When in Paris... (Language of Love) (16 page)

Read When in Paris... (Language of Love) Online

Authors: Beverley Kendall

Tags: #New Adult Romance, #young adult mature, #romance, #romance contemporary, #New adult, #contemporary romance

BOOK: When in Paris... (Language of Love)
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Guilt blooms in my chest at the hint of pain in her voice. It’s not easy for her, playing the referee between me and my dad.

Mom, don’t worry about it. Everything’ll be fine and I’ll see you when I come home for Thanksgiving.”

What follows is a long pause then, “Your aunt will be here with the kids. You know Thanksgiving’s hard for her. This year it will be four years.”

Another wave of guilt washes over me. Right, my aunt’s wedding anniversary. By now I know it by heart, she would have been married to that piece-of-shit excuse ex-husband of hers for eight years if not for Olivia’s mother. If my mom knew what’s been going on between me and the woman’s daughter she’d have a fit.

Definitely not a topic I want to encourage so I do the previously unthinkable thing and switch it back to my dad. “Don’t let Dad drive you crazy about the trip, ’kay? And I’m going to need my passport so if you could send it UPS or something, that’d be good.” She agrees as I knew she would and I hang up with her minutes later.


The pre-game football meeting only lasts an hour. We watch more of Purdue’s tapes from last season and Coach Brighton, the offensive and defensive coordinator go over strategy. I’ll be riding the bench but I can tell Coach wants to put me in. But John, the starting quarterback, is a senior and he’s been starting the last two years. I’ll admit, he’s good, but he’s not a running quarterback and sometimes spends too much time hanging back in the pocket. My specialty is my running game and I’ll be brought in for that to run specific plays.

Troy starts as the wide receiver because the guy is fast. I’ve never seen speed like that. He runs the forty-yard dash in 4.26 seconds. If his receiving stats hold, he’s certain to be a top draft pick when he graduates. Which is not to say they won’t be trying to lure him away long before then.

Both Brett and my mother would have a cow if I even thought about going pro before I finished my degree. My dad, not so much. Christ, Brett is living out our father’s football dreams and I’m in line to cement them. My dad may not have secured a place in NFL football history but he is going to make damn sure me and my brother do. I swear, I’ve never seen my dad so close to tears until the time he found out Brett was a first draft pick. God, he hadn’t teared up that much when my grandma—his mom—died.

I always wondered what would have happened if I sucked at football. Sometimes, the way my dad goes on, I think he would’ve disowned me. But at least he’d have Brett’s success to brag about.

After practice, Eddie, a junior and our best defensive tackle, asks me and Troy if we want to join him and some of the other guys at his place. They’re ordering pizza and playing football on Xbox Live. He’s also friendly with a couple guys from the opposing team and they’ll be dropping by too.

Right now, pizza and a beer sound like a gourmet meal compared to what’s waiting for me at the apartment.

A half an hour later, there’s about fifteen guys crammed into his one-bedroom apartment located on the other side of town. A flat-panel fifty-two-inch TV is mounted on the wall playing an NFC division one game featuring the Packers (Eddie) taking on the Broncos (Troy) with the Broncos up 7-0 in the first quarter. The other guys have placed their bets and the pot’s over one fifty. Personally, I made it a rule to never bet on sports. Well actually, it’s a rule instilled in me by Brett.

The doorbell rings and a few seconds later, I’m stunned to see my former teammate from high school saunter in. I try to remember which college Milton said he’d be attending but draw a blank. What the hell is he doing here?

Yo, Ed, where’re the fuckin’ girls?” Milton yells out above the noise.

In the midst of a drive, Ed sends him a quick glance, lifting his chin in greeting while his fingers are hammering the controller like it’s a pneumonic nailer. “We got a game tomorrow, no females,” is Ed’s answer then he’s back in the zone.

When Milton’s gaze gets to me, a wide grin breaks out over his face. “Pearson!” He jostles a couple a guys to reach where I’m propped up against the hall leading to the kitchen, nursing my lone beer for the night. “Christ, man, what the hell are you doing here?”

Grinning, I hold up the bottle in my hand. “What the hell does it look like I’m doing? Washing down four slices of pizza.” Which I’d polished off in no time flat. The remnants of ten large pizzas lay scattered on the kitchen counters and the tables in the living room.

We shoot the breeze for a couple of minutes, catching up on what’s happened since high school. Before too long, most of us are sprawled out around the room, talking shit and consuming what remains of the pizza and beer. No one’s drank enough for even a buzz. Coach would kill us. And as usual when you get a bunch of guys together, the topic inevitably turns to girls.

Shit, Goose, did you see the piece of ass in English? And you know I’m an ass man.”

Yeah, you’re an ass alright,” someone calls out, which has everyone snickering.

Well, I’m a breast man. The bigger the tits, the better I like ’em,” Milton chimes in. It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes. A fierce debate arises over which of the two parts of the female anatomy is better. I refrain from joining the conversation.

You know who had some real nice tits, Pearson?” Suddenly everyone’s looking at me except Troy and Ed—the Broncos handily destroyed the Packer’s defense and beat them 54-14.

Remember Olivia Montgomery? The blonde with the great rack?” he asks, completely unaware that my mind doesn’t need coaxing. And clearly unaware that she’s going to school here.

The minute her name comes out of his mouth, I get a really bad feeling about how this night will end.

I heard she goes here,” he continues.

Well that blows my theory straight to hell.

Have ya seen her?”

He doesn’t even wait for me to respond, just turns to the other guys now that he’s claimed center stage.

I swear she’s the reason I never skipped trig my entire senior year. Best piece of ass I ever had.” His eyes go heavenward like he’s in ecstasy. “Her tits may be man-made but she’s definitely a natural blonde,” he claims with a smirk.

Lying piece of shit.

By the time he’s done talking, I’m ready to tear into the asshole. There’s no way Olivia ever let him touch her. And what the hell does he think he’s doing spouting shit like this when he knows she goes to the school?

In your fuckin’ dreams, Milton.”

He shoots me a perplexed look because of the rancor in my voice. And I get that he doesn’t understand it. Like Olivia’s reminded me more than a few times, we weren’t exactly chummy in high school.

C’mon, man, don’t tell me you didn’t know she put out. Morrow wasn’t the only one banging her. Ask Kowalski and Landers, they’ll tell you. And she gives a mean blowjob.” He fists his hand by his crotch and pretends to jerk off, which draws a choked laugh from some of the guys. “You don’t get that good without a lot of practice,” he says, laughing, and nudges his buddy beside him.

Hey, I think that chick’s in my geography class. I know there’s a hot blonde named Olivia. Average height, brown eyes, rockin’ body and boobs to die for,” Joe, our defensive tackle, says.

Grinning, Milton says, “Yep, sounds like her.”

Wow, so she puts out?”

Now I’m ready to beat the shit out of Joe.

Milton’s talking a lotta shit,” I say, wishing he’d stayed his ass wherever the rest of his team was.

What’s you problem?” Milton demands, scowling at me. “She wouldn’t let you bang her or what?”

You’re my problem. Don’t come up here talking shit about her. Remember I went to school with you—I was there.
had a hard-on for her and she wouldn’t even let you kiss her ass much less have sex with you so why don’t you shut the fuck up.”

The whole place has gone silent and from the corner of my eye I see even Troy has paused the game and turned toward us. The rest of the guys are looking at me and then each other, probably wondering when the fight is going to break out.

Craig’s ears are flaming red and his eyes are hard and black like bits of coal. After a few seconds, he comes abruptly to his feet. “You trying to start something with me, Pearson? Looks like you’re the one who’s got a hard-on for her. Jealous I got to her before you did?”

I’ve got at least two inches on Craig but he packs a little more bulk—he’s a running back—but I have no doubt I can kick his ass from here to California and back, and if he pushes me tonight, I may have to do just that. Let him say another word about her tonight. That’s when I know it’s time to go.

Still watching him, I raise the beer bottle to my mouth and drain the rest in one swallow. After placing the empty bottle on the table cluttered with a dozen in the same empty state, I stand and look over at Troy, who is already two steps ahead of me, relinquishing the controller to one of the other guys.

You ready to head out?”

He nods.

I step around Milton, who’s standing there just watching me. I’m almost past him when my ego gets the best of me and I lean down and say quietly near his ear, “If anyone should be jealous, it’s you not me.”

I toss out a
thanks for the eats and beer
to Eddie and then Troy and I are out the door.

What the fuck was that?” Troy asks as we take the elevator down to the first floor.

Someone I know from high school. Milton’s an ass who’s suffering from diarrhea of the fuckin’ mouth.”

What’s his beef with Olivia?”

He’s just trying to start some shit because she never gave him the time of day. I’m sure she still wouldn’t.”

And the shit about her boobs? I mean I’m not an expert on stuff like that but hers look damn real to me.” His voice is tinged with suggestive humor.

You have no fuckin’ idea.
“What, like I am? Look, I wouldn’t believe a word Milton says. He’s a moron.”

Troy lets out a loud laugh. “Well, it wouldn’t matter to me. Real or fake, they still look good.”

Okay, here’s something I can say with no equivocation, I’m not a jealous type of guy.
I’m not.
And I like Troy, he’s a good friend and a decent roommate. But—yeah you knew it was coming—the look on his face, almost as if he has the image of Olivia’s tits in his mind, when he said what he just did, doesn’t sit well with me. I bear down on my back molars and angle a glance his way.

His laugh sputters as he holds up his hands like he’s warding off a blow. “Sheesh, man, I take it back. If I ever thought about asking her out, you answered my question about whether you’re interested.”

Don’t you already have a girlfriend?” I’m just going to ignore the last part.

Troy instantly turns serious. “Not anymore. We broke up last week. The whole long-distance thing is not going to work.”

I could have told him that. As a matter of fact, I did during football camp. But I’m not going to tell him I told him so. I hate when people do that to me. It’s bad enough being wrong much less having someone throw it back in your face.

Right.” I nod.

Seriously,” he says after we’re both in the truck, “is there anything going on between you two?”

One look at his face, and I can see he is serious and in that moment I know I won’t like what comes out of his mouth next.

Because if there’s not, I was thinking of asking her out.”

Yeah, that.

I let the deafening silence say what I won’t and when it becomes stifling, I shoot him a glance. “You really want to go there, April’s best friend?”

He turns his head and stares out the passenger window. “April and I are just friends so she won’t mind.”

I choke back a laugh. Right, and I’m an alien from another galaxy. Who the hell is he kidding? “You sure about that?” I ask, eyebrow cocked.

You got it all wrong, man, we don’t see each other like that.” This time there’s a forced quality to his laugh.

So you wouldn’t mind me trying to get with her?”

For about a good ten seconds, I don’t think Troy even breathes as he sits motionless beside me. Then he chuckles softly, the sound coming from deep in his chest. “Got ya. Olivia’s yours. Hands-off.”

The tension knotting my shoulders and arms seeps away and I turn my attention back to the road. Perfect, we understand each other.



“Sit.” Rebecca points to the red plastic chair across the table from her.

Upon comparing our class schedules last week, we discovered that on Mondays and Wednesdays we both have second period lunch free. We’ve quickly fallen into the routine of meeting up at the school cafeteria to eat together.

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