especially those, that want revenge, cause a marriage to be in ruins or at least, hanging on by only a thread…of life.

Now my wife has sent papers my way.

Letting me know that our marriage will have a judgment day.

An expiration, a final scene…

 I never saw this coming

…and she’s not cumming,

and I’m not praying…

because I’m not sure if anyone even hears me anymore.

Maybe all the dirt I did, it’s payback time and this is what the reaper has come for…

The death of my marriage, to grasp tightly in his cold hand.

If someone asks me what happened, I’m not even sure if the truth they’d understand.

And at this point, I’m not sure she can,

I don’t want to be just friends

I wanted to be her Superhero,

now she doesn’t even call me a man.

 Instead I’m just a zero with a never satisfied ego.

I can’t make her come back but I can ask her to please hear me out.

I’m telling you the truth Xenia, yet I know you have doubts.

 I don’t know how to make you believe me, but if you have a suggestion let me know.

Just because I was in the past, doesn’t mean that I’m still a ho - people can change and grow; this is something you should personally know…

 I’m asking for just one last night with you, like we used to have, like our norm,

and then if you still don’t want me in the morn’- I will sign all your forms.

 I’m not up to any tricks, and to me, this is not a game .

I just want one more night, with the woman to whom I gave my last name…”


crossed her legs and looked away, her face a sad mask.

“Please, Xenia, just one night,” he asked softly.

“Saint, I’ve got something to tell you,” she said as the tears fell down her face, and she slowly turned back to him. “I’ve been trying to tell you for days now, but-”

“Xenia, please, whatever it is, don’t say it. Please. I don’t want to argue right now. Just give this to me, to us. Just go with the flow of the evening and when it’s morning, you can leave and I’ll give you…the paperwork before you walk out the door.”

“But that’s just it, I…”

“Just give me a ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”


Saint led her through the kitchen and outside to the beautifully decorated patio. Music carried on the air that was sweetened by the pleasant scent of myrrh incense and magnolia candles. The dim lighting cast a faint blue glow that mingled with the glimmer of the full moon.

“Have a seat,” he offered.

sat down at the table.

He pointed to an envelope. “Right there are the divorce papers and that’s where they will remain until you want them, tomorrow morning. I’ve signed them in advance, well, all except the last page so that we can have a final discussion about visitation and joint-custody of our sons before the courts get involved.”

smiled faintly. She must realize his main concern was the well-being of their children.

 “In the morning, should you decide to proceed forward, then, I won’t make this harder than it has to be,” Saint explained. He sighed. “If you’re hungry, there is some fruit and I also have some of that shrimp cocktail you like in the refrigerator. I know it’s late, so I didn’t get anything too heavy but whatever you want, I’ll get it if I don’t already have it here. In that box over there, I have some gifts for you, some things that reminded me of you, that I wanted you to have. It’s not bribery, I just wanted you to have them because I love you, and you just…should have them. Now, I’d like to go swimming with you tonight, please.”

gave him a perplexed look.

“Let me explain,” Saint said as he observed her expression. “You know what I think about water, metaphysically. You know what I’ve said about wetness not only being for lubrication, but it’s like an induction. It purifies.”

“So, you want us to swim together?” Xenia shook her head. “Saint, I’m confused.”

 “I want us, our love, to get baptized together, tonight. You give me energy and help cleanse the dirt away. I’m drained. This has taken a toll on me. I’m tired, baby. The water, well, it’s symbolic, but it’s also something I always wanted to do with you. You never stayed in the pool with me for more than ten minutes,” he smiled, “and you never went under. Plus, the kids were here, so I couldn’t always do what I wanted to do…but tonight, I can.”

“OK…” her voice cracked. She looked as though she wanted to say more, but held her tongue. He felt her soul reach for his, as though she felt differently about him now.

Saint felt infinite relief when he realized that she knew! She knew everything about Payton, she knew he hadn’t lied. Yet, there was no turning back. He needed to go through with this. He took her hand and led her over to the large gift wrapped box.

“It’s yours,” he said as he released her hand and walked away from her, shook off his flip flops and put his hand in the pool to feel the temperature of the water. “Open it,” he said without looking directly at her.

The sound of the water splashing blended in with the peaceful surroundings.

He turned his head to observe her as she untied the large silver bow. She slid her fingers under the carefully laid tape, as if she felt it a shame to destroy such a gorgeous presentation. Saint had painstakingly wrapped it himself, wanting everything to be just perfect.

