When Memories Fade (9 page)

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Authors: Tyora Moody

BOOK: When Memories Fade
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Chapter Seventeen
Angel had had fun filming Tommy and Sharise yesterday. The couple had been lovebirds since college, and during the shoot they both pointed out special places on campus and were affectionate. She was glad to be able to capture their memories with her camera and looked forward to the ceremony tomorrow.
Angel pushed her chair back and rubbed her eyes. Being in the house by herself, she'd decided to get started on editing the footage from yesterday. Her eyes were blurry from sitting at the computer too long. She walked down the hall from the office space, which her grandparents had allowed her to use. If it wasn't for them helping her out, she would have never gotten her business off the ground. It was probably one of the reasons why her uncle Jacob seemed irritated with her career choice. Angel could have moved out, but she saw how Grams struggled to take care of Granddad, and she knew she had to stick around and lend a hand. Her uncle lived too far away to help out. Now Angel wasn't sure how the living arrangements would work since Grams still did not have complete mobility back on her right side.
When she entered her bedroom, her eyes fell on the music box on her dresser. She forgot she'd taken it down a few nights ago. The music box had been placed at the top of her closet, along with other childhood favorites. It was the last birthday gift her father gave her. She walked over and lifted the lid. Then she wound up the ballerina to watch it turn around and around. Inside the box, she had kept old jewelry, movie tickets, and photos. Most of the trinkets were from when she was a small girl. She reached in for the one and only photo she had of her parents together.
Angel had always thought she looked funny with her fair skin and unruly black curls. Her parents must have really loved each other at one time. At least that was what she liked to think as she stared at the photo. Her mother, with her chocolate complexion, sat on her father's lap. Her father was a very handsome man. He wore a polo shirt that showed off his large, tanned muscles. Her parents had held their heads together, cheek to cheek, for whoever was behind the camera.
She had always wondered if they had considered getting married. From what she understood, her mother broke off the relationship. Was it because of race? Did her father's family accept her mother? Her grandparents had never talked about her father, but they must have accepted him at one time. Despite all that had happened, she had still had a decent childhood. She knew she was loved for being Elisa's daughter.
There was a knock at her door, jarring her thoughts. She turned around to find Jacob standing at the door. They hadn't spoken since their argument the other day. He still looked worn out and so much older. Maybe she should give him a break. He had lost his father and was probably really worried about his mom.
He said, “Hey, I wanted to let you know I have talked to a friend about getting a visiting nurse whenever Mom comes home.”
Angel sat down and placed the music box next to her on the bed. “Great. So when will they release Grams?”
“Well, she is going to be in rehab probably for the next few weeks, so I'm not sure. It depends on how she continues to improve. We will figure it out when I get back.”
Angel frowned. “You are leaving?”
“Yes, I still have to work.” He looked over at her video equipment on the floor. “Are you keeping busy?”
“I'm working a wedding tomorrow.” She expected him to say something smart, but his attention had turned to something else.
Jacob frowned. “You still have that old thing?”
“What?” She picked up the music box. “It's the only thing I have from my dad.”
Jacob stared at the music box. “I didn't realize you still had it. Your mother loved him.”
She wasn't sure she wanted to go down this path, but since Jacob was in a sharing mood, she said, “I guess that's good for me. Did you like him?”
Jacob shrugged. “I didn't know him that well.”
Angel shifted on the bed. “What do you mean?”
“She loved to sing. It's all she wanted to do.” He looked thoughtful. “She loved you. She was a good mom, if that's what you are wondering.”
“What about my dad? He hasn't been in my life since she . . . went missing. Did you think he had something to do with her going missing?”
“I don't know.”
“You had to have your thoughts on what happened. This is the most I have ever heard you talk about her.”
Jacob fidgeted in the doorway like he had someplace to go. He finally answered. “It's hard to talk about her.”
“I don't have that many memories. I feel like I didn't get to know her. I want to know what happened.”
“He's back, you know.”
Jacob stared at her. “Who?”
“My dad is back in Charlotte.”
“How do you know this? Have you been trying to get in touch with him?”
She ignored his questions. “I want to ask him for myself what happened that night my mother disappeared, and I want him to look me in the eye when he answers.” She wanted to know even if she didn't like what she heard.
Jacob stepped into the room. “Look, I don't know why your father came back here after all this time, but don't dig up the past.”
