When Fall Fades (The Girl Next Door Series Book 1) (38 page)

BOOK: When Fall Fades (The Girl Next Door Series Book 1)
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The End

Dear Reader,

When Fall Fades was my very first book baby. My very first foray into writing fiction. That first draft? Wowsa! I was completely clueless, but I loved every minute of discovery in learning the craft. And I was entranced by Sadie and Archer from the moment they confronted me in my head. I wrestled with them, their story, and with God about my ability to write this novel while caring for two young sons. I’d been a songwriter from the time I was young, but I knew nothing about fiction other than that I liked to read it a whole heck of a lot. Besides, I was busy. Happy, but oh so tired. Hands full. Literally. And here were these two scarred, lonely people hiding from the world and camping out in my head. Sadie, the innocent girl-next-door with a heap of gumption and a killer karate kick, and Archer, tortured and strong, and the most rewarding kind of man candy—tough on the outside, with a smooth, dangerously-addictive sweetness underneath. The man was dreamy! In fact, he looked quite a lot like the man snoozing next to me when those stubborn characters kept me tossing and turning late into the night. So I wrote. Him. Her. Inevitably little bits of me. Almost certain I’d spew out twenty pages of dribble and prove writing wasn’t my bag. Six weeks, probably thirty total hours of sleep, and over 80k not entirely terrible words later I had a story. I was a writer. Maybe not a great one. But I’d learn. I’d earn my stripes. I’d tell stories I would love to read even if I was the only one who ever did.

And then amazing things happened! I met other writers, teachers, and encouragers. I signed on with a superstar agent who believed in me. I wrote more books. Got the world’s greatest critique partner, joined a group blog. Found my stride working toward a big, beautiful goal. But this, right here, albeit a dozen drafts and four years later, is where it all began. Perhaps humble beginnings, but this is where I found my new dream. I am so truly honored you took the time to read it.

It is my hope that you escaped into these pages. Laughed a little, smiled a lot, felt that tug deep in your chest, and gripped the edge of your seat as you unraveled the mystery of where a story can take you in a few short hours. And when it’s over, whether the words linger or the characters instantly fade, that you might grasp the hope and the wonder of the beautiful mess. The grace of second chances and forgiveness. Sure, this is just a story. The, I hope, artfully woven threads of my overactive imagination. These are simply imperfect words about flawed, everyday people, written from yet another imperfect heart to hand. But if you reach deep enough, beyond my lovingly crafted musings, I pray you’ll find some Truth.

If you have a minute, please consider leaving a review. For newbies like me and even the number one bestseller, reviews can make or break an author. We hope our words make a difference, but just know that yours do too!

Dream big!



It’s a dream in itself to be writing this page of acknowledgement. I’ve written many things over the years, but this ... this means the most.

While writing a book might seem like solitary endeavor, nothing could be further from the truth. There are so many people who sowed seeds into my life and into this project to make it a reality. People I appreciate beyond words. (Though I’ll do my best to find some.) People like ...

My wonderful family. My mom and dad, for believing in me and nurturing this dream in countless ways from the very start. Jeremy, my big brother, who wasn’t afraid to shoot it to me straight, and who endured the more “romantic” parts of this story without too much grumbling. Taryn Henry, my sounding board from diaper drama and naptime woes to one sheet designs and cover inspiration. Thank you for always letting me vent. You’ve saved my sanity more times than I can count.

My at home crew. Rick, my hero and best friend, for letting me dream, for being so
, and for loving me not in spite of all my quirks, but because of them. You’re the best in every hero I write. My totally amazing kiddos, Kael, Rafe, and Eisley. Being your mommy is the fulfillment of my greatest dream. Everything else is frosting. Follow your heart and never give up!

My Alley Cats: Ashley Clark, Angie Dicken, Casey Herringshaw, Sherrinda Ketchersid, Krista Phillips, Cara Putman, Julia Reffner, Karen Schravemade, Laurie Tomlinson, and Mary Vee. For being my soul sisters. And most especially the Queen Cat, and my most cherished crit partner and friend, Pepper Basham. Whether I succeed or flop, finding you on this journey makes it all worth it.

The Spice Girls—you know who you are—for the inspiration and the laughs!

To the many who have lifted me up on the long, weary road to publication. Most notably Beth K. Vogt, Susan May Warren, Andi Harris, Sandra Orchard, Jeane Wynn, Nicole Deese, and Amy Matayo. For my very enthusiastic early readers who pump up my often floundering ego: Alyssa Schweich, Renee Murphy, Britt and Patty Buersmeyer, Elsie Fitzgerald, Janet Bennett, Colleen Phillips, Karen Falbe, and Amanda Belcher. Cathy West for the title I love even more than the original. And to all my friends at ACFW where it all began. So blessed to know each of you!

My rockstar agent and friend, Chip MacGregor, for frowning at me when you read my first few pages, and for reminding me ever since what a good writer you think I am. It was, and continues to be, the validation that kept me going when I just didn’t quite fit the mold. You had me at the frown. And the kilt.

Michael Cordova, Mackenzie Jackson, Andrea Ferak, and the amazing team at WildBlue Press who took a chance on a newbie, let me rub elbows with all the big fish, and made me feel like I belonged. 

Steve Jackson, my DPR, for giving my story a place to belong, for seeing potential where others saw risk, and for spoiling me just a little bit. You made this possible, and I couldn’t be more grateful for your seemingly endless faith in me. As you wish.

And most importantly, to God—Creator of all things and Giver of new dreams. The One who takes broken, jaded things and lovingly fashions them into something remarkably beautiful, flaws and all. This, and every other word I write, is for You. Always.

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Amy Leigh Simpson

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