When Dove Cries (13 page)

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Authors: Beth D. Carter

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: When Dove Cries
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Draven shot her a brief glance before looking back at Cade. “Anyone but you,” he ground out then abruptly let go of her, and spun on his heels to march out of the room.

“He’s never going to forgive you,” she said sadly. “Is he?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes!” she said desperately. “I thought at first that I was attracted to both of you out of gratitude, but it’s more than that. It’s something tangible and deep. I don’t know what to call it, but I do know I don’t want to lose it.”

She couldn’t really tell what he was thinking, because he kept his poker face firmly in place, but he tightened his grip on her waist imperceptibly.

“It hurts me being in the same room with both of you but unable to touch either one of you,” she admitted, pressing on. “I kissed him like I kissed you, but… I can’t choose one over the other, and you two hate each other.”

“I don’t hate John,” he corrected. “John… He doesn’t know all the facts.”

“What does that mean?”

But Cade only shook his head and ran a thumb over her lips. His eyes darkened with an intensity that took her breath away, and she felt herself leaning toward him.

“God, you’re so tempting,” he muttered just before his mouth covered hers.

His hands landed on her hips and he pulled her into him. His cock swelled against her belly.

He didn’t hesitate staking a claim. As soon as her lips parted, he surged inside to claim her. He kissed her with a banked passion she felt straining through his body. She knew all she had to do was nudge him a little more and she’d be flat on the bed with him surging over her. It was the memory of her talk with Draven that had her pulling back.

“I… I have to tell you something,” she managed to mumble as he nibbled on her neck.

“Mmm,” he growled, sounding like a beast who’d found his beauty.

“I’m a virgin,” she whispered.

“I know,” he answered.

She blinked. He knew? How? She pulled back and looked at him.

“You talked with John?”

He shook his head. “No. Why? Did you tell him that?”


“Dove, anyone with half a brain knows you’re innocent.”

“I don’t want sex to start a war between you both.”

“Oh, honey,” he murmured and hugged her tightly to his chest. “That battle is inevitable.”

She took a deep breath, inhaling his intoxicating scent. A bit outdoorsy, a bit male, combined with soap and deodorant. Separately, these smells weren’t anything but they blended beautifully on him.

“Kiss me again?”

He pulled back and looked down at her. He swallowed and she felt his heart jump a little at her words. “If I kiss you, I may not be able to stop.”

“I… I can’t have sex with you.”

“Ah, but there are other ways to have sex. Have you ever had an orgasm?”

Blushing, she nodded.

He chuckled. “By someone else?”

She shook her head no.

“Then come with me, honey,” he told her and took her by the hand. He led her from the office and up the back staircase to the second floor where he pulled her into his room. He closed the door and locked it behind him before he pulled her into his arms. He kissed her again, this time a bit harder, a bit wilder. She felt the desperation in his actions as he kissed his way down her neck, licking and nipping along the way. He pushed her onto the bed, and she fell back with a soft thump.

He grabbed the waistband of her sweats and pulled them down, hooking a finger in the elastic of her panties and shucking them off. She stared wide-eyed, wondering what the hell she was allowing him to do. She should be pushing him away. She hadn’t let John get this far, so why was she allowing Cade?

He slid his hand up her ribcage until he found the curve of her breast. He cupped the shape, molding her to his palm as he gently squeezed. Dove’s nipples pebbled under the thin material, and he traced over their turgid peaks with his fingertip. She arched and gasped, unable to believe the incredible feelings he was arousing in her. Sure, she’d played with her nipples before, had even masturbated. But having a man’s hand on her was something entirely different.

He captured her lips in another soul-melting kiss. He slid his tongue in to dance with hers, all the while maneuvering her body until she lay stretched out on the bed. With him so much bigger than she was, he easily managed to spread her legs wide, baring all of her for him to see. Overcome with modesty, she covered her pussy with her hand.

He chuckled and moved it out of the way, blowing softly on her exposed mound.

“You’re so beautiful, honey,” he murmured appreciatively. “Such dark little curls hiding a very pink pussy. It’s glistening in the low light, begging to be licked.”