“Don't you really want to know what happened? She was your sister. Granddad was the only one who really tried to find her.”
“And it killed him in the process.”
“What? Granddad died from complications of diabetes, Jacob.”
“He died a long time before that, Angel. At least to me he did.”
Angel knew Jacob and Granddad had had an awkward relationship, but still she knew how proud Granddad was of him. “I think you are just talking crazy talk. Granddad loved you.”
“Your mom was the favorite. She was the center of everything. When my parents lost her, you became the favorite.”
Angel was stunned. If she didn't know any better, she'd think Jacob was sounding like a jealous little boy. “Jacob, you had the perfect childhood. Perfect wife. Perfect career. What is your problem?”
“Nothing is ever perfect. It's those things that seem so perfect that you most have to watch out for. Do yourself a favor. If your dad hasn't reached out to you in all these years, why bother?” Jacob walked out, his words stinging Angel conscience with their bitterness.
If he hasn't reached out to you in all these years, why bother?
In the midst of the thoughts pummeling her, the music box started to play by itself. She picked it up with the intent of throwing it across the room, but instead Angel pulled it toward her body and wrapped her arms around it. Why was it that when she felt some sense of hope, it was like someone toyed with her emotions and snatched it away?
Chapter Eighteen
Angel prayed for a long time before crawling into bed. She prayed for her uncle Jacob. It had occurred to her, after her tears had dried, how negative her uncle could be. She didn't understand what his source of anger was, but realized everyone in her family had handled her mother going missing differently. Grams was hopeful for her return, while Granddad had been determined to find her, even if it was to bury her. She wasn't sure what Jacob was really feeling, but his obvious resentment was something he would have to deal with.
She opened the door to the sanctuary and was immediately taken by the transition. Lenora had transformed the sanctuary into a beautiful place for holy matrimony. Angel called over her shoulder while she carried her camera and her tablet. “Thanks. I appreciate your help today.”
Daniel, Candace's teenage son, followed with more bags. “Not a problem. This is cool!”
Angel grinned. Not only had she gained a surrogate sister with Candace, but she also felt like she had another family. She enjoyed spending time with the Johnsons. While Daniel was sixteen, he was pretty mature, and he was a tech geek. Without his help, she wouldn't have been able to get her Web portfolio online.
She had stopped by the Crown of Beauty Salon early this morning, as Candace and her staff worked on the bride and her wedding party. She had shared with Candace what she needed to do. Candace had responded, “Well, I can get you some help. That boy of mine is probably just stuck in front of a video game. This is perfect to get him out of the house, and he loves working with video too.”
So here they were, lugging her camera equipment to the front of Victory Gospel Church.
She told Daniel, “Set that camera up front, and I will place this one here in the back.”
“All right.” Daniel walked down the aisle and put the bags on the floor.
Angel was excited about using multiple cameras. In the midst of what seemed like one long week, her new camera had arrived. With the camera Daniel was setting up, she would be able to get close-up footage. The camera in the back would capture the bride's walk down the aisle and the couple from the back. It might be just a wedding, but she intended to capture this beautiful moment with all her cinematic skills.
She looked around Victory Gospel Church. The sanctuary was huge, with plenty of space for the large number of wedding guests expected to attend. A few people had arrived early. They were at least an hour away from the ceremony. She set the camera on the tripod and looked through the lens.
“Are you ready to go?”
Angel peeked from behind her camera to find Lenora dressed perfectly in a pale peach suit and a matching wide brim hat. “Yes, we are set to go. Wow! You are looking fabulous.”
“Honey, I have to look the part of wedding planner extraordinaire and first lady today. I see you have some help. That's good business sense to get an assistant.”
“Thanks, but I can't take too much credit. Candace was looking for something for her son to do, and I happen to need help with this one. I'm excited about all this footage we will have for the final video.”
Lenora laughed. “Good! You know, with two boys of my own, I know exactly where Candace is coming from. She did a wonderful job on the girls' hair. They are all just beautiful.”
Angel nodded toward the tall urns at the front of the church. White flowers and greenery spilled over the tops of them. “The front of the church is gorgeous!” The whole sanctuary was magical and romantic. There were white ribbons with white flowers attached hanging on the ends of each pew. All the way down the aisle, it looked like a secret garden. “Everything is beautiful. I hope to use your services one day.”
