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Authors: Jennifer McNare

When Only a Rake Will Do (20 page)

BOOK: When Only a Rake Will Do
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“Well, it seems we’ve been abandoned,” Brendon stated a few moments later, glancing about as he stepped from the enclosure at the rear of the platform and walked toward Daphne, holding out a glass of sherry.

“It would appear so,” she responded with a little laugh, noting that with the exception of the two footmen standing at the rear, they were alone on the platform.  Taking the proffered glass, she took a small sip.  “It’s delicious, thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

“So, have you any favorites in the upcoming race,” Daphne asked, feeling oddly discomfited now that she and Brendon were suddenly alone.

“A couple, yes.  If you’d like, we could walk down to the paddocks and take a closer look at all of the horses before the race begins.”

“Yes, I’d like that.”  Taking another sip of sherry, she then set the glass onto one of the nearby tables.

“Will you inform the others that Lady Hewitt and I have gone to the staging area to view the horses and will return shortly,” Brendon said to one of the footmen.

“Certainly, my lord.”

Offering his arm, Brendon then led Daphne down the steps and into the crowd.


“So, which one do you like?” Brendon asked as they stood at the edge of the viewing area, watching as the trainers prepared the first group of horses to take to the field.

“That one I think,” Daphne replied, pointing to a large strawberry roan with beautiful lines, four white socks and a matching diamond-shaped blaze upon his forehead.

“You’ve a good eye.  He’s the odds-on favorite.”

“What about you?  Which one will you place your wager on?”

“I like that feisty-looking fellow over there,” he said, pointing to the far side of the paddock, “the black.  He’s a longshot, but I think he could take it.”

“I think you could be right,” Daphne agreed.  “He’s a beauty.”

As they scrutinized and discussed the various horses, Daphne grew more and more relaxed, feeling at times almost like she had when they’d been together at the cottage.  Not when they’d been in bed, lost to the throes of passion, but when they’d been downstairs or outside, talking and laughing, simply enjoying one another’s company.  She missed that, almost as much as she missed the intimacies they’d shared. 

Brendon too was reminded of just how much he enjoyed Daphne’s company as they stood together, watching the horses, exchanging light-hearted banter as they delighted in the air of excitement and festiveness that surrounded them. Just as before, he felt a genuine sense of happiness and contentment when he was with her, something he’d never truly experienced with any other woman outside of his family.  And once again it had him questioning not only his feelings, but the direction of his future.



Approximately forty minutes later and much to Brendon’s delight, it was the black who crossed the finish line first, with the strawberry roan coming in a close second.  And thanks to that win, as well as several others throughout the day, it turned out to be both a pleasurable and highly profitable afternoon.  

And while Daphne didn’t place monetary wagers on any of the races, she too enjoyed the day immensely.   In fact, aside from her weekend with Brendon at the cottage, it was perhaps the most enjoyable day she’d had since she’d agreed to marry the Earl of Blackburn.

By the time the final race had concluded, however, she was ready to return to the Chesterfield residence, for there was still another full day of racing to come on the morrow.

Chapter 14



By the time they arrived back at the house the hour was growing late, thus all parties were quick to seek out their respective bedchambers to refresh themselves and prepare for the evening meal. 

Selecting a lovely off-the-shoulder, apricot-colored gown with a heart-shaped neckline and a simple, yet elegant design, Daphne spent extra time on her appearance, applying a subtle hint of cosmetics to her cheeks and lips and styling her hair in a sophisticated chignon that accented the exposed line of her throat.   Admittedly, as there would be no hiding upstairs that evening, she wanted to look her best.  And though she tried to tell herself that it wasn’t solely for Brendon’s benefit, deep down she knew that it was.


When she exited her room a short while later she immediately stopped short, for the door straight across the hall opened at precisely the same moment. 

Stepping out into the hall, Brendon’s eyes widened in appreciation at the sight that greeted him.   Looking as exquisite as a perfect English rose, Daphne stood directly in front of him, her lips curving into a soft smile as their gazes met and held.

“Good evening, my lord.”

“Good evening to you, my lady,” Brendon replied, quickly recovering his wits.  “May I escort you downstairs?” he asked, holding out his arm.

“Yes, thank you.”  Slipping her arm through his, she allowed him to lead her from the guest wing and down to the front parlor where everyone was gathering, awaiting the call to dine.

As they entered the room, Daphne saw that Lord Palmerston and Lord Haywood had already arrived, and while Nicholas and Alex stood chatting near the fireplace, Lizzie stood several feet away, pleasantly conversing with Tiffany and Lord Palmerston. Amelia, however, was seated upon the settee between her mother and an attentive Lord Haywood, her bandaged foot tucked discreetly beneath the hem of her gown.

Noticing their arrival, Tiffany promptly excused herself from Lizzie and Lord Palmerston and made her way toward them.  “Daphne, how lovely you look,” Tiffany enthused as she approached.