Then he kissed her, right on the spot she desperately wanted him to touch, and she surged against the unbelievable tide of bliss that cascaded over her.

“Cade,” she breathed. “Oh, Cade.”

“You taste so damn sweet, baby.” He licked over a sensitive area right at her entrance. “And I see your innocence right here.”

He pressed his tongue against her again, dipping a little into the slit, and Dove couldn’t help the moan that escaped. Nothing she’d ever done before had ever felt so electrifying.

“I’m going to stick my tongue in you now,” he told her. “I want you to come so I can lap up your cream.”

She felt him spread her hood until he found her clitoris, then he proceeded to lick her. As soon as his tongue rasped against her sensitive nub, her body arched like she had touched a live wire. She buried her hands in his hair, pulling it almost too aggressively, but she didn’t know what else to do with her hands. She wanted to touch him but he was
down there
, too far away for her to reach. He licked and sucked her in, sliding one finger into her heat, and she bucked against his hand.

“Cade!” she cried.

“Fuck, you taste like honey.” He moaned, blowing against her and causing her to shiver. “So good. I could eat you every night.”

“Yes, please,” she said, wiggling her bottom. She needed his tongue and lips back on her.

And he obliged, lapping at her. He sucked her sensitive clit into his mouth and began to suck at the same time he slid a finger into her body, using her natural lubricant to pump into her hole. She cried out as she began to thrust against his face and felt herself begin to splinter apart. Then she screamed his name as her orgasm swept over her. He sucked it up, continuing to lick her until she gave a little shudder and went limp.

For a long time, she lay there panting, trying to get her heart rhythm under control. Cade lay with his head upon her thigh. Never, in her whole life, had she ever felt anything so earth-shattering. And, of course, this brought a whole new level of guilt to her wayward emotions.

Cade eventually pulled himself up and grabbed some tissues from the nightstand, cleaning up the moisture between her legs. He then proceeded to help her put her panties and pants back on. He pulled her into his arms and they lay together.

“Oh, Cade,” she whispered brokenly. “What are we going to do?”

“Shh,” he said. “It’ll work out.”

She didn’t answer, because deep down, she didn’t think it could or would. And now she was going to have to tell Draven what she’d just done because she believed in honesty. But for now, she simply rested in Cade’s arms because she didn’t want the moment to end.

Chapter Fourteen




Cade rose from the bed once he felt Dove’s body fall lax in sleep. He looked down on her and all he wanted to do was crawl back into the bed and burrow into her warm body. Her words played over in his head and his heart hurt. When he’d started on this journey, he’d never thought he’d find himself in this situation, this type of triangle. Having North and Givon’s relationship with Allis was a neon light blinking like a beacon, and he wasn’t sure if it was mocking him or guiding him.

All he knew for certain was that he had an issue he had to resolve with Draven, and the sooner the better, which led him to his next move. He bent and placed a light kiss upon Dove’s mouth before leaving the room. He headed to the bathroom to clean up quickly then he jogged down the stairs. The party was in full swing, music playing through the sound system and hook-ups all over the place. Outside, a bonfire was raging and people sat around enjoying the warmth and drinking. Cade noticed that Draven’s bike was gone.

He pulled out his cell and called him. Draven answered on the fourth ring.


“So now you’re just walking away when you get pissed?”

“Shut up.”

“Are we back in high school? Should I say make me?”

“What do you want, Cade?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“I’m with Givon and North at their house.”

“Then I’m coming over. I need to come clean with them.”

“So, what, you trust them now? You’re convinced they’re not part of this evil trafficking plot?”

Cade sighed. “Text me their address,” he ordered then hung up.

About two minutes later, the address and directions came through and Cade walked over to his bike. He dug out his satchel and slipped it over his head before straddling his bike and turning it on. As he approached the gate, he gave a wave to the prospect unlucky enough to pull sentry duty during a party, and a moment later, he was revving away from the Wolves’ compound.