After Xenia removed the paper, she opened the box and retrieved a small box. Inside it was an amethyst earring and necklace set that Saint had had specially designed for her, from Raphael. He heard her gasp in awe.

Next she took out the purple belly-dancer outfit he had bought her in New York. Xenia ran her fingers across the fabric and laughed. Lastly, she pulled out a shiny, amaranthine robe. It was made of one hundred percent silk, hand-sewn in India and specially ordered.

“Saint, these are really nice, thank you,” Xenia said as she turned back towards him.

Saint pulled down his white swimming trunks and quietly walked down into a deep portion of the pool. The water rippled around him as he opened and closed his arms. He motioned to her to join him as Patti Labelle started to sing “Somebody Loves You Baby” – Xenia’s favorite song.

She bit her lip and made her way towards him. She looked nervous and uncertain. The water reached Saint’s waist as he waited for Xenia to remove her top and bra. The clothes pooled around her and his manhood stirred at the sight of her. His appreciative gaze raked over her large, soft breasts, the nipples already fully erect. He licked his lips, anticipating the rush of holding them and kissing them that would come as soon as he touched her.

She slid off her capris and tossed them on the concrete sidewalk that framed their pool. Next she slid down her white panties, letting them fall around her ankles. Saint’s heart rate accelerated as his sexual excitement grew. Now that she was completely naked and he could see her in full view, his body temperature rose to fever point. He missed her so badly; he had to briefly close his eyes as she drew closer, to regain his composure.

She took eager strides into the cool water and when she finally reached him, the water covered her breasts. Taking her by surprise, he pulled her up until her face was above his. Water streaked down her body. His grip solid, he lowered her a little, until her eyes were level with his.

“Put your arms around my neck and hold on to me.”

Patti LaBelle continued to sing melodically to them as the moon kissed their skin with glow. Xenia held onto Saint as instructed. She wrapped her legs around his waist and lay her head on his shoulder. He kissed her cheek as he swayed in the water with her, holding her firmly.

“…and nobody else…I pledge my love to you…” Saint sang off-key with Patti. Xenia’s hold on him tightened and her eyes filled with emotion as he started to glow. Wracked with sobs, her body shook and she dug her palms into the back of his neck.

Saint continued to sway, lifting his head up occasionally and kissing her softly on her nose, lips and cheek. He lowered his head farther to kiss the top of her breasts. His lips moved softly against them, then he lightly grazed his bottom lip along the taut nipples.

He took a nipple in his mouth and gently sucked on it as it bobbed in and out of the water. After giving the other breast similar attention, he lifted his gaze to her eyes and probed inside her soul. He read her mind, feelings, her fears, her regret. He made no secret of it.

She’s finally all the way open. She’s totally letting me in…

Suddenly, he dropped down into the water and carried Xenia with him in the dark water. The force of the water blocking his hearing as the cold hit him.

His arms moved up and down her body. The baptismal water shrouded them in its purity.

In a deft movement, he brought her back up to the surface. He slicked his saturated, black hair back with his left hand and placed the other arm around her waist. Her soft thighs wrapped around him, tantalizing him. As he walked against the current, never letting her go, Xenia shuddered against him. Her teeth chattered.

She felt cold.

He climbed the swimming pool steps and stepped onto the patio. With care, he lowered her down onto a large beach towel on the reclining lounger and wrapped it around her. He left her for a moment to change the music. Lavell Evans’ smooth voice now sang “Taste Like.”

Girl, I wonder what you taste like…strawberries and whipped cream? Bet it tastes so good girl, let me see…

“Who is that singing?” Xenia called out.

“His name is Lavell Evans,” Saint responded. “Highly underrated fairly new artist out of Harlem. Raphael’s cousin,” Saint explained. “I’ve seen him a few times at Raphael’s crib but I had no idea he could sing. Nice, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, he has a really smooth flow, I like it. If he doesn’t have a record deal, he deserves one,” Xenia responded.

Saint hovered by the fruit tray and returned with a slice of melon, which he arranged right between her collarbones. He then placed a strawberry between her breasts. He pulled the towel from her and exposed her body. Next, he placed three large strawberries down her chest, starting with one between her breasts. A tangerine covered her navel, and two green grapes just below it. Finally, he placed a half pineapple ring over her pelvis. He recalled their first date, when he’d made sure pineapple was on the menu after he’d used it as an analogy earlier, during their first interview.

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