“Thank you,” she replied with a smile, releasing Brendon’s arm.  “And may I say that you are looking rather splendid yourself,” she continued, casting her admiring gaze upon Tiffany’s emerald-green satin gown.

“Why thank you.  Now come, let’s get the two of you something to drink whilst we wait for dinner to be announced.”

“What, no praise or flattering remarks in regard to
appearance?” Brendon remarked with a playful lift of his brow. 

Tiffany rolled her eyes.  “As if your ego needs further inflating,” she teased good-humoredly, causing both he and Daphne to grin.  Then turning, she summoned one of the nearby footmen to procure their drinks.



Dinner that night proved to be a lively affair with the enjoyment of the day carrying over well into the evening.  And with the wine flowing as freely as the conversation, everyone seemed in exceptionally good spirits as they partook in the excellent meal the Chesterfield’s kitchen staff had prepared. 

And while Daphne appreciated the scrumptious fare, she found her attention focused far more often upon Brendon than the courses put before her.  It was difficult not to, for seated across the table as he was, Brendon’s handsome visage seemed to draw her gaze like the pull of a lodestone.  Thus she had to remind herself more than once not to stare, lest him or one or more of the other occupants at the table take notice.

Brendon, however, couldn’t help but notice Daphne’s lingering gazes throughout the meal, for his eyes were drawn to her lovely face far more often than he would have liked.  Thus it was almost a relief when the final course had been served and the ladies adjourned to the front parlor, leaving the men to their port and cigars. 


It wasn’t long after that, that he, Palmerston and Haywood became involved in an animated conversation regarding the vast public works program in France, Haussmann’s renovation of Paris commissioned by Napoleon III, setting his thoughts on a different tack entirely, at least temporarily.

Regarding the trio across the table, Nicholas leaned toward Alex, lowering his voice as he spoke.  “Which one do you think will propose first, Palmerston or Haywood?” he asked teasingly.

For a moment Alex frowned in consternation, but then a sly smile creased his face a few seconds later.  “While it might be a longshot, my money’s on Brendon.”

Nicholas blinked, casting his gaze toward Brendon and then abruptly back to Alex.  “You noticed?”

Alex grinned.  “That they’ve scarce taken their eyes off one another the entire evening?” he replied with a muffled laugh.  “Yes, I noticed.”

“He’s clearly smitten,” Nicholas acknowledged with an answering grin.

“Undoubtedly, Alex agreed.  “Though considering Daphne’s current popularity, especially amongst our male peers, your brother might be faced with some actual competition for once.”

“True, though I’m not entirely certain that he’s ready to give up his bachelorhood just yet, not even for the charming Lady Daphne.”

“Perhaps not,” Alex said with a shrug of his shoulders.  “But as you and I both know firsthand, oftentimes we don’t really know what we want until we’re faced with the possibility of losing it.”

“Indeed, you are absolutely correct, my friend,” Nicholas agreed with a contented smile.  “So only time will tell, I suppose,” he continued as he looked across the table at his brother.

Alex nodded, his expression amused.  “I would imagine so.  And in the meantime, I for one intend to sit back and enjoy the show.”



Later that night, long after Lord Palmerston and Lord Haywood had taken their leave and everyone else had retired to their bedchambers, Daphne lay quietly within her own, waiting for sleep to claim her just as she had the night before.  But after tossing and turning beneath the sheets for hours, a restful slumber continued to elude her.  She knew what the problem was of course; she simply had too many things on her mind.  Well,
thing actually, or rather
one person
, Brendon.  Knowing he was there, lying in his own bed just across the hall had her thoughts as well as her emotions rioting in turmoil. For although less than a day had passed since she’d tried to convince herself to set aside her feelings for him and focus on the reality of her future, it was proving far more difficult than she’d imagined.  Especially as they’d spent the entire day and evening in each other’s company.

In addition, knowing that he was so near even now, their bedchambers separated by only the narrow width of a hallway, was impossible to ignore.  And despite her resolve, she couldn’t help wondering if she was a fool for not taking advantage of the opportunity at hand, to spend another glorious night in Brendon’s arms.  Did she dare, or would another night with the man she loved merely serve to further the intensity of her inexorable heartache?  Try as she might to quash them, the questions kept repeating themselves over and over within her head.

Turning her gaze toward the small clock set atop the nearby nightstand, she could just make out the time; it was half past two.  Groaning softly in frustration, she grabbed the pillow from the other side of the bed and placed it over her face, then tossed it aside just a few seconds later.  Staring up at the ceiling, she slowly counted to one-hundred.  Then closing her eyes she silently counted again, this time to three-hundred.  She tried to resist, truly she did, but the temptation was simply too great to withstand, and so finally she surrendered.  A moment later she sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and rose to her feet. 