He hadn’t lied when he’d told Dove about joining a motorcycle club. He’d been a prospect once, long ago, but he’d not been able to stomach all the lowdown, underhanded things the club had been into, so he’d turned nomad to get away from the shit. That had led him on a self-reflective journey that had made him realize that he believed in justice, just not vigilante justice. So he’d become a cop and began working his way up the ladder, finding his niche. At age twenty-five, he’d gone back to night school and eventually earned his Bachelor’s in criminology. He’d made detective, and when he’d turned thirty-five, he’d applied to the FBI.

Because of his background with outlaw biker gangs, he’d been investigating organized motorcycle club crimes for the past seven years. Some were more notorious than others, and he’d helped close more than a few cases. But the Red Wolves weren’t like those other gangs. Falling for Dove was blurring the lines, and his feelings were starting to affect his job. He should have been investigating the seven days she’d been in the hospital instead of at her bedside, but one look in her vulnerable, dark eyes and he’d been compelled to protect her. But after what he’d just shared with her, after hearing about how torn she was, he knew he was going to have to come clean. He might even have to walk away from her, although that was a scenario he didn’t want to think about. But he knew that John Draven, despite being an outlaw biker, was a good man. Cade had done extensive background checks on all the Red Wolves, and yes, he and the rest had minor shit on their records, but nothing that would send them to jail. Well, other than the drug muling and the money laundering, but he’d already gotten them cleared on those charges once this trafficking ring went down.

So if—when—he left Dove, he knew that John Draven would take good care of her.

Cade pulled into the driveway of Givon, North and Allis’ house and stared in surprise. The home was huge, beautiful and picturesque, and the complete opposite of Draven’s house.

He came to a halt and pushed out his kickstand. He took off his helmet as he dismounted and plopped it onto the seat. No need to worry about someone taking it this far off the beaten path. He walked up the front steps and across the porch. Before he could knock, the door opened to Draven’s unsmiling face.

“I don’t think this is a good time,” he greeted.

“Too fucking bad,” Cade shot back and edged his way inside.

The smell of paint wafted through the air, and everything had a brand new look about it. Allis sat on a navy blue couch and coffee mugs were scattered about. She greeted him with a small smile.

North and Givon watched him, eyebrows raised, and by the tension in both their shoulders, they still hadn’t received word from the judge about the warrant. The sound of a truck came from the driveway, and this time Allis rose and opened the door.

“Company?” Cade asked Draven.

“Friends also affected by the Devils,” he answered.

Cade watched as a tall cowboy walked into the room holding the hand of a beautiful young woman. They were followed by a Native American man who pulled the door shut behind him.

“Cade, this is Braden McClintock, his brother Leo Cloud Dancer, and their woman Merrie Walden,” Givon introduced. “This is Cade Vanaker.”

Cade absently wondered if everyone in Destiny, Wyoming was living a polyamorous lifestyle as he nodded a greeting to the three people.

“Thanks for calling us,” Braden murmured. “This is important to us.”

“Of course, man,” North replied. “You’re part of this. However, I don’t understand what you’re doing here, Cade. This doesn’t affect you.”

Cade didn’t answer. Instead, he shifted his attention to Givon. “I want to go with you tonight when you arrest Gray Dog.”

“No,” Givon replied. “It’s a police matter.”

Cade reached into his satchel and brought out the folder.

“No, Cade,” Draven ordered.

But Givon had already taken it from Cade, who also held up his badge. “I’m Special Agent Cadence Vanaker, FBI. I’ve been sent to find evidence to shut down the human trafficking ring operating in Destiny.”

No one said anything.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” North demanded. He turned on Draven. “You knew? You brought him into the club?”

“Yes,” Draven answered, frowning.

North hauled off and punched him in the stomach. Draven bent over with a painful ‘ugh’ and fell to one knee.

“What the
, Draven!” he snarled.

“You’ve got a cop,” Draven grated, coughing a little as he got his breathing back under control, nodding toward Givon.

“Not the same at all,” North growled. He leaned over, pulling his fist back for another punch.

“Stop,” Cade said. “He did it to save the club.”

A pin dropping could’ve been heard in the silence as North looked from Draven to him and back again, obviously confused.

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