When Parents Worry (9 page)

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Authors: Henry Anderson

BOOK: When Parents Worry
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I think my daughter’s having night terrors. She’s kind of flying out of her crib.
My daughter was exposed to someone who was exposed to the flu. What should I do?

I think my three-year-old daughter has an ear infection, but she’s refusing to go to the doctor.

My teenage daughter swallowed her tongue ring. What should we do?

Elizabeth was bit by a donkey at the petting zoo. Please call.

Can you remind me of the name of the cream you prescribed? All I remember was that it was for acne and it was expensive.

Can you give me the name of a good hypnotist?

My daughter usually has three bowel movements a day, and today she had only two. Please call when you get a chance.
My one-month-old seems bored. What should I do?

My nine-month-old only likes to play with red toys. Do you think there’s something wrong with him?

I have a nutrition question. As a snack, how many Twinkies are too many?

Can my five-year-old use our treadmill to exercise?

My ten-month-old is scared of bald people. It probably wouldn’t be such a big deal, but her grandfather is “follicly challenged.”

We’re on vacation and our daughter was stung by a Portuguese man-of-war. Do we need to pee on her?

When we were in the office yesterday, you said Sheryl should be better by Sunday. Will that be in the morning or the afternoon, because she has an audition?

When my daughter threw up today, I noticed grass in the vomit. I’m worried that she and her friends might be grazing. Please call.

My daughter picked her nose and then ate a cookie with her own booger on it. Is she going to get sick?

My daughter’s underarm smell is beyond B.O. Any suggestions?

My son has a quacking cough.

My son is growing so quickly. I bought him pants on Friday, and they were too short by Monday. Is that normal?

My son smells like he has a fever. Should I give him Tylenol?

Johnny swallowed a spider. Please call.

When my son sneezes, he pinches his nose so that the boogers don’t go flying out all over the place. I’m worried that causes too much pressure in his head. Is that going to hurt his brain?

My son’s seasonal allergies are getting worse. Could you please drug him up and make him better?

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