Moving quietly she pulled her nightdress over her head and tossed it aside, then grabbing the thin, silk dressing gown that lay along the foot of the bed, she slipped it on.  Walking to the door a moment later, she slowly turned the brass handle and peeked out into the darkened hall, immensely grateful that the narrow corridor was devoid of all but the moonlit shadows that played upon the walls.  She glanced back and forth, listening for any hint of sound, but the house was quiet, everyone including the servants having surely retired to their rooms long ago. 

She stood there for another moment, quietly breathing in and out for several long seconds, summoning her courage and then finally stepped out into the passageway.  Pulling the heavy oaken panel softly closed behind her she crossed the narrow space, her bare feet making nary a sound as she moved silently along the carpeted floor.  Then stopping before the door to Brendon’s chamber she hesitated once again, her hand trembling as she reached out, suspended just inches away from the brass door handle.  If she was going to turn back she had to do it now.  She drew in a deep breath, but didn’t move.  A second later she grasped the knob in her hand and slowly turned it to the right, only vaguely aware that she was holding her breath. 


Standing next to one of the tall windows that overlooked the front of the house, Brendon stood with his hands in his pockets, staring out into the darkened night as he had been for the past quarter hour.  Not surprisingly he couldn’t sleep, for knowing that Daphne was lying in bed just across the hall was playing havoc with his thoughts.  And the urge to go to her, to drag her into his arms and make love to her until the wee hours of the morning was almost too powerful to resist. 
But he had to resist, didn’t he?
Yes, of course he did, damn it.  To do anything but would not only be beyond reckless, but would undoubtedly serve to further complicate the feelings he was trying so desperately to ignore.   Finally, slamming his hand against the window frame in frustration, he closed his eyes and leaned forward, resting his forehead against the cool glass.

But not more than a second later he heard the faint sound of the doorknob turning and then the quiet opening and closing of the door behind him.  He stiffened, wondering for a moment if his mind was playing tricks upon him.  Opening his eyes, he turned around.  She was there, standing just inside the door, the pale moonlight illuminating her in its soft, iridescent glow as if he’d somehow summoned her with his thoughts.  She looked so beautiful that it nearly sent him to his knees. 

With her heart thudding wildly in her chest, Daphne stood motionless, her eyes locking with Brendon’s.  “I couldn’t sleep,” she whispered.

For one seemingly endless moment they simply stared at each other in silence, and then suddenly he was striding across the floor, wholly unable to resist the temptation before him despite the warning bells ringing in his head.

He stopped just a few inches in front of her, gazing down upon her upturned face.  Then lifting his hand he softly brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers.  “Daphne,” he breathed.

She swayed toward him, the sound of her name on his lips sending a delicious thrill rushing through her. 
, she thought, she’d made the right decision.  She needed this; she wanted this. Even if it increased the pain she was bound to feel later on, it would be worth it.

Brendon dipped his head and lowered his mouth to hers, his fingers moving from her cheek to delve into the lustrous waves that tumbled loosely down the back of her neck as he drew her to him.

Daphne sighed in absolute delight, melting into him as her arms came up to twine around his neck, pulling him closer, wanting him with a nearly overwhelming desperation.

The kiss was wild and uncontrolled, their mouths devouring each other’s with unbridled hunger, as if they had been without each other for months rather than weeks, until eventually Brendon broke the kiss, tearing his mouth from hers with sheer force of will.

Daphne lifted her lids, looking up at him with passion-glazed eyes as a small whimper of protest escaped her lips.  He smiled in response, that slow, lazy, heart-stopping smile she adored and then scooped her up into his arms.  She clung to him, burying her face in the curve of his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent as she pressed her mouth against his throat, feeling the gentle beat of his pulse beneath her lips.

Carrying her to the bed, Brendon laid Daphne atop the satin counterpane, following her down onto the soft mattress as he stretched out alongside her.  Then reaching for the sash at her waist, he untied her silk dressing gown, slowly pushing the lightweight fabric aside as his hungry gaze traveled the length of her naked body. 

Daphne, however, wasn’t content to lie still beneath Brendon’s admiring gaze for long, and soon she was reaching for his shirt, her fingers working frantically at the buttons.

And so, with the help of Daphne’s eager hands, Brendon was divested of his clothing in record time.  He was inside of her a second later, thrusting forward in one fluid motion until he was fully entrenched within her silken core, the delicious sensation causing both of them to gasp aloud in blissful satisfaction.  He began to move within her then, establishing a fast-paced rhythm that soon had them panting and breathless as they each sought their release.  And then, moments later as they struggled to muffle their cries of joyous fulfillment they spiraled into euphoric bliss, with Brendon withdrawing just moments before spilling his seed.

They lay prostrate for a time, Brendon’s face buried in the pillow beside Daphne’s head, while she lay motionless beneath him, fighting to steady her breathing as the rapid beating of her heart gradually slowed.

BOOK: When Only a Rake Will Do
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