Lenora beamed. “Well, I will be delighted to help plan your wedding. You know, we don't talk much personally, but is there a young man in your life?”
Angel shook her head. “No, but I've been there before. You know, dreaming about the dress, the ring, everything.”
“What happened?” Lenora inquired.
Angela looked away. “Well, the one I thought was my Prince Charming found someone else.” Angel remembered she still had the draft e-mail about Kenneth and Denise that she was going to send to Lenora. Now wasn't the time to say anything.
“Oh, Angel. I'm sorry.”
“I don't mean to be a bummer.”
“No, honey.” Lenora patted her on the shoulder. “It was his loss. You hear me? God has someone even better. You just wait and see.”
“Thank you, Lenora.” Angel couldn't help but smile. Candace had said the same thing to her about three days ago. She hoped these ladies were right. For some reason, maybe because she was in the middle of wedding season, she wondered if she would be a bride one day.
“We will talk more later. I need to check to make sure everyone is dressed.” Lenora moved past guests as they flowed in.
Angel walked to the front of the sanctuary toward Daniel to check the camera's focus. “Looks great! Let's start filming the guests as they come in.”
“Gotcha.” Daniel stood behind the camera.
Angel made her way to the camera in back. As they entered the sanctuary, she asked a few guests if they had any well wishes or words of wisdom for the young couple. One guest after the other wished the couple the best, and some gave words of advice, saying such things as “Keep the communication open,” “Be honest,” “Remember to have date night,” and “Take your time having kids.” The advice went on and on. Angel heard the organist start up and thanked the final guest for her advice.
She adjusted the camera to make sure it was focused on the wedding party as they entered. Then she sprinted down the side aisle toward the front to make sure Daniel had the camera focused tighter on where the couple would accept their vows soon. As she returned to the camera in the back, she twisted her hands together and forced herself to take deep breaths. It was important to get everything right. It wasn't like she would get this chance again.
As Angel positioned herself in front of the camera lens, she noticed that the groom had stepped out from a side door at the front. Tommy was looking dapper but was definitely more nervous than he was when she saw him on Thursday. She wondered how Sharise was doing as she waited to walk down the aisle. Before she moved from the camera, Angel caught sight of Tommy's best man. She stepped from behind the camera. Was that . . .? She looked back through the lens again.
Wes Cade was the best man. Okay, she was floored. How in the world did she keep running into this guy?
She had figured after meeting with him earlier this week at Southern Soul Café that maybe she had overreacted, as she usually did. She was the one who had reached out to him for his help. What did she expect? Since she would be here into the night, filming the reception, she knew avoiding him would be impossible.
The wedding was beautiful. An hour later Angel and Daniel had the cameras set up for the reception. Like the sanctuary, the Victory Gospel Center had been transformed into an elegant, romantic place. The lights were low, and candles and white flowers were at the center of each table. Instead of a deejay, the couple had opted to have a live band. As the band played soft jazz in the background, Angel watched as the guests arrived.
“Angel.” A familiar deep voice startled her.
No. No. No.
Angel turned around to look into the face of the man who had broken her heart, the one for whom she'd hoped to walk down the aisle and say “I do.” She quickly looked around. “Kenneth?”
Kenneth was even more handsome than before. His hair was closely cut, and he wore a goatee. “Hey, it's good to see you. You look wonderful.” He looked at her face, which was full of questions. “I work with Tommy.”
“Okay. Where is Denise? Is she here?” Angel looked around.
“Little Kenny is sick, so she stayed home. You know, I remember you used to carry a camera around all the time. So you make money with this now. Nice!”
She could not believe she was having this conversation. God must be testing her. She was feeling a big, fat “F” coming on, because she did not want to be talking to Kenneth. She took a breath and realized he had been asking her something while she was trying to tune him out.
“I'm sorry. Did you say something?”
“I said, I'm glad to see you. Are you doing okay?” he replied.
She narrowed her eyes. “What's that supposed to mean?'
“You know . . .” Kenneth stared at her with puppy dog eyes. “I'm so sorry.”
Oh no, he is not!
She held her hand up. “Don't. This is not the time. I'm over all of that. Just enjoy your friend's wedding. I'm working.” Angel turned her back to Kenneth, biting her lip. If she was really over him, why was his presence making her feel like a heat wave had just washed over the room? Her ears were probably red from the steam rising.
This is just perfect!

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