When Hell Freezes Over (23 page)

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Authors: Darrien Lee

BOOK: When Hell Freezes Over
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“Hey! If she can't handle it, she shouldn't be on the court.”

The competitor ran back down the floor, after having been charged with a foul. Keaton walked over to Meridan and asked, “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine, Keaton. I can handle him, but thanks.”

Meridan went to the foul line and shot her free throws. She hit nothing but net.

On the last play of the game, Meridan drove down the court. The competitor who had been guarding her all day was talking a lot of trash. She smiled at him. “Take this, punk!”

She discreetly elbowed him sharply in the ribs and charged in for the lay-up. The buzzer sounded and they won. The competitor was holding his stomach, screaming to the referee about a foul. The referee told him if he couldn't handle it, he shouldn't be on the court. The game was over.

The time passed slowly as each game came to a close. There were games in between theirs, which gave them time to rest. Venice, Arnelle, and their kids were in attendance to cheer the team on. Nichole was there as well.

Venice said, “Meridan, gurl! You are showing out!”

In agreement, Arnelle said, “You sure are.”

Meridan said, “Thank you. How are my favorite twins and company?”

Brandon and MaLeah both hugged Meridan's leg as she kissed the twins on the cheek. She sat down, taking Fredrick into her lap.

Arnelle leaned down and whispered, “You okay? You took a hard fall out there.”

“I'm okay. I got him back.”

Arnelle laughed and thought just how perfect Meridan was for her brother. She wasn't a pushover at all. Nichole tapped Meridan on the leg and whispered, “What's that guy's name that helped you up?”

Surprised at Nichole's question, she asked, “Why do you want to know?”

“He's cute. Is he spoken for?”

“Not that I know of, but aren't you spoken for?”

Crossing her legs, she smiled. “That's okay, Dee. I'll find out for myself, but thanks anyway. Damn! He sure is fine!”

Meridan laughed. “You better not let that cop you're dating hear you talking this trash. You guys are still dating, aren't you?”

“Yes, but I still like to keep my options open. What does that guy do for a living?”

Frowning, Meridan said, “I don't know. The subject has never come up.”

“It really doesn't matter anyway. He's a cutie.”

“Knock yourself out, Nikki, but I must warn you. Malik's very outspoken.”

“That's how I like my men. Thanks for the heads up.”

“Good luck, Nikki.”

Hugging Meridan's neck, she said, “Thanks, Dee! Now you guys better kick butt in this next game.”

“Oh, we will.”

Hours and several games later, Winston's team played in the finals. It was a long, hard-fought game, but sadly they lost. They still were able to make a donation to the charity that had been chosen as the runner-up recipient. The team members received their trophies and awards. After saying goodbye to everyone, Meridan looked over at Keaton and said, “We need to get going. I want to take a quick shower before we leave for the airport.”

“Go ahead. I'll wait right here for you.”

Meridan hurried to the locker room and took a quick shower.

On the way to the airport, Keaton's heart kept fluttering. He occasionally looked over at her. It was still killing him that she was getting ready to jet off to spend time with another man. He had a good mind to make her miss her flight. That way, they could be together.

“Keaton, what time is it?”

“It's about four-fifteen. We're almost there, baby. Relax.”

“I hope I have everything. If not, too bad. His butt shouldn't have called me on such short notice.”

Keaton parked in short-term parking and hurried in with Meridan. She checked her bag and they ran down the concourse. When they got to her gate, the passengers were already boarding the plane.

She turned and said, “Come on, give me some sugar before I go.”

Keaton didn't want to say goodbye to her. He wanted to throw her over his shoulder and run out of the airport.

Instead, he put his arms around her waist. “I'm going to miss you. Have a safe flight, and you'd better call me as soon as you get in. Promise?”


He kissed her passionately, lifting her completely off the floor.

Meridan wrapped her legs around his waist and breathlessly said, “You sure are making it hard for me to get on this plane.”

“Just remember what I said. I will hurt your homeboy if he disrespects you in any way. Do you hear me?”

“I hear you. I love you. Be safe driving home.”

He set her back on the floor. “I love you, too. See ya!”

She waved and hurried down the ramp to the plane.

When Meridan stepped off the plane, she immediately saw Jacob standing there. He smiled and waved to her. She walked over, handing him her bag. He sat it down and pulled her into his arms, planting a big kiss on her lips.

Meridan pulled back and yelled, “Jacob!”

Surprised, he asked, “What's wrong?”

She pulled her purse up on her shoulder. “What's wrong is you kissing me like that. You know better.”

He sighed. “You used to like my kisses. Look, I'm just glad to see you, okay?”

She stared at him and looked her watch. “Whatever. Don't you think we should be going?”

He picked up her bag and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“You're right. Our chariot awaits us. We're going to have so much fun tonight. Thanks again for coming.”

“I'm still going to beat your ass for calling me on short notice.”

He laughed as they walked through the airport. When they got outside he took her hand and led her over to a stretch limo.

“What's this, Jacob?”

“Our chariot.”

“You're not doing this for me, are you?”

The chauffeur opened the car door for them.

“No, I'm doing it for us. Besides, the champagne will be flowing and I wouldn't dare put you at risk.”

“Well, that was thoughtful of you.”

They sat down and waited for the driver to pull away from the curb.



eaton arrived back at his sister's house, feeling a little down. He had hoped to be spending the night with Meridan. When he walked in, MaLeah immediately ran over, requesting that he pick her up. He set his bag down, picked her up, and sat down on the sofa.

Arnelle saw the solemn look on his face and asked, “Are you okay?”


Arnelle didn't know what was wrong with her brother, but she figured it had something to do with Meridan. She watched him as he played with MaLeah. Little Fredrick squealed from the playpen. He went over and picked Fredrick up so he could join them.

As he sat down, Arnelle asked, “You going out with Meridan tonight?”

Tickling MaLeah and Fredrick, he said, “She had to go out of town.”

“When is she coming back?”

“Tomorrow. Where's Winston?”

“He's upstairs taking a shower.”

Keaton stood and said, “Hey, I'm going to run over to the mall for a while. Can I borrow your truck?”

“Of course. Are you sure you're okay?”

Putting Fredrick back into his playpen, he said, “Yeah, can I take MaLeah with me?”

“Sure. What do you want for dinner?”

He walked over and got MaLeah's coat out of the closet.

“It doesn't matter. I'm not really hungry anyway.”

“Okay. Drive carefully and, MaLeah, behave.”


When they left the room, Fredrick cried large crocodile tears. Arnelle picked him up and said, “I know, Sweetie. I think your uncle feels the same way. Come help Momma cook dinner.”

Keaton and MaLeah had spent a couple of hours walking through the mall. There were plenty of colorful displays, and entertaining music was in the air. MaLeah wanted everything in sight.

“Uncie Key! I want that!”

Keaton looked over and saw the Barbie Corvette that MaLeah had pointed out. He laughed. “What are you going to do with that?”

“I wanna drive, Uncie Key!” MaLeah sat in the Corvette and tried to make the car go. “It's broke, Uncie Key!”

Keaton laughed at her and started playing a PlayStation 2 game. His cell phone rang.


“Hey, sexy,” Meridan said seductively in his ear.

Smiling, he said, “I take it you've arrived safe and sound?”

“Yes, I did. Right now, I'm trying to get into this dress.”

Keaton frowned. “I'll be damned if you get
to help you.”

“Calm down, Keaton. It was just a figure of speech. Actually, I'm ready. So, what are you doing?”

Taking a breath, he answered, “I'm at the toy store with MaLeah.”

“Well, have fun and give her a kiss for me. Don't forget to pick me up tomorrow.”

“I won't. Has everything been cool?”

“Everything has been normal. Stop worrying, Keaton. I'll call you when I get in tonight. Okay?”

Pouting, he said, “I guess.”

“I love you.”

Pausing, he said, “Love you, too.”

“Talk to you later.”

“Aight. Goodbye.”


Keaton hung up the telephone and watched MaLeah play with a baby doll.

They walked further down the mall, looking in the windows of other stores.

MaLeah had conned Keaton out of a huge lollipop. What MaLeah didn't know was that her uncle had secretly bought her that Barbie Corvette and doll she had been playing with. Holding her hand, he stopped when he came upon a jewelry store. Looking in the window, he saw something that caught his eye. He couldn't take his eyes off it.

“Come on, MaLeah. Your uncle sees something he wants to look at a little closer.”

With a sticky face, she said, “K!